/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Gluster, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "glusterfs.h" #include "xlator.h" #include "byte-order.h" #include "afr.h" #include "afr-transaction.h" #include "afr-self-heal-common.h" #include "afr-self-heal.h" /** * select_source - select a source and return it */ int afr_sh_select_source (int sources[], int child_count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) if (sources[i]) return i; return -1; } /** * sink_count - return number of sinks in sources array */ int afr_sh_sink_count (int sources[], int child_count) { int i; int sinks = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) if (!sources[i]) sinks++; return sinks; } int afr_sh_source_count (int sources[], int child_count) { int i; int nsource = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) if (sources[i]) nsource++; return nsource; } int afr_sh_supress_errenous_children (int sources[], int child_errno[], int child_count) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (child_errno[i] && sources[i]) { sources[i] = 0; } } return 0; } void afr_sh_print_pending_matrix (int32_t *pending_matrix[], xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t * priv = this->private; char *buf = NULL; char *ptr = NULL; int i, j; /* 10 digits per entry + 1 space + '[' and ']' */ buf = MALLOC (priv->child_count * 11 + 8); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { ptr = buf; ptr += sprintf (ptr, "[ "); for (j = 0; j < priv->child_count; j++) { ptr += sprintf (ptr, "%d ", pending_matrix[i][j]); } ptr += sprintf (ptr, "]"); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "pending_matrix: %s", buf); } FREE (buf); } void afr_sh_build_pending_matrix (afr_private_t *priv, int32_t *pending_matrix[], dict_t *xattr[], int child_count, afr_transaction_type type) { int i, j, k; int32_t *pending = NULL; int ret = -1; unsigned char *ignorant_subvols = NULL; ignorant_subvols = CALLOC (sizeof (*ignorant_subvols), child_count); /* start clean */ for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { pending_matrix[i][j] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { pending = NULL; for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { ret = dict_get_ptr (xattr[i], priv->pending_key[j], VOID(&pending)); if (ret != 0) { /* * There is no xattr present. This means this * subvolume should be considered an 'ignorant' * subvolume. */ ignorant_subvols[i] = 1; continue; } k = afr_index_for_transaction_type (type); pending_matrix[i][j] = ntoh32 (pending[k]); } } /* * Make all non-ignorant subvols point towards the ignorant * subvolumes. */ for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (ignorant_subvols[i]) { for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { if (!ignorant_subvols[j]) pending_matrix[j][i] += 1; } } } FREE (ignorant_subvols); } /** * mark_sources: Mark all 'source' nodes and return number of source * nodes found * * A node (a row in the pending matrix) belongs to one of * three categories: * * M is the pending matrix. * * 'innocent' - M[i] is all zeroes * 'fool' - M[i] has i'th element = 1 (self-reference) * 'wise' - M[i] has i'th element = 0, others are 1 or 0. * * All 'innocent' nodes are sinks. If all nodes are innocent, no self-heal is * needed. * * A 'wise' node can be a source. If two 'wise' nodes conflict, it is * a split-brain. If one wise node refers to the other but the other doesn't * refer back, the referrer is a source. * * All fools are sinks, unless there are no 'wise' nodes. In that case, * one of the fools is made a source. */ typedef enum { AFR_NODE_INNOCENT, AFR_NODE_FOOL, AFR_NODE_WISE } afr_node_type; typedef struct { afr_node_type type; int wisdom; } afr_node_character; static int afr_sh_is_innocent (int32_t *array, int child_count) { int i = 0; int ret = 1; /* innocent until proven guilty */ for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (array[i]) { ret = 0; break; } } return ret; } static int afr_sh_is_fool (int32_t *array, int i, int child_count) { return array[i]; /* fool if accuses itself */ } static int afr_sh_is_wise (int32_t *array, int i, int child_count) { return !array[i]; /* wise if does not accuse itself */ } static int afr_sh_all_nodes_innocent (afr_node_character *characters, int child_count) { int i = 0; int ret = 1; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (characters[i].type != AFR_NODE_INNOCENT) { ret = 0; break; } } return ret; } static int afr_sh_wise_nodes_exist (afr_node_character *characters, int child_count) { int i = 0; int ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (characters[i].type == AFR_NODE_WISE) { ret = 1; break; } } return ret; } /* * The 'wisdom' of a wise node is 0 if any other wise node accuses it. * It is 1 if no other wise node accuses it. * Only wise nodes with wisdom 1 are sources. * * If no nodes with wisdom 1 exist, a split-brain has occured. */ static void afr_sh_compute_wisdom (int32_t *pending_matrix[], afr_node_character characters[], int child_count) { int i = 0; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (characters[i].type == AFR_NODE_WISE) { characters[i].wisdom = 1; for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { if ((characters[j].type == AFR_NODE_WISE) && pending_matrix[j][i]) { characters[i].wisdom = 0; } } } } } static int afr_sh_wise_nodes_conflict (afr_node_character *characters, int child_count) { int i = 0; int ret = 1; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if ((characters[i].type == AFR_NODE_WISE) && characters[i].wisdom == 1) { /* There is atleast one bona-fide wise node */ ret = 0; break; } } return ret; } static int afr_sh_mark_wisest_as_sources (int sources[], afr_node_character *characters, int child_count) { int nsources = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (characters[i].wisdom == 1) { sources[i] = 1; nsources++; } } return nsources; } static int afr_sh_mark_if_size_differs (afr_self_heal_t *sh, int child_count) { int32_t ** pending_matrix; int i, j; int size_differs = 0; pending_matrix = sh->pending_matrix; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { if (SIZE_DIFFERS (&sh->buf[i], &sh->buf[j]) && (pending_matrix[i][j] == 0) && (pending_matrix[j][i] == 0)) { pending_matrix[i][j] = 1; pending_matrix[j][i] = 1; size_differs = 1; } } } return size_differs; } static int afr_sh_mark_biggest_fool_as_source (afr_self_heal_t *sh, afr_node_character *characters, int child_count) { int i = 0; int biggest = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (characters[i].type == AFR_NODE_FOOL) { biggest = i; break; } } for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (characters[i].type != AFR_NODE_FOOL) continue; if (SIZE_GREATER (&sh->buf[i], &sh->buf[biggest])) { biggest = i; } } sh->sources[biggest] = 1; return 1; } static int afr_sh_mark_biggest_as_source (afr_self_heal_t *sh, int child_count) { int biggest = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (SIZE_GREATER (&sh->buf[i], &sh->buf[biggest])) { biggest = i; } } sh->sources[biggest] = 1; return 1; } int afr_sh_mark_sources (afr_self_heal_t *sh, int child_count, afr_self_heal_type type) { int i = 0; int32_t ** pending_matrix; int * sources; int size_differs = 0; pending_matrix = sh->pending_matrix; sources = sh->sources; int nsources = 0; /* stores the 'characters' (innocent, fool, wise) of the nodes */ afr_node_character * characters = CALLOC (sizeof (afr_node_character), child_count); /* start clean */ for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { sources[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (afr_sh_is_innocent (pending_matrix[i], child_count)) { characters[i].type = AFR_NODE_INNOCENT; } else if (afr_sh_is_fool (pending_matrix[i], i, child_count)) { characters[i].type = AFR_NODE_FOOL; } else if (afr_sh_is_wise (pending_matrix[i], i, child_count)) { characters[i].type = AFR_NODE_WISE; } else { gf_log ("[module:replicate]", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Could not determine the state of subvolume %d!" " (This message should never appear." " Please file a bug report to " ".)", i); } } if (type == AFR_SELF_HEAL_DATA) { size_differs = afr_sh_mark_if_size_differs (sh, child_count); } if (afr_sh_all_nodes_innocent (characters, child_count)) { if (size_differs) { nsources = afr_sh_mark_biggest_as_source (sh, child_count); } } else if (afr_sh_wise_nodes_exist (characters, child_count)) { afr_sh_compute_wisdom (pending_matrix, characters, child_count); if (afr_sh_wise_nodes_conflict (characters, child_count)) { /* split-brain */ nsources = -1; goto out; } else { nsources = afr_sh_mark_wisest_as_sources (sources, characters, child_count); } } else { nsources = afr_sh_mark_biggest_fool_as_source (sh, characters, child_count); } out: FREE (characters); return nsources; } void afr_sh_pending_to_delta (afr_private_t *priv, dict_t **xattr, int32_t *delta_matrix[], int success[], int child_count, afr_transaction_type type) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int32_t * pending = NULL; int ret = 0; /* start clean */ for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { delta_matrix[i][j] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { pending = NULL; for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { ret = dict_get_ptr (xattr[i], priv->pending_key[j], VOID(&pending)); if (!success[j]) continue; k = afr_index_for_transaction_type (type); if (pending) { delta_matrix[i][j] = -(ntoh32 (pending[k])); } else { delta_matrix[i][j] = 0; } } } } int afr_sh_delta_to_xattr (afr_private_t *priv, int32_t *delta_matrix[], dict_t *xattr[], int child_count, afr_transaction_type type) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int ret = 0; int32_t *pending = 0; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) { if (!xattr[i]) continue; for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) { pending = CALLOC (sizeof (int32_t), 3); /* 3 = data+metadata+entry */ k = afr_index_for_transaction_type (type); pending[k] = hton32 (delta_matrix[i][j]); ret = dict_set_bin (xattr[i], priv->pending_key[j], pending, 3 * sizeof (int32_t)); } } return 0; } int afr_sh_has_metadata_pending (dict_t *xattr, int child_count, xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int32_t *pending = NULL; void *tmp_pending = NULL; /* This is required to remove 'type-punned' warnings from gcc */ int ret = -1; int i = 0; int j = 0; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { ret = dict_get_ptr (xattr, priv->pending_key[i], &tmp_pending); if (ret != 0) return 0; pending = tmp_pending; j = afr_index_for_transaction_type (AFR_METADATA_TRANSACTION); if (pending[j]) return 1; } return 0; } int afr_sh_has_data_pending (dict_t *xattr, int child_count, xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int32_t *pending = NULL; void *tmp_pending = NULL; /* This is required to remove 'type-punned' warnings from gcc */ int ret = -1; int i = 0; int j = 0; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { ret = dict_get_ptr (xattr, priv->pending_key[i], &tmp_pending); if (ret != 0) return 0; pending = tmp_pending; j = afr_index_for_transaction_type (AFR_DATA_TRANSACTION); if (pending[j]) return 1; } return 0; } int afr_sh_has_entry_pending (dict_t *xattr, int child_count, xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int32_t *pending = NULL; void *tmp_pending = NULL; /* This is required to remove 'type-punned' warnings from gcc */ int ret = -1; int i = 0; int j = 0; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { ret = dict_get_ptr (xattr, priv->pending_key[i], &tmp_pending); if (ret != 0) return 0; pending = tmp_pending; j = afr_index_for_transaction_type (AFR_ENTRY_TRANSACTION); if (pending[j]) return 1; } return 0; } /** * is_matrix_zero - return true if pending matrix is all zeroes */ int afr_sh_is_matrix_zero (int32_t *pending_matrix[], int child_count) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < child_count; i++) for (j = 0; j < child_count; j++) if (pending_matrix[i][j]) return 0; return 1; } int afr_sh_missing_entries_done (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int i = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; // memset (sh->child_errno, 0, sizeof (int) * priv->child_count); memset (sh->buf, 0, sizeof (struct stat) * priv->child_count); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { sh->locked_nodes[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->xattr[i]) dict_unref (sh->xattr[i]); sh->xattr[i] = NULL; } if (local->govinda_gOvinda) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "aborting selfheal of %s", local->loc.path); sh->completion_cbk (frame, this); } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "proceeding to metadata check on %s", local->loc.path); afr_self_heal_metadata (frame, this); } return 0; } int sh_missing_entries_unlck_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int call_count = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; LOCK (&frame->lock); { } UNLOCK (&frame->lock); call_count = afr_frame_return (frame); if (call_count == 0) { afr_sh_missing_entries_done (frame, this); } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_finish (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t *priv = NULL; afr_local_t *local = NULL; int i = 0; int call_count = 0; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->locked_nodes[i]) call_count++; } if (call_count == 0) { afr_sh_missing_entries_done (frame, this); return 0; } local->call_count = call_count; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->locked_nodes[i]) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "unlocking %"PRId64"/%s on subvolume %s", sh->parent_loc.inode->ino, local->loc.name, priv->children[i]->name); STACK_WIND (frame, sh_missing_entries_unlck_cbk, priv->children[i], priv->children[i]->fops->entrylk, this->name, &sh->parent_loc, local->loc.name, ENTRYLK_UNLOCK, ENTRYLK_WRLCK); if (!