import datetime import re import unittest from glusto.core import Glusto as g import six from openshiftstoragelibs import command from openshiftstoragelibs.exceptions import ( ConfigError, ExecutionError, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.gluster_ops import ( get_block_hosting_volume_name, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import ( hello_heketi, heketi_blockvolume_delete, heketi_blockvolume_info, heketi_db_check, heketi_volume_create, heketi_volume_delete, heketi_volume_info, heketi_volume_list, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.node_ops import ( node_add_iptables_rules, node_delete_iptables_rules, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import ( get_block_provisioner, get_pod_name_from_dc, get_pv_name_from_pvc, oc_create_app_dc_with_io, oc_create_pvc, oc_create_sc, oc_create_secret, oc_delete, oc_get_custom_resource, oc_get_pods, oc_label, scale_dcs_pod_amount_and_wait, switch_oc_project, wait_for_pvcs_be_bound, wait_for_pods_be_ready, wait_for_resources_absence, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_storage_libs import ( get_iscsi_block_devices_by_path, get_iscsi_session, get_mpath_name_from_device_name, validate_multipath_pod, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_version import get_openshift_version from openshiftstoragelibs.waiter import Waiter HEKETI_VOLUME_REGEX = "Id:(.*).Cluster:(.*).Name:%s" class BaseClass(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for test classes.""" ERROR_OR_FAILURE_EXISTS = False STOP_ON_FIRST_FAILURE = bool(g.config.get("common", {}).get( "stop_on_first_failure", False)) CHECK_HEKETI_DB_INCONSISTENCIES = ( g.config.get("common", {}).get("check_heketi_db_inconsistencies", True) in (True, 'TRUE', 'True', 'true', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES')) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Initialize all the variables necessary for test cases.""" super(BaseClass, cls).setUpClass() # Initializes OCP config variables cls.ocp_servers_info = g.config['ocp_servers'] cls.ocp_master_node = list(g.config['ocp_servers']['master'].keys()) cls.ocp_master_node_info = g.config['ocp_servers']['master'] cls.ocp_client = list(g.config['ocp_servers']['client'].keys()) cls.ocp_client_info = g.config['ocp_servers']['client'] cls.ocp_nodes = list(g.config['ocp_servers']['nodes'].keys()) cls.ocp_nodes_info = g.config['ocp_servers']['nodes'] # Initializes storage project config variables cls.openshift_config = g.config.get("cns", g.config.get("openshift")) cls.storage_project_name = cls.openshift_config.get( 'storage_project_name', cls.openshift_config.get('setup', {}).get('cns_project_name')) # Initializes heketi config variables heketi_config = cls.openshift_config['heketi_config'] cls.heketi_dc_name = heketi_config['heketi_dc_name'] cls.heketi_service_name = heketi_config['heketi_service_name'] cls.heketi_client_node = heketi_config['heketi_client_node'] cls.heketi_server_url = heketi_config['heketi_server_url'] cls.heketi_cli_user = heketi_config['heketi_cli_user'] cls.heketi_cli_key = heketi_config['heketi_cli_key'] cls.gluster_servers = list(g.config['gluster_servers'].keys()) cls.gluster_servers_info = g.config['gluster_servers'] cls.storage_classes = cls.openshift_config['dynamic_provisioning'][ 'storage_classes'] = cls.storage_classes.get( 'storage_class1', cls.storage_classes.get('file_storage_class')) cls.secret_type = "" cmd = "echo -n %s | base64" % cls.heketi_cli_key ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root") if ret != 0: raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: %s " "err: %s" % ( cmd, cls.ocp_master_node[0], out, err)) cls.secret_data_key = out.strip() # Checks if heketi server is alive if not hello_heketi(cls.heketi_client_node, cls.heketi_server_url): raise ConfigError("Heketi server %s is not alive" % cls.heketi_server_url) # Switch to the storage project if not switch_oc_project( cls.ocp_master_node[0], cls.storage_project_name): raise ExecutionError("Failed to switch oc project on node %s" % cls.ocp_master_node[0]) if 'glustotest_run_id' not in g.config: g.config['glustotest_run_id'] = ('%H_%M_%d_%m_%Y')) cls.glustotest_run_id = g.config['glustotest_run_id'] msg = "Setupclass: %s : %s" % (cls.