#!/usr/bin/python """ Description: Library for heketi BaseClass. """ from glusto.core import Glusto as g import unittest import datetime from collections import OrderedDict from cnslibs.common.exceptions import ExecutionError, ConfigError from cnslibs.common.heketi_ops import (setup_heketi_ssh_key, modify_heketi_executor, export_heketi_cli_server, hello_heketi, heketi_volume_delete) from cnslibs.common.openshift_ops import (oc_login, switch_oc_project, get_ocp_gluster_pod_names) class HeketiBaseClass(unittest.TestCase): """ This class initializes heketi config variables, constructs topology info dictionary and check if heketi server is alive. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ setUpClass of HeketiBaseClass """ super(HeketiBaseClass, cls).setUpClass() # Initializes heketi config variables cls.cns_username = g.config['cns']['setup']['cns_username'] cls.cns_password = g.config['cns']['setup']['cns_password'] cls.cns_project_name = g.config['cns']['setup']['cns_project_name'] cls.ocp_master_nodes = g.config['ocp_servers']['master'].keys() cls.ocp_master_node = cls.ocp_master_nodes[0] cls.deployment_type = g.config['cns']['deployment_type'] cls.executor = g.config['cns']['executor'] cls.executor_user = g.config['cns']['executor_user'] cls.executor_port = g.config['cns']['executor_port'] cls.heketi_client_node = (g.config['cns']['heketi_config'] ['heketi_client_node']) cls.heketi_server_url = (g.config['cns']['heketi_config'] ['heketi_server_url']) cls.gluster_servers = g.config['gluster_servers'].keys() cls.gluster_servers_info = g.config['gluster_servers'] cls.topo_info = g.config['cns']['trusted_storage_pool_list'] cls.heketi_ssh_key = g.config['cns']['heketi_config']['heketi_ssh_key'] cls.heketi_config_file = (g.config['cns']['heketi_config'] ['heketi_config_file']) cls.heketi_volume = { 'size': g.config['cns']['heketi_volume']['size'], 'name': g.config['cns']['heketi_volume']['name'], 'expand_size': g.config['cns']['heketi_volume']['expand_size']} # Constructs topology info dictionary cls.topology_info = OrderedDict() for i in range(len(cls.topo_info)): cluster = 'cluster' + str(i + 1) cls.topology_info[cluster] = OrderedDict() for index, node in enumerate(cls.topo_info[i]): node_name = 'gluster_node' + str(index + 1) cls.topology_info[cluster][node_name] = { 'manage': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['manage'], 'storage': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['storage'], 'zone': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['zone'], 'devices': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['devices'], } # Checks if heketi server is alive if not hello_heketi(cls.heketi_client_node, cls.heketi_server_url): raise ConfigError("Heketi server %s is not alive" % cls.heketi_server_url) if cls.deployment_type == "cns": if not oc_login(cls.ocp_master_node, cls.cns_username, cls.cns_password): raise ExecutionError("Failed to do oc login on node %s" % cls.ocp_master_node) if not switch_oc_project(cls.ocp_master_node, cls.cns_project_name): raise ExecutionError("Failed to switch oc project on node %s" % cls.ocp_master_node) cls.gluster_pods = get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(cls.ocp_master_node) g.pod_name = cls.gluster_pods[0] # Have a unique string to recognize the test run for logging if 'glustotest_run_id' not in g.config: g.config['glustotest_run_id'] = ( datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H_%M_%d_%m_%Y')) cls.glustotest_run_id = g.config['glustotest_run_id'] msg = "Setupclass: %s : %s" % (cls.__name__, cls.glustotest_run_id) g.log.info(msg) def setUp(self): super(HeketiBaseClass, self).setUp() msg = "Starting Test : %s : %s" % (self.id(), self.glustotest_run_id) g.log.info(msg) def delete_volumes(self, volume_ids): """ Delete volumes by their IDs and raise error with list of failures Input: (volume_ids) It can be a single volume ID or a list of volume IDs """ errored_ids = [] if not isinstance(volume_ids, (list, set, tuple)): volume_ids = [volume_ids] for volume_id in volume_ids: out = heketi_volume_delete( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, volume_id) output_str = 'Volume %s deleted' % volume_id if output_str not in out: errored_ids.append(volume_id) if errored_ids: raise ExecutionError( "Failed to delete following heketi volumes: " "%s" % ',\n'.join(errored_ids)) def tearDown(self): super(HeketiBaseClass, self).tearDown() msg = "Ending Test: %s : %s" % (self.id(), self.glustotest_run_id) g.log.info(msg) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(HeketiBaseClass, cls).tearDownClass() msg = "Teardownclass: %s : %s" % (cls.__name__, cls.glustotest_run_id) g.log.info(msg) class HeketiClientSetupBaseClass(HeketiBaseClass): """ Class to setup heketi ssh keys, modify heketi executor and to export heketi cli server. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ setUpClass of HeketiClientSetupBaseClass """ super(HeketiClientSetupBaseClass, cls).setUpClass() if cls.deployment_type == "crs_heketi_outside_openshift": # setup heketi ssh keys, if setup is not done already conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(cls.heketi_client_node, user="root") if conn is None: raise ConfigError("Failed to get rpyc connection of heketi " "node %s" % cls.heket_client_node) if conn.modules.os.path.exists(cls.heketi_ssh_key): g.log.info("Heketi ssh key is already generated") else: if not setup_heketi_ssh_key(cls.heketi_client_node, cls.gluster_servers, heketi_ssh_key=cls.heketi_ssh_key): raise ConfigError("heketi ssh key setup failed on %s" % cls.heketi_client_node) g.rpyc_close_connection(cls.heketi_client_node, user="root") # Modifies heketi executor if not modify_heketi_executor(cls.heketi_client_node, cls.executor, cls.heketi_ssh_key, cls.executor_user, int(cls.executor_port)): raise ExecutionError("Failed to modify heketi executor on %s" % cls.heketi_client_node) # Exports heketi cli server heketi_url = cls.heketi_server_url if not export_heketi_cli_server(cls.heketi_client_node, heketi_cli_server=heketi_url): raise ExecutionError("Failed to export heketi cli server on %s" % cls.heketi_client_node)