import re import os import sys import stat import time import errno import struct import socket import logging import tempfile import threading import subprocess from errno import EEXIST, ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR, ELOOP, EISDIR from gconf import gconf import repce from repce import RepceServer, RepceClient from master import GMaster import syncdutils from syncdutils import GsyncdError, select, privileged UrlRX = re.compile('\A(\w+)://([^ *?[]*)\Z') HostRX = re.compile('[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d.-]*[a-z\d])?', re.I) UserRX = re.compile("[\w!\#$%&'*+-\/=?^_`{|}~]+") def sup(x, *a, **kw): """a rubyesque "super" for python ;) invoke caller method in parent class with given args. """ return getattr(super(type(x), x), sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name)(*a, **kw) def desugar(ustr): """transform sugared url strings to standard :// form parsing logic enforces the constraint that sugared forms should contatin a ':' or a '/', which ensures that sugared urls do not conflict with gluster volume names. """ m = re.match('([^:]*):(.*)', ustr) if m: if not m.groups()[0]: return "gluster://localhost" + ustr elif '@' in m.groups()[0] or'[:/]', m.groups()[1]): return "ssh://" + ustr else: return "gluster://" + ustr else: if ustr[0] != '/': raise GsyncdError("cannot resolve sugared url '%s'" % ustr) ap = os.path.normpath(ustr) if ap.startswith('//'): ap = ap[1:] return "file://" + ap def gethostbyname(hnam): """gethostbyname wrapper""" try: return socket.gethostbyname(hnam) except socket.gaierror: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] raise GsyncdError("failed to resolve %s: %s" % \ (hnam, ex.strerror)) def parse_url(ustr): """instantiate an url object by scheme-to-class dispatch The url classes taken into consideration are the ones in this module whose names are full-caps. """ m = UrlRX.match(ustr) if not m: ustr = desugar(ustr) m = UrlRX.match(ustr) if not m: raise GsyncdError("malformed url") sch, path = m.groups() this = sys.modules[__name__] if not hasattr(this, sch.upper()): raise GsyncdError("unknown url scheme " + sch) return getattr(this, sch.upper())(path) class _MetaXattr(object): """singleton class, a lazy wrapper around the libcxattr module libcxattr (a heavy import due to ctypes) is loaded only when when the single instance is tried to be used. This reduces runtime for those invocations which do not need filesystem manipulation (eg. for config, url parsing) """ def __getattr__(self, meth): from libcxattr import Xattr as LXattr xmeth = [ m for m in dir(LXattr) if m[0] != '_' ] if not meth in xmeth: return for m in xmeth: setattr(self, m, getattr(LXattr, m)) return getattr(self, meth) Xattr = _MetaXattr() class Popen(subprocess.Popen): """customized subclass of subprocess.Popen with a ring buffer for children error ouput""" @classmethod def init_errhandler(cls): """start the thread which handles children's error output""" cls.errstore = {} def tailer(): while True: for po in select([po.stderr for po in cls.errstore], [], []): po.lock.acquire() try: la = cls.errstore.get(po) if la == None: continue l =, 1024) tots = len(l) for lx in la: tots += len(lx) while tots > 1<<20 and la: tots -= len(la.pop(0)) finally: po.lock.release() t = syncdutils.Thread(target = tailer) t.start() cls.errhandler = t def __init__(self, args, *a, **kw): """customizations for subprocess.Popen instantiation - 'close_fds' is taken to be the default - if child's stderr is chosen to be managed, register it with the error handler thread """ self.args = args if 'close_fds' not in kw: kw['close_fds'] = True self.lock = threading.Lock() try: sup(self, args, *a, **kw) except: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if not isinstance(ex, OSError): raise raise GsyncdError("""execution of "%s" failed with %s (%s)""" % \ (args[0], errno.errorcode[ex.errno], os.strerror(ex.errno))) if kw['stderr'] == subprocess.PIPE: assert(getattr(self, 'errhandler', None)) self.errstore[self] = [] def errfail(self): """fail nicely if child did not terminate with success""" filling = None if self.elines: filling = ", saying:" logging.error("""command "%s" returned with %d%s""" % \ (" ".join(self.args), self.returncode, filling)) for l in self.elines: for ll in