path: root/extras/devel-tools/devel-vagrant/Vagrantfile
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Diffstat (limited to 'extras/devel-tools/devel-vagrant/Vagrantfile')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/devel-tools/devel-vagrant/Vagrantfile b/extras/devel-tools/devel-vagrant/Vagrantfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43783e441cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/devel-tools/devel-vagrant/Vagrantfile
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# -*- mode: ruby -*-
+# vi: set ft=ruby :
+# Author: Rajesh Joseph (
+# Author: Christopher Blum (
+box_name = "gluster-dev-fedora"
+box_url = ""
+node_count = 0
+disk_count = -1
+node_name = "Node"
+if ARGV[0] == "up"
+ environment = open('vagrant_env.conf', 'w')
+ print "\n\e[1;37mEnter Node (or VM) Count? Default: 1 \e[32m"
+ while node_count < 1 or node_count > 99
+ node_count = $stdin.gets.strip.to_i
+ if node_count == 0 # The user pressed enter without input or we cannot parse the input to a number
+ node_count = 1
+ elsif node_count < 1
+ print "\e[31mWe need at least 1 VM ;) Try again \e[32m"
+ elsif node_count > 99
+ print "\e[31mWe don't support more than 99 VMs - Try again \e[32m"
+ end
+ end
+ print "\e[1;37mEnter per Node Disc (Brick) Count? Default: 2 \e[32m"
+ while disk_count < 1
+ disk_count = $stdin.gets.strip.to_i
+ if disk_count == 0 # The user pressed enter without input or we cannot parse the input to a number
+ disk_count = 2
+ elsif disk_count < 1
+ print "\e[31mWe need at least 1 disk ;) Try again \e[32m"
+ end
+ end
+ environment.puts("# BEWARE: Do NOT modify ANY settings in here or your vagrant environment will be messed up")
+ environment.puts(node_count.to_s)
+ environment.puts(disk_count.to_s)
+ print "\e[32m\nOK I will provision #{node_count} VMs for you and each one will have #{disk_count} disks for bricks\e[37m\n\n"
+ system "sleep 1"
+else # So that we destroy and can connect to all VMs...
+ environment = open('vagrant_env.conf', 'r')
+ environment.readline # Skip the comment on top
+ node_count = environment.readline.to_i
+ disk_count = environment.readline.to_i
+ if ARGV[0] != "ssh-config"
+ puts "Detected settings from previous vagrant up:"
+ puts " We deployed #{node_count} VMs with each #{disk_count} disks"
+ puts ""
+ end
+$ansivar ={ |hash,key| hash[key] = [] }
+$devnamecreated = false
+# Function to create and attach disks
+def attachDisks(numDisk, provider)
+ suffix = "bcdefghijklmn".split("")
+ for i in 1..numDisk.to_i
+ devname = "vd" + (suffix[i-1]).to_s
+ if $devnamecreated == false
+ $ansivar["device"].push "#{devname}"
+ end
+ :file,
+ :size => '1G',
+ :device => "vd" + (suffix[i-1]).to_s,
+ :type => "qcow2",
+ :bus => "virtio",
+ :cache => "default"
+ end
+ $devnamecreated = true
+groups ={ |hash,key| hash[key] = [] }
+groups["origin"].push "#{node_name}1"
+groups["all"].push "#{node_name}1"
+(2..node_count).each do |num|
+ groups["group1"].push "#{node_name}#{num}"
+ groups["all"].push "#{node_name}#{num}"
+hostsFile = "\n"
+(1..node_count).each do |num|
+ hostsFile += "#{ipbase}#{( 100 + num).to_s} #{node_name}#{num.to_s}\n"
+Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
+ (1..node_count).each do |num|
+ config.vm.define "#{node_name}#{num}" do |node|
+ ip_addr = "#{ipbase}#{(100 + num).to_s}"
+ "private_network", ip: "#{ip_addr}"
+ = box_name
+ node.vm.box_url = box_url
+ node.vm.hostname = "#{node_name}#{num}"
+ node.ssh.insert_key = false
+ node.vm.synced_folder "/work/source", "/work/source", type: "nfs"
+ # Define basic config for VM, memory, cpu, storage pool
+ node.vm.provider "libvirt" do |virt|
+ virt.storage_pool_name = "default"
+ virt.memory = 1024
+ virt.cpus = 1
+ attachDisks( disk_count, virt )
+ end
+ node.vm.post_up_message = "\e[37mBuilding of this VM is finished \n"
+ "You can access it now with: \n"
+ "vagrant ssh #{node_name}#{num.to_s}\n\n"
+ "/work/source directory in VM #{node_name}#{num.to_s}"
+ "is synced with Host machine. \nSo any changes done in this"
+ "directory will be reflected in the host machine as well\n"
+ "Beware of this when you delete content from this directory\e[32m"
+ node.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
+ node.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
+ echo '#{hostsFile}' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
+ if num == node_count
+ # Let's provision
+ node.vm.provision "ansible" do |setup|
+ setup.verbose = "v"
+ setup.playbook = "ansible/setup.yml"
+ setup.limit = "all"
+ setup.sudo = "true"
+ setup.groups = groups
+ setup.extra_vars = $ansivar
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end