#!/usr/bin/python # sadf.py -- nagios plugin uses sadf output for perf data # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat Inc # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # import re import sys import commands from optparse import OptionParser from glusternagios import utils WARNING_LEVEL = 80 CRITICAL_LEVEL = 90 def getVal(val): dmatch = re.compile('[0-9]+').match(val) if (dmatch): return float(eval(dmatch.group(0))) else: return 0 def getUsageAndFree(command, lvm): disk = {'path': None, 'usePercent': None, 'avail': None, 'used': None, 'size': None, 'fs': None, 'status':None, 'retCode':0} status = commands.getstatusoutput(command) if status[0] != 0: disk['retCode'] = status[0] if status[0] == 256: disk['status'] = "Brick path not found!" else: disk['status'] = status[1] return disk status = status[1].split() disk['path'] = status[-1] disk['avail'] = getVal(status[-3]) disk['used'] = getVal(status[-4]) disk['size'] = getVal(status[-5]) disk['fs'] = status[-6] disk['usePcent'] = getVal(status[-2]) disk['availPcent'] = 100 - disk['usePcent'] return disk def getDisk(path, usage=None, lvm=False): if usage: return getUsageAndFree("df -B%s %s" % (usage, path), lvm) else: return getUsageAndFree("df -BG %s" % path, lvm) def getInode(path, lvm=False): return getUsageAndFree("df -i %s" % path, lvm) def getMounts(searchQuery, excludeList=[]): mountPaths = [] f = open("/etc/mtab") for i in f.readlines(): if i.startswith(searchQuery): if not excludeList: mountPaths.append(i.split()[0]) else: device = i.split() if not device[0] in options.exclude and\ not device[1] in options.exclude: mountPaths.append(device[0]) f.close() return mountPaths def parse_input(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-w', '--warning', action='store', type='int', dest='warn', help='Warning count in %', default=WARNING_LEVEL) parser.add_option('-c', '--critical', action='store', type='int', dest='crit', help='Critical count in %', default=CRITICAL_LEVEL) parser.add_option('-u', '--usage', action="store", dest='usage', help='Usage in %/GB/MB/KB', default=None) parser.add_option('-l', '--lvm', action="store_true", dest='lvm', help='List lvm mounts', default=False) parser.add_option('-d', '--inode', action="store_true", dest='inode', help='List inode usage along with disk/brick usage', default=False) parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action="store_true", dest='all', help='List all mounts', default=False) parser.add_option('-n', '--ignore', action="store_true", dest='ignore', help='Ignore errors', default=False) parser.add_option('-i', '--include', action='append', type='string', dest='mountPath', help='Mount path', default=[]) parser.add_option('-x', '--exclude', action="append", type='string', dest='exclude', help='Exclude disk/brick') return parser.parse_args() def showDiskUsage(warn, crit, mountPaths, toListInode, usage=False, isLvm=False, ignoreError=False): diskPerf = [] warnList = [] critList = [] diskList = [] mounts = [] level = -1 msg = "" for path in mountPaths: disk = getDisk(path, usage, isLvm) inode = getInode(path, isLvm) if disk['retCode'] != 0 or inode['retCode'] != 0: return utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL, disk['status'], "" if disk['path'] in mounts: continue if not disk['used'] or not inode['used']: if ignoreError: continue else: sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.UNKNOWN) mounts.append(disk['path']) if usage: data = "%s=%.1f;%.1f;%.1f;0;%.1f" % ( disk['path'], disk['used'], warn * disk['size'] / 100, crit * disk['size'] / 100, disk['size']) if toListInode: data += " %s=%.1f;%.1f;%.1f;0;%.1f" % ( inode['path'], inode['used'], warn * inode['used'] / 100, crit * inode['used'] / 100, inode['used']) else: data = "%s=%.2f%%;%s;%s;0;%s" % ( disk['path'], disk['usePcent'], warn, crit, disk['size']) if toListInode: data += " %s=%.2f%%;%s;%s;0;%s" % ( inode['path'], inode['usePcent'], warn, crit, inode['size']) diskPerf.append(data) if disk['usePcent'] >= crit or inode['usePcent'] >= crit: if disk['usePcent'] >= crit: critList.append( "disk:%s;%s;%s%%" % (disk['fs'], disk['path'], disk['usePcent'])) else: critList.append("inode:%s;%s;%s%%" % (inode['fs'], inode['path'], inode['usePcent'])) if not level > utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING: level = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL elif (disk['usePcent'] >= warn and disk['usePcent'] < crit) or ( inode['usePcent'] >= warn and inode['usePcent'] < crit): if disk['usePcent'] >= warn: warnList.append("disk:%s;%s;%s%%" % (disk['fs'], disk['path'], disk['usePcent'])) else: warnList.append("inode:%s;%s;%s%%" % (inode['fs'], inode['path'], inode['usePcent'])) if not level > utils.PluginStatusCode.OK: level = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING else: diskList.append("%s=%s" % (disk['fs'], disk['path'])) if len(critList) > 0: msg += "CRITICAL: " + ",".join(critList) + " " if len(warnList) > 0: msg += "WARNING: " + ",".join(warnList) + " " if len(diskList) > 0: msg += "OK: disks:mounts:(" + ",".join(diskList) + ")" return level, msg, diskPerf if __name__ == '__main__': (options, args) = parse_input() if options.lvm: searchQuery = "/dev/mapper" else: searchQuery = "/" if not options.mountPath or options.lvm or options.all: options.mountPath += getMounts(searchQuery, options.exclude) level, msg, diskPerf = showDiskUsage(options.warn, options.crit, options.mountPath, options.inode, options.usage, options.lvm, options.ignore) if utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL == level: sys.stdout.write("%s | %s\n" % ( msg, " ".join(diskPerf))) sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL) elif utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING == level: sys.stdout.write("%s | %s\n" % ( msg, " ".join(diskPerf))) sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING) else: sys.stdout.write("%s | %s\n" % ( msg, " ".join(diskPerf)))