"""Generic host utility functions. Generic utility functions not specifc to a larger suite of tools. For example, not specific to OCP, Gluster, Heketi, etc. """ import re from glusto.core import Glusto as g ONE_GB_BYTES = 1073741824.0 def get_device_size(host, device_name): """Gets device size for the given device name. Args: host (str): Node in command will be executed. device_name (str): device name for which the size has to be calculated. Returns: str : returns device size in GB on success False otherwise Example: get_device_size(host, device_name) """ cmd = "fdisk -l %s " % device_name ret, out, _ = g.run(host, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to execute fdisk -l command " "on node %s" % host) return False regex = 'Disk\s' + device_name + '.*?,\s(\d+)\sbytes\,.*' match = re.search(regex, out) if match is None: g.log.error("Regex mismatch while parsing fdisk -l output") return False return str(int(int(match.group(1))/ONE_GB_BYTES))