l.rstrip().split("\n"): logging.error(self.args[0] + "> " + ll.rstrip()) syncdutils.finalize(exval = 1) def terminate_geterr(self, fail_on_err = True): """kill child, finalize stderr harvesting (unregister from errhandler, set up .elines), fail on error if asked for """ self.lock.acquire() try: elines = self.errstore.pop(self) finally: self.lock.release() if self.poll() == None: self.terminate() if sp.poll() == None: time.sleep(0.1) sp.kill() while True: b =, 1024) if b: elines.append(b) else: break self.stderr.close() self.elines = elines if fail_on_err and self.returncode != 0: self.errfail() class Server(object): """singleton implemening those filesystem access primitives which are needed for geo-replication functionality (Singleton in the sense it's a class which has only static and classmethods and is used directly, without instantiation.) """ GX_NSPACE = (privileged() and "trusted" or "system") + ".glusterfs" NTV_FMTSTR = "!" + "B"*19 + "II" FRGN_XTRA_FMT = "I" FRGN_FMTSTR = NTV_FMTSTR + FRGN_XTRA_FMT def _pathguard(f): """decorator method that checks the path argument of the decorated functions to make sure it does not point out of the managed tree """ fc = getattr(f, 'func_code', None) if not fc: # python 3 fc = f.__code__ pi = list(fc.co_varnames).index('path') def ff(*a): path = a[pi] ps = path.split('/') if path[0] == '/' or '..' in ps: raise ValueError('unsafe path') return f(*a) return ff @staticmethod @_pathguard def entries(path): """directory entries in an array""" # prevent symlinks being followed if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(path).st_mode): raise OSError(ENOTDIR, os.strerror(ENOTDIR)) return os.listdir(path) @classmethod @_pathguard def purge(cls, path, entries=None): """force-delete subtrees If @entries is not specified, delete the whole subtree under @path (including @path). Otherwise, @entries should be a a sequence of children of @path, and the effect is identical with a joint @entries-less purge on them, ie. for e in entries: cls.purge(os.path.join(path, e)) """ me_also = entries == None if not entries: try: # if it's a symlink, prevent # following it try: os.unlink(path) return except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == EISDIR: entries = os.listdir(path) else: raise except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOTDIR, ENOENT, ELOOP): try: os.unlink(path) return except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == ENOENT: return raise else: raise for e in entries: cls.purge(os.path.join(path, e)) if me_also: os.rmdir(path) @classmethod @_pathguard def _create(cls, path, ctor): """path creation backend routine""" try: ctor(path) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == EEXIST: cls.purge(path) return ctor(path) raise @classmethod @_pathguard def mkdir(cls, path): cls._create(path, os.mkdir) @classmethod @_pathguard def symlink(cls, lnk, path): cls._create(path, lambda p: os.symlink(lnk, p)) @classmethod @_pathguard def xtime(cls, path, uuid): """query xtime extended attribute Return xtime of @path for @uuid as a pair of integers. "Normal" errors due to non-existent @path or extended attribute are tolerated and errno is returned in such a case. """ try: return struct.unpack('!II', Xattr.lgetxattr(path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'xtime']), 8)) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR): return ex.errno else: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def set_xtime(cls, path, uuid, mark): """set @mark as xtime for @uuid on @path""" Xattr.lsetxattr(path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'xtime']), struct.pack('!II', *mark)) @staticmethod @_pathguard def setattr(path, adct): """set file attributes @adct is a dict, where 'own', 'mode' and 'times' keys are looked for and values used to perform chown, chmod or utimes on @path. """ own = adct.get('own') if own: os.lchown(path, *own) mode = adct.get('mode') if mode: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IMODE(mode)) times = adct.get('times') if times: os.utime(path, times) @staticmethod def pid(): return os.getpid() last_keep_alive = 0 @classmethod def keep_alive(cls, dct): """process keepalive messages. Return keep-alive counter (number of received keep-alive messages). Now the "keep-alive" message can also have a payload which is used