import ddt from glusto.core import Glusto as g import pytest from openshiftstoragelibs.baseclass import BaseClass from openshiftstoragelibs.heketi_ops import ( heketi_device_add, heketi_device_delete, heketi_device_disable, heketi_device_enable, heketi_device_info, heketi_device_remove, heketi_node_disable, heketi_node_enable, heketi_node_info, heketi_node_list, heketi_topology_info, heketi_volume_create, heketi_volume_delete, validate_dev_path_vg_and_uuid, ) from openshiftstoragelibs import utils @ddt.ddt class TestHeketiDeviceOperations(BaseClass): """Test Heketi device enable/disable and remove functionality.""" def check_any_of_bricks_present_in_device(self, bricks, device_id): """ Check any of the bricks present in the device. :param bricks: list bricks of volume :param device_id: device ID :return True: bool if bricks are present on device :return False: bool if bricks are not present on device """ if device_id is None: return False device_info = heketi_device_info(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, device_id, json=True) self.assertNotEqual(device_info, False, "Device info on %s failed" % device_id) for brick in bricks: if brick['device'] != device_id: continue for brick_info in device_info['bricks']: if brick_info['path'] == brick['path']: return True return False def get_online_nodes_disable_redundant(self): """ Find online nodes and disable n-3 nodes and return list of online nodes """ node_list = heketi_node_list(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url) self.assertTrue(node_list, "Failed to list heketi nodes")"Successfully got the list of nodes") # Fetch online nodes from node list online_hosts = [] for node in node_list: node_info = heketi_node_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, node, json=True) if node_info["state"] == "online": online_hosts.append(node_info) # Skip test if online node count is less than 3i if len(online_hosts) < 3: raise self.skipTest( "This test can run only if online hosts are more than 2") # if we have n nodes, disable n-3 nodes for node_info in online_hosts[3:]: node_id = node_info["id"]"going to disable node id %s", node_id) heketi_node_disable(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, node_id) self.addCleanup(heketi_node_enable, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, node_id) for host in online_hosts[1:3]: found_online = False for device in host["devices"]: if device["state"].strip().lower() == "online": found_online = True break if not found_online: self.skipTest(("no device online on node %s" % host["id"])) return online_hosts @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_heketi_device_enable_disable(self): """Validate device enable and disable functionality""" # Disable all but one device on the first online node online_hosts = self.get_online_nodes_disable_redundant() online_device_id = "" for device in online_hosts[0]["devices"]: if device["state"].strip().lower() != "online": continue device_id = device["id"] if online_device_id == "": online_device_id = device_id else:"going to disable device %s", device_id) heketi_device_disable( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, device_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, device_id) if online_device_id == "": self.skipTest( "No device online on node %s" % online_hosts[0]["id"]) # Create volume when only 1 device is online vol_size = 1 vol_info = heketi_volume_create(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_size, json=True) self.assertTrue(vol_info, ( "Failed to create heketi volume of size %d" % vol_size)) self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_info['id']) # Check that one of volume's bricks is present on the device present = self.check_any_of_bricks_present_in_device( vol_info['bricks'], online_device_id) self.assertTrue( present, "None of '%s' volume bricks is present on the '%s' device." % ( vol_info['id'], online_device_id))"Going to disable device id %s", online_device_id) heketi_device_disable( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, online_device_id) self.addCleanup(heketi_device_enable, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, online_device_id) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): out = heketi_volume_create( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_size, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, out["id"]) self.assertFalse(True, "Volume creation didn't fail: %s" % out)"Volume creation failed as expected") # Enable back the device which was previously disabled"Going to enable device id %s", online_device_id) heketi_device_enable( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, online_device_id) # Create volume when device is enabled vol_info = heketi_volume_create(self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_size, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_info['id']) # Check that one of volume's bricks is present on the device