"""Library for openshift operations. Various utility functions for interacting with OCP/OpenShift. """ import base64 try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json import re from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster import volume_ops import mock import six import yaml from openshiftstoragelibs import command from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_version from openshiftstoragelibs import utils from openshiftstoragelibs import waiter from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import ( heketi_blockvolume_info, heketi_volume_info, ) PODS_WIDE_RE = re.compile( r'(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*\n') SERVICE_STATUS = "systemctl status %s" SERVICE_RESTART = "systemctl restart %s" SERVICE_STATUS_REGEX = r"Active: active \((.*)\) since .*;.*" def oc_get_pods(ocp_node, selector=None): """Gets the pods info with 'wide' option in the current project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. selector (str): optional option. Selector for OCP pods. example: "glusterfs-node=pod" for filtering out only Gluster PODs. Returns: dict : dict of pods info in the current project. """ cmd = "oc get -o wide --no-headers=true pods" if selector: cmd += " --selector %s" % selector ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to get ocp pods on node %s" % ocp_node) raise AssertionError('failed to get pods: %r' % (err,)) return _parse_wide_pods_output(out) def _parse_wide_pods_output(output): """Parse the output of `oc get -o wide pods`. """ # Interestingly, the output of get pods is "cooked" in such a way that # the values in the ready, status, & restart fields are not accessible # from YAML/JSON/templating forcing us to scrape the output for # these values # (at the time of this writing the logic is in # printPodBase in kubernetes/pkg/printers/internalversion/printers.go ) # Possibly obvious, but if you don't need those values you can # use the YAML output directly. # # TODO: Add unit tests for this parser pods_info = {} for each_pod_info in PODS_WIDE_RE.findall(output): pods_info[each_pod_info[0]] = { 'ready': each_pod_info[1], 'status': each_pod_info[2], 'restarts': each_pod_info[3], 'age': each_pod_info[4], 'ip': each_pod_info[5], 'node': each_pod_info[6], } return pods_info def oc_get_pods_full(ocp_node): """Gets all the pod info via YAML in the current project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. Returns: dict: The YAML output converted to python objects (a top-level dict) """ cmd = "oc get -o yaml pods" ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to get ocp pods on node %s" % ocp_node) raise AssertionError('failed to get pods: %r' % (err,)) return yaml.load(out) def get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(ocp_node): """Gets the gluster pod names in the current project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. Returns: list : list of gluster pod names in the current project. Empty list, if there are no gluster pods. Example: get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(ocp_node) """ pod_names = list(oc_get_pods(ocp_node).keys()) return [pod for pod in pod_names if pod.startswith('glusterfs-')] def get_amount_of_gluster_nodes(ocp_node): """Calculate amount of Gluster nodes. Args: ocp_node (str): node to run 'oc' commands on. Returns: Integer value as amount of either GLuster PODs or Gluster nodes. """ # Containerized Gluster gluster_pods = get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(ocp_node) if gluster_pods: return len(gluster_pods) # Standalone Gluster configured_gluster_nodes = len(g.config.get("gluster_servers", {})) if configured_gluster_nodes: return configured_gluster_nodes raise exceptions.ConfigError( "Haven't found neither Gluster PODs nor Gluster nodes.") def switch_oc_project(ocp_node, project_name): """Switch to the given project. Args: ocp_node (str): Node in which ocp command will be executed. project_name (str): Project name. Returns: bool : True on switching to given project. False otherwise Example: switch_oc_project(ocp_node, "storage-project") """ cmd = "oc project %s" % project_name ret, _, _ = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error("Failed to switch to project %s" % project_name) return False return True def oc_rsync(ocp_node, pod_name, src_dir_path, dest_dir_path): """Sync file from 'src_dir_path' path on ocp_node to 'dest_dir_path' path on 'pod_name' using 'oc rsync' command. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which oc rsync command will be executed pod_name (str): Name of the pod on which source directory to be mounted src_dir_path (path): Source path from which directory to be mounted dest_dir_path (path): destination path to which directory to be mounted """ ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, ['oc', 'rsync', src_dir_path, '%s:%s' % (pod_name, dest_dir_path)]) if ret != 0: error_msg = 'failed to sync directory in pod: %r; %r' % (out, err) g.log.error(error_msg) raise AssertionError(error_msg) def oc_rsh(ocp_node, pod_name, command, log_level=None): """Run a command in the ocp pod using `oc rsh`. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which oc rsh command will be executed. pod_name (str): Name of the pod on which the command will be executed. command (str|list): command to run. log_level (str|None): log level to be passed to glusto's run method. Returns: A tuple consisting of the command return code, stdout, and stderr. """ prefix = ['oc', 'rsh', pod_name] if isinstance(command, six.string_types): cmd = ' '.join(prefix + [command]) else: cmd = prefix + command # unpack the tuple to make sure our return value exactly matches # our docstring ret, stdout, stderr = g.run(ocp_node, cmd, log_level=log_level) return (ret, stdout, stderr) def oc_create(ocp_node, value, value_type='file'): """Create a resource based on the contents of the given file name. