path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
13 files changed, 1511 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 50e1a9d5005..09c98576987 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ Regression tests framework for GlusterFS
- Build and install the version of glusterfs with your changes. Make
sure the installed version is accessible from $PATH.
+## Prereq for geo-rep regression tests.
+- Passwordless ssh on the test system to itself
+- arequal-checksum installed on the test-system.
+ You can find the repo here -
## How-To
- To mount glusterfs, NEVER use 'mount -t glusterfs', instead use
'glusterfs -s ' method. This is because with the patch build setup
@@ -30,6 +35,7 @@ Regression tests framework for GlusterFS
`tests/bugs/` directory.
- a glob pattern (see `man 7 glob` for mor info on globs)
+- To execute single ".t" file, use "prove -vf /path/to/.t"
- If some test cases fail, report to GlusterFS community at
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/ b/tests/geo-rep/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d9850337b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+import time
+from optparse import OptionParser
+slave_dict = {}
+master_res = ''
+def get_arequal_checksum(me, mnt):
+ global slave_dict
+ master_cmd = ['./tests/utils/arequal-checksum', '-p', mnt]
+ print "Calculating "+me+" checksum ..."
+ print ""
+ p = subprocess.Popen(master_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ ret = p.wait()
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ if ret:
+ print "Failed to get the checksum of " + me + " with following error"
+ print stderr
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return stdout
+def get_file_count(me, mnt):
+ global slave_dict
+ master_cmd = ['find ' + mnt + ' |wc -l']
+ print "Calculating " + me + " files ..."
+ print ""
+ p = subprocess.Popen(master_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ ret = p.wait()
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ if ret:
+ print "Failed to get the count of files in " + me
+ + " with following error"
+ print stderr
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return stdout.strip()
+def compare_checksum(master_mnt, slave_dict):
+ proc = len(slave_dict)+1
+ pool = Pool(processes=proc)
+ master_res = pool.apply_async(get_arequal_checksum, args=("master",
+ master_mnt))
+ results = [(slave, pool.apply_async(get_arequal_checksum,
+ args=(slave_dict[slave]["vol"],
+ slave_dict[slave]["mnt"])))
+ for slave in slave_dict]
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ for slave, result in results:
+ slave_dict[slave]["res"] = result.get()
+ # exception: OSError
+ master_res = master_res.get()
+ print "arequal-checksum of master is : \n %s" % master_res
+ for slave in slave_dict:
+ print "arequal-checksum of geo_rep_slave %s: \n %s" % (
+ slave_dict[slave]["vol"], slave_dict[slave]["res"])
+ master_files, master_total = re.findall('Total[\s]+:\s(\w+)', master_res)
+ master_reg_meta, master_reg = re.findall('Regular files[\s]+:\s(\w+)',
+ master_res)[1:]
+ master_dir_meta, master_dir = re.findall('Directories[\s]+:\s(\w+)',
+ master_res)[1:]
+ ret = 0
+ for slave in slave_dict:
+ slave_dict[slave]["files"], slave_dict[slave]["total"] = re.findall(
+ 'Total[\s]+:\s(\w+)', slave_dict[slave]["res"])
+ slave_dict[slave]["reg_meta"], slave_dict[slave]["reg"] = re.findall(
+ 'Regular files[\s]+:\s(\w+)', slave_dict[slave]["res"])[1:]
+ slave_dict[slave]["dir_meta"], slave_dict[slave]["dir"] = re.findall(
+ 'Directories[\s]+:\s(\w+)', slave_dict[slave]["res"])[1:]
+ if master_reg_meta != slave_dict[slave]["reg_meta"]:
+ print ("Meta data checksum for regular files doesn't match " +
+ "between master and "+slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ ret = 67
+ if master_dir_meta != slave_dict[slave]["dir_meta"]:
+ print ("Meta data checksum for directories doesn't match " +
+ "between master and "+slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ ret = 68
