from datetime import datetime import re import time from unittest import skip import ddt from glusto.core import Glusto as g from openshiftstoragelibs.baseclass import GlusterBlockBaseClass from openshiftstoragelibs.gluster_ops import ( get_block_hosting_volume_name, get_gluster_vol_hosting_nodes, match_heketi_and_gluster_block_volumes_by_prefix, restart_file_volume, restart_gluster_vol_brick_processes, wait_to_heal_complete, ) from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import heketi_blockvolume_list from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import ( get_pv_name_from_pvc, match_pv_and_heketi_block_volumes, match_pvc_and_pv, oc_create_pvc, oc_delete, oc_get_custom_resource, oc_rsh, restart_service_on_gluster_pod_or_node, verify_pvc_status_is_bound, wait_for_pod_be_ready, wait_for_resource_absence, wait_for_service_status_on_gluster_pod_or_node, ) from openshiftstoragelibs import utils HEKETI_BLOCK_VOLUME_REGEX = "^Id:(.*).Cluster:(.*).Name:%s_(.*)$" SERVICE_TARGET = "gluster-block-target" SERVICE_BLOCKD = "gluster-blockd" SERVICE_TCMU = "tcmu-runner" @ddt.ddt class GlusterStabilityTestSetup(GlusterBlockBaseClass): """class for gluster stability (restarts different servces) testcases """ def setUp(self): """Deploys, Verifies and adds resources required for testcases in cleanup method """ self.oc_node = self.ocp_master_node[0] self.prefix = "autotest-%s" % utils.get_random_str() def deploy_and_verify_resouces(self): """Deploys and verifies required resources storage class, PVC and user app with continous I/O runnig. """ # using pvc size count as 1 by default self.pvcsize = 1 # using pvc count as 10 by default self.pvccount = 10 self.sc_name = self.create_storage_class( vol_name_prefix=self.prefix) self.pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc( pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, sc_name=self.sc_name) self.dc_name, self.pod_name = self.create_dc_with_pvc(self.pvc_name) # create pvc's to test self.pvc_list = [] for pvc in range(self.pvccount): test_pvc_name = oc_create_pvc( self.oc_node, self.sc_name, pvc_name_prefix=self.prefix, pvc_size=self.pvcsize ) self.pvc_list.append(test_pvc_name) self.addCleanup( wait_for_resource_absence, self.oc_node, "pvc", test_pvc_name, timeout=600, interval=10 ) for pvc_name in self.pvc_list: self.addCleanup(oc_delete, self.oc_node, "pvc", pvc_name) def get_block_hosting_volume_by_pvc_name(self, pvc_name): """Get block hosting volume of pvc name given Args: pvc_name (str): pvc name of which host name is need to be returned """ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.oc_node, pvc_name) block_volume = oc_get_custom_resource( self.oc_node, 'pv', r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.org\/volume\-id"', name=pv_name )[0] # get block hosting volume from pvc name block_hosting_vol = get_block_hosting_volume_name( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, block_volume) return block_hosting_vol def get_heketi_block_volumes(self): """lists heketi block volumes Returns: list : list of ids of heketi block volumes """ heketi_cmd_out = heketi_blockvolume_list( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) self.assertTrue(heketi_cmd_out, "failed to get block volume list") heketi_block_volume_ids = [] heketi_block_volume_names = [] for block_vol in heketi_cmd_out.split("\n"): heketi_vol_match = HEKETI_BLOCK_VOLUME_REGEX % self.prefix, block_vol.strip() ) if heketi_vol_match: heketi_block_volume_ids.append( ( ) heketi_block_volume_names.append( ( ) return (sorted(heketi_block_volume_ids), sorted( heketi_block_volume_names) ) def validate_volumes_and_blocks(self): """Validates PVC and block volumes generated through heketi and OCS """ # verify pvc status is in "Bound" for all the pvc for pvc in self.pvc_list: verify_pvc_status_is_bound( self.oc_node, pvc, timeout=300, wait_step=10 ) # validate pvcs and pvs created on OCS match_pvc_and_pv(self.oc_node, self.prefix) # get list of block volumes using heketi heketi_block_volume_ids, heketi_block_volume_names = ( self.get_heketi_block_volumes() ) # validate