#!/bin/bash # Remove any gluster daemon leftovers from aborted runs sudo -E bash /opt/qa/cleanup.sh # Clean up the git repo sudo rm -rf $WORKSPACE/.gitignore $WORKSPACE/* sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins $WORKSPACE cd $WORKSPACE || exit 1 git reset --hard HEAD # Clean up other Gluster dirs sudo rm -rf /var/lib/glusterd/* /build/install /build/scratch >/dev/null 2>&1 # Remove the many left over socket files in /var/run sudo rm -f /var/run/????????????????????????????????.socket >/dev/null 2>&1 # Remove GlusterFS log files from previous runs sudo rm -rf /var/log/glusterfs/* /var/log/glusterfs/.cmd_log_history >/dev/null 2>&1 JDIRS="/var/log/glusterfs /var/lib/glusterd /var/run/gluster /d /d/archived_builds /d/backends /d/build /d/logs /home/jenkins/root" sudo mkdir -p $JDIRS sudo chown jenkins:jenkins $JDIRS chmod 755 $JDIRS #compile the code with coverage options set -e ./autogen.sh || exit 1 P=/build ./configure {,GF_FUSE_,GF_GLUSTERFS_,GF_}CFLAGS="-g3 -O0 -lgcov --coverage -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" --prefix=$P/install --with-mountutildir=$P/install/sbin --with-initdir=$P/install/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-debug --enable-gnfs --silent || exit 1 make install echo "Initializing the line coverage" mkdir coverage lcov -d . --zerocounters lcov -i -c -d . -o coverage/glusterfs-lcov.info set +e echo "Running the regression test" sudo -E bash /opt/qa/regression.sh -c echo "Capturing the line coverage in the .info file" lcov -c -d . -o coverage/glusterfs-lcov.info sed -i.bak '/stdout/d' coverage/glusterfs-lcov.info #Generating the html page for code coverage details using genhtml genhtml -o coverage/ coverage/glusterfs-lcov.info echo "The HTML report is generated as index.html file"