--call_count) break; } } return 0; } static int sh_destroy_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int op_errno, struct stat *preop, struct stat *postop) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; int call_count = 0; local = frame->local; call_count = afr_frame_return (frame); if (call_count == 0) { STACK_DESTROY (frame->root); } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_newentry_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode, struct stat *buf, struct stat *preparent, struct stat *postparent) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; call_frame_t *setattr_frame = NULL; int call_count = 0; int child_index = 0; struct stat stbuf; int32_t valid; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; child_index = (long) cookie; #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_ATIM_TV_NSEC stbuf.st_atim = sh->buf[sh->source].st_atim; stbuf.st_mtim = sh->buf[sh->source].st_mtim; #elif HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_ATIMESPEC_TV_NSEC stbuf.st_atimespec = sh->buf[sh->source].st_atimespec; stbuf.st_mtimespec = sh->buf[sh->source].st_mtimespec; #else stbuf.st_atime = sh->buf[sh->source].st_atime; stbuf.st_mtime = sh->buf[sh->source].st_mtime; #endif stbuf.st_uid = sh->buf[sh->source].st_uid; stbuf.st_gid = sh->buf[sh->source].st_gid; valid = GF_SET_ATTR_UID | GF_SET_ATTR_GID | GF_SET_ATTR_ATIME | GF_SET_ATTR_MTIME; if (op_ret == 0) { setattr_frame = copy_frame (frame); setattr_frame->local = CALLOC (1, sizeof (afr_local_t)); ((afr_local_t *)setattr_frame->local)->call_count = 1; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "setattr (%s) on subvolume %s", local->loc.path, priv->children[child_index]->name); STACK_WIND (setattr_frame, sh_destroy_cbk, priv->children[child_index], priv->children[child_index]->fops->setattr, &local->loc, &stbuf, valid); } call_count = afr_frame_return (frame); if (call_count == 0) { sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_mknod (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int i = 0; int enoent_count = 0; int call_count = 0; mode_t st_mode = 0; dev_t st_dev = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) enoent_count++; call_count = enoent_count; local->call_count = call_count; st_mode = sh->buf[sh->source].st_mode; st_dev = sh->buf[sh->source].st_dev; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "mknod %s mode 0%o on %d subvolumes", local->loc.path, st_mode, enoent_count); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) { STACK_WIND_COOKIE (frame, sh_missing_entries_newentry_cbk, (void *) (long) i, priv->children[i], priv->children[i]->fops->mknod, &local->loc, st_mode, st_dev); if (!--call_count) break; } } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_mkdir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int i = 0; int enoent_count = 0; int call_count = 0; mode_t st_mode = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) enoent_count++; call_count = enoent_count; local->call_count = call_count; st_mode = sh->buf[sh->source].st_mode; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "mkdir %s mode 0%o on %d subvolumes", local->loc.path, st_mode, enoent_count); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) { if (!strcmp (local->loc.path, "/")) { /* We shouldn't try to create "/" */ sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); return 0; } else { STACK_WIND_COOKIE (frame, sh_missing_entries_newentry_cbk, (void *) (long) i, priv->children[i], priv->children[i]->fops->mkdir, &local->loc, st_mode); if (!--call_count) break; } } } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_symlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, const char *link) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int i = 0; int enoent_count = 0; int call_count = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) enoent_count++; call_count = enoent_count; local->call_count = call_count; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "symlink %s -> %s on %d subvolumes", local->loc.path, link, enoent_count); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) { STACK_WIND_COOKIE (frame, sh_missing_entries_newentry_cbk, (void *) (long) i, priv->children[i], priv->children[i]->fops->symlink, link, &local->loc); if (!