try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import re import six import time from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster.block_ops import block_list from glustolibs.gluster.heal_libs import is_heal_complete from glustolibs.gluster.volume_ops import ( get_volume_status, get_volume_list, volume_status, volume_start, volume_stop, ) from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import heketi_blockvolume_info from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import ( cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node, get_ocp_gluster_pod_details, ) from openshiftstoragelibs import podcmd from openshiftstoragelibs import waiter @podcmd.GlustoPod() def wait_to_heal_complete( vol_name=None, g_node="auto_get_gluster_endpoint", timeout=300, wait_step=5): """Monitors heal for volumes on gluster Args: vol_name (str): Name of the gluster volume else default is None and will check for all the volumes g_node (str): Name of the gluster node else default is auto_get_gluster_endpoint timeout (int): Time to wait for heal check to complete default is 300 wait_step (int): Time to trigger heal check command for next iteration Raises: AssertionError: In case heal is not complete """ if not vol_name: gluster_vol_list = get_volume_list(g_node) if not gluster_vol_list: raise AssertionError("failed to get gluster volume list") else: gluster_vol_list = [vol_name] _waiter = waiter.Waiter(timeout=timeout, interval=wait_step) for gluster_vol in gluster_vol_list: for w in _waiter: if is_heal_complete(g_node, gluster_vol): # NOTE(vponomar): Reset attempts for waiter to avoid redundant # sleep equal to 'interval' on the next usage. _waiter._attempt = 0 break if w.expired: err_msg = ("reached timeout waiting for all the gluster volumes " "to reach the 'healed' state.") g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) @podcmd.GlustoPod() def get_gluster_vol_status(file_vol, is_detail=False): """Get Gluster vol status. Args: file_vol (str): file volume name. is_detail (bool): True for detailed output else False """ # Get Gluster vol info options = 'detail' if is_detail else '' gluster_volume_status = get_volume_status( "auto_get_gluster_endpoint", file_vol, options=options) if not gluster_volume_status: raise AssertionError("Failed to get volume status for gluster " "volume '%s'" % file_vol) if file_vol in gluster_volume_status: gluster_volume_status = gluster_volume_status.get(file_vol) return gluster_volume_status @podcmd.GlustoPod() def get_gluster_vol_hosting_nodes(file_vol): """Get Gluster vol hosting nodes. Args: file_vol (str): file volume name. """ vol_status = get_gluster_vol_status(file_vol) g_nodes = [] for g_node, g_node_data in vol_status.items(): for process_name, process_data in g_node_data.items(): if not process_name.startswith("/var"): continue g_nodes.append(g_node) return g_nodes @podcmd.GlustoPod() def restart_gluster_vol_brick_processes(ocp_client_node, file_vol, gluster_nodes): """Restarts brick process of a file volume. Args: ocp_client_node (str): Node to execute OCP commands on. file_vol (str): file volume name. gluster_nodes (str/list): One or several IPv4 addresses of Gluster nodes, where 'file_vol' brick processes must be recreated. """ if not isinstance(gluster_nodes, (list, set, tuple)): gluster_nodes = [gluster_nodes] # Get Gluster vol brick PIDs gluster_volume_status = get_gluster_vol_status(file_vol) pids = [] for gluster_node in gluster_nodes: pid = None for g_node, g_node_data in gluster_volume_status.items(): if g_node != gluster_node: continue for process_name, process_data in g_node_data.items(): if not process_name.startswith("/var"): continue pid = process_data["pid"] # When birck is down, pid of the brick is returned as -1. # Which is unexepeted situation. So, add appropriate assertion. assert pid != "-1", ( "Got unexpected PID (-1) for '%s' gluster vol on '%s' " "node." % file_vol, gluster_node) assert pid, ("Could not find 'pid' in Gluster vol data for '%s' " "Gluster node. Data: %s" % ( gluster_node, gluster_volume_status)) pids.append((gluster_node, pid)) # Restart Gluster vol brick processes using found PIDs for gluster_node, pid in pids: cmd = "kill -9 %s" % pid cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node(ocp_client_node, cmd, gluster_node) # Wait