+ if master_files != slave_dict[slave]["files"]:
+ print ("Failed to sync all the files from master to " +
+ slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ ret = 1
+ if master_total != slave_dict[slave]["total"]:
+ if master_reg != slave_dict[slave]["reg"]:
+ print ("Checksum for regular files doesn't match " +
+ "between master and "+slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ ret = 1
+ elif master_dir != slave_dict[slave]["dir"]:
+ print ("Checksum for directories doesn't match between " +
+ "master and "+slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ ret = 1
+ else:
+ print ("Checksum for symlinks or others doesn't match " +
+ "between master and "+slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ ret = 1
+ if ret is 0:
+ print ("Successfully synced all the files from master " +
+ "to the "+slave_dict[slave]["vol"])
+ return ret
+def compare_filecount(master_mnt, slave_dict):
+ proc = len(slave_dict)+1
+ pool = Pool(processes=proc)
+ master_res = pool.apply_async(get_file_count, args=("master", master_mnt))
+ results = [(slave, pool.apply_async(get_file_count,
+ args=(slave_dict[slave]["vol"],
+ slave_dict[slave]["mnt"])))
+ for slave in slave_dict]
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ for slave, result in results:
+ slave_dict[slave]["res"] = result.get()
+ master_res = master_res.get()
+ ret = 0
+ for slave in slave_dict:
+ if not master_res == slave_dict[slave]["res"]:
+ print ("files count between master and " +
+ slave_dict[slave]["vol"]+" doesn't match yet")
+ ret = 1
+ return ret
+def parse_url(url):
+ match ='([\w - _ @ \.]+)::([\w - _ @ \.]+)', url)
+ if match:
+ node =
+ vol =
+ else:
+ print 'given url is not a valid.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return node, vol
+def cleanup(master_mnt, slave_dict):
+ try:
+ os.system("umount %s" % (master_mnt))
+ except:
+ print("Failed to unmount the master volume")
+ for slave in slave_dict:
+ try:
+ os.system("umount %s" % (slave_dict[slave]["mnt"]))
+ os.removedirs(slave_dict[slave]["mnt"])
+ except:
+ print("Failed to unmount the "+slave+" volume")
+ os.removedirs(master_mnt)
+def main():
+ slaves = args[1:]
+ masterurl = args[0]
+ master_node, mastervol = parse_url(masterurl)
+ master_mnt = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ i = 1
+ for slave in slaves:
+ slave_dict["slave"+str(i)] = {}
+ slave_dict["slave"+str(i)]["node"], slave_dict[
+ "slave"+str(i)]["vol"] = parse_url(slave)
+ slave_dict["slave"+str(i)]["mnt"] = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ i += 1
+ try:
+ print ("mounting the master volume on "+master_mnt)
+ os.system("glusterfs -s %s --volfile-id %s %s" % (master_node,
+ mastervol,
+ master_mnt))
+ time.sleep(3)
+ except:
+ print("Failed to mount the master volume")
+ for slave in slave_dict:
+ print slave
+ print slave_dict[slave]
+ try:
+ print ("mounting the slave volume on "+slave_dict[slave]['mnt'])
+ os.system("glusterfs -s %s --volfile-id %s %s" % (
+ slave_dict[slave]["node"], slave_dict[slave]["vol"],
+ slave_dict[slave]["mnt"]))
+ time.sleep(3)
+ except:
+ print("Failed to mount the "+slave+" volume")
+ res = 0
+ if option.check == "arequal":
+ res = compare_checksum(master_mnt, slave_dict)
+ elif option.check == "find":
+ res = compare_filecount(master_mnt, slave_dict)
+ else:
+ print "wrong options given"
+ cleanup(master_mnt, slave_dict)
+ sys.exit(res)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ usage = "usage: %prog [option] <master-host>::<master-vol> \
+ <slave1-host>::<slave1-vol> . . ."
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option("-c", dest="check", action="store", type="string",
+ default="arequal",
+ help="size of the files to be used [default: %default]")
+ (option, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args:
+ print "usage: <script> [option] <master-host>::<master-vol>\
+ <slave1-host>::<slave1-vol> . . ."