__name__, cls.glustotest_run_id) def setUp(self): if (BaseClass.STOP_ON_FIRST_FAILURE and BaseClass.ERROR_OR_FAILURE_EXISTS): self.skipTest("Test is skipped, because of the restriction " "to one test case failure.") super(BaseClass, self).setUp() if self.CHECK_HEKETI_DB_INCONSISTENCIES: try: self.heketi_db_inconsistencies = heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) except NotImplementedError as e:"Can not check Heketi DB inconsistencies due to " "the following error: %s" % e) else: self.addCleanup( self.check_heketi_db_inconsistencies, self.heketi_db_inconsistencies["totalinconsistencies"]) msg = "Starting Test : %s : %s" % (, self.glustotest_run_id) def tearDown(self): super(BaseClass, self).tearDown() msg = "Ending Test: %s : %s" % (, self.glustotest_run_id) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(BaseClass, cls).tearDownClass() msg = "Teardownclass: %s : %s" % (cls.__name__, cls.glustotest_run_id) def cmd_run(self, cmd, hostname=None, raise_on_error=True): if not hostname: hostname = self.ocp_master_node[0] return command.cmd_run( cmd=cmd, hostname=hostname, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) def check_heketi_db_inconsistencies( self, number_of_allowed_heketi_db_inconsistencies): current_heketi_db_inconsistencies = heketi_db_check( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) current_number_of_heketi_db_inconsistencies = ( current_heketi_db_inconsistencies["totalinconsistencies"]) error_msg = ( "Before the test case we had %s inconsistencies, but after " "the test case we have %s inconsistencies in the Heketi DB.\n" "'heketi-cli db check' command output is following:\n%s" % ( number_of_allowed_heketi_db_inconsistencies, current_number_of_heketi_db_inconsistencies, current_heketi_db_inconsistencies)) self.assertEqual( number_of_allowed_heketi_db_inconsistencies, current_number_of_heketi_db_inconsistencies, error_msg) def create_secret(self, secret_name_prefix="autotests-secret", secret_type=None): secret_name = oc_create_secret( self.ocp_client[0], secret_name_prefix=secret_name_prefix, namespace=( 'secretnamespace','restsecretnamespace', 'default'))), data_key=self.heketi_cli_key, secret_type=secret_type or self.secret_type) self.addCleanup( oc_delete, self.ocp_client[0], 'secret', secret_name) return secret_name def create_storage_class(self, secret_name=None, sc_name_prefix="autotests-sc", sc_name=None, create_vol_name_prefix=False, vol_name_prefix=None, allow_volume_expansion=False, reclaim_policy="Delete", set_hacount=None, clusterid=None, hacount=None, is_arbiter_vol=False, arbiter_avg_file_size=None, heketi_zone_checking=None, volumeoptions=None): # Create secret if one is not specified if not secret_name: secret_name = self.create_secret() # Create storage class secret_name_option = "secretname" secret_namespace_option = "secretnamespace" provisioner = self.get_provisioner_for_sc() if provisioner != "": secret_name_option = "rest%s" % secret_name_option secret_namespace_option = "rest%s" % secret_namespace_option parameters = { "resturl":["resturl"], "restuser":["restuser"], secret_name_option: secret_name, secret_namespace_option: "secretnamespace","restsecretnamespace")), } if clusterid: parameters["clusterid"] = clusterid if hacount: parameters["hacount"] = six.text_type(hacount) elif set_hacount: parameters["hacount"] ="hacount", "3") if is_arbiter_vol: parameters["volumeoptions"] = "user.heketi.arbiter true" if arbiter_avg_file_size: parameters["volumeoptions"] += ( ",user.heketi.average-file-size %s" % ( arbiter_avg_file_size)) if volumeoptions and "volumeoptions" in parameters.keys(): parameters["volumeoptions"] += ',' + volumeoptions elif volumeoptions: parameters["volumeoptions"] = volumeoptions if heketi_zone_checking: if parameters.get("volumeoptions"): parameters["volumeoptions"] += ( ", %s" % heketi_zone_checking) else: parameters["volumeoptions"] = ( " %s" % heketi_zone_checking) if vol_name_prefix: parameters["volumenameprefix"] = vol_name_prefix elif create_vol_name_prefix: parameters["volumenameprefix"] = "volumenameprefix", "autotest") self.sc_name = oc_create_sc( self.ocp_client[0], sc_name_prefix=sc_name_prefix, sc_name=sc_name, provisioner=provisioner, allow_volume_expansion=allow_volume_expansion, reclaim_policy=reclaim_policy, **parameters) self.addCleanup(oc_delete, self.ocp_client[0], "sc", self.sc_name) return self.sc_name def get_provisioner_for_sc(self): return "" def get_block_provisioner_for_sc(self): return get_block_provisioner(self.ocp_client[0]) def create_and_wait_for_pvcs( self, pvc_size=1, pvc_name_prefix="autotests-pvc", pvc_amount=1, sc_name=None, timeout=120, wait_step=3, skip_waiting=False): """Create multiple PVC's not waiting for it Args: pvc_size (int): size of PVC, default value is 1 pvc_name_prefix (str): volume prefix for each PVC, default value is 'autotests-pvc' pvc_amount (int): number of PVC's, default value is 1 sc_name (str): storage class to create PVC, default value is None, which will cause automatic creation of sc. timeout (int): timeout time for waiting for PVC's to get bound wait_step (int): waiting time between each try of PVC status check skip_waiting (bool): boolean value which defines whether we need to wait for PVC creation or not. Returns: List: list of PVC names """ node = self.ocp_client[0] # Create storage class if not specified if not sc_name: if getattr(self, "sc_name", ""): sc_name = self.sc_name else: sc_name = self.create_storage_class() # Create PVCs pvc_names = [] for i in range(pvc_amount): pvc_name = oc_create_pvc( node, sc_name, pvc_name_prefix=pvc_name_prefix, pvc_size=pvc_size) pvc_names.append(pvc_name) self.addCleanup( wait_for_resources_absence, node, 'pvc', pvc_names) # Wait for PVCs to be in bound state try: if not skip_waiting: wait_for_pvcs_be_bound(node, pvc_names, timeout, wait_step) finally: if get_openshift_version() < "3.9": reclaim_policy = "Delete" else: reclaim_policy = oc_get_custom_resource( node, 'sc', ':.reclaimPolicy', sc_name)[0] for pvc_name in pvc_names: if reclaim_policy == 'Retain': pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(node, pvc_name) if not pv_name and skip_waiting: continue self.addCleanup(oc_delete, node, 'pv', pv_name, raise_on_absence=False) custom = (r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.kubernetes' r'\.io\/heketi\-volume\-id"') vol_id = oc_get_custom_resource( node, 'pv', custom, pv_name)[0] if'provisioner') == "": self.addCleanup(heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_id, raise_on_error=False) else: self.addCleanup(heketi_blockvolume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_id, raise_on_error=False) self.addCleanup(oc_delete, node, 'pvc', pvc_name, raise_on_absence=False) return pvc_names def create_and_wait_for_pvc(self, pvc_size=1, pvc_name_prefix='autotests-pvc', sc_name=None): self.pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs( pvc_size=pvc_size, pvc_name_prefix=pvc_name_prefix, sc_name=sc_name )[0] return self.pvc_name def create_pvcs_not_waiting( self, pvc_size=1, pvc_name_prefix="autotests-pvc", pvc_amount=1, sc_name=None): return self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs( pvc_size=pvc_size, pvc_name_prefix=pvc_name_prefix, pvc_amount=pvc_amount, sc_name=sc_name, skip_waiting=True) def create_dcs_with_pvc(self, pvc_names, timeout=600, wait_step=5): """Create bunch of DCs with app PODs which use unique PVCs. Args: pvc_names (str/set/list/tuple): List/set/tuple of PVC names to attach to app PODs as part of DCs. timeout (int): timeout value, default value is 600 seconds. wait_step( int): wait step, default value is 5 seconds. Returns: dictionary with following structure: { "pvc_name_1": ("dc_name_1", "pod_name_1"), "pvc_name_2": ("dc_name_2", "pod_name_2"), ... "pvc_name_n": ("dc_name_n", "pod_name_n"), } """ pvc_names = ( pvc_names if isinstance(pvc_names, (list, set, tuple)) else [pvc_names]) dc_and_pod_names, dc_names = {}, {} for pvc_name in pvc_names: dc_name = oc_create_app_dc_with_io(self.ocp_client[0], pvc_name) dc_names[pvc_name] = dc_name self.addCleanup(oc_delete, self.ocp_client[0], 'dc', dc_name) self.addCleanup( scale_dcs_pod_amount_and_wait, self.ocp_client[0], dc_names.values(), 0, timeout=timeout, wait_step=wait_step) for pvc_name, dc_name in dc_names.items(): pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(self.ocp_client[0], dc_name) dc_and_pod_names[pvc_name] = (dc_name, pod_name) scale_dcs_pod_amount_and_wait( self.ocp_client[0], dc_names.values(), 