for Gluster vol brick processes to be recreated for gluster_node, pid in pids: killed_pid_cmd = "ps -eaf | grep %s | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" _waiter = waiter.Waiter(timeout=60, interval=2) for w in _waiter: result = cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( ocp_client_node, killed_pid_cmd, gluster_node) if result.strip() == pid: continue"Brick process '%s' was killed successfully on '%s'" % ( pid, gluster_node)) break if w.expired: error_msg = ("Process ID '%s' still exists on '%s' after waiting " "for it 60 seconds to get killed." % ( pid, gluster_node)) g.log.error(error_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(error_msg) # Start volume after gluster vol brick processes recreation ret, out, err = volume_start( "auto_get_gluster_endpoint", file_vol, force=True) if ret != 0: err_msg = "Failed to start gluster volume %s on %s. error: %s" % ( file_vol, gluster_node, err) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) @podcmd.GlustoPod() def restart_file_volume(file_vol, sleep_time=120): """Restart file volume (stop and start volume). Args: file_vol (str): name of a file volume """ gluster_volume_status = get_volume_status( "auto_get_gluster_endpoint", file_vol) if not gluster_volume_status: raise AssertionError("failed to get gluster volume status")"Gluster volume %s status\n%s : " % ( file_vol, gluster_volume_status) ) ret, out, err = volume_stop("auto_get_gluster_endpoint", file_vol) if ret != 0: err_msg = "Failed to stop gluster volume %s. error: %s" % ( file_vol, err) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) # Explicit wait to stop ios and pvc creation for 2 mins time.sleep(sleep_time) ret, out, err = volume_start( "auto_get_gluster_endpoint", file_vol, force=True) if ret != 0: err_msg = "failed to start gluster volume %s error: %s" % ( file_vol, err) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) ret, out, err = volume_status("auto_get_gluster_endpoint", file_vol) if ret != 0: err_msg = ("Failed to get status for gluster volume %s error: %s" % ( file_vol, err)) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) @podcmd.GlustoPod() def match_heketi_and_gluster_block_volumes_by_prefix( heketi_block_volumes, block_vol_prefix): """Match block volumes from heketi and gluster. This function can't be used for block volumes with custom prefixes Args: heketi_block_volumes (list): list of heketi block volumes with which gluster block volumes need to be matched block_vol_prefix (str): block volume prefix by which the block volumes needs to be filtered """ gluster_vol_list = get_volume_list("auto_get_gluster_endpoint") gluster_vol_block_list = [] for gluster_vol in gluster_vol_list[1:]: ret, out, err = block_list("auto_get_gluster_endpoint", gluster_vol) try: if ret != 0 and json.loads(out)["RESULT"] == "FAIL": msg = "failed to get block volume list with error: %s" % err g.log.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) except Exception as e: g.log.error(e) raise gluster_vol_block_list.extend([ block_vol.replace(block_vol_prefix, "") for block_vol in json.loads(out)["blocks"] if block_vol.startswith(block_vol_prefix) ]) vol_difference = set(gluster_vol_block_list) ^ set(heketi_block_volumes) if vol_difference: err_msg = "Gluster and Heketi Block volume list match failed" err_msg += "\nGluster Volumes: %s, " % gluster_vol_block_list err_msg += "\nBlock volumes %s" % heketi_block_volumes err_msg += "\nDifference: %s" % vol_difference raise AssertionError(err_msg) @podcmd.GlustoPod() def get_block_hosting_volume_name(heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, block_volume, gluster_node=None, ocp_client_node=None): """Returns block hosting volume name of given block volume Args: heketi_client_node (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url block_volume (str): Block volume of which block hosting volume returned Kwargs: gluster_node (str): gluster node/pod ip where gluster command can be run ocp_client_node (str): OCP client node where oc commands can be run Returns: str : Name of the block hosting volume for given block volume """ block_vol_info = heketi_blockvolume_info( heketi_client_node, heketi_server_url, block_volume ) for line in block_vol_info.splitlines(): block_hosting_vol_match = "^Block Hosting Volume: (.