present = self.check_any_of_bricks_present_in_device( vol_info['bricks'], online_device_id) self.assertTrue( present, "None of '%s' volume bricks is present on the '%s' device." % ( vol_info['id'], online_device_id)) def _add_new_device_and_remove_existing_device( self, is_delete_device, add_device_name, node_id, add_back_again=False, skip_cleanup_addition=False): """Delete or remove device and also add one device on the same node. """ h_client, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url raise_on_error = False if add_back_again else True # Iterate chosen node devices and pick the smallest online one. lowest_device_size = lowest_device_id = None online_hosts = self.get_online_nodes_disable_redundant() for host in online_hosts[0:3]: if node_id != host["id"]: continue for device in host["devices"]: if device["state"].strip().lower() != "online": continue if (lowest_device_size is None or device["storage"]["total"] < lowest_device_size): lowest_device_size = device["storage"]["total"] lowest_device_id = device["id"] lowest_device_name = device["name"] if lowest_device_id is None: self.skipTest( "Didn't find suitable device for disablement on '%s' node." % ( node_id)) # Create volume vol_size = 1 vol_info = heketi_volume_create(h_client, h_url, vol_size, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_info['id']) # Add extra device, then remember it's ID and size heketi_device_add(h_client, h_url, add_device_name, node_id) node_info_after_addition = heketi_node_info( h_client, h_url, node_id, json=True) for device in node_info_after_addition["devices"]: if device["name"] != add_device_name: continue device_id_new = device["id"] device_size_new = device["storage"]["total"] self.addCleanup( heketi_device_delete, h_client, h_url, device_id_new, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_remove, h_client, h_url, device_id_new, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_disable, h_client, h_url, device_id_new, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) if lowest_device_size > device_size_new: skip_msg = ("Skip test case, because newly added disk %s is " "smaller than device which we want to remove %s." % ( device_size_new, lowest_device_size)) self.skipTest(skip_msg)"Removing device id %s" % lowest_device_id) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): out = heketi_device_remove(h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_disable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) self.assertFalse(True, "Device removal didn't fail: %s" % out)"Device removal failed as expected") # Need to disable device before removing heketi_device_disable(h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) if not is_delete_device: self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) # Remove device from Heketi try: heketi_device_remove(h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) except Exception: if is_delete_device: self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) raise if not is_delete_device: self.addCleanup( heketi_device_disable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) if is_delete_device: try: heketi_device_delete(h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id) except Exception: self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_disable, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_id, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) raise if not skip_cleanup_addition: # Do not add the additional device back, intially added self.addCleanup( heketi_device_add, h_client, h_url, lowest_device_name, node_id, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) # Create volume vol_info = heketi_volume_create(h_client, h_url, vol_size, json=True) self.addCleanup(heketi_volume_delete, h_client, h_url, vol_info['id']) if is_delete_device: return lowest_device_name # Check that none of volume's bricks is present on the device present = self.check_any_of_bricks_present_in_device( vol_info['bricks'], lowest_device_id) self.assertFalse( present, "Some of the '%s' volume bricks is present of the removed " "'%s' device." % (vol_info['id'], lowest_device_id)) @pytest.mark.tier2, False), (False, False), (True, True)) @ddt.unpack def test_heketi_device_remove_delete( self, is_delete_device, add_back_again): """Validate remove/delete device using heketi-cli""" try: gluster_server_0 = list(g.config["gluster_servers"].values())[0] manage_hostname = gluster_server_0["manage"] device_name = gluster_server_0["additional_devices"][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): self.skipTest( "Additional disk is not specified for node with following " "hostnames and IP addresses: {}, {}".format( gluster_server_0.get('manage', '?'), gluster_server_0.get('storage', '?'))) # Get node ID of the Gluster hostname node_list = heketi_topology_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True)["clusters"][0]["nodes"] self.assertTrue( node_list, "Cluster info