to set a foreign volume-mark on the underlying file system. """ if dct: key = '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'volume-mark', dct['uuid']]) val = struct.pack(cls.FRGN_FMTSTR, *(dct['version'] + tuple(int(x,16) for x in re.findall('(?:[\da-f]){2}', dct['uuid'])) + (dct['retval'],) + dct['volume_mark'][0:2] + (dct['timeout'],))) Xattr.lsetxattr('.', key, val) cls.last_keep_alive += 1 return cls.last_keep_alive @staticmethod def version(): """version used in handshake""" return 1.0 class SlaveLocal(object): """mix-in class to implement some factes of a slave server ("mix-in" is sort of like "abstract class", ie. it's not instantiated just included in the ancesty DAG. I use "mix-in" to indicate that it's not used as an abstract base class, rather just taken in to implement additional functionality on the basis of the assumed availability of certain interfaces.) """ def can_connect_to(self, remote): """determine our position in the connectibility matrix""" return not remote def service_loop(self): """start a RePCe server serving self's server stop servicing if a timeout is configured and got no keep-alime in that inteval """ repce = RepceServer(self.server, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, int(gconf.sync_jobs)) t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(), syncdutils.finalize())) t.start()"slave listening") if gconf.timeout and int(gconf.timeout) > 0: while True: lp = self.server.last_keep_alive time.sleep(int(gconf.timeout)) if lp == self.server.last_keep_alive:"connection inactive for %d seconds, stopping" % int(gconf.timeout)) break else: select((), (), ()) class SlaveRemote(object): """mix-in class to implement an interface to a remote slave""" def connect_remote(self, rargs=[], **opts): """connects to a remote slave Invoke an auxiliary utility (slave gsyncd, possibly wrapped) which sets up the connection and set up a RePCe client to communicate throuh its stdio. """ slave = opts.get('slave', self.url) so = getattr(gconf, 'session_owner', None) if so: so_args = ['--session-owner', so] else: so_args = [] po = Popen(rargs + gconf.remote_gsyncd.split() + so_args + \ ['-N', '--listen', '--timeout', str(gconf.timeout), slave], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) gconf.transport = po return self.start_fd_client(po.stdout, po.stdin, **opts) def start_fd_client(self, i, o, **opts): """set up RePCe client, handshake with server It's cut out as a separate method to let subclasses hook into client startup """ self.server = RepceClient(i, o) rv = self.server.__version__() exrv = {'proto': repce.repce_version, 'object': Server.version()} da0 = (rv, exrv) da1 = ({}, {}) for i in range(2): for k, v in da0[i].iteritems(): da1[i][k] = int(v) if da1[0] != da1[1]: raise GsyncdError("RePCe major version mismatch: local %s, remote %s" % (exrv, rv)) def rsync(self, files, *args): """invoke rsync""" if not files: raise GsyncdError("no files to sync") logging.debug("files: " + ", ".join(files)) argv = gconf.rsync_command.split() + gconf.rsync_extra.split() + ['-aR'] + files + list(args) po = Popen(argv, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) po.wait() po.terminate_geterr(fail_on_err = False) return po class AbstractUrl(object): """abstract base class for url scheme classes""" def __init__(self, path, pattern): m =, path) if not m: raise GsyncdError("malformed path") self.path = path return m.groups() @property def scheme(self): return type(self).__name__.lower() def canonical_path(self): return self.path def get_url(self, canonical=False, escaped=False): """format self's url in various styles""" if canonical: pa = self.canonical_path() else: pa = self.path u = "://".join((self.scheme, pa)) if escaped: u = syncdutils.escape(u) return u @property def url(self): return self.get_url() ### Concrete resource classes ### class FILE(AbstractUrl, SlaveLocal, SlaveRemote): """scheme class for file:// urls can be used to represent a file slave server on slave side, or interface to a remote file file server on master side """ class FILEServer(Server): """included server flavor""" pass server = FILEServer def __init__(self, path): sup(self, path, '^/') def connect(self): """inhibit the resource beyond""" os.chdir(self.path) def rsync(self, files): return sup(self, files, self.path) class