--call_count) break; } } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_readlink_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, const char *link, struct stat *sbuf) { if (op_ret > 0) sh_missing_entries_symlink (frame, this, link); else sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_readlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; STACK_WIND (frame, sh_missing_entries_readlink_cbk, priv->children[sh->source], priv->children[sh->source]->fops->readlink, &local->loc, 4096); return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_create (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; int type = 0; int i = 0; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int enoent_count = 0; int govinda_gOvinda = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (sh->child_errno[i]) { if (sh->child_errno[i] == ENOENT) enoent_count++; } else { if (type) { if (type != (sh->buf[i].st_mode & S_IFMT)) govinda_gOvinda = 1; } else { sh->source = i; type = sh->buf[i].st_mode & S_IFMT; } } } if (govinda_gOvinda) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "conflicing filetypes exist for path %s. returning.", local->loc.path); local->govinda_gOvinda = 1; sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); return 0; } if (!type) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "no source found for %s. all nodes down?. returning.", local->loc.path); /* subvolumes down and/or file does not exist */ sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); return 0; } if (enoent_count == 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "no missing files - %s. proceeding to metadata check", local->loc.path); /* proceed to next step - metadata self-heal */ sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); return 0; } switch (type) { case S_IFSOCK: case S_IFREG: case S_IFBLK: case S_IFCHR: case S_IFIFO: sh_missing_entries_mknod (frame, this); break; case S_IFLNK: sh_missing_entries_readlink (frame, this); break; case S_IFDIR: sh_missing_entries_mkdir (frame, this); break; default: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "unknown file type: 0%o", type); local->govinda_gOvinda = 1; sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_lookup_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode, struct stat *buf, dict_t *xattr, struct stat *postparent) { int child_index = 0; afr_local_t *local = NULL; int call_count = 0; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; child_index = (long) cookie; LOCK (&frame->lock); { if (op_ret == 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "path %s on subvolume %s is of mode 0%o", local->loc.path, priv->children[child_index]->name, buf->st_mode); local->self_heal.buf[child_index] = *buf; } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "path %s on subvolume %s => -1 (%s)", local->loc.path, priv->children[child_index]->name, strerror (op_errno)); local->self_heal.child_errno[child_index] = op_errno; } } UNLOCK (&frame->lock); call_count = afr_frame_return (frame); if (call_count == 0) { sh_missing_entries_create (frame, this); } return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_lookup (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; int i = 0; int call_count = 0; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; dict_t *xattr_req = NULL; int ret = -1; local = frame->local; priv = this->private; call_count = afr_up_children_count (priv->child_count, local->child_up); local->call_count = call_count; xattr_req = dict_new(); if (xattr_req) { for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { ret = dict_set_uint64 (xattr_req, priv->pending_key[i], 3 * sizeof(int32_t)); } } for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (local->child_up[i]) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "looking up %s on subvolume %s", local->loc.path, priv->children[i]->name); STACK_WIND_COOKIE (frame, sh_missing_entries_lookup_cbk, (void *) (long) i, priv->children[i], priv->children[i]->fops->lookup, &local->loc, xattr_req); if (!