1, timeout=timeout, wait_step=wait_step) return dc_and_pod_names def create_dc_with_pvc(self, pvc_name, timeout=300, wait_step=10): return self.create_dcs_with_pvc(pvc_name, timeout, wait_step)[pvc_name] def create_heketi_volume_with_name_and_wait( self, name, size, timeout=600, wait_step=10, **kwargs): json = kwargs.get("json", False) try: h_volume_info = heketi_volume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, size, name=name, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if ('more required' in six.text_type(e) or ('Failed to allocate new volume' in six.text_type(e))): raise for w in Waiter(timeout, wait_step): h_volumes = heketi_volume_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) h_volume_match = HEKETI_VOLUME_REGEX % name, h_volumes) if h_volume_match: h_volume_info = heketi_volume_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url,, json=json) break if w.expired: "Heketi volume with name %s not created in 600 sec" % name) raise self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, h_volume_info["id"]) return h_volume_info def configure_node_to_run_gluster_node(self, storage_hostname): glusterd_status_cmd = "systemctl is-active glusterd" command.cmd_run(glusterd_status_cmd, storage_hostname) ports = ("24010", "3260", "111", "22", "24007", "24008", "49152-49664") add_port = " ".join(["--add-port=%s/tcp" % port for port in ports]) add_firewall_rule_cmd = "firewall-cmd --zone=public %s" % add_port command.cmd_run(add_firewall_rule_cmd, storage_hostname) def configure_node_to_run_gluster_pod(self, storage_hostname): ports = ( "24010", "3260", "111", "2222", "24007", "24008", "49152:49664") iptables_rule_pattern = ( "-p tcp -m state --state NEW -m %s --%s %s -j ACCEPT") iptables_rule_chain = "OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW" iptables_rules = [] for port in ports: if ":" in port: iptables_rules.append( iptables_rule_pattern % ("multiport", "dports", port)) else: iptables_rules.append( iptables_rule_pattern % ("tcp", "dport", port)) node_add_iptables_rules( storage_hostname, iptables_rule_chain, iptables_rules) self.addCleanup( node_delete_iptables_rules, storage_hostname, iptables_rule_chain, iptables_rules) gluster_host_label = "glusterfs=storage-host" gluster_pod_label = "glusterfs=storage-pod" oc_label( self.ocp_client[0], "node", storage_hostname, gluster_host_label) self.addCleanup( wait_for_pods_be_ready, self.ocp_client[0], len(self.gluster_servers), selector=gluster_pod_label) self.addCleanup( oc_label, self.ocp_client[0], "node", storage_hostname, "glusterfs-") wait_for_pods_be_ready( self.ocp_client[0], len(self.gluster_servers) + 1, selector=gluster_pod_label) def is_containerized_gluster(self): cmd = ("oc get pods --no-headers -l glusterfs-node=pod " "-o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName") g_nodes = command.cmd_run(cmd, self.ocp_client[0]) g_nodes = g_nodes.split('\n') if g_nodes else g_nodes return not not g_nodes def configure_node_to_run_gluster(self, storage_host_manage): if self.is_containerized_gluster(): self.configure_node_to_run_gluster_pod(storage_host_manage) else: self.configure_node_to_run_gluster_node(storage_host_manage) def _is_error_or_failure_exists(self): if hasattr(self, '_outcome'): # Python 3.4+ result = self.defaultTestResult() self._feedErrorsToResult(result, self._outcome.errors) else: # Python 2.7-3.3 result = getattr( self, '_outcomeForDoCleanups', self._resultForDoCleanups) ok_result = True for attr in ('errors', 'failures'): if not hasattr(result, attr): continue exc_list = getattr(result, attr) if exc_list and exc_list[-1][0] is self: ok_result = ok_result and not exc_list[-1][1] if hasattr(result, '_excinfo'): ok_result = ok_result and not result._excinfo if ok_result: return False self.ERROR_OR_FAILURE_EXISTS = True BaseClass.ERROR_OR_FAILURE_EXISTS = True return True def doCleanups(self): if (BaseClass.STOP_ON_FIRST_FAILURE and (self.ERROR_OR_FAILURE_EXISTS or self._is_error_or_failure_exists())): while self._cleanups: (func, args, kwargs) = self._cleanups.pop() msg = ("Found test case failure. Avoiding run of scheduled " "following cleanup:\nfunc = %s\nargs = %s\n" "kwargs = %s" % (func, args, kwargs)) g.log.warn(msg) return super(BaseClass, self).doCleanups() @classmethod def doClassCleanups(cls): if (BaseClass.STOP_ON_FIRST_FAILURE and BaseClass.ERROR_OR_FAILURE_EXISTS): while cls._class_cleanups: (func, args, kwargs) = cls._class_cleanups.pop() msg = ("Found test case failure. Avoiding run of scheduled " "following cleanup:\nfunc = %s\nargs = %s\n" "kwargs = %s" % (func, args, kwargs)) g.log.warn(msg) return super(BaseClass, cls).doClassCleanups() class GlusterBlockBaseClass(BaseClass): """Base class for gluster-block test cases.