from glusto.core import Glusto import six from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions def monkeypatch_class(name, bases, namespace): assert len(bases) == 1, "Only 1 parent class is supported." base = bases[0] for name, value in namespace.items(): if not name.startswith("__"): setattr(base, name, value) return base @six.add_metaclass(monkeypatch_class) class MonkeyPatchedGlusto(Glusto): @classmethod def _wrapper_for_get_ssh_connection(cls, host, user=None, recreate=False): if recreate and "%s@%s" % (user, host) in cls._ssh_connections: cls.ssh_close_connection(host=host, user=user) ssh = cls._get_ssh_connection(host, user) if not ssh: if "%s@%s" % (user, host) in cls._ssh_connections: cls.ssh_close_connection(host=host, user=user) ssh = cls._get_ssh_connection(host=host, user=user) if not ssh: raise exceptions.ExecutionError( "Failed to establish SSH connection to the '%s' host " "using '%s' user. Plese check availability of the " "hostname and make sure it has passwordless " "connection from your host." % (host, user)) return ssh @classmethod def run(cls, host, command, user=None, log_level=None): """Wrapper for original "run" method fixing broken connections.""" if not user: user = cls.user ctlpersist = '' if cls.use_controlpersist: ctlpersist = " (cp)" # output command"%s@%s%s: %s" % (user, host, ctlpersist, command)) # run the command ssh = cls._wrapper_for_get_ssh_connection(host, user, False) try: proc = ssh.popen(command, universal_newlines=True) except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Failed to establish SSH connection: %s" % six.text_type(e)) cls.log.error(err_msg) ssh = cls._wrapper_for_get_ssh_connection(host, user, True) proc = ssh.popen(command, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() retcode = proc.returncode # output command results identifier = "%s@%s" % (user, host) cls._log_results(identifier, retcode, stdout, stderr, log_level=log_level) return (retcode, stdout, stderr)