GLUSTER(AbstractUrl, SlaveLocal, SlaveRemote): """scheme class for gluster:// urls can be used to represent a gluster slave server on slave side, or interface to a remote gluster slave on master side, or to represent master (slave-ish features come from the mixins, master functionality is outsourced to GMaster from master) """ class GLUSTERServer(Server): "server enhancements for a glusterfs backend""" @classmethod def _attr_unpack_dict(cls, xattr, extra_fields = ''): """generic volume mark fetching/parsing backed""" fmt_string = cls.NTV_FMTSTR + extra_fields buf = Xattr.lgetxattr('.', xattr, struct.calcsize(fmt_string)) vm = struct.unpack(fmt_string, buf) m = re.match('(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})', "".join(['%02x' % x for x in vm[2:18]])) uuid = '-'.join(m.groups()) volinfo = { 'version': vm[0:2], 'uuid' : uuid, 'retval' : vm[18], 'volume_mark': vm[19:21], } if extra_fields: return volinfo, vm[-len(extra_fields):] else: return volinfo @classmethod def foreign_volume_infos(cls): """return list of valid (not expired) foreign volume marks""" dict_list = [] xattr_list = Xattr.llistxattr_buf('.') for ele in xattr_list: if ele.find('.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'volume-mark', ''])) == 0: d, x = cls._attr_unpack_dict(ele, cls.FRGN_XTRA_FMT) now = int(time.time()) if x[0] > now: logging.debug("volinfo[%s] expires: %d (%d sec later)" % \ (d['uuid'], x[0], x[0] - now)) dict_list.append(d) else: try: Xattr.lremovexattr('.', ele) except OSError: pass return dict_list @classmethod def native_volume_info(cls): """get the native volume mark of the underlying gluster volume""" try: return cls._attr_unpack_dict('.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'volume-mark'])) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno != ENODATA: raise server = GLUSTERServer def __init__(self, path):, self.volume = sup(self, path, '^(%s):(.+)' % HostRX.pattern) def canonical_path(self): return ':'.join([gethostbyname(, self.volume]) def can_connect_to(self, remote): """determine our position in the connectibility matrix""" return True class Mounter(object): """Abstract base class for mounter backends""" def __init__(self, params): self.params = params @classmethod def get_glusterprog(cls): return os.path.join(gconf.gluster_command_dir, cls.glusterprog) def umount_l(self, d): """perform lazy umount""" po = Popen(self.make_umount_argv(d), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) po.wait() return po @classmethod def make_umount_argv(cls, d): raise NotImplementedError def make_mount_argv(self, *a): raise NotImplementedError def cleanup_mntpt(self): pass def handle_mounter(self, po): po.wait() def inhibit(self, *a): """inhibit a gluster filesystem Mount glusterfs over a temporary mountpoint, change into the mount, and lazy unmount the filesystem. """ mounted = False try: po = Popen(self.make_mount_argv(*a), **self.mountkw) self.handle_mounter(po) po.terminate_geterr() d = self.mntpt mounted = True logging.debug('auxiliary glusterfs mount in place') os.chdir(d) self.umount_l(d).terminate_geterr() mounted = False finally: try: if mounted: self.umount_l(d).terminate_geterr(fail_on_err = False) self.cleanup_mntpt() except: logging.warn('stale mount possibly left behind on ' + d) logging.debug('auxiliary glusterfs mount prepared') class DirectMounter(Mounter): """mounter backend which calls mount(8), umount(8) directly""" mountkw = {'stderr': subprocess.PIPE} glusterprog = 'glusterfs' @staticmethod def make_umount_argv(d): return ['umount', '-l', d] def make_mount_argv(self): self.mntpt = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'gsyncd-aux-mount-') return [self.get_glusterprog()] + ['--' + p for p in self.params] + [self.mntpt] def cleanup_mntpt(self): os.rmdir(self.mntpt) class MountbrokerMounter(Mounter): """mounter backend using the mountbroker gluster service""" mountkw = {'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE} glusterprog = 'gluster' @classmethod def make_cli_argv(cls): return [cls.get_glusterprog()] + gconf.gluster_cli_options.split() + ['system::'] @classmethod def make_umount_argv(cls, d): return cls.make_cli_argv() + ['umount', d, 'lazy'] def make_mount_argv(self, label): return self.make_cli_argv() + \ ['mount', label, 