path: root/tests/bugs/bug-1161621.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/bugs/bug-1161621.t')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bugs/bug-1161621.t b/tests/bugs/bug-1161621.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5617cd8855a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bugs/bug-1161621.t
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+. $(dirname $0)/../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc
+TEST glusterd
+TEST pidof glusterd
+TEST $CLI volume create $V0 disperse 5 redundancy 2 $H0:$B0/${V0}{0..4}
+EXPECT "Created" volinfo_field $V0 'Status'
+TEST $CLI volume start $V0
+EXPECT_WITHIN $PROCESS_UP_TIMEOUT "Started" volinfo_field $V0 'Status'
+TEST $GFS --volfile-id=/$V0 --volfile-server=$H0 $M0
+TEST $GFS --volfile-id=/$V0 --volfile-server=$H0 $M1
+EXPECT_WITHIN $CHILD_UP_TIMEOUT "5" ec_child_up_count $V0 0
+tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t ${0##*/}.XXXXXX)
+trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
+TEST dd if=/dev/urandom of=$tmpdir/file bs=1234 count=20
+cs=$(sha1sum $tmpdir/file | awk '{ print $1 }')
+# Test O_APPEND on create
+TEST dd if=$tmpdir/file of=$M0/file bs=1234 count=10 oflag=append
+# Test O_APPEND on open
+TEST dd if=$tmpdir/file of=$M0/file bs=1234 skip=10 oflag=append conv=notrunc
+EXPECT "$cs" echo $(sha1sum $M0/file | awk '{ print $1 }')
+# Fill a file with ff (I don't use 0's because empty holes created by an
+# incorrect offset will be returned as 0's and won't be detected)
+dd if=/dev/zero bs=24680 count=1000 | tr '\0' '\377' >$tmpdir/shared
+cs=$(sha1sum $tmpdir/shared | awk '{ print $1 }')
+# Test concurrent writes to the same file using O_APPEND
+dd if=$tmpdir/shared of=$M0/shared bs=123400 count=100 oflag=append conv=notrunc &
+dd if=$tmpdir/shared of=$M1/shared bs=123400 count=100 oflag=append conv=notrunc &
+EXPECT "24680000" stat -c "%s" $M0/shared
+EXPECT "$cs" echo $(sha1sum $M0/shared | awk '{ print $1 }')
+TEST rm -rf $tmpdir