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Initialize all the variables necessary for test cases.""" super(GlusterBlockBaseClass, cls).setUpClass() = cls.storage_classes.get( 'storage_class2', cls.storage_classes.get('block_storage_class')) cls.secret_type = "" def get_provisioner_for_sc(self): return self.get_block_provisioner_for_sc() def verify_iscsi_sessions_and_multipath(self, pvc_name, rname, rtype="dc"): # Get storage ips of glusterfs pods keys = self.gluster_servers gluster_ips = [] for key in keys: gluster_ips.append(self.gluster_servers_info[key]['storage']) gluster_ips.sort() # Find iqn and hacount from volume info pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.ocp_client[0], pvc_name) custom = [r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.org\/volume\-id"'] vol_id = oc_get_custom_resource( self.ocp_client[0], 'pv', custom, pv_name)[0] vol_info = heketi_blockvolume_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_id, json=True) iqn = vol_info['blockvolume']['iqn'] hacount = int(vol_info['hacount']) # Find node on which pod is running if rtype == 'dc': pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(self.ocp_client[0], rname) pod_info = oc_get_pods( self.ocp_client[0], selector='deploymentconfig=%s' % rname) elif rtype == 'pod': pod_info = oc_get_pods(self.ocp_client[0], name=rname) pod_name = rname else: raise NameError("Value of rtype should be either 'dc' or 'pod'") node = pod_info[pod_name]['node'] # Get the iscsi sessions info from the node iscsi = get_iscsi_session(node, iqn) msg = ('Only %s iscsi sessions are present on node %s, expected %s.' % (iscsi, node, hacount)) self.assertEqual(hacount, len(iscsi), msg) iscsi.sort() msg = ("Only gluster Nodes %s were expected in iscsi sessions, " "but got other Nodes %s on Node %s" % ( gluster_ips, iscsi, node)) self.assertEqual(set(iscsi), (set(gluster_ips) & set(iscsi)), msg) # Get the paths info from the node devices = get_iscsi_block_devices_by_path(node, iqn) msg = ("Only %s devices are present on Node %s, expected %s" % ( devices, node, hacount,)) self.assertEqual(hacount, len(devices), msg) # Get mpath names and verify that only one mpath is there mpaths = set() for device in devices.keys(): mpaths.add(get_mpath_name_from_device_name(node, device)) msg = ("Only one mpath was expected on Node %s, but got %s" % ( node, mpaths)) self.assertEqual(1, len(mpaths), msg) validate_multipath_pod( self.ocp_client[0], pod_name, hacount, mpath=list(mpaths)[0]) return iqn, hacount, node def verify_all_paths_are_up_in_multipath( self, mpath_name, hacount, node, timeout=30, interval=5): for w in Waiter(timeout, interval): out = command.cmd_run('multipath -ll %s' % mpath_name, node) count = 0 for line in out.split('\n'): if 'active ready running' in line: count += 1 if hacount == count: break msg = "Paths are not up equal to hacount %s in mpath %s on Node %s" % ( hacount, out, node) self.assertEqual(hacount, count, msg) for state in ['failed', 'faulty', 'undef']: msg = "All paths are not up in mpath %s on Node %s" % (out, node) self.assertNotIn(state, out, msg) def get_block_hosting_volume_by_pvc_name(self, pvc_name): """Get block hosting volume of pvc name given Args: pvc_name (str): pvc name for which the BHV name needs to be returned """ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.ocp_client[0], pvc_name) block_volume = oc_get_custom_resource( self.ocp_client[0], 'pv', r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.org\/volume\-id"', name=pv_name )[0] # get block hosting volume from block volume block_hosting_vol = get_block_hosting_volume_name( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, block_volume) return block_hosting_vol