path: root/Libraries/TestEnv/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Libraries/TestEnv/')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Libraries/TestEnv/ b/Libraries/TestEnv/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09c5b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/TestEnv/
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+## TestEnv Class contains variables and methods for storing and retrieving
+## information about the Test Environment.
+## Variables:
+## Hosts: List of Dictionaries.
+## Each Dictionary contains {'name':name, 'host':host}
+## information
+## Users: List of Dictionaries
+## Each Dictionary contains {'name':name, 'user':user}
+## information
+## Servers: List of Dictionaries.
+## Each Dictionary contains {'name': name, 'host': host,
+## 'user': user} information
+## Clients: List of Dictionaries.
+## Each Dictionary contains {'name': name, 'host': host,
+## 'user': user} information
+## ExportDirs: List of Dictionaries.
+## Each Dictionary contains {'exportname': exportname,
+## 'exportdir': exportdir} information
+## ServersHostList: Unique List of Hosts derieved from Servers List
+## ClientsHostList: Unique List of Hosts derieved from Clients List
+class TestEnv():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.Hosts = []
+ self.Users = []
+ self.Servers = []
+ self.Clients = []
+ self.ExportDirs = []
+ self.ServersHostList = []
+ self.ClientsHostList = []
+ self.MountPoints = []
+ self.Volumes = []
+ self.GlobalParamFile = ''
+ def set_globalparamfile(self, filename):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Sets GlobalParameter file name
+ Parameter:
+ filename: Name of the GlobalParam File
+ Returns:
+ """
+ self.GlobalParamFile = filename
+ return
+ def get_globalparamfile(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Return GlobalParamFileName
+ Parameter:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ GlobalParamFIleName
+ """
+ return self.GlobalParamFile
+ def add_host(self, name, host):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a host to Hosts List
+ Parameters:
+ name: Name of the host Ex: host1, host2
+ host: Address of the host Ex:
+ Return:
+ """
+ self.Hosts.append({'name': name, 'host': host})
+ return
+ def get_host(self, name):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Return host with name 'name'
+ Parameters:
+ name: Name of the host to return
+ Returns:
+ Success: host
+ Failure: ''
+ """
+ output = ''
+ for host in self.Hosts:
+ if host['name'] == name:
+ output = host['host']
+ break
+ return output
+ def get_hostslist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns self.Servers List
+ Returns:
+ self.Servers
+ """
+ return self.Hosts
+ def add_user(self, name, user):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a user to Users List
+ Parameters:
+ name: key to recognize a user Ex: user1/user2
+ user: Username
+ Return:
+ """
+ self.Users.append({'name': name, 'user': user})
+ return
+ def get_user(self, name):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Return user with key 'name'
+ Parameters:
+ name: key used to recognize the user
+ Returns:
+ Success: user
+ Failure: ''
+ """
+ output = ''
+ for user in self.Users:
+ if user['name'] == name:
+ output = user['user']
+ break
+ return output
+ def add_server(self, name, hostkey, userkey):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a server to Servers List
+ Parameters:
+ name: Name of the server (Example: Server1/Server2)
+ host: IP Address of the server
+ user: Username of User on 'host'
+ Returns:
+ Success: 0
+ Failure: 1
+ """
+ host = self.get_host(hostkey)
+ user = self.get_user(userkey)
+ if host == '' or user == '':
+ ATFUtils.Logger.error("%s or %s Not Defined " % (hostkey, userkey))
+ return 1
+ self.Servers.append({'name': name, 'host': host, 'user': user})
+ return 0
+ def get_server(self, name):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns [host, user] tuple for Server Name 'name'
+ Parameters:
+ name: Name of the Server
+ Returns:
+ Success: Returns [host, user] tuple
+ Failure: ['', ''] tuple
+ """
+ output = ['', '']
+ for server in self.Servers:
+ if server['name'] == name:
+ output = [server['host'], server['user']]
+ break
+ return output
+ def get_serverslist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns self.Servers List
+ Parameters:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ self.Servers
+ """
+ return self.Servers
