try: # py2/3 import simplejson as json except ImportError: # py2 import json import time import ddt from glusto.core import Glusto as g import pytest from openshiftstoragelibs import baseclass from openshiftstoragelibs import exceptions from openshiftstoragelibs import openshift_ops from openshiftstoragelibs import waiter @ddt.ddt class TestPrometheusValidationFile(baseclass.BaseClass): """Prometheus Validations for file volumes""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestPrometheusValidationFile, cls).setUpClass() # Metrics of which the data need to retrieve in this class cls.metrics = ('kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_free', 'kubelet_volume_stats_inodes', 'kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_used', 'kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes', 'kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes', 'kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes') def setUp(self): """Initialize all the variables which are necessary for test cases""" super(TestPrometheusValidationFile, self).setUp() try: prometheus_config = g.config['openshift']['prometheus'] self._prometheus_project_name = prometheus_config[ 'prometheus_project_name'] self._prometheus_resources_selector = prometheus_config[ 'prometheus_resources_selector'] self._alertmanager_resources_selector = prometheus_config[ 'alertmanager_resources_selector'] except KeyError as err: self.skipTest("Config file doesn't have key {}".format(err)) self._master = self.ocp_master_node[0] def _fetch_metric_from_promtheus_pod(self, metric): """Fetch metric from prometheus pod using api call""" prometheus_pods = list(openshift_ops.oc_get_pods( self._master, selector=self._prometheus_resources_selector).keys()) fetch_metric_cmd = ("curl 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query" "?query={}'".format(metric)) ret, metric_data, _ = openshift_ops.oc_rsh( self._master, prometheus_pods[0], fetch_metric_cmd) metric_result = json.loads(metric_data)["data"]["result"] if (not metric_result) or ret: raise exceptions.ExecutionError( "Failed to fecth data for metric {}, output {}".format( metric, metric_result)) return metric_result def _get_and_manipulate_metric_data(self, metrics, pvc): """Create a dict of metric names and total values""" # Switch to namespace containing prometheus pods openshift_ops.switch_oc_project(self._master, self._prometheus_project_name) self.addCleanup(openshift_ops.switch_oc_project, self._master, self.storage_project_name) metric_data = dict() for metric in metrics: out = self._fetch_metric_from_promtheus_pod(metric) for matric_result in out: if matric_result["metric"]["persistentvolumeclaim"] == pvc: metric_data[matric_result["metric"][ "__name__"]] = matric_result["value"][1] return metric_data def _fetch_initial_metrics(self, volume_expansion=False): # Create PVC and wait for it to be in 'Bound' state sc_name = self.create_storage_class( allow_volume_expansion=volume_expansion) pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc(sc_name=sc_name) # Create DC and attach with pvc dc_name, pod_name = self.create_dc_with_pvc(pvc_name) for w in waiter.Waiter(120, 10): initial_metrics = self._get_and_manipulate_metric_data( self.metrics, pvc_name) if bool(initial_metrics) and len(initial_metrics) == 6: break if w.expired: raise AssertionError("Unable to fetch metrics for the pvc") return pvc_name, pod_name, initial_metrics def _perform_io_and_fetch_metrics( self, pod_name, pvc_name, filename, dirname, metric_data, operation): """Create 1000 files and dirs and validate with old metrics""" openshift_ops.switch_oc_project( self._master, self.storage_project_name) if operation == "create": cmds = ("touch /mnt/{}{{1..1000}}".format(filename), "mkdir /mnt/{}{{1..1000}}".format(dirname)) else: cmds = ("rm -rf /mnt/large_file", "rm -rf /mnt/{}{{1..1000}}".format(filename), "rm -rf /mnt/{}{{1..1000}}".format(dirname)) for cmd in cmds: self.cmd_run("oc rsh {} {}".format(pod_name, cmd)) # Fetch the new metrics and compare the inodes used and bytes used for w in waiter.Waiter(120, 10): after_io_metrics = self._get_and_manipulate_metric_data( self.metrics, pvc_name) if operation == "create": if (int(after_io_metrics[ 'kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_used']) > int( metric_data['kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_used']) and int( after_io_metrics[ 'kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes']) > int( metric_data['kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes'])): break else: if int(metric_data[ 'kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes']) > int( after_io_metrics['kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes']): break if w.expired: raise AssertionError( "After data is modified metrics like bytes used and inodes " "used are not reflected in prometheus") def _run_io_on_the_pod(self, pod_name, number_of_files): for each in range(number_of_files): cmd = "touch /mnt/file{}".format(each) ret, _, err = openshift_ops.oc_rsh(self._master, pod_name, cmd) self.assertFalse(ret, "Failed to run the IO with error msg {}". format(err)) @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_prometheus_volume_metrics_on_pod_restart(self): """Validate volume metrics using prometheus before and after pod restart""" # Create PVC and wait for it to be in 'Bound' state pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc() pod_name = openshift_ops.oc_create_tiny_pod_with_volume( self._master, pvc_name, "autotest-volume", image=self.io_container_image_cirros) self.addCleanup(openshift_ops.oc_delete, self._master, 'pod', pod_name, raise_on_absence=False) # Wait for POD be up and running openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self._master, pod_name, timeout=60, wait_step=2) # Write data on the volume and wait for 2 mins and sleep is must for # prometheus to get the exact values of the metrics self._run_io_on_the_pod(pod_name, 30) time.sleep(120) # Fetching the metrics and storing in initial_metrics as dictionary initial_metrics = self._get_and_manipulate_metric_data( self.metrics, pvc_name) # Mark the current node unschedulable on which app pod is running openshift_ops.switch_oc_project( self._master, self.storage_project_name) pod_info = openshift_ops.oc_get_pods(self._master, name=pod_name) openshift_ops.oc_adm_manage_node( self._master, '--schedulable=false', nodes=[pod_info[pod_name]["node"]]) self.addCleanup( openshift_ops.oc_adm_manage_node, self._master, '--schedulable=true', nodes=[pod_info[pod_name]["node"]]) # Delete the existing pod and create a new pod openshift_ops.oc_delete(self._master, 'pod', pod_name) pod_name = openshift_ops.oc_create_tiny_pod_with_volume( self._master, pvc_name, "autotest-volume") self.addCleanup(openshift_ops.oc_delete, self._master, 'pod', pod_name) # Wait for POD be up and running and prometheus to refresh the data openshift_ops.wait_for_pod_be_ready( self._master, pod_name, timeout=60, wait_step=2) time.sleep(120) # Fetching the metrics and storing in final_metrics as dictionary and # validating with initial_metrics final_metrics = self._get_and_manipulate_metric_data( self.metrics, pvc_name) self.assertEqual(dict(initial_metrics), dict(final_metrics), "Metrics are different post pod restart") @pytest.mark.tier2 def test_prometheus_basic_validation(self): """ Validate basic volume metrics using prometheus """ # Fetch the metrics and storing initial_metrics as dictionary pvc_name, pod_name, initial_metrics = self._fetch_initial_metrics( volume_expansion=False) # Create 1000 files and fetch the metrics that the data is updated self._perform_io_and_fetch_metrics( pod_name=pod_name, pvc_name=pvc_name, filename="filename1", dirname="dirname1", metric_data=initial_metrics, operation="create") # Write the IO half the size of the volume and validated from # prometheus pod that the size change is reflected size_to_write = int(initial_metrics[ 'kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes']) // 2 openshift_ops.switch_oc_project( self._master, self.storage_project_name) cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/large_file bs={} count=1024". format(size_to_write // 1024)) ret, _, err = openshift_ops.oc_rsh(self._master, pod_name, cmd) self.assertFalse(ret, 'Failed to write file due to err {}'.format(err)) # Fetching the metrics and validating the data change is reflected for w in waiter.Waiter(120, 10): half_io_metrics = self._get_and_manipulate_metric_data( ['kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes'], pvc_name) if bool(half_io_metrics) and (int( half_io_metrics['kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes']) > size_to_write): break if w.expired: raise AssertionError( "After Data is written on the pvc, metrics like inodes used " "and bytes used are not reflected in the prometheus") # Delete the files from the volume and wait for the # updated details reflected in prometheus self._perform_io_and_fetch_metrics( pod_name=pod_name, pvc_name=pvc_name, filename="filename1", dirname="dirname1", metric_data=half_io_metrics, operation="delete")