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run value (str): Filename (on remote) or file data to be passed to oc create command. value_type (str): either 'file' or 'stdin'. Raises: AssertionError: Raised when resource fails to create. """ if value_type == 'file': cmd = ['oc', 'create', '-f', value] else: cmd = ['echo', '\'%s\'' % value, '|', 'oc', 'create', '-f', '-'] ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: msg = 'Failed to create resource: %r; %r' % (out, err) g.log.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) g.log.info('Created resource from %s.' % value_type) def oc_process(ocp_node, params, filename): """Create a resource template based on the contents of the given filename and params provided. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run filename (str): Filename (on remote) to be passed to oc process command. Returns: template generated through process command Raises: AssertionError: Raised when resource fails to create. """ ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, ['oc', 'process', '-f', filename, params]) if ret != 0: error_msg = 'failed to create process: %r; %r' % (out, err) g.log.error(error_msg) raise AssertionError(error_msg) g.log.info('Created resource from file (%s)', filename) return out def oc_create_secret(hostname, secret_name_prefix="autotests-secret-", namespace="default", data_key="password", secret_type="kubernetes.io/glusterfs"): """Create secret using data provided as stdin input. Args: hostname (str): Node on which 'oc create' command will be executed. secret_name_prefix (str): secret name will consist of this prefix and random str. namespace (str): name of a namespace to create a secret in data_key (str): plain text value for secret which will be transformed into base64 string automatically. secret_type (str): type of the secret, which will be created. Returns: name of a secret """ secret_name = "%s-%s" % (secret_name_prefix, utils.get_random_str()) data_key = data_key.encode('utf-8') secret_data = json.dumps({ "apiVersion": "v1", "data": {"key": base64.b64encode(data_key)}, "kind": "Secret", "metadata": { "name": secret_name, "namespace": namespace, }, "type": secret_type, }) oc_create(hostname, secret_data, 'stdin') return secret_name def oc_create_sc(hostname, sc_name_prefix="autotests-sc", provisioner="kubernetes.io/glusterfs", allow_volume_expansion=False, reclaim_policy="Delete", **parameters): """Create storage class using data provided as stdin input. Args: hostname (str): Node on which 'oc create' command will be executed. sc_name_prefix (str): sc name will consist of this prefix and random str. provisioner (str): name of the provisioner allow_volume_expansion (bool): Set it to True if need to allow volume expansion. Kvargs: All the keyword arguments are expected to be key and values of 'parameters' section for storage class. """ allowed_parameters = ( 'resturl', 'secretnamespace', 'restuser', 'secretname', 'restauthenabled', 'restsecretnamespace', 'restsecretname', 'hacount', 'clusterids', 'chapauthenabled', 'volumenameprefix', 'volumeoptions', 'volumetype' ) for parameter in parameters.keys(): if parameter.lower() not in allowed_parameters: parameters.pop(parameter) sc_name = "%s-%s" % (sc_name_prefix, utils.get_random_str()) sc_data = json.dumps({ "kind": "StorageClass", "apiVersion": "storage.k8s.io/v1", "metadata": {"name": sc_name}, "provisioner": provisioner, "reclaimPolicy": reclaim_policy, "parameters": parameters, "allowVolumeExpansion": allow_volume_expansion, }) oc_create(hostname, sc_data, 'stdin') return sc_name def oc_create_pvc(hostname, sc_name=None, pvc_name_prefix="autotests-pvc", pvc_size=1): """Create PVC using data provided as stdin input. Args: hostname (str): Node on which 'oc create' command will be executed. sc_name (str): name of a storage class to create PVC in. pvc_name_prefix (str): PVC name will consist of this prefix and random str. pvc_size (int/str): size of PVC in Gb """ pvc_name = "%s-%s" % (pvc_name_prefix, utils.get_random_str()) metadata = {"name": pvc_name} if sc_name: metadata["annotations"] = { "volume.kubernetes.io/storage-class": sc_name, "volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class": sc_name, } pvc_data = json.dumps({ "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": metadata, "spec": { "accessModes": ["ReadWriteOnce"], "resources": {"requests": {"storage": "%sGi" % pvc_size}} }, }) oc_create(hostname, pvc_data, 'stdin') return pvc_name def oc_create_app_dc_with_io( hostname, pvc_name, dc_name_prefix="autotests-dc-with-app-io", replicas=1, space_to_use=1048576): """Create DC with app PODs and attached PVC, constantly running I/O. Args: hostname (str): Node on which 'oc create' command will be executed. pvc_name (str): name of the Persistent Volume Claim to attach to the application PODs where constant I/O will run. dc_name_prefix (str): DC name will consist of this prefix and random str. replicas (int): amount of application POD replicas. space_to_use (int): value in bytes which will be used for I/O. """ dc_name = "%s-%s" % (dc_name_prefix, utils.get_random_str()) container_data = { "name": dc_name, "image": "cirros", "volumeMounts": [{"mountPath": "/mnt", "name": dc_name}], "command": ["sh"], "args": [ "-ec", "trap \"rm -f /mnt/random-data-$HOSTNAME.log ; exit 0\" SIGTERM; " "while true; do " " (mount | grep '/mnt') && " " (head -c %s < /dev/urandom > /mnt/random-data-$HOSTNAME.log) ||" " exit 1; " " sleep 