command returned empty list of nodes") node_id = None for node in node_list: if manage_hostname == node['hostnames']["manage"][0]: node_id = node["id"] break self.assertTrue(node_id, "No information about node_id" " for {}".format(manage_hostname)) deleted_device = self._add_new_device_and_remove_existing_device( is_delete_device, device_name, node_id, add_back_again) if add_back_again: self._add_new_device_and_remove_existing_device( is_delete_device, deleted_device, node_id, add_back_again, skip_cleanup_addition=True) @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_heketi_device_removal_with_insuff_space(self): """Validate heketi with device removal insufficient space""" # Disable 4+ nodes and 3+ devices on the first 3 nodes min_free_space_gb = 5 min_free_space = min_free_space_gb * 1024**2 heketi_url = self.heketi_server_url heketi_node = self.heketi_client_node nodes = {} node_ids = heketi_node_list(heketi_node, heketi_url) self.assertTrue(node_ids) for node_id in node_ids: node_info = heketi_node_info( heketi_node, heketi_url, node_id, json=True) if (node_info["state"].lower() != "online" or not node_info["devices"]): continue if len(nodes) > 2: heketi_node_disable(heketi_node, heketi_url, node_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_node_enable, heketi_node, heketi_url, node_id) continue for device in node_info["devices"]: if device["state"].lower() != "online": continue free_space = device["storage"]["free"] if node_id not in nodes: nodes[node_id] = [] if (free_space < min_free_space or len(nodes[node_id]) > 1): heketi_device_disable( heketi_node, heketi_url, device["id"]) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, heketi_node, heketi_url, device["id"]) continue nodes[node_id].append({ "device_id": device["id"], "free": free_space}) # Skip test if nodes requirements are not met if (len(nodes) < 3 or not all(map((lambda _l: len(_l) > 1), nodes.values()))): raise self.skipTest( "Could not find 3 online nodes with 2 online devices " "having free space bigger than %dGb." % min_free_space_gb) # Calculate size of a potential distributed vol if nodes[node_ids[0]][0]["free"] > nodes[node_ids[0]][1]["free"]: index = 0 else: index = 1 vol_size_gb = int(nodes[node_ids[0]][index]["free"] / (1024 ** 2)) + 1 device_id = nodes[node_ids[0]][index]["device_id"] # Create volume with such size that we consume space more than # size of smaller disks h_volume_name = "autotests-heketi-volume-%s" % utils.get_random_str() try: self.create_heketi_volume_with_name_and_wait( h_volume_name, vol_size_gb, json=True) except Exception as e: # NOTE: rare situation when we need to decrease size of a volume."Failed to create '%s'Gb volume. " "Trying to create another one, smaller for 1Gb.") if not ('more required' in str(e) and ('Insufficient suitable allocatable extents for ' 'logical volume' in str(e))): raise vol_size_gb -= 1 self.create_heketi_volume_with_name_and_wait( h_volume_name, vol_size_gb, json=True) # Try to 'remove' bigger Heketi disk expecting error, # because there is no space on smaller disk to relocate bricks to heketi_device_disable(heketi_node, heketi_url, device_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_enable, heketi_node, heketi_url, device_id) try: self.assertRaises( AssertionError, heketi_device_remove, heketi_node, heketi_url, device_id) except Exception: self.addCleanup( heketi_device_disable, heketi_node, heketi_url, device_id) raise @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_heketi_device_delete(self): """Test Heketi device delete operation""" # Get list of additional devices for one of the Gluster nodes ip_with_devices = {} for gluster_server in g.config["gluster_servers"].values(): if not gluster_server.get("additional_devices"): continue ip_with_devices = { gluster_server['storage']: gluster_server['additional_devices'] } break # Skip test if no additional device is available if not ip_with_devices: self.skipTest( "No additional devices attached to any of the gluster nodes") # Select any additional device and get the node id of the gluster node h_node, h_server = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url node_id, device_name = None, list(ip_with_devices.values())[0][0] topology_info = heketi_topology_info(h_node, h_server, json=True) for node in topology_info["clusters"][0]["nodes"]: if list(ip_with_devices.keys())[0] == ( node['hostnames']["storage"][0]): node_id = node["id"] break self.assertTrue(node_id) # Add additional device to the cluster heketi_device_add(h_node, h_server, device_name, node_id) # Get the device id and number of bricks on the device node_info_after_addition = heketi_node_info( h_node, h_server, node_id, json=True) device_id, bricks = None, None for device in node_info_after_addition["devices"]: if device["name"] == device_name: device_id, bricks = device["id"], len(device['bricks']) break self.assertTrue(device_id, "Device not added in expected node") # Delete heketi