log_file: /var/log/tests/cns_tests.log log_level: DEBUG # 'ocp_servers' is info about ocp master, client and worker nodes. # 'region' can be . # This section has to be defined. ocp_servers: master: master_node1: hostname: master_node1 region: master_node2: hostname: master_node2 region: client: client_node1: hostname: client_node1 client_node2: hostname: client_node2 nodes: ocp_node1: hostname: ocp_node1 region: ocp_node2: hostname: ocp_node2 region: # 'gluster_servers' section covers the details of the nodes where gluster # servers are run. In the case of CNS, these are the nodes where gluster # pods are run. In the case of CRS, these are the nodes where gluster # servers are configured. # This section has to be defined. gluster_servers: gluster_server1: manage: gluster_server1 storage: gluster_server1 zone: 1 devices: [device1, device2] additional_devices: [device3, device4] gluster_server2: manage: gluster_server2 storage: gluster_server2 zone : 2 devices: [device1, device2] additional_devices: [device3, device4] # 'additional_gluster_servers' section covers the details of the # additional gluster nodes to add to the gluster cluster. additional_gluster_servers: gluster_server3: manage: gluster_server3 storage: gluster_server3 zone : 3 devices: [device1, device2] additional_devices: [device3, device4] cns: setup: routing_config: "cloudapps.mystorage.com" insecure_registry: "INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry registry.access.redhat.com" add_registry: "ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry registry.access.redhat.com" cns_project_name: "storage-project" cns_username: "test-admin" cns_password: # 'deployment_type' can be crs_heketi_outside_openshift|crs_heketi_inside_openshift|cns deployment_type: # 'executor' can be ssh|kube|mock executor: ssh executor_user: root executor_port: 22 trusted_storage_pool_list: - [gluster_server1, gluster_server2] heketi_config: heketi_client_node: heketi_server_url: "http://heketi-storage-project.cloudapps.mystorage.com" heketi_ssh_key: "/etc/heketi/heketi_key" heketi_config_file: "/etc/heketi/heketi.json" heketi_volume: size: name: expand_size: dynamic_provisioning: pods_info: nginx: size: 5 number_of_pods: 3 mongo: size: 6 number_of_pods: 7 storage_classes: storage_class1: name: storage_class1 provisioner: resturl: restuser: secretnamespace: secretname: storage_class2: name: storage_class2 provisioner: resturl: restuser: restsecretnamespace: restsecretname: hacount: "3" chapauthenabled: "true" secrets: secret1: secret_name: secret1 namespace: data_key: type: secret2: secret_name: secret2 namespace: data_key: type: start_count_for_pvc: 1 pvc_size_number: 10: 2 20: 1 app_pvc_count_dict: nginx: 2