1 ; " "done" % space_to_use, ], "livenessProbe": { "initialDelaySeconds": 3, "periodSeconds": 3, "exec": {"command": [ "sh", "-ec", "mount | grep '/mnt' && " " head -c 1 < /dev/urandom >> /mnt/random-data-$HOSTNAME.log" ]}, }, } dc_data = json.dumps({ "kind": "DeploymentConfig", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"name": dc_name}, "spec": { "replicas": replicas, "triggers": [{"type": "ConfigChange"}], "paused": False, "revisionHistoryLimit": 2, "template": { "metadata": {"labels": {"name": dc_name}}, "spec": { "restartPolicy": "Always", "volumes": [{ "name": dc_name, "persistentVolumeClaim": {"claimName": pvc_name}, }], "containers": [container_data], "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 20, } } } }) oc_create(hostname, dc_data, 'stdin') return dc_name def oc_create_tiny_pod_with_volume(hostname, pvc_name, pod_name_prefix='', mount_path='/mnt'): """Create tiny POD from image in 10Mb with attached volume at /mnt""" pod_name = "%s-%s" % (pod_name_prefix, utils.get_random_str()) pod_data = json.dumps({ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": pod_name, }, "spec": { "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 20, "containers": [{ "name": pod_name, "image": "cirros", # noqa: 10 Mb! linux image "volumeMounts": [{"mountPath": mount_path, "name": "vol"}], "command": [ "/bin/sh", "-ec", "trap 'exit 0' SIGTERM ; " "while :; do echo '.'; sleep 5 ; done", ] }], "volumes": [{ "name": "vol", "persistentVolumeClaim": {"claimName": pvc_name}, }], "restartPolicy": "Never", } }) oc_create(hostname, pod_data, 'stdin') return pod_name def oc_delete(ocp_node, rtype, name, raise_on_absence=True): """Delete an OCP resource by name. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run. rtype (str): Name of the resource type (pod, storageClass, etc). name (str): Name of the resource to delete. raise_on_absence (bool): if resource absent raise exception if value is true, else return default value: True """ if not oc_get_yaml(ocp_node, rtype, name, raise_on_error=raise_on_absence): return cmd = ['oc', 'delete', rtype, name] if openshift_version.get_openshift_version() >= '3.11': cmd.append('--wait=false') ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error('Failed to delete resource: %s, %s: %r; %r', rtype, name, out, err) raise AssertionError('failed to delete resource: %r; %r' % (out, err)) g.log.info('Deleted resource: %r %r', rtype, name) def oc_get_custom_resource(ocp_node, rtype, custom, name=None, selector=None, raise_on_error=True): """Get an OCP resource by custom column names. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run. rtype (str): Name of the resource type (pod, storageClass, etc). custom (str): Name of the custom columm to fetch. name (str|None): Name of the resource to fetch. selector (str|list|None): Column Name or list of column names select to. raise_on_error (bool): If set to true a failure to fetch resource inforation will raise an error, otherwise an empty dict will be returned. Returns: list: List containting data about the resource custom column Raises: AssertionError: Raised when unable to get resource and `raise_on_error` is true. Example: Get all "pvc" with "metadata.name" parameter values: pvc_details = oc_get_custom_resource( ocp_node, "pvc", ":.metadata.name" ) """ cmd = ['oc', 'get', rtype, '--no-headers'] cmd.append('-o=custom-columns=%s' % ( ','.join(custom) if isinstance(custom, list) else custom)) if selector: cmd.append('--selector %s' % ( ','.join(selector) if isinstance(selector, list) else selector)) if name: cmd.append(name) ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error('Failed to get %s: %s: %r', rtype, name, err) if raise_on_error: raise AssertionError('failed to get %s: %s: %r' % (rtype, name, err)) return [] if name: return list(filter(None, map(str.strip, (out.strip()).split(' ')))) else: out_list = [] for line in (out.strip()).split('\n'): out_list.append( list(filter(None, map(str.strip, line.split(' '))))) return out_list def oc_get_yaml(ocp_node, rtype, name=None, raise_on_error=True): """Get an OCP resource by name. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run. rtype (str): Name of the resource type (pod, storageClass, etc). name (str|None): Name of the resource to fetch. raise_on_error (bool): If set to true a failure to fetch resource inforation will raise an error, otherwise an empty dict will be returned. Returns: dict: Dictionary containting data about the resource Raises: AssertionError: Raised when unable to get resource and `raise_on_error` is true. """ cmd = ['oc', 'get', '-oyaml', rtype] if name is not None: cmd.append(name) ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd) if ret != 0: g.log.error('Failed to get %s: %s: %r', rtype, name, err) if raise_on_error: raise AssertionError('failed to get %s: %s: %r' % (rtype, name, err)) return {} return yaml.load(out) def oc_get_pvc(ocp_node, name): """Get information on a persistant volume claim. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run. name (str): Name of the PVC. Returns: dict: Dictionary containting data about the PVC. """ return oc_get_yaml(ocp_node, 'pvc', name) def oc_get_pv(ocp_node, name): """Get information on a persistant volume. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run. name (str): Name of the PV. Returns: dict: Dictionary containting data about the PV. """ return oc_get_yaml(ocp_node, 'pv', name) def oc_get_all_pvs(ocp_node): """Get information on all persistent volumes. Args: ocp_node (str): Node on which the ocp command will run. Returns: dict: Dictionary containting data about the PV. """ return oc_get_yaml(ocp_node, 'pv', None) def create_namespace(hostname, namespace): ''' This function creates namespace Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we need to create namespace namespace (str): project name Returns: bool: True if successful and if already exists, otherwise False ''' cmd = "oc new-project %s" % namespace ret, out, err = g.run(hostname, cmd, "root") if ret == 0: g.log.info("new namespace %s successfully created" % namespace) return True output = out.strip().split("\n")[0] if "already exists" in output: g.log.info("namespace %s already exists" % namespace) return True g.log.error("failed to create namespace %s" % namespace) return False def wait_for_resource_absence(ocp_node, rtype, name, interval=5, timeout=300): _waiter = waiter.Waiter(timeout=timeout, interval=interval) resource, pv_name = None, None for w in _waiter: try: resource = oc_get_yaml(ocp_node, rtype, name, raise_on_error=True) except AssertionError: break if rtype == 'pvc': cmd = "oc get pv -o=custom-columns=:.spec.claimRef.name | grep %s" % ( name) for w in _waiter: ret, out, err = g.run(ocp_node, cmd, "root") _pv_name = out.strip() if _pv_name and not pv_name: pv_name = _pv_name if ret != 0: break if w.expired: # Gather more info for ease of debugging try: r_events = get_events(ocp_node, obj_name=name) except Exception: r_events = '?' error_msg = ( "%s '%s' still exists after waiting for it %d seconds.\n" "Resource info: %s\n" "Resource related events: %s" % ( rtype, name, timeout, resource, r_events)) if rtype == 'pvc' and pv_name: try: pv_events = get_events(ocp_node, obj_name=pv_name) except Exception: pv_events = '?' error_msg += "\nPV events: %s" % pv_events g.log.error(error_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(error_msg) def scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait(hostname, dc_name, pod_amount=1, namespace=None): """Scale amount of PODs for a DC. If pod_amount is 0, then wait for it's absence. If pod_amount => 1, then wait for all of a DC PODs to be ready. Args: hostname (str): Node on which the ocp command will run dc_name (str): Name of heketi dc pod_amount (int): Number of PODs to scale. Default is 1. namespace (str): Namespace of a DC. """ namespace_arg = "--namespace=%s" % namespace if namespace else "" scale_cmd = "oc scale --replicas=%d dc/%s %s" % ( pod_amount, dc_name, namespace_arg) command.cmd_run(scale_cmd, hostname=hostname) pod_names = get_pod_names_from_dc(hostname, dc_name) for pod_name in pod_names: if pod_amount == 0: wait_for_resource_absence(hostname, 'pod', pod_name) else: wait_for_pod_be_ready(hostname, pod_name) return pod_names def get_gluster_pod_names_by_pvc_name(ocp_node, pvc_name): """Get Gluster POD names, whose nodes store bricks for specified PVC. Args: ocp_node (str): Node to execute OCP commands on. pvc_name (str): Name of a PVC to get related Gluster PODs. Returns: list: List of dicts, which consist of following 3 key-value pairs: pod_name=, host_name=, host_ip= """ # Check storage provisioner sp_cmd = ( r'oc get pvc %s --no-headers -o=custom-columns=' r':.metadata.annotations."volume\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/' r'storage\-provisioner"' % pvc_name) sp_raw = command.cmd_run(sp_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) sp = sp_raw.strip() # Get node IPs if sp == "kubernetes.io/glusterfs": pv_info = get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name(ocp_node, pvc_name) gluster_pod_nodes_ips = [ brick["name"].split(":")[0] for brick in pv_info["bricks"]["brick"] ] elif sp == "gluster.org/glusterblock": get_gluster_pod_node_ip_cmd = ( r"""oc get pv --template '{{range .items}}""" + r"""{{if eq .spec.claimRef.name "%s"}}""" + r"""{{.spec.iscsi.targetPortal}}{{" "}}""" + r"""{{.spec.iscsi.portals}}{{end}}{{end}}'""") % ( pvc_name) node_ips_raw = command.cmd_run( get_gluster_pod_node_ip_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) node_ips_raw = node_ips_raw.replace( "[", " ").replace("]", " ").replace(",", " ") gluster_pod_nodes_ips = [ s.strip() for s in node_ips_raw.split(" ") if s.strip() ] else: assert False, "Unexpected storage provisioner: %s" % sp # Get node names get_node_names_cmd = ( "oc get node -o wide | grep -e '%s ' | awk '{print $1}'" % ( " ' -e '".join(gluster_pod_nodes_ips))) gluster_pod_node_names = command.cmd_run( get_node_names_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) gluster_pod_node_names = [ node_name.strip() for node_name in gluster_pod_node_names.split("\n") if node_name.strip() ] node_count = len(gluster_pod_node_names) err_msg = "Expected more than one node hosting Gluster PODs. Got '%s'." % ( node_count) assert (node_count > 1), err_msg # Get Gluster POD names which are located on the filtered nodes get_pod_name_cmd = ( "oc get pods --all-namespaces " "-o=custom-columns=:.metadata.name,:.spec.nodeName,:.status.hostIP | " "grep 'glusterfs-' | grep -e '%s '" % "' -e '".join( gluster_pod_node_names) ) out = command.cmd_run( get_pod_name_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) data = [] for line in out.split("\n"): pod_name, host_name, host_ip = [ el.strip() for el in line.split(" ") if el.strip()] data.append({ "pod_name": pod_name, "host_name": host_name, "host_ip": host_ip, }) pod_count = len(data) err_msg = "Expected 3 or more Gluster PODs to be found. Actual is '%s'" % ( pod_count) assert (pod_count > 2), err_msg return data def cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node(ocp_client_node, cmd, gluster_node=None): """Run shell command on either Gluster PODs or Gluster nodes. Args: ocp_client_node (str): Node to execute OCP commands on. cmd (str): shell command to run. gluster_node (str): optional. Allows to chose specific gluster node, keeping