device heketi_device_disable(h_node, h_server, device_id) heketi_device_remove(h_node, h_server, device_id) heketi_device_delete(h_node, h_server, device_id) # Verify that there were no bricks on the newly added device msg = ( "Number of bricks on the device %s of the node %s should be zero" % (device_name, list(ip_with_devices.keys())[0])) self.assertEqual(0, bricks, msg) # Verify device deletion node_info_after_deletion = heketi_node_info(h_node, h_server, node_id) msg = ("Device %s should not be shown in node info of the node %s" "after the device deletion" % (device_id, node_id)) self.assertNotIn(device_id, node_info_after_deletion, msg) @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_heketi_device_info(self): """Validate whether device related information is displayed""" # Get devices from topology info devices_from_topology = {} topology_info = heketi_topology_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, json=True) self.assertTrue(topology_info) self.assertIn('clusters', list(topology_info.keys())) self.assertGreater(len(topology_info['clusters']), 0) for cluster in topology_info['clusters']: self.assertIn('nodes', list(cluster.keys())) self.assertGreater(len(cluster['nodes']), 0) for node in cluster['nodes']: self.assertIn('devices', list(node.keys())) self.assertGreater(len(node['devices']), 0) for device in node['devices']: # Expected keys are state, storage, id, name and bricks. self.assertIn('id', list(device.keys())) devices_from_topology[device['id']] = device # Get devices info and make sure data are consistent and complete for device_id, device_from_t_info in devices_from_topology.items(): device_info = heketi_device_info( self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, device_id, json=True) self.assertTrue(device_info) # Verify 'id', 'name', 'state' and 'storage' data for key in ('id', 'name', 'state', 'storage', 'bricks'): self.assertIn(key, list(device_from_t_info.keys())) self.assertIn(key, list(device_info.keys())) for key in ('id', 'name', 'state'): self.assertEqual(device_info[key], device_from_t_info[key]) device_info_storage = device_info['storage'] device_from_t_info_storage = device_from_t_info['storage'] device_info_storage_keys = list(device_info_storage.keys()) device_from_t_info_storage_keys = list( device_from_t_info_storage.keys()) for key in ('total', 'used', 'free'): self.assertIn(key, device_info_storage_keys) self.assertIn(key, device_from_t_info_storage_keys) self.assertEqual( device_info_storage[key], device_from_t_info_storage[key]) self.assertIsInstance(device_info_storage[key], int) self.assertGreater(device_info_storage[key], -1) # Verify 'bricks' data self.assertEqual( len(device_info['bricks']), len(device_from_t_info['bricks'])) brick_match_count = 0 for brick in device_info['bricks']: for brick_from_t in device_from_t_info['bricks']: if brick_from_t['id'] != brick['id']: continue brick_match_count += 1 brick_from_t_keys = list(brick_from_t.keys()) brick_keys = list(brick.keys()) for key in ('device', 'volume', 'size', 'path', 'id', 'node'): self.assertIn(key, brick_from_t_keys) self.assertIn(key, brick_keys) self.assertEqual(brick[key], brick_from_t[key]) self.assertEqual(brick_match_count, len(device_info['bricks'])) @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_device_delete_with_bricks(self): """Validate device deletion with existing bricks on the device""" h_node, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url # Create volume vol_size = 1 vol_info = heketi_volume_create(h_node, h_url, vol_size, json=True) self.addCleanup( heketi_volume_delete, h_node, h_url, vol_info['id']) device_delete_id = vol_info['bricks'][0]['device'] node_id = vol_info['bricks'][0]['node'] device_info = heketi_device_info( h_node, h_url, device_delete_id, json=True) device_name = device_info['name'] # Disable the device heketi_device_disable(h_node, h_url, device_delete_id) self.addCleanup(heketi_device_enable, h_node, h_url, device_delete_id) # Delete device with bricks with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): heketi_device_delete(h_node, h_url, device_delete_id) self.addCleanup( heketi_device_add, h_node, h_url, device_name, node_id) @pytest.mark.tier1 def test_dev_path_mapping_basic_validation(self): """Validate dev_path of all the devices""" node_with_devices = dict() h_node, h_url = self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url # Get the hostname and devices attached to each host topology_info = heketi_topology_info(h_node, h_url, json=True) for cluster in topology_info['clusters']: for node in cluster['nodes']: node_with_devices[node['hostnames']['manage'][0]] = [ device['id'] for device in node['devices']] # Validate dev_path of each device for node, devices in node_with_devices.items(): for dev in list(devices): is_true = validate_dev_path_vg_and_uuid( h_node, h_url, node, dev) self.assertTrue(is_true, "Failed to verify dv_path for the " "device {}".format(dev))