*)$", line ) if not block_hosting_vol_match: continue if gluster_node and ocp_client_node: cmd = 'gluster volume list' gluster_vol_list = cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( ocp_client_node, cmd, gluster_node).split('\n') else: gluster_vol_list = get_volume_list('auto_get_gluster_endpoint') for vol in gluster_vol_list: if in vol: return vol @podcmd.GlustoPod() def match_heketi_and_gluster_volumes_by_prefix(heketi_volumes, prefix): """Match volumes from heketi and gluster using given volume name prefix Args: heketi_volumes (list): List of heketi volumes with which gluster volumes need to be matched prefix (str): Volume prefix by which the volumes needs to be filtered """ g_vol_list = get_volume_list("auto_get_gluster_endpoint") g_volumes = [ g_vol.replace(prefix, "") for g_vol in g_vol_list if g_vol.startswith(prefix)] vol_difference = set(heketi_volumes) ^ set(g_volumes) err_msg = ("Heketi and Gluster volume list match failed" "Heketi volumes: {}, Gluster Volumes: {}," "Difference: {}" .format(heketi_volumes, g_volumes, vol_difference)) assert not vol_difference, err_msg @podcmd.GlustoPod() def get_gluster_vol_free_inodes_with_hosts_of_bricks(vol_name): """Get the inodes of gluster volume Args: vol_name (str): Name of the gluster volume Returns: dict : Host ip mapped with dict of brick processes and free inodes Example: >>> get_gluster_vol_free_inodes_with_hosts_of_bricks('testvol') { node_ip1:{ 'brick_process1':'free_inodes', 'brick_process2':'free_inodes'}, node_ip2:{ 'brick_process1':'free_inodes', 'brick_process2':'free_inodes'}, } """ hosts_with_inodes_info = dict() # Get the detailed status of volume vol_status = get_gluster_vol_status(vol_name, is_detail=True) # Fetch the node ip, brick processes and free inodes from the status for g_node, g_node_data in vol_status.items(): for brick_process, process_data in g_node_data.items(): if not brick_process.startswith("/var"): continue if g_node not in hosts_with_inodes_info: hosts_with_inodes_info[g_node] = dict() inodes_info = {brick_process: process_data["inodesFree"]} hosts_with_inodes_info[g_node].update(inodes_info) return hosts_with_inodes_info def _get_gluster_cmd(target, command): if isinstance(command, six.string_types): command = [command] ocp_client_node = list(g.config['ocp_servers']['client'].keys())[0] gluster_pods = get_ocp_gluster_pod_details(ocp_client_node) if target == 'auto_get_gluster_endpoint': if gluster_pods: target = podcmd.Pod(ocp_client_node, gluster_pods[0]["pod_name"]) else: target = list(g.config.get("gluster_servers", {}).keys())[0] elif not isinstance(target, podcmd.Pod) and gluster_pods: for g_pod in gluster_pods: if target in (g_pod['pod_host_ip'], g_pod['pod_hostname']): target = podcmd.Pod(ocp_client_node, g_pod['pod_name']) break if isinstance(target, podcmd.Pod): return target.node, ' '.join(['oc', 'rsh', target.podname] + command) return target, ' '.join(command) def get_peer_status(mnode): """Parse the output of command 'gluster peer status' using run_async. Args: mnode (str): Node on which command has to be executed. Returns: NoneType: None if command execution fails or parse errors. list: list of dicts on success. Examples: >>> get_peer_status(mnode = '') [{'uuid': '77dc299a-32f7-43d8-9977-7345a344c398', 'hostname': '', 'state': '3', 'hostnames' : [''], 'connected': '1', 'stateStr': 'Peer in Cluster'}, {'uuid': 'b15b8337-9f8e-4ec3-8bdb-200d6a67ae12', 'hostname': '', 'state': '3', 'hostnames': [''], 'connected': '1', 'stateStr': 'Peer in Cluster'} ] """ mnode, cmd = _get_gluster_cmd(mnode, "gluster peer status --xml") obj = g.run_async(mnode, cmd, log_level='DEBUG') ret, out, err = obj.async_communicate() if ret: g.log.error( "Failed to execute peer status command on node {} with error " "{}".format(mnode, err)) return None try: root = etree.XML(out) except etree.ParseError: g.log.error("Failed to parse the gluster peer status xml output.") return None peer_status_list = [] for peer in root.findall("peerStatus/peer"): peer_dict = {} for element in peer.getchildren(): if element.tag == "hostnames": hostnames_list = [] for hostname in element.getchildren(): hostnames_list.append(hostname.text) element.text = hostnames_list peer_dict[element.tag] = element.text peer_status_list.append(peer_dict) return peer_status_list