abstraction from deployment type. Can be either IP address or node name from "oc get nodes" command. Returns: Output of a shell command as string object. """ # Containerized Glusterfs gluster_pods = oc_get_pods(ocp_client_node, selector="glusterfs-node=pod") err_msg = "" if gluster_pods: if gluster_node: for pod_name, pod_data in gluster_pods.items(): if gluster_node in (pod_data["ip"], pod_data["node"]): gluster_pod_names = [pod_name] break else: raise exceptions.ExecutionError( "Could not find Gluster PODs with node filter as " "'%s'." % gluster_node) else: gluster_pod_names = list(gluster_pods.keys()) for gluster_pod_name in gluster_pod_names: try: pod_cmd = "oc exec %s -- %s" % (gluster_pod_name, cmd) return command.cmd_run(pod_cmd, hostname=ocp_client_node) except Exception as e: err = ("Failed to run '%s' command on '%s' Gluster POD. " "Error: %s\n" % (cmd, gluster_pod_name, e)) err_msg += err g.log.error(err) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) # Standalone Glusterfs if gluster_node: g_hosts = [gluster_node] else: g_hosts = list(g.config.get("gluster_servers", {}).keys()) for g_host in g_hosts: try: return command.cmd_run(cmd, hostname=g_host) except Exception as e: err = ("Failed to run '%s' command on '%s' Gluster node. " "Error: %s\n" % (cmd, g_host, e)) err_msg += err g.log.error(err) if not err_msg: raise exceptions.ExecutionError( "Haven't found neither Gluster PODs nor Gluster nodes.") raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name(ocp_node, pvc_name): """Get Gluster volume info based on the PVC name. Args: ocp_node (str): Node to execute OCP commands on. pvc_name (str): Name of a PVC to get bound Gluster volume info. Returns: dict: Dictionary containting data about a Gluster volume. """ # Get PV ID from PVC get_pvc_cmd = "oc get pvc %s -o=custom-columns=:.spec.volumeName" % ( pvc_name) pv_name = command.cmd_run(get_pvc_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) assert pv_name, "PV name should not be empty: '%s'" % pv_name # Get volume ID from PV get_pv_cmd = "oc get pv %s -o=custom-columns=:.spec.glusterfs.path" % ( pv_name) vol_id = command.cmd_run(get_pv_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) assert vol_id, "Gluster volume ID should not be empty: '%s'" % vol_id vol_info_cmd = "gluster v info %s --xml" % vol_id vol_info = cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node(ocp_node, vol_info_cmd) # Parse XML output to python dict with mock.patch('glusto.core.Glusto.run', return_value=(0, vol_info, '')): vol_info = volume_ops.get_volume_info(vol_id) vol_info = vol_info[list(vol_info.keys())[0]] vol_info["gluster_vol_id"] = vol_id return vol_info def get_gluster_blockvol_info_by_pvc_name(ocp_node, heketi_server_url, pvc_name): """Get Gluster block volume info based on the PVC name. Args: ocp_node (str): Node to execute OCP commands on. heketi_server_url (str): Heketi server url pvc_name (str): Name of a PVC to get bound Gluster block volume info. Returns: dict: Dictionary containting data about a Gluster block volume. """ # Get block volume Name and ID from PV which is bound to our PVC get_block_vol_data_cmd = ( r'oc get pv --no-headers -o custom-columns=' r':.metadata.annotations.glusterBlockShare,' r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.org\/volume\-id",' r':.spec.claimRef.name | grep "%s"' % pvc_name) out = command.cmd_run(get_block_vol_data_cmd, hostname=ocp_node) parsed_out = list(filter(None, map(str.strip, out.split(" ")))) assert len(parsed_out) == 3, "Expected 3 fields in following: %s" % out block_vol_name, block_vol_id = parsed_out[:2] # Get block hosting volume ID block_hosting_vol_id = heketi_blockvolume_info( ocp_node, heketi_server_url, block_vol_id, json=True )["blockhostingvolume"] # Get block hosting volume name by it's ID block_hosting_vol_name = heketi_volume_info( ocp_node, heketi_server_url, block_hosting_vol_id, json=True)['name'] # Get Gluster block volume info vol_info_cmd = "gluster-block info %s/%s --json" % ( block_hosting_vol_name, block_vol_name) vol_info = cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node(ocp_node, vol_info_cmd) return json.loads(vol_info) def wait_for_pod_be_ready(hostname, pod_name, timeout=1200, wait_step=60): ''' This funciton waits for pod to be in ready state Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to check the pod status pod_name (str): pod_name for which we need the status timeout (int): timeout value,, default value is 1200 sec wait_step( int): wait step, default value is 60 sec Returns: bool: True if pod status is Running and ready state, otherwise Raise Exception ''' for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): # command to find pod status and its phase cmd = ("oc get pods %s -o=custom-columns=" ":.status.containerStatuses[0].ready," ":.status.phase") % pod_name ret, out, err = g.run(hostname, cmd, "root") if ret != 0: msg = "Failed to execute cmd: %s\nout: %s\nerr: %s" % ( cmd, out, err) g.log.error(msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg) output = out.strip().split() # command to find if pod is ready if output[0] == "true" and output[1] == "Running": g.log.info("pod %s is in ready state and is " "Running" % pod_name) return True elif output[1] == "Error": msg = ("pod %s status error" % pod_name) g.log.error(msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg) else: g.log.info("pod %s ready state is %s," " phase is %s," " sleeping for %s sec" % ( pod_name, output[0], output[1], wait_step)) continue if w.expired: err_msg = ("exceeded timeout %s for waiting for pod %s " "to be in ready state" % (timeout, pod_name)) g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def