path: root/doc/hacker-guide/en-US/markdown/
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/hacker-guide/en-US/markdown/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/doc/hacker-guide/en-US/markdown/ b/doc/hacker-guide/en-US/markdown/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d78964fa20..00000000000
--- a/doc/hacker-guide/en-US/markdown/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-performance/write-behind translator
-Basic working
-Write behind is basically a translator to lie to the application that the
-write-requests are finished, even before it is actually finished.
-On a regular translator tree without write-behind, control flow is like this:
-1. application makes a `write()` system call.
-2. VFS ==> FUSE ==> `/dev/fuse`.
-3. fuse-bridge initiates a glusterfs `writev()` call.
-4. `writev()` is `STACK_WIND()`ed up to client-protocol or storage translator.
-5. client-protocol, on receiving reply from server, starts `STACK_UNWIND()` towards the fuse-bridge.
-On a translator tree with write-behind, control flow is like this:
-1. application makes a `write()` system call.
-2. VFS ==> FUSE ==> `/dev/fuse`.
-3. fuse-bridge initiates a glusterfs `writev()` call.
-4. `writev()` is `STACK_WIND()`ed up to write-behind translator.
-5. write-behind adds the write buffer to its internal queue and does a `STACK_UNWIND()` towards the fuse-bridge.
-write call is completed in application's percepective. after
-`STACK_UNWIND()`ing towards the fuse-bridge, write-behind initiates a fresh
-writev() call to its child translator, whose replies will be consumed by
-write-behind itself. Write-behind _doesn't_ cache the write buffer, unless
-`option flush-behind on` is specified in volume specification file.
-With respect to write-behind, each write-buffer has three flags: `stack_wound`, `write_behind` and `got_reply`.
-* `stack_wound`: if set, indicates that write-behind has initiated `STACK_WIND()` towards child translator.
-* `write_behind`: if set, indicates that write-behind has done `STACK_UNWIND()` towards fuse-bridge.
-* `got_reply`: if set, indicates that write-behind has received reply from child translator for a `writev()` `STACK_WIND()`. a request will be destroyed by write-behind only if this flag is set.
-Currently pending write requests = aggregate size of requests with write_behind = 1 and got_reply = 0.
-window size limits the aggregate size of currently pending write requests. once
-the pending requests' size has reached the window size, write-behind blocks
-writev() calls from fuse-bridge. Blocking is only from application's
-perspective. Write-behind does `STACK_WIND()` to child translator
-straight-away, but hold behind the `STACK_UNWIND()` towards fuse-bridge.
-`STACK_UNWIND()` is done only once write-behind gets enough replies to
-accommodate for currently blocked request.
-Flush behind
-If `option flush-behind on` is specified in volume specification file, then
-write-behind sends aggregate write requests to child translator, instead of
-regular per request `STACK_WIND()`s.