+ print ""
+ sys.exit(1)
+ main()
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/ b/tests/geo-rep/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..432c1d77f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Most of this script was written by M S Vishwanath Bhat (
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import xattr
+import tempfile
+def parse_url(url):
+ match ='([\w - _ @ \.]+)::([\w - _ @ \.]+)', url)
+ if match:
+ node =
+ vol =
+ else:
+ print 'given url is not a valid url.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return node, vol
+def cleanup(master_mnt, slave_mnt):
+ try:
+ os.system("umount %s" % (master_mnt))
+ except:
+ print("Failed to unmount the master volume")
+ try:
+ os.system("umount %s" % (slave_mnt))
+ except:
+ print("Failed to unmount the slave volume")
+ os.removedirs(master_mnt)
+ os.removedirs(slave_mnt)
+def main():
+ masterurl = sys.argv[1]
+ slaveurl = sys.argv[2]
+ slave_node, slavevol = parse_url(slaveurl)
+ master_node, mastervol = parse_url(masterurl)
+ master_mnt = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ slave_mnt = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ print "Mounting master volume on a temp mnt_pnt"
+ os.system("glusterfs -s %s --volfile-id %s %s" % (master_node,
+ mastervol,
+ master_mnt))
+ except:
+ print("Failed to mount the master volume")
+ cleanup(master_mnt, slave_mnt)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ print "Mounting slave voluem on a temp mnt_pnt"
+ os.system("glusterfs -s %s --volfile-id %s %s" % (slave_node, slavevol,
+ slave_mnt))
+ except:
+ print("Failed to mount the master volume")
+ cleanup(master_mnt, slave_mnt)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ slave_file_list = [slave_mnt]
+ for top, dirs, files in os.walk(slave_mnt, topdown=False):
+ for subdir in dirs:
+ slave_file_list.append(os.path.join(top, subdir))
+ for file in files:
+ slave_file_list.append(os.path.join(top, file))
+ # chdir and then get the gfid, so that you don't need to replace
+ gfid_attr = 'glusterfs.gfid'
+ ret = 0
+ for sfile in slave_file_list:
+ mfile = sfile.replace(slave_mnt, master_mnt)
+ if xattr.getxattr(sfile, gfid_attr, True) != xattr.getxattr(
+ mfile, gfid_attr, True):
+ print ("gfid of file %s in slave is different from %s" +
+ " in master" % (sfile, mfile))
+ ret = 1
+ cleanup(master_mnt, slave_mnt)
+ sys.exit(ret)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 2:
+ print ("Please pass master volume name and slave url as arguments")
+ print ("USAGE : python <script> <master-host>::<master-vol> " +
+ "<slave-host>::<slave-vol>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ main()
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/geo-rep-config.rc b/tests/geo-rep/geo-rep-config.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..53489082574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/geo-rep-config.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+LOG_FILE="$LOG_DIR/geo-rep-auto.log.`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`"
+FILE_TYPE="text" # it can text, sparse or tar
+nf="5" # number of files in each directory when DIR_STR is MULTI
+ns="500" # number of files when DIR_STR is SINGLE
+DIR_STR="MULTI" # It can be either SINGLE or MULTI
+# Not using this option for now, can be used in the future.
+SYNC_MODE="rsync" # this option can take another option "tarssh"
+mkdir -p $LOG_DIR
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/geo-rep-helper.rc b/tests/geo-rep/geo-rep-helper.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de8a6817305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/geo-rep-helper.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+function geo_rep_checkpoint_status()
+ echo "Verifying the sync status using geo-rep checkpoint" >> $LOG_FILE
+ local timeout=300
+ local temp_status="NOTOK"
+ echo "setting the checkpoint" >> $LOG_FILE
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 config checkpoint now >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+# There is a bug, where in after checkpoint set, geo-rep status still
+# shows the old data for the first execution of geo-rep status. Running
+#geo-rep status to clear that.
+ $CLI volume geo-replication $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 status >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ while [ $timeout -gt 0 ] && [ $temp_status == "NOTOK" ];
+ do
+ $CLI volume geo-replication $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 status | \
+ egrep -i "not reached yet" 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ test $? -ne 0 && temp_status="completed"
+ echo "Waiting for the files to sync ..." >> $LOG_FILE
+ sleep 20
+ timeout=`expr $timeout - 20`
+ echo "temp_status is $temp_status" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo "geo-rep status output:" >> $LOG_FILE
+ $CLI volume geo-replication $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 status detail >> \
+ $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ done
+ echo "resetting the geo-rep checkpoint" >> $LOG_FILE
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 config \!checkpoint >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ if test $temp_status = "completed" ; then
+ echo "geo-rep checkpoint has completed" >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 0
+ elif test $temp_status = "NOTOK" ; then
+ echo "geo-rep checkpoint has failed to complete within 300 seconds" >> \
+ return 1
+ fi
+function geo_rep_arequal_status()
+ echo "Verifying the sync status using arequal" >> $LOG_FILE
+ local timeout=300
+ local temp_status="NOTOK"
+ local comp_arequal="$(dirname $0)/"
+ while [ $timeout -gt 0 ] && [ $temp_status == "NOTOK" ];
+ do
+ echo "Waiting for the files to sync ..." >> $LOG_FILE
+ sleep 20
+ timeout=`expr $timeout - 20`
+ echo "calculating and comparing arequal checksum between $GMV0 and \
+$GSV0 " >> $LOG_FILE
+ python $comp_arequal $H0::$GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ local ret=$?
+ # There is a bug, where sometimes metadata checksum of directories
+ # and regular files don't match. This is to avoid that for now.
