"""Library for openshift operations. Various utility functions for interacting with OCP/OpenShift. """ import re import types import yaml from glusto.core import Glusto as g PODS_WIDE_RE = re.compile( '(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\n') def oc_get_pods(ocp_node): """Gets the pods info with 'wide' option in the current project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. Returns: dict : dict of pods info in the current project. """ cmd = "oc get -o wide --no-headers=true pods" ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to get ocp pods on node %s" % ocp_node) raise AssertionError('failed to get pods: %r' % (err,)) return _parse_wide_pods_output(out) def _parse_wide_pods_output(output): """Parse the output of `oc get -o wide pods`. """ # Interestingly, the output of get pods is "cooked" in such a way that # the values in the ready, status, & restart fields are not accessible # from YAML/JSON/templating forcing us to scrape the output for # these values # (at the time of this writing the logic is in # printPodBase in kubernetes/pkg/printers/internalversion/printers.go ) # Possibly obvious, but if you don't need those values you can # use the YAML output directly. # # TODO: Add unit tests for this parser pods_info = {} for each_pod_info in PODS_WIDE_RE.findall(output): pods_info[each_pod_info[0]] = { 'ready': each_pod_info[1], 'status': each_pod_info[2], 'restarts': each_pod_info[3], 'age': each_pod_info[4], 'ip': each_pod_info[5], 'node': each_pod_info[6], } return pods_info def oc_get_pods_full(ocp_node): """Gets all the pod info via YAML in the current project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. Returns: dict: The YAML output converted to python objects (a top-level dict) """ cmd = "oc get -o yaml pods" ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to get ocp pods on node %s" % ocp_node) raise AssertionError('failed to get pods: %r' % (err,)) return yaml.load(out) def get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(ocp_node): """Gets the gluster pod names in the current project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. Returns: list : list of gluster pod names in the current project. Empty list, if there are no gluster pods. Example: get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(ocp_node) """ pod_names = oc_get_pods(ocp_node).keys() return [pod for pod in pod_names if pod.startswith('glusterfs-')] def oc_login(ocp_node, username, password): """Login to ocp master node. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. username (str): username of ocp master node to login. password (str): password of ocp master node to login. Returns: bool : True on successful login to ocp master node. False otherwise Example: oc_login(ocp_node, "test","test") """ cmd = "oc login --username=%s --password=%s" % (username, password) ret, _, _ = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to login to ocp master node %s" % ocp_node) return False return True def switch_oc_project(ocp_node, project_name): """Switch to the given project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. project_name (str): Project name. Returns: bool : True on switching to given project. False otherwise Example: switch_oc_project(ocp_node, "storage-project") """ cmd = "oc project %s" % project_name ret, _, _ = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to switch to project %s" % project_name) return False return True def oc_rsh(ocp_node, pod_name, command, log_level=None): """Run a command in the ocp pod using `oc rsh`. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which oc rsh command will be executed. pod_name (str): Name of the pod on which the command will be executed. command (str|list): command to run. log_level (str|None): log level to be passed to glusto's run method. Returns: A tuple consisting of the command return code, stdout, and stderr. """ prefix = ['oc', 'rsh', pod_name] if isinstance(command, types.StringTypes): cmd = ' '.join(prefix + [command]) else: cmd = prefix + command # unpack the tuple to make sure our return value exactly matches # our docstring ret, stdout, stderr = g.run(ocp_node, cmd, log_level=log_level) return (ret, stdout, stderr)