"""testenv module. TestEnv Class has attributes which holds information of the current testenvironment. It includes information about Servers, Clients, Volume, Bricks, MountPoints etc. TestEnv Class provides methods to access the testenvironment info """ from collections import namedtuple import re class TestEnv(): def __init__(self): self._exportdirs = {} self._servers = {} self._bricks = {} self._volumes = {} self._clients = {} self._mountdevices = {} self._mounts = {} self._gluster_download_paths = [] self._active_volume = None self._exportdir_tuple = namedtuple('ExportDir', ['dir', 'fstype', 'device', 'options']) self._server_tuple = namedtuple('Server', ['hostname', 'user', 'password', 'glusterversion', 'installpath']) self._brick_tuple = namedtuple('Brick', ['hostname', 'path']) self._volume_tuple = namedtuple('Volume', ['volumename','replica', 'stripe', 'transporttype', 'bricks']) self._client_tuple = namedtuple('Client', ['hostname', 'user', 'password', 'glusterversion', 'installpath']) self._mountdevice_tuple = namedtuple('MountDevice', ['hostname', 'volumename']) self._mount_tuple = namedtuple('Mount', ['client', 'dir', 'device', 'type', 'logfile', 'options']) def addExportdir(self, key, dir_, **arguments): """ """ fstype = None device = None options = None if (arguments.has_key('fstype') and arguments['fstype']): fstype = arguments['fstype'] if (arguments.has_key('device') and arguments['device']): device = arguments['device'] if (arguments.has_key('options') and arguments['options']): options = arguments['options'] exportdir_obj = self._exportdir_tuple(dir_, fstype, device, options) self._exportdirs[key] = exportdir_obj def getExportdir(self, exportdirkey): """ """ exportdir_obj = None if self._exportdirs.has_key(exportdirkey): exportdir_obj = self._exportdirs[exportdirkey] return exportdir_obj def getExportdirs(self): """Returns self._exportdirs dictionary. 'key' in dict is exportdirkey 'value' is exportdir namedtuple object """ return self._exportdirs def addServer(self, key, hostname, user, password, glusterversion, **arguments): """ """ installpath = None if (arguments.has_key('installpath') and arguments['installpath']): installpath = arguments['installpath'] server_obj = self._server_tuple(hostname, user, password, glusterversion, installpath) self._servers[key] = server_obj def getServer(self, serverkey): """ """ server_obj = None if self._servers.has_key(serverkey): server_obj = self._servers[serverkey] return server_obj def getServers(self): """ """ servers = {} for serverkey in self._servers.keys(): servers[serverkey] = self.getServer(serverkey) return servers def addClient(self, key, hostname, user, password, glusterversion, **arguments): """ """ installpath = None if arguments.has_key('installpath') and arguments['installpath']: installpath = arguments['installpath'] client_obj = self._client_tuple(hostname, user, password, glusterversion, installpath) self._clients[key] = client_obj def getClient(self, clientkey): """ """ client_obj = None if self._clients.has_key(clientkey): client_obj = self._clients[clientkey] return client_obj def getClients(self): """ """ clients = {} for clientkey in self._clients.keys(): clients[clientkey] = self.getClient(clientkey) return clients def addBrick(self, key, hostname, path, **arguments): """ """ brick_obj = self._brick_tuple(hostname, path) self._bricks[key] = brick_obj def getBrick(self, brickkey): """ """ return_brick_obj = None newhostname = newpath = '' if self._bricks.has_key(brickkey): brick_obj = self._bricks[brickkey] else: return return_brick_obj hostname_value = brick_obj.hostname serverkey = re.split("\.", hostname_value, maxsplit=1)[0] server_obj = self.getServer(serverkey) if server_obj: newhostname = server_obj.hostname else: return return_brick_obj path_value = brick_obj.path if re.match("^\/", path_value): newpath = path_value else: exportdir_obj = self.getExportdir(path_value) if exportdir_obj: newpath = exportdir_obj.dir else: brick_obj = None return return_brick_obj return_brick_obj = brick_obj._replace(hostname=newhostname, path=newpath) return return_brick_obj def getBricks(self): """ """ return_bricks = {} for brickkey in self._bricks.keys(): return_bricks[brickkey] = self.getBrick(brickkey) return return_bricks def getRawBrick(self, brickkey): brick_obj = None if self._bricks.has_key(brickkey): brick_obj = self._bricks[brickkey] return brick_obj def getBrickKeys(self): """ """ brick_keys = [] brick_keys.extend(self._bricks.keys()) return brick_keys def addBricksToVolume(self, *bricks, **arguments): """ """ volume_obj = None if arguments.has_key("volumekey"): volumekey = arguments[volumekey] else: volumekey = self._active_volume if not (volumekey and self._volumes.has_key(volumekey)): return 1 volume_obj = self._volumes[volumekey] for brick in bricks: volume_obj.bricks.append(brick) return 0 def replaceBrickInVolume(self, replace_brick, to_brick, volumekey="ActiveVolume"): """ """ volume_obj = None replaced_status = False if volumekey == "ActiveVolume": volumekey = self._active_volume if not (volumekey and self._volumes.has_key(volumekey)): return 1 volume_obj = self._volumes[volumekey] for index, brick in enumerate(volume_obj.bricks): if brick == replace_brick: volume_obj.bricks[index] = to_brick replaced_status = True break else: continue if replaced_status: return 0 else: return 1 def addVolume(self, key, volumename, replica, stripe, transporttype, bricks): """ """ brickskeylist = [x.strip() for x in bricks.split(",")] volume_obj = self._volume_tuple(volumename, replica, stripe, transporttype, brickskeylist) self._volumes[key] = volume_obj def getVolume(self, volumekey): """ """ return_volume_obj = None if not self._volumes.has_key(volumekey): return return_volume_obj volume_obj = self._volumes[volumekey] brickslist = [] for brickkey in volume_obj.bricks: brick_obj = self.getBrick(brickkey) if not brick_obj: return return_volume_obj else: brickslist.append(brick_obj) return_volume_obj = volume_obj._replace(bricks=brickslist) return return_volume_obj def getVolumes(self): """ """ return_volumes = {} for volumekey in self._volumes.keys(): return_volumes[volumekey] = self.getVolume(volumekey) return return_volumes def addMountDevice(self, key, hostname, volumename): """ """ mountdevice_obj = self._mountdevice_tuple(hostname, volumename) self._mountdevices[key] = mountdevice_obj def getMountDevice(self, mountdevicekey): """ *) Check the hostname = IPAddress *) Check hostname refers to any server *) Check the volume is defined. *) Substitute all values """ returndevice_obj = None ip_pattern = re.compile('(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})') if not self._mountdevices.has_key(mountdevicekey): return returndevice_obj else: mountdevice_obj = self._mountdevices[mountdevicekey] hostname_value = mountdevice_obj.hostname if ip_pattern.match(hostname_value): newhostname = hostname_value elif re.match('(([a-z]|[A-Z])+[0-9]+)\.hostname', hostname_value): serverkey = re.split("\.", hostname_value, maxsplit=1)[0] server_obj = self.getServer(serverkey) if server_obj: newhostname = server_obj.hostname else: return returndevice_obj else: newhostname = hostname_value volumekey = re.split("\.", mountdevice_obj.volumename, maxsplit=1)[0] volume_obj = self.getVolume(volumekey) if volume_obj: newvolumename = volume_obj.volumename else: return returndevice_obj returndevice_obj = mountdevice_obj._replace(hostname=newhostname, volumename=newvolumename) return returndevice_obj def getMountDevices(self): """ """ return_mount_devices = {} for mountdevicekey in self._mountdevices.keys(): return_mount_devices[mountdevicekey] = self.getMountDevice(mountdevicekey) return return_mount_devices def addMount(self, key, client, dir_, device, **arguments): """ """ logfile = options = None type_ = "glusterfs" if (arguments.has_key("type") and arguments['type']): type_ = arguments['type'] if (arguments.has_key("logfile") and arguments['logfile']): logfile = arguments['logfile'] if (arguments.has_key("options") and arguments['options']): options = arguments['options'] mount_obj = self._mount_tuple(client, dir_, device, type_, logfile, options) self._mounts[key] = mount_obj def getMount(self, mountkey): """ """ return_mount_obj = None if not self._mounts.has_key(mountkey): return return_mount_obj mount_obj = self._mounts[mountkey] devicekey = mount_obj.device device_obj = self.getMountDevice(devicekey) if not device_obj: return return_mount_obj else: return_mount_obj = mount_obj._replace(device=device_obj) return return_mount_obj def getMounts(self): """ """ return_mounts = {} for mountkey in self._mounts.keys(): return_mounts[mountkey] = self.getMount(mountkey) return return_mounts def getMountsKeys(self): """ """ mounts_keys = [] mounts_keys.extend(self._mounts.keys()) return mounts_keys def addDefaults(self, **arguments): """ """ downloadpaths = [] if (arguments.has_key('downloadpath') and arguments['downloadpath']): paths = arguments['downloadpath'] downloadpaths = [x.strip() for x in paths.split(",")] self._gluster_download_paths = downloadpaths def setActiveVolume(self, volumekey): """ """ if self._volumes.has_key(volumekey): self._active_volume = volumekey return 0 else: return 1 def getActiveVolume(self): """ """ active_volume_key = self._active_volume active_volume = self.getVolume(active_volume_key) return active_volume def getGlusterDownloadPaths(self): """ """ return self._gluster_download_paths def getHosts(self): """ """ all_hosts = {} all_hosts.update(self.getServers) all_hosts.update(self.getClients) return all_hosts def getHostsKeys(self): """ """ hosts_keys = [] hosts_keys.extend(self._servers.keys()) hosts_keys.extend(self._clients.keys()) return hosts_keys def getHost(self, hostkey): """ """ host_obj = None host_obj = self.getServer(hostkey) if host_obj: return host_obj else: host_obj = self.getClient(hostkey) return host_obj