/* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Gluster, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "xlator.h" #include "scheduler.h" #include "switch-mem-types.h" struct switch_sched_array { xlator_t *xl; int32_t eligible; int32_t considered; }; /* Select one of this struct based on the path's pattern match */ struct switch_sched_struct { struct switch_sched_struct *next; struct switch_sched_array *array; char path_pattern[256]; int32_t node_index; /* Index of the node in this pattern. */ int32_t num_child; /* Total num of child nodes with this pattern. */ }; struct switch_struct { struct switch_sched_struct *cond; struct switch_sched_array *array; pthread_mutex_t switch_mutex; int32_t child_count; }; /* This function should return child node as '*:subvolumes' is inserterd */ static xlator_t * switch_get_matching_xl (const char *path, struct switch_sched_struct *cond) { struct switch_sched_struct *trav = cond; char *pathname = gf_strdup (path); int index = 0; while (trav) { if (fnmatch (trav->path_pattern, pathname, FNM_NOESCAPE) == 0) { GF_FREE (pathname); trav->node_index %= trav->num_child; index = (trav->node_index++) % trav->num_child; return trav->array[index].xl; } trav = trav->next; } GF_FREE (pathname); return NULL; } static int32_t gf_unify_valid_child (const char *child, xlator_t *xl) { xlator_list_t *children = NULL, *prev = NULL; int32_t ret = 0; children = xl->children; do { if (!strcmp (child, children->xlator->name)) { ret = 1; break; } prev = children; children = prev->next; } while (children); return ret; } static int32_t switch_init (xlator_t *xl) { int32_t index = 0; data_t *data = NULL; char *child = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *childs_data = NULL; xlator_list_t *trav_xl = xl->children; struct switch_struct *switch_buf = NULL; switch_buf = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (struct switch_struct), gf_switch_mt_switch_struct); ERR_ABORT (switch_buf); while (trav_xl) { index++; trav_xl = trav_xl->next; } switch_buf->child_count = index; switch_buf->array = GF_CALLOC (index + 1, sizeof (struct switch_sched_struct), gf_switch_mt_switch_sched_struct); ERR_ABORT (switch_buf->array); trav_xl = xl->children; index = 0; while (trav_xl) { switch_buf->array[index].xl = trav_xl->xlator; switch_buf->array[index].eligible = 1; trav_xl = trav_xl->next; index++; } data = dict_get (xl->options, "scheduler.read-only-subvolumes"); if (data) { childs_data = gf_strdup (data->data); child = strtok_r (childs_data, ",", &tmp); while (child) { for (index = 1; index < switch_buf->child_count; index++) { if (strcmp (switch_buf->array[index - 1].xl->name, child) == 0) { gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Child '%s' is read-only", child); memcpy (&(switch_buf->array[index-1]), &(switch_buf->array[switch_buf->child_count - 1]), sizeof (struct switch_sched_array)); switch_buf->child_count--; break; } } child = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &tmp); } GF_FREE (childs_data); } data = dict_get (xl->options, "scheduler.local-volume-name"); if (data) { /* Means, give preference to that node first */ gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "local volume defined as %s", data->data); /* TODO: parse it properly, have an extra index to specify that first */ } /* *jpg:child1,child2;*mpg:child3;*:child4,child5,child6 */ data = dict_get (xl->options, "scheduler.switch.case"); if (data) { char *tmp_str = NULL; char *tmp_str1 = NULL; char *dup_str = NULL; char *switch_str = NULL; char *pattern = NULL; char *childs = NULL; struct switch_sched_struct *switch_opt = NULL; struct switch_sched_struct *trav = NULL; /* Get the pattern for considering switch case. "option block-size *avi:10MB" etc */ switch_str = strtok_r (data->data, ";", &tmp_str); while (switch_str) { dup_str = gf_strdup (switch_str); switch_opt = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (struct switch_sched_struct), gf_switch_mt_switch_sched_struct); ERR_ABORT (switch_opt); /* Link it to the main structure */ if (switch_buf->cond) { /* there are already few entries */ trav = switch_buf->cond; while (trav->next) trav = trav->next; trav->next = switch_opt; } else { /* First entry */ switch_buf->cond = switch_opt; } pattern = strtok_r (dup_str, ":", &tmp_str1); childs = strtok_r (NULL, ":", &tmp_str1); if (strncmp (pattern, "*", 2) == 0) { gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_WARNING, "'*' pattern will be taken by default " "for all the unconfigured child nodes," " hence neglecting current option"); switch_str = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &tmp_str); GF_FREE (dup_str); continue; } memcpy (switch_opt->path_pattern, pattern, strlen (pattern)); if (childs) { int32_t idx = 0; char *tmp1 = NULL; char *dup_childs = NULL; /* TODO: get the list of child nodes for the given pattern */ dup_childs = gf_strdup (childs); child = strtok_r (dup_childs, ",", &tmp); while (child) { if (gf_unify_valid_child (child, xl)) { idx++; child = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &tmp); } else { gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s