import os import tempfile import yaml from shutil import copytree from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.misc.misc_libs import upload_scripts from openshift_ops import ( oc_process, oc_create, oc_rsh, oc_rsync, oc_get_yaml, create_namespace, switch_oc_project ) from dynamic_provisioning import ( wait_for_pod_be_ready, get_pod_name_from_dc ) CNS_TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join( os.getcwdu(), "cns-libs", "templates" ) ROOT = os.sep LOAD_TYPE_JENKINS = "jenkins" JENKINS_TEMPLATE = "jenkins-persistent-template.yaml" JJB_TEMPLATE = "jjb-template.yaml" JENKINS_LOAD_SCRIPT = "start-load-on-jenkins.j2" JENKINS_GROOVY_SCRIPTS = [ "install_mvn339.groovy", "install_jdk8.groovy", "jenkins_setup_jdk_user.groovy.j2" ] def deploy_pods(oc_master_node, load_type, instances, pod_parameters, load_parameters, namespace=None): """Deploy and configure pods of different types Args: load_type (str): load type jenkins, mongodb or postgres instances (int): number of pods to be deployed pod_parameters (str): pod parameters used to deploy pods load_parameters (str): load parameters to be used to start load on pods namespace (str): namespace used to deploy jenkins and jjb pods Raises: AssertionError if invalid load type specified """ err_msg = "invalid load typed %s" if namespace: create_and_switch_to_namespace(oc_master_node, namespace) templates_path = upload_templates(oc_master_node, load_type) pod_index = 0 for index in range(int(instances)): if load_type == LOAD_TYPE_JENKINS: pod_index = get_available_pod_index( oc_master_node, pod_index, LOAD_TYPE_JENKINS ) deploy_and_configure_jenkins( oc_master_node, pod_index, templates_path, pod_parameters, load_parameters ) else: g.log.error(err_msg % load_type) raise AssertionError(err_msg % load_type) def upload_templates(oc_master_node, load_type): """Upload templates in openshift master node in temporary directory. Args: load_type (str): load type of which template files need to be uploaded Return: directory path: Return temporary directory path where templates are copied. Raises: AssertionError if failed to upload files on server """ err_msg = "failed to %s templates from %s to %s" temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="cns-tmp-") src = os.path.join(CNS_TEMPLATE_PATH, load_type) dst = os.path.join(temp_dir, load_type) try: copytree(src, dst) except Exception: g.log.error(err_msg % ("copy", src, dst)) raise dest = os.path.join(ROOT, "tmp") if not upload_scripts(oc_master_node, temp_dir, dest): g.log.error(err_msg % ("upload", temp_dir, dest)) raise AssertionError(err_msg % ("upload", temp_dir, dest)) return os.path.join(temp_dir, load_type) def create_and_switch_to_namespace(oc_master_node, namespace): """Create new namespace if not already exists and switch to new created namespace Args: namespace (str): namespace name to be created Raises: AssertionError if failed to create or switch project to namespace """ err_msg = "failed to %s namespace %s" try: oc_get_yaml(oc_master_node, "namespace", namespace)"%s namespace already present using existing one") except AssertionError:"%s namespace not present creating new one") if not create_namespace(oc_master_node, namespace): g.log.error(err_msg % ("create", namespace)) raise AssertionError(err_msg % ("create", namespace))"switch to namespace %s'" % namespace) if not switch_oc_project(oc_master_node, namespace): g.log.error(err_msg % ("switch", namespace)) raise AssertionError(err_msg % ("switch", namespace)) def create_pod(oc_master_node, templates_path, template, params=None): """Creates pod with template and prameters provides Args: template (str): template by using which pod to be created params (str): parameters used to create template """ info_msg = "creating %s using template %s" template_path = os.path.join(templates_path, "templates", template) if params: % ("process", template_path)) template = oc_process(oc_master_node, params, template_path) % ("app", template)) oc_create(oc_master_node, template, "value") else: % ("app", template_path)) oc_create(oc_master_node, template_path) def get_available_pod_index(oc_master_node, start_index, prefix): """Checks availability of the name with prefix and start_index Args: prefix (str): prefix for the dc name used Returns: start_index (int): maximum no combined with prefix """ dc_list = oc_get_yaml(oc_master_node, "dc") dc_names = [dc_name["metadata"]["name"] for dc_name in dc_list["items"]] while "%s-%s" % (prefix, start_index) not in dc_names: start_index += 1"next available index is %s" % start_index) return start_index def deploy_and_configure_jenkins(oc_master_node, index, templates_path, pod_parameters, load_parameters): """Deploys and configures jenkins and jjb pod Args: index (int): index no by which pod name need to be appened pod_parameters (str): user