block volumes listed by heketi and pvs match_pv_and_heketi_block_volumes( self.oc_node, heketi_block_volume_ids, self.prefix ) # validate block volumes listed by heketi and gluster match_heketi_and_gluster_block_volumes_by_prefix( heketi_block_volume_names, "%s_" % self.prefix) def get_io_time(self): """Gets last io time of io pod by listing log file directory /mnt on pod """ ret, stdout, stderr = oc_rsh( self.oc_node, self.pod_name, "ls -l /mnt/ | awk '{print $8}'" ) if ret != 0: err_msg = "failed to get io time for pod %s" % self.pod_name g.log.error(err_msg) raise AssertionError(err_msg) get_time = None try: get_time = datetime.strptime(stdout.strip(), "%H:%M") except Exception: g.log.error("invalid time format ret %s, stout: %s, " "stderr: %s" % (ret, stdout, stderr)) raise return get_time def restart_block_hosting_volume_wait_for_heal(self, block_hosting_vol): """restarts block hosting volume and wait for heal to complete Args: block_hosting_vol (str): block hosting volume which need to restart """ start_io_time = self.get_io_time() restart_file_volume(block_hosting_vol) # Explicit wait to start ios on pvc after volume start time.sleep(5) resume_io_time = self.get_io_time() self.assertGreater(resume_io_time, start_io_time, "IO has not stopped") wait_to_heal_complete(), SERVICE_TCMU, SERVICE_TARGET) def test_restart_services_provision_volume_and_run_io(self, service): """Restart gluster service then validate volumes""" self.deploy_and_verify_resouces() block_hosting_vol = self.get_block_hosting_volume_by_pvc_name( self.pvc_name) g_nodes = get_gluster_vol_hosting_nodes(block_hosting_vol) self.assertGreater(len(g_nodes), 2) # restarts glusterfs service restart_service_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.oc_node, service, g_nodes[0]) # wait for deployed user pod to be in Running state after restarting # service wait_for_pod_be_ready( self.oc_node, self.pod_name, timeout=60, wait_step=5) # checks if all glusterfs services are in running state for g_node in g_nodes: for service in (SERVICE_BLOCKD, SERVICE_TCMU, SERVICE_TARGET): state = "exited" if service == SERVICE_TARGET else "running" self.assertTrue(wait_for_service_status_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.oc_node, service, 'active', state, g_node)) # validates pvc, pv, heketi block and gluster block count after # service restarts self.validate_volumes_and_blocks() @skip("Blocked by BZ-1634745, BZ-1635736, BZ-1636477") def test_target_side_failures_brick_failure_on_block_hosting_volume(self): """Target side failures - Brick failure on block hosting volume""" self.deploy_and_verify_resouces() # get block hosting volume from pvc name block_hosting_vol = self.get_block_hosting_volume_by_pvc_name( self.pvc_name) # restarts 2 brick processes of block hosting volume g_nodes = get_gluster_vol_hosting_nodes(block_hosting_vol) self.assertGreater(len(g_nodes), 2) restart_gluster_vol_brick_processes( self.oc_node, block_hosting_vol, g_nodes[:2]) # checks if all glusterfs services are in running state for g_node in g_nodes: for service in (SERVICE_BLOCKD, SERVICE_TCMU, SERVICE_TARGET): state = "exited" if service == SERVICE_TARGET else "running" self.assertTrue(wait_for_service_status_on_gluster_pod_or_node( self.oc_node, service, 'active', state, g_node)) # validates pvc, pv, heketi block and gluster block count after # service restarts self.validate_volumes_and_blocks() @skip("Blocked by BZ-1634745, BZ-1635736, BZ-1636477") def test_start_stop_block_volume_service(self): """Validate block hosting volume by start/stop operation Perform stop/start operation on block hosting volume when IO's and provisioning are going on """ self.deploy_and_verify_resouces() # get block hosting volume from pvc name block_hosting_vol = self.get_block_hosting_volume_by_pvc_name( self.pvc_name ) # restarts one of the block hosting volume and checks heal self.restart_block_hosting_volume_wait_for_heal(block_hosting_vol) # validates pvc, pv, heketi block and gluster block count after # service restarts self.validate_volumes_and_blocks()