+ if [[ $ret -eq 0 || $ret -eq 67 || $ret -eq 68 ]] ;then
+ temp_status="completed"
+ fi
+ done
+ if test $temp_status = "completed" ; then
+ echo "checksum between master and slave match " >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 0
+ elif test $temp_status = "NOTOK" ; then
+ echo "checksum between master and slave doesn't match" >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 1
+ fi
+function geo_rep_filecount_status()
+ echo "Verifying the sync status through files count" >> $LOG_FILE
+ local timeout=300
+ local temp_status="NOTOK"
+ local comp_arequal="$(dirname $0)/"
+ while [ $timeout -gt 0 ] && [ $temp_status == "NOTOK" ];
+ do
+ echo "Waiting for the files to sync ..." >> $LOG_FILE
+ sleep 20
+ timeout=`expr $timeout - 20`
+ echo "calculating and comparing files count between $GMV0 and \
+$GSV0 " >> $LOG_FILE
+ python $comp_arequal -c "find" $H0::$GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ temp_status="completed"
+ fi
+ done
+ if test $temp_status = "completed" ; then
+ echo "files count between master and slave match " >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 0
+ elif test $temp_status = "NOTOK" ; then
+ echo "files count between master and slave doesn't match" >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 1
+ fi
+function check_status_arequal()
+# checkpoint is failing to reach even though all the files got synced in the latest build.
+# Hence not using checkpoint to check for sync status.
+# geo_rep_checkpoint_status
+ local comp_arequal="$(dirname $0)/"
+ local comp_gfid="$(dirname $0)/"
+ geo_rep_filecount_status
+ geo_rep_arequal_status
+ echo "calculating and comparing gfids between $GMV0 and $GSV0 " \
+ >> $LOG_FILE
+ python $comp_gfid $H0::$GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ echo "gfids between master and slave match" >> $LOG_FILE
+ fi
+ echo "calculating and comparing arequal checksum between $GMV0 and $GSV0 " \
+ >> $LOG_FILE
+ python $comp_arequal $H0::$GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ local rett=$?
+ if [[ $rett -eq 0 || $rett -eq 67 || $rett -eq 68 ]] ;then
+ reta=0
+ else
+ reta=1
+ fi
+ return $reta
+function create_data()
+ fop=$1
+ MNT_PNT=$2
+ create_data="$(dirname $0)/../utils/"
+ if [ $DIR_STR == "MULTI" ];then
+ python $create_data -n $nf --multi -b 10 -d 10 --random --max=2K \
+ --min=1K -t $FILE_TYPE --fop=$fop $MNT_PNT >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ elif [ $DIR_STR == "SINGLE" ];then
+ python $create_data -n $ns --random --max=2K --min=1K -t $FILE_TYPE \
+ --fop=$fop $MNT_PNT >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ else
+ echo "Wrong option for the create-files" >> $LOG_FILE
+ fi
+function result()
+local ret=$1
+local test=$2
+if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n[ FAIL ] : $test has failed" >> $LOG_FILE
+ exit 1
+ echo -e "\n[ PASS ] : $test has passed" >> $LOG_FILE
+## hybrid crawl test-cases
+function hybrid_mode_test()
+ local FOP=$1
+ local MNT_PNT=$2
+ echo -e "\n:::::::::::::::::::::::" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo "Start of hybrid-mode-$DIR_STR-$FILE_TYPE-$FOP-test with \
+$MNT_PNT client" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo -e ":::::::::::::::::::::::\n" >> $LOG_FILE
+ local ret=0
+ echo "stopping geo-rep session before creating data" >> $LOG_FILE
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 stop force >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "stopping geo-rep session has failed" >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 1
+ fi
+ create_data $FOP $MNT_PNT
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 start >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "starting geo-rep session has failed" >> $LOG_FILE
+ return 1
+ fi
+ check_status_arequal
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ result $ret "hybrid-mode-$DIR_STR-$FILE_TYPE-$FOP-test with $CLIENT client"
+ return $ret
+#### Changelog based test-cases
+function changelog_mode_test()
+ local FOP=$1
+ local MNT_PNT=$2
+ echo -e "\n:::::::::::::::::::::::" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo "Start of changelog-mode-$DIR_STR-$FILE_TYPE-$FOP-test with \
+$MNT_PNT client" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo -e ":::::::::::::::::::::::\n" >> $LOG_FILE
+ local ret=0
+ create_data $FOP $MNT_PNT
+ check_status_arequal
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ result $ret "basic-changelog-$DIR_STR-$FILE_TYPE-$FOP-test with $CLIENT \
+ return $ret