specified parameters used to deploy pod """ jk_service_name = "%s-%s" % (LOAD_TYPE_JENKINS, index) jnlp_service_name = "jnlp-%s" % index jjb_service_name = "jjb-%s" % index deploy_jenkins_pod( oc_master_node, templates_path, jk_service_name, jnlp_service_name, pod_parameters ) route_details = oc_get_yaml( oc_master_node, "route", jk_service_name ) route = route_details['spec']['host'] jk_url = "https://%s" % route jjb_pod_name = deploy_jjb_pod( oc_master_node, templates_path, jk_url, jjb_service_name ) configure_jjb( oc_master_node, load_parameters, templates_path, jjb_pod_name ) start_jenkins_load(oc_master_node, templates_path, jjb_pod_name, jk_url) def deploy_jenkins_pod(oc_master_node, templates_path, jk_service_name, jnlp_service_name, pod_parameters): """Deploys jenkins pod with specified parameters Args: jk_service_name (str): Jenkins service name to be used for deploying pod jnlp_service_name (str): JNLP service name to be used for deploying pod pod_parameters (str): user specified parameters used to deploy pod Returns: jk_pod_name (str): deployed and ready state Jenkins pod name """ params = " ".join(["-p {0}={1}".format(key, val) for key, val in pod_parameters.items()]) params += (" -p JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME=%s -p JNLP_SERVICE_NAME=%s" % (jk_service_name, jnlp_service_name)) create_pod(oc_master_node, templates_path, JENKINS_TEMPLATE, params) jk_pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(oc_master_node, jk_service_name)"Jenkins pod %s created successfully" % jk_pod_name)"waiting pod %s to be in 'Running' state" % jk_pod_name) wait_for_pod_be_ready(oc_master_node, jk_pod_name) return jk_pod_name def deploy_jjb_pod(oc_master_node, templates_path, jk_url, jjb_service_name): """Deploys jjb pods with configuring jenkins url jk_url Args: jk_url (str): jenkins url to executes groovy scripts and configure jenkins jobs through jjb jjb_service_name (str) : jjb service used for pod name Returns: jjb_pod_name (str): Deployed and ready state JJB Pod name """ params = ("-p JENKINS_URL=%s JJB_SERVICE_NAME=%s" % (jk_url, jjb_service_name))"using jenkins url '%s' to deploy jjb pod" % jk_url) create_pod(oc_master_node, templates_path, JJB_TEMPLATE, params) jjb_pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(oc_master_node, jjb_service_name)"deployed jjb pod %s successfully" % jjb_pod_name)"waiting pod to be in 'Running' state" % jjb_pod_name) wait_for_pod_be_ready(oc_master_node, jjb_pod_name) return jjb_pod_name def create_project_template(template_path, load_parameters): """Generates project.yaml file for jjb configuration Args: template_path: Path of template files where project.yml file to be generated load_parameters: Contains the no of jobs to be generated """ project_dict = [{"project": {"name": "svt-jobs", "jobs": []}}] for index in range(int(load_parameters["JOBS"])): job = { "{name}_job": { "name": "test-%s" % index, "get_url": "" } } project_dict[0]["project"]["jobs"].append(job) project_yaml_path = os.path.join(template_path, "jjb", "project.yaml") with open(project_yaml_path, "w") as f: f.write(yaml.dump(project_dict, default_flow_style=False)) def configure_jjb(oc_master_node, load_parameters, templates_path, pod_name): """Copies jjb jobs and load scripts to jjb pod's /data location Args: pod_name (str): jjb pod name on which script to be executed """ dest = os.path.join(ROOT, "data") create_project_template(templates_path, load_parameters) source = os.path.join(templates_path, "jjb", "")"copying script files from %s to pod %s" % (source, pod_name)) oc_rsync(oc_master_node, pod_name, source, dest) source = os.path.join(templates_path, "files", "")"copying jenkins load scripts from %s to jenkins pod %s" % (source, pod_name)) oc_rsync(oc_master_node, pod_name, source, dest) def start_jenkins_load(oc_master_node, templates_path, pod_name, jk_url): """Configures jenkins settings and start load Args: pod_name (str): jjb pod name on which script to be executed jk_url (str): jenkins url to executes groovy scripts and configure jenkins jobs through jjb Raises: AssertionError if groovy scripts failed to configure jenkins """ err_msg = "failed to execute groovy script %s" for g_script in JENKINS_GROOVY_SCRIPTS:"execute groovy script %s on jenkins" % g_script) g_script_path = os.path.join(templates_path, "groovy", g_script) cmd = " ".join([ "curl", "-k", "--user", "admin:password", "--data-urlencode", "\"script=$(cat {0})\"".format(g_script_path), "-X", "POST", "{0}/scriptText".format(jk_url) ]) ret, out, err =, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error(err_msg % g_script) raise AssertionError(err_msg % g_script)"start jenkins load script on jjb pod") dest = os.path.join(ROOT, "data") cmd = ["bash", os.path.join(dest, JENKINS_LOAD_SCRIPT), "&"] oc_rsh(oc_master_node, pod_name, cmd)