--call_count) break; } } if (xattr_req) dict_unref (xattr_req); return 0; } static int sh_missing_entries_lk_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; int call_count = 0; int child_index = (long) cookie; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; LOCK (&frame->lock); { if (op_ret == -1) { sh->op_failed = 1; sh->locked_nodes[child_index] = 0; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "locking inode of %s on child %d failed: %s", local->loc.path, child_index, strerror (op_errno)); } else { sh->locked_nodes[child_index] = 1; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "inode of %s on child %d locked", local->loc.path, child_index); } } UNLOCK (&frame->lock); call_count = afr_frame_return (frame); if (call_count == 0) { if (sh->op_failed == 1) { sh_missing_entries_finish (frame, this); return 0; } sh_missing_entries_lookup (frame, this); } return 0; } static int afr_self_heal_missing_entries (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int i = 0; int call_count = 0; local = frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; priv = this->private; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "attempting to recreate missing entries for path=%s", local->loc.path); afr_build_parent_loc (&sh->parent_loc, &local->loc); call_count = afr_up_children_count (priv->child_count, local->child_up); local->call_count = call_count; for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { if (local->child_up[i]) { STACK_WIND_COOKIE (frame, sh_missing_entries_lk_cbk, (void *) (long) i, priv->children[i], priv->children[i]->fops->entrylk, this->name, &sh->parent_loc, local->loc.name, ENTRYLK_LOCK_NB, ENTRYLK_WRLCK); if (!--call_count) break; } } return 0; } afr_local_t *afr_local_copy (afr_local_t *l, xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t *priv = NULL; afr_local_t *lc = NULL; priv = this->private; lc = CALLOC (1, sizeof (afr_local_t)); memcpy (lc, l, sizeof (afr_local_t)); if (l->loc.path) loc_copy (&lc->loc, &l->loc); lc->child_up = memdup (l->child_up, priv->child_count); if (l->xattr_req) lc->xattr_req = dict_copy_with_ref (l->xattr_req, NULL); lc->cont.lookup.inode = l->cont.lookup.inode; if (l->cont.lookup.xattr) lc->cont.lookup.xattr = dict_copy_with_ref (l->cont.lookup.xattr, NULL); return lc; } int afr_self_heal_completion_cbk (call_frame_t *bgsh_frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_private_t * priv = NULL; afr_local_t * local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t * sh = NULL; priv = this->private; local = bgsh_frame->local; sh = &local->self_heal; if (local->govinda_gOvinda) { afr_set_split_brain (this, local->cont.lookup.inode); } gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "background self-heal completed"); if (!sh->unwound) { sh->unwind (sh->orig_frame, this); } if (sh->background) { LOCK (&priv->lock); { priv->background_self_heals_started--; } UNLOCK (&priv->lock); } /* * XXX Hack: Due to memcpy'ing of local, some pointers will * also have ended up in bgsh_frame's local. We shouldn't free * them. So set them to NULL here. */ local->cont.writev.vector = NULL; AFR_STACK_DESTROY (bgsh_frame); return 0; } int afr_self_heal (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this) { afr_local_t *local = NULL; afr_self_heal_t *sh = NULL; afr_private_t *priv = NULL; int i = 0; call_frame_t *sh_frame = NULL; afr_local_t *sh_local = NULL; local = frame->local; priv = this->private; if (local->self_heal.background) { LOCK (&priv->lock); { if (priv->background_self_heals_started > priv->background_self_heal_count) { local->self_heal.background = _gf_false; } else { priv->background_self_heals_started++; } } UNLOCK (&priv->lock); } gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "performing self heal on %s (metadata=%d data=%d entry=%d)", local->loc.path, local->self_heal.need_metadata_self_heal, local->self_heal.need_data_self_heal, local->self_heal.need_entry_self_heal); sh_frame = copy_frame (frame); sh_local = afr_local_copy (local, this); sh_frame->local = sh_local; sh = &sh_local->self_heal; sh->orig_frame = frame; sh->completion_cbk = afr_self_heal_completion_cbk; sh->buf = CALLOC (priv->child_count, sizeof (struct stat)); sh->child_errno = CALLOC (priv->child_count, sizeof (int)); sh->success = CALLOC (priv->child_count, sizeof (int)); sh->xattr = CALLOC (priv->child_count, sizeof (dict_t *)); sh->sources = CALLOC (priv->child_count, sizeof (*sh->sources)); sh->locked_nodes = CALLOC (priv->child_count, sizeof (*sh->locked_nodes)); sh->pending_matrix = CALLOC (sizeof (int32_t *), priv->child_count); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { sh->pending_matrix[i] = CALLOC (sizeof (int32_t), priv->child_count); } sh->delta_matrix = CALLOC (sizeof (int32_t *), priv->child_count); for (i = 0; i < priv->child_count; i++) { sh->delta_matrix[i] = CALLOC (sizeof (int32_t), priv->child_count); } if (local->success_count && local->enoent_count) { afr_self_heal_missing_entries (sh_frame, this); } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "proceeding to metadata check on %s", local->loc.path); afr_sh_missing_entries_done (sh_frame, this); } return 0; }