"""Helper functions for working with names for volumes, resources, etc. """ import string import random import re # we only use lowercase here because kubernetes requires # names to be lowercase or digits, so that is our default UNIQUE_CHARS = (string.lowercase + string.digits) def make_unique_label(prefix=None, suffix=None, sep='-', clean=r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', unique_len=8, unique_chars=UNIQUE_CHARS): """Generate a unique name string based on an optional prefix, suffix, and pseudo-random set of alphanumeric characters. Args: prefix (str): Start of the unique string. suffix (str): End of the unique string. sep (str): Separator string (between sections/invalid chars). clean (str): Reqular expression matching invalid chars. that will be replaced by `sep` if found in the prefix or suffix unique_len (int): Length of the unique part. unique_chars (str): String representing the set of characters the unique part will draw from. Returns: str: The uniqueish string. """ cre = re.compile(clean) parts = [] if prefix: parts.append(cre.sub(sep, prefix)) parts.append(''.join(random.choice(unique_chars) for _ in range(unique_len))) if suffix: parts.append(cre.sub(sep, suffix)) return sep.join(parts) def extract_method_name(full_name, keep_class=False): """Given a full test name as returned from TestCase.id() return just the method part or class.method. Args: full_name (str): Dot separated name of test. keep_class (str): Retain the class name, if false only the method name will be returned. Returns: str: Method name or class.method_name. """ offset = -1 if keep_class: offset = -2 return '.'.join(full_name.split('.')[offset:])