'user-map-root=' + syncdutils.getusername()] + self.params def handle_mounter(self, po): self.mntpt = po.stdout.readline()[:-1] po.stdout.close() sup(self, po) if po.returncode != 0: # if cli terminated with error due to being # refused by glusterd, what it put # out on stdout is a diagnostic message logging.error('glusterd answered: %s' % self.mntpt) def connect(self): """inhibit the resource beyond Choose mounting backend (direct or mountbroker), set up glusterfs parameters and perform the mount with given backend """ label = getattr(gconf, 'mountbroker', None) if not label and not privileged(): label = syncdutils.getusername() mounter = label and self.MountbrokerMounter or self.DirectMounter params = gconf.gluster_params.split() + \ (gconf.gluster_log_level and ['log-level=' + gconf.gluster_log_level] or []) + \ ['log-file=' + gconf.gluster_log_file, 'volfile-server=' +, 'volfile-id=' + self.volume, 'client-pid=-1'] mounter(params).inhibit(*[l for l in [label] if l]) def connect_remote(self, *a, **kw): sup(self, *a, **kw) self.slavedir = "/proc/%d/cwd" % def service_loop(self, *args): """enter service loop - if slave given, instantiate GMaster and pass control to that instance, which implements master behavior - else do that's what's inherited """ if args: GMaster(self, args[0]).crawl_loop() else: sup(self, *args) def rsync(self, files): return sup(self, files, self.slavedir) class SSH(AbstractUrl, SlaveRemote): """scheme class for ssh:// urls interface to remote slave on master side implementing an ssh based proxy """ def __init__(self, path): self.remote_addr, inner_url = sup(self, path, '^((?:%s@)?%s):(.+)' % tuple([ r.pattern for r in (UserRX, HostRX) ])) self.inner_rsc = parse_url(inner_url) def canonical_path(self): m = re.match('([^@]+)@(.+)', self.remote_addr) if m: u, h = m.groups() else: u, h = syncdutils.getusername(), self.remote_addr remote_addr = '@'.join([u, gethostbyname(h)]) return ':'.join([remote_addr, self.inner_rsc.get_url(canonical=True)]) def can_connect_to(self, remote): """determine our position in the connectibility matrix""" return False def start_fd_client(self, *a, **opts): """customizations for client startup - be a no-op if we are to daemonize (client startup is deferred to post-daemon stage) - determine target url for rsync after consulting server """ if opts.get('deferred'): return a sup(self, *a) ityp = type(self.inner_rsc) if ityp == FILE: slavepath = self.inner_rsc.path elif ityp == GLUSTER: slavepath = "/proc/%d/cwd" % else: raise NotImplementedError self.slaveurl = ':'.join([self.remote_addr, slavepath]) def connect_remote(self, go_daemon=None): """connect to inner slave url through outer ssh url Wrap the connecting utility in ssh. Much care is put into daemonizing: in that case ssh is started before daemonization, but RePCe client is to be created after that (as ssh interactive password auth would be defeated by a daemonized ssh, while client should be present only in the final process). In that case the action is taken apart to two parts, this method is ivoked once pre-daemon, once post-daemon. Use @go_daemon to deiced what part to perform. [NB. ATM gluster product does not makes use of interactive authentication.] """ if go_daemon == 'done': return self.start_fd_client(*self.fd_pair) gconf.setup_ssh_ctl(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gsyncd-aux-ssh-')) deferred = go_daemon == 'postconn' ret = sup(self, gconf.ssh_command.split() + gconf.ssh_ctl_args + [self.remote_addr], slave=self.inner_rsc.url, deferred=deferred) if deferred: # send a message to peer so that we can wait for # the answer from which we know connection is # established and we can proceed with daemonization # (doing that too early robs the ssh passwd prompt...) # However, we'd better not start the RepceClient # before daemonization (that's not preserved properly # in daemon), we just do a an ad-hoc linear put/get. i, o = ret inf = os.fdopen(i) repce.send(o, None, '__repce_version__') select((inf,), (), ()) repce.recv(inf) # hack hack hack: store a global reference to the file # to save it from getting GC'd which implies closing it gconf.permanent_handles.append(inf) self.fd_pair = (i, o) return 'should' def rsync(self, files): return sup(self, files, '-ze', " ".join(gconf.ssh_command.split() + gconf.ssh_ctl_args), self.slaveurl)