####################### Openshift Storage Tests ####################### This repo contains `test cases` and `functions` for `storage` on OpenShift. The functions can be installed as python package and used in any other python project. *************** Getting started *************** Prerequisites ************* Create setup with below system requirements and install required packages on host from which this repo is used as library or tests are executed. System Requirements =================== * 1 Master node * 3 Storage nodes * Passwordless ssh from the host (machine from where the tests would be run) to all the nodes in the cluster * Each node in the trusted storage pool should have 2 mandatory and 1 optional devices #. Device 1 (part of the topology) #. Device 2 (part of the topology) #. Device 3 (Optional additional device not part of the topology) Installing `tox` on host ======================== `tox` aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. It is generic `virtualenv` management and test command line tool you can use for * Checking your package installs correctly with different Python versions and interpreters * Running your tests in each of the environments, configuring your test tool of choice * Acting as frontend to Continuous integration servers, greatly reducing boilerplates and merging CI and shell-based testing Refer `tox doc `__ for more information. Below are the instructions to install `tox` on host * Install below system packages .. code-block:: $ yum install python-pip git gcc python-devel * Install `tox` package .. code-block:: $ pip install git+git://github.com/tox-dev/tox.git@2.9.1#egg=tox Executing the test cases ************************ * Create a config file which lists out the OCP configurations like master and storage node details, heketi related configurations etc. Sample config file can be found under `tests` directory .. code-block:: $ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml * To run test cases in a virtual environment: .. code-block:: $ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ '--pytest=-v -rsx ' For example: * Execute single test case from test class file .. code-block:: $ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml \ '--pytest=-v -rsx \ tests/functional/arbiter/test_arbiter.py \ -k test_arbiter_pvc_create' * Execute all test cases from test class file .. code-block:: $ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml \ '--pytest=-v -rsx tests/functional/arbiter/test_arbiter.py' * Execute all test cases from test directory .. code-block:: $ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml \ '--pytest=-v -rsx tests' Writing tests in `glusterfs-containers-tests` ********************************************* `tests` directory in `glusterfs-containers-tests` contains test cases. One might want to create a directory with feature name as the name of test directory under tests to add new test cases. Similar to `glusto-tests `__, test cases in `glusterfs-containers-tests` can be written using standard `PyUnit`, `PyTest` or `Nose` methodologies as supported by `glusto` framework. One can follow the `PyUnit `__ docs to write `PyUnit` tests, or `PyTest `__ docs to write `PyTest` tests, or `Nose `__ docs to write `Nose` tests. For more information on how to write test cases, refer `developing-guide `__. Validating `PEP 8` rules after adding new code ********************************************** Refer `PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code `__ for more information on `PEP 8` rules. * Run `PEP 8` checks for all files .. code-block:: $ tox -e pep8 * Run `PEP 8` check for single file .. code-block:: $ tox -e pep8 For Example: .. code-block:: $ tox -e pep8 tests/functional/test_heketi_restart.py Logging ******* Log `file name` and log `level` can be passed as argument to `glusto` command while running the `glusto-tests`. For example: .. code-block:: $ tox -e functional -- glusto -c 'config.yml' \ -l /tmp/glustotests-ocp.log --log-level DEBUG \ --pytest='-v -x tests -m ocp' One can configure log files, log levels in the test cases as well. For details on how to use `glusto` framework for configuring logs in tests, refer `docs `__ Default log location is `/tmp/glustomain.log` .. Note:: When using `glusto` via the `Python Interactive Interpreter`, the default log location is `/tmp/glustomain.log`