get_pod_names_from_dc(hostname, dc_name, timeout=180, wait_step=3): """Return list of POD names by their DC. Args: hostname (str): hostname on which 'oc' commands will be executed. dc_name (str): deployment_confidg name timeout (int): timeout value. Default value is 180 sec. wait_step( int): Wait step, default value is 3 sec. Returns: list: list of strings which are POD names Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError """ get_replicas_amount_cmd = ( "oc get dc --no-headers --all-namespaces " "-o=custom-columns=:.spec.replicas,:.metadata.name " "| grep '%s' | awk '{print $1}'" % dc_name) replicas = int(command.cmd_run( get_replicas_amount_cmd, hostname=hostname)) get_pod_names_cmd = ( "oc get pods --all-namespaces -o=custom-columns=:.metadata.name " "--no-headers=true --selector deploymentconfig=%s" % dc_name) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): out = command.cmd_run(get_pod_names_cmd, hostname=hostname) pod_names = [o.strip() for o in out.split('\n') if o.strip()] if len(pod_names) != replicas: continue g.log.info( "POD names for '%s' DC are '%s'. " "Expected amount of PODs is '%s'.", dc_name, out, replicas) return pod_names if w.expired: err_msg = ("Exceeded %s sec timeout waiting for PODs to appear " "in amount of %s." % (timeout, replicas)) g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def get_pod_name_from_dc(hostname, dc_name, timeout=180, wait_step=3): return get_pod_names_from_dc( hostname, dc_name, timeout=timeout, wait_step=wait_step)[0] def get_pvc_status(hostname, pvc_name): ''' This function verifies the if pod is running Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to check the pvc status pvc_name (str): pod_name for which we need the status Returns: bool, status (str): True, status of pvc otherwise False, error message. ''' cmd = "oc get pvc | grep %s | awk '{print $2}'" % pvc_name ret, out, err = g.run(hostname, cmd, "root") if ret != 0: g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd) return False, err output = out.strip().split("\n")[0].strip() return True, output def verify_pvc_status_is_bound(hostname, pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3): """Verify that PVC gets 'Bound' status in required time. Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we will execute oc commands pvc_name (str): name of PVC to check status of timeout (int): total time in seconds we are ok to wait for 'Bound' status of a PVC wait_step (int): time in seconds we will sleep before checking a PVC status again. Returns: None Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError in case of errors. """ pvc_not_found_counter = 0 for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): ret, output = get_pvc_status(hostname, pvc_name) if ret is not True: msg = ("Failed to execute 'get' command for '%s' PVC. " "Got following responce: %s" % (pvc_name, output)) g.log.error(msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg) if output == "": g.log.info("PVC '%s' not found, sleeping for %s " "sec." % (pvc_name, wait_step)) if pvc_not_found_counter > 0: msg = ("PVC '%s' has not been found 2 times already. " "Make sure you provided correct PVC name." % pvc_name) else: pvc_not_found_counter += 1 continue elif output == "Pending": g.log.info("PVC '%s' is in Pending state, sleeping for %s " "sec" % (pvc_name, wait_step)) continue elif output == "Bound": g.log.info("PVC '%s' is in Bound state." % pvc_name) return pvc_name elif output == "Error": msg = "PVC '%s' is in 'Error' state." % pvc_name g.log.error(msg) else: msg = "PVC %s has different status - %s" % (pvc_name, output) g.log.error(msg) if msg: raise AssertionError(msg) if w.expired: msg = ("Exceeded timeout of '%s' seconds for verifying PVC '%s' " "to reach the 'Bound' state." % (timeout, pvc_name)) # Gather more info for ease of debugging try: pvc_events = get_events(hostname, obj_name=pvc_name) except Exception: pvc_events = '?' msg += "\nPVC events: %s" % pvc_events g.log.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) def resize_pvc(hostname, pvc_name, size): ''' Resize PVC Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to edit the pvc status pvc_name (str): pod_name for which we edit the storage capacity size (int): size of pvc to change Returns: bool: True, if successful otherwise raise Exception ''' cmd = ("oc patch pvc %s " "-p='{\"spec\": {\"resources\": {\"requests\": " "{\"storage\": \"%dGi\"}}}}'" % (pvc_name, size)) ret, out, err = g.run(hostname, cmd, "root") if ret != 0: error_msg = ("failed to execute cmd %s " "out- %s err %s" % (cmd, out, err)) g.log.error(error_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(error_msg) g.log.info("successfully edited storage capacity" "of pvc %s . out- %s" % (pvc_name, out)) return True def verify_pvc_size(hostname, pvc_name, size, timeout=120, wait_step=5): ''' Verify size of PVC Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to verify the size of pvc pvc_name (str): pvc_name for which we verify its size size (int): size of pvc timeout (int): timeout value, verifies the size after wait_step value till timeout default value is 120 sec wait_step( int): wait step, default value is 5 sec Returns: bool: True, if successful otherwise raise Exception ''' cmd = ("oc get pvc %s -o=custom-columns=" ":.spec.resources.requests.storage," ":.status.capacity.storage" % pvc_name) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): sizes = command.cmd_run(cmd, hostname=hostname).split() spec_size = int(sizes[0].replace("Gi", "")) actual_size = int(sizes[1].replace("Gi", "")) if spec_size == actual_size == size: g.log.info("verification of pvc %s of size %d " "successful" % (pvc_name, size)) return True else: g.log.info("sleeping for %s sec" % wait_step) continue err_msg = ("verification of pvc %s size of %d failed -" "spec_size- %d actual_size %d" % ( pvc_name, size, spec_size, actual_size)) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) def verify_pv_size(hostname, pv_name, size, timeout=120, wait_step=5): ''' Verify size of PV Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to verify the size of pv pv_name (str): pv_name for which we verify its size size (int): size of pv timeout (int): timeout value, verifies the size after wait_step value till timeout default value is 120 sec wait_step( int): wait step, default value is 5 sec Returns: bool: True, if successful otherwise raise Exception ''' cmd = ("oc get pv %s -o=custom-columns=:." "spec.capacity.storage" % pv_name) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): pv_size = command.cmd_run(cmd, hostname=hostname).split()[0] pv_size = int(pv_size.replace("Gi", "")) if pv_size == size: g.log.info("verification of pv %s of size %d " "successful" % (pv_name, size)) return True else: g.log.info("sleeping for %s sec" % wait_step) continue err_msg = ("verification of pv %s size of %d failed -" "pv_size- %d" % (pv_name, size, pv_size)) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) def get_pv_name_from_pvc(hostname, pvc_name): ''' Returns PV name of the corresponding PVC name Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to find pv name pvc_name (str): pvc_name for which we want to find corresponding pv name Returns: pv_name (str): pv name if successful, otherwise raise Exception ''' cmd = ("oc get pvc %s -o=custom-columns=:." "spec.volumeName" % pvc_name) pv_name = command.cmd_run(cmd, hostname=hostname) g.log.info("pv name is %s for pvc %s" % ( pv_name, pvc_name)) return pv_name def get_vol_names_from_pv(hostname, pv_name): ''' Returns the heketi and gluster vol names of the corresponding PV Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to find vol names pv_name (str): pv_name for which we want to find corresponding vol names Returns: volname (dict): dict if successful {"heketi_vol": heketi_vol_name, "gluster_vol": gluster_vol_name ex: {"heketi_vol": " xxxx", "gluster_vol": "vol_xxxx"] otherwise raise Exception ''' vol_dict = {} cmd = (r"oc get pv %s -o=custom-columns=" r":.metadata.annotations." r"'gluster\.kubernetes\.io\/heketi\-volume\-id'," r":.spec.glusterfs.path" % pv_name) vol_list = command.cmd_run(cmd, hostname=hostname).split() vol_dict = {"heketi_vol": vol_list[0], "gluster_vol": vol_list[1]} g.log.info("gluster vol name is %s and heketi vol name" " is %s for pv %s" % (vol_list[1], vol_list[0], pv_name)) return vol_dict def get_events(hostname, obj_name=None, obj_namespace=None, obj_type=None, event_reason=None, event_type=None): """Return filtered list of events. Args: hostname (str): hostname of oc client obj_name (str): name of an object obj_namespace (str): namespace where object is located obj_type (str): type of an object, i.e. PersistentVolumeClaim or Pod event_reason (str): reason why event was created, i.e. Created, Started, Unhealthy, SuccessfulCreate, Scheduled ... event_type (str): type of an event, i.e. Normal or Warning Returns: List of dictionaries, where the latter are of following structure: { "involvedObject": { "kind": "ReplicationController", "name": "foo-object-name", "namespace": "foo-object-namespace", }, "message": "Created pod: foo-object-name", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2018-10-19T18:27:09Z", "name": "foo-object-name.155f15db4e72cc2e", "namespace": "foo-object-namespace", }, "reason": "SuccessfulCreate", "reportingComponent": "", "reportingInstance": "", "source": {"component": "replication-controller"}, "type": "Normal" } """ field_selector = [] if obj_name: field_selector.append('involvedObject.name=%s' % obj_name) if obj_namespace: field_selector.append('involvedObject.namespace=%s' % obj_namespace) if obj_type: field_selector.append('involvedObject.kind=%s' % obj_type) if event_reason: field_selector.append('reason=%s' % event_reason) if event_type: field_selector.append('type=%s' % event_type) cmd = "oc get events -o yaml" if openshift_version.get_openshift_version() >= '3.9': cmd += " --field-selector %s" % ",".join(field_selector or "''") objects = yaml.load(command.cmd_run(cmd, hostname=hostname))['items'] if openshift_version.get_openshift_version() >= '3.9': return objects # Backup approach for OCP3.6 and OCP3.7 which do not have # '--field-selector' feature. filtered_objects = [] for o in objects: if obj_name and o["involvedObject"]["name"] != obj_name: continue if obj_namespace and o["involvedObject"]["namespace"] != obj_namespace: continue if obj_type and o["involvedObject"]["kind"] != obj_type: continue if event_reason and o["reason"] != event_reason: continue if event_type and o["type"] != event_type: continue filtered_objects.append(o) return filtered_objects def wait_for_events(hostname, obj_name=None, obj_namespace=None, obj_type=None, event_reason=None, event_type=None, timeout=120, wait_step=3): """Wait for appearence of specific set of events.""" for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): events = get_events( hostname=hostname, obj_name=obj_name, obj_namespace=obj_namespace, obj_type=obj_type, event_reason=event_reason, event_type=event_type) if events: return events if w.expired: err_msg = ("Exceeded %ssec timeout waiting for events." % timeout) g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def match_pvc_and_pv(hostname, prefix): """Match OCP PVCs and PVs generated Args: hostname (str): hostname of oc client prefix (str): pv prefix used by user at time of pvc creation """ pvc_list = sorted([ pvc[0] for