is not a subvolume " "of %s. pattern can " "only be scheduled only" " to a subvolume of %s", child, xl->name, xl->name); return -1; } } GF_FREE (dup_childs); child = strtok_r (childs, ",", &tmp1); switch_opt->num_child = idx; switch_opt->array = GF_CALLOC (1, idx * sizeof (struct switch_sched_array), gf_switch_mt_switch_sched_array); ERR_ABORT (switch_opt->array); idx = 0; child = strtok_r (childs, ",", &tmp); while (child) { for (index = 1; index < switch_buf->child_count; index++) { if (strcmp (switch_buf->array[index - 1].xl->name, child) == 0) { gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "'%s' pattern will be scheduled to \"%s\"", switch_opt->path_pattern, child); /* if (switch_buf->array[index-1].considered) { gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "ambiguity found, exiting"); return -1; } */ switch_opt->array[idx].xl = switch_buf->array[index-1].xl; switch_buf->array[index-1].considered = 1; idx++; break; } } child = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &tmp1); } } else { /* error */ gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Check \"scheduler.switch.case\" " "option in unify volume. Exiting"); GF_FREE (switch_buf->array); GF_FREE (switch_buf); return -1; } GF_FREE (dup_str); switch_str = strtok_r (NULL, ";", &tmp_str); } } /* Now, all the pattern based considerations done, so for all the * remaining pattern, '*' to all the remaining child nodes */ { struct switch_sched_struct *switch_opt = NULL; int32_t flag = 0; int32_t index = 0; for (index=0; index < switch_buf->child_count; index++) { /* check for considered flag */ if (switch_buf->array[index].considered) continue; flag++; } if (!flag) { gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_ERROR, "No nodes left for pattern '*'. Exiting."); return -1; } switch_opt = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (struct switch_sched_struct), gf_switch_mt_switch_sched_struct); ERR_ABORT (switch_opt); if (switch_buf->cond) { /* there are already few entries */ struct switch_sched_struct *trav = switch_buf->cond; while (trav->next) trav = trav->next; trav->next = switch_opt; } else { /* First entry */ switch_buf->cond = switch_opt; } /* Add the '*' pattern to the array */ memcpy (switch_opt->path_pattern, "*", 2); switch_opt->num_child = flag; switch_opt->array = GF_CALLOC (1, flag * sizeof (struct switch_sched_array), gf_switch_mt_switch_sched_array); ERR_ABORT (switch_opt->array); flag = 0; for (index=0; index < switch_buf->child_count; index++) { /* check for considered flag */ if (switch_buf->array[index].considered) continue; gf_log ("switch", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "'%s' pattern will be scheduled to \"%s\"", switch_opt->path_pattern, switch_buf->array[index].xl->name); switch_opt->array[flag].xl = switch_buf->array[index].xl; switch_buf->array[index].considered = 1; flag++; } } pthread_mutex_init (&switch_buf->switch_mutex, NULL); // put it at the proper place *((long *)xl->private) = (long)switch_buf; return 0; } static void switch_fini (xlator_t *xl) { /* TODO: free all the allocated entries */ struct switch_struct *switch_buf = NULL; switch_buf = (struct switch_struct *)*((long *)xl->private); pthread_mutex_destroy (&switch_buf->switch_mutex); GF_FREE (switch_buf->array); GF_FREE (switch_buf); } static xlator_t * switch_schedule (xlator_t *xl, const void *path) { struct switch_struct *switch_buf = NULL; switch_buf = (struct switch_struct *)*((long *)xl->private); return switch_get_matching_xl (path, switch_buf->cond); } /** * notify */ void switch_notify (xlator_t *xl, int32_t event, void *data) { /* TODO: This should be checking in switch_sched_struct */ #if 0 struct switch_struct *switch_buf = NULL; int32_t idx = 0; switch_buf = (struct switch_struct *)*((long *)xl->private); if (!switch_buf) return; for (idx = 0; idx < switch_buf->child_count; idx++) { if (switch_buf->array[idx].xl == (xlator_t *)data) break; } switch (event) { case GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP: { switch_buf->array[idx].eligible = 1; } break; case GF_EVENT_CHILD_DOWN: { switch_buf->array[idx].eligible = 0; } break; default: { ; } break; } #endif } static void switch_update (xlator_t *xl) { return; } int32_t switch_mem_acct_init (xlator_t *this) { int ret = -1; if (!this) return ret; ret = xlator_mem_acct_init (this, gf_switch_mt_end + 1); if (ret != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Memory accounting init" " failed"); return ret; } return ret; } struct sched_ops sched = { .init = switch_init, .fini = switch_fini, .update = switch_update, .schedule = switch_schedule, .notify = switch_notify, .mem_acct_init = switch_mem_acct_init, }; struct volume_options options[] = { { .key = { "scheduler.read-only-subvolumes" , "switch.read-only-subvolumes"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_ANY }, { .key = { "scheduler.local-volume-name", "switch.nufa.local-volume-name" }, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_XLATOR }, { .key = { "scheduler.switch.case", "switch.case" }, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_ANY }, { .key = {NULL} } };