+ def add_client(self, name, hostkey, userkey):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a client to Clients List
+ Parameters:
+ name: Name of the client (Example: Client1/Client2)
+ host: IP Address of the client
+ user: Username of User on 'host'
+ Returns:
+ Success: 0
+ Failure: 1
+ """
+ host = self.get_host(hostkey)
+ user = self.get_user(userkey)
+ if host == '' or user == '':
+ ATFUtils.Logger.error("%s or %s Not Defined " % (hostkey, userkey))
+ return 1
+ self.Clients.append({'name': name, 'host': host, 'user': user})
+ return 0
+ def get_client(self, name):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns [host, user] tuple for Client Name 'name'
+ Parameters:
+ name: Name of the Client
+ Returns:
+ Success: Returns [host, user] tuple
+ Failure: ['', ''] tuple
+ """
+ output = ['', '']
+ for client in self.Clients:
+ if client['name'] == name:
+ output = [client['host'], client['user']]
+ break
+ return output
+ def get_clientslist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns self.Clients List
+ Parameters:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ self.Clients
+ """
+ return self.Clients
+ def add_exportdir(self, exportname, dirname):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a Export Directory to the Export Directory List
+ Parameters:
+ exportname: Name of a Export Directory(Example: export1/export2)
+ dirname: Absolute Path of the Export DIrecotry
+ Returns:
+ """
+ self.ExportDirs.append({'exportname': exportname, 'dirname': dirname})
+ return
+ def get_exportdir(self, exportname):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Return Dir Name of the Export Directory Name 'exportname'
+ Parameters:
+ exportname: Name of a Export Directory
+ Returns:
+ Success: Absolute Path of Export DIrectory
+ Failure: ''
+ """
+ output = ''
+ for exportdir in self.ExportDirs:
+ if exportdir['exportname'] == exportname:
+ output = exportdir['dirname']
+ break
+ return output
+ def add_mountpoint(self, mountname, dirname):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a Mount Point to the MountPoint List
+ Parameters:
+ mountname: Name of a MountPoint(Example: mount1/mount2)
+ dirname: Absolute Path of the Mount Point
+ Returns:
+ """
+ self.MountPoints.append({'mountname': mountname, 'dirname': dirname})
+ return
+ def get_mountpoint(self, mountname):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Return MountPoint with Name 'mountname'
+ Parameters:
+ mountname: Name of a MountPoint
+ Returns:
+ Success: Absolute Path of MountPoint
+ Failure: ''
+ """
+ output = ''
+ for mountpoint in self.MountPoints:
+ if mountpoint['mountname'] == mountname:
+ output = mountpoint['dirname']
+ break
+ return output
+ def add_volume(self, volumekey, volumename):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Add a Volume to Volumes List
+ Parameters:
+ volumekey: key used to recognize the volumename Ex: volume1
+ volumename: Volume Name Ex: Replicate_Volume
+ Returns:
+ """
+ self.Volumes.append({'volumekey': volumekey, 'volumename': volumename})
+ return
+ def get_volume(self, volumekey):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns Volumename with Volumekey 'volumekey'
+ Parameters:
+ volumekey: VolumeKey
+ Returns:
+ Success: Volumename
+ Failure: ''
+ """
+ output = ''
+ for volume in self.Volumes:
+ if volume['volumekey'] == volumekey:
+ output = volume['volumename']
+ break
+ return output
+ def create_servershostlist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Creats a Unique List of Hosts from the Servers List
+ Parameters:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ """
+ for server in self.Servers:
+ host = server['host']
+ if host not in self.ServersHostList:
+ self.ServersHostList.append(host)
+ return
+ def create_clientshostlist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Creats a Unique List of Hosts from the Clients List
+ Parameters:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ """
+ for client in self.Clients:
+ host = client['host']
+ if host not in self.ClientsHostList:
+ self.ClientsHostList.append(host)
+ return
+ def get_servershostlist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns ServersHostList
+ Parameters:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ Return ServersHostList
+ """
+ return self.ServersHostList
+ def get_clientshostlist(self):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Returns ClientsHostList
+ Parameters:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ Return ClientsHostList
+ """
+ return self.ClientsHostList