pvc in oc_get_custom_resource(hostname, "pvc", ":.metadata.name") if pvc[0].startswith(prefix) ]) pv_list = sorted([ pv[0] for pv in oc_get_custom_resource( hostname, "pv", ":.spec.claimRef.name" ) if pv[0].startswith(prefix) ]) if cmp(pvc_list, pv_list) != 0: err_msg = "PVC and PV list match failed" err_msg += "\nPVC list: %s, " % pvc_list err_msg += "\nPV list %s" % pv_list err_msg += "\nDifference: %s" % (set(pvc_list) ^ set(pv_list)) raise AssertionError(err_msg) def match_pv_and_heketi_block_volumes( hostname, heketi_block_volumes, pvc_prefix): """Match heketi block volumes and OC PVCs Args: hostname (str): hostname on which we want to check heketi block volumes and OCP PVCs heketi_block_volumes (list): list of heketi block volume names pvc_prefix (str): pv prefix given by user at the time of pvc creation """ custom_columns = [ r':.spec.claimRef.name', r':.metadata.annotations."pv\.kubernetes\.io\/provisioned\-by"', r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.org\/volume\-id"' ] pv_block_volumes = sorted([ pv[2] for pv in oc_get_custom_resource(hostname, "pv", custom_columns) if pv[0].startswith(pvc_prefix) and pv[1] == "gluster.org/glusterblock" ]) if cmp(pv_block_volumes, heketi_block_volumes) != 0: err_msg = "PV block volumes and Heketi Block volume list match failed" err_msg += "\nPV Block Volumes: %s, " % pv_block_volumes err_msg += "\nHeketi Block volumes %s" % heketi_block_volumes err_msg += "\nDifference: %s" % (set(pv_block_volumes) ^ set(heketi_block_volumes)) raise AssertionError(err_msg) def check_service_status_on_pod( ocp_client, podname, service, status, timeout=180, wait_step=3): """Check a service state on a pod. Args: ocp_client (str): node with 'oc' client podname (str): pod name on which service needs to be checked service (str): service which needs to be checked status (str): status to be checked timeout (int): seconds to wait before service starts having specified 'status' wait_step (int): interval in seconds to wait before checking service again. """ err_msg = ("Exceeded timeout of %s sec for verifying %s service to start " "having '%s' status" % (timeout, service, status)) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): ret, out, err = oc_rsh(ocp_client, podname, SERVICE_STATUS % service) if ret != 0: err_msg = ("failed to get service %s's status on pod %s" % (service, podname)) g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) for line in out.splitlines(): status_match = re.search(SERVICE_STATUS_REGEX, line) if status_match and status_match.group(1) == status: return True if w.expired: g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def wait_for_service_status_on_gluster_pod_or_node( ocp_client, service, status, gluster_node, timeout=180, wait_step=3): """Wait for a service specific status on a Gluster POD or node. Args: ocp_client (str): hostname on which we want to check service service (str): target service to be checked status (str): service status which we wait for gluster_node (str): Gluster node IPv4 which stores either Gluster POD or Gluster services directly. timeout (int): seconds to wait before service starts having specified 'status' wait_step (int): interval in seconds to wait before checking service again. """ err_msg = ("Exceeded timeout of %s sec for verifying %s service to start " "having '%s' status" % (timeout, service, status)) for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step): out = cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( ocp_client, SERVICE_STATUS % service, gluster_node) for line in out.splitlines(): status_match = re.search(SERVICE_STATUS_REGEX, line) if status_match and status_match.group(1) == status: return True if w.expired: g.log.error(err_msg) raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg) def restart_service_on_gluster_pod_or_node(ocp_client, service, gluster_node): """Restart service on Gluster either POD or node. Args: ocp_client (str): host on which we want to run 'oc' commands. service (str): service which needs to be restarted gluster_node (str): Gluster node IPv4 which stores either Gluster POD or Gluster services directly. Raises: AssertionError in case restart of a service fails. """ cmd_run_on_gluster_pod_or_node( ocp_client, SERVICE_RESTART % service, gluster_node) def oc_adm_manage_node( ocp_client, operation, nodes=None, node_selector=None): """Manage common operations on nodes for administrators. Args: ocp_client (str): host on which we want to run 'oc' commands. operations (str): eg. --schedulable=true. nodes (list): list of nodes to manage. node_selector (str): selector to select the nodes. Note: 'nodes' and 'node_selector' are are mutually exclusive. Only either of them should be passed as parameter not both. Returns: str: In case of success. Raises: AssertionError: In case of any failures. """ if (not nodes) == (not node_selector): raise AssertionError( "'nodes' and 'node_selector' are mutually exclusive. " "Only either of them should be passed as parameter not both.") cmd = "oc adm manage-node %s" % operation if node_selector: cmd += " --selector %s" % node_selector else: node = ' '.join(nodes) cmd += " " + node return command.cmd_run(cmd, ocp_client) def oc_get_schedulable_nodes(ocp_client): """Get the list of schedulable nodes. Args: ocp_client (str): host on which we want to run 'oc' commands. Returns: list: list of nodes if present. Raises: AssertionError: In case of any failures. """ cmd = ("oc get nodes --field-selector=spec.unschedulable!=true " "-o=custom-columns=:.metadata.name,:.spec.taints[*].effect " "--no-headers | awk '!/NoSchedule/{print $1}'") out = command.cmd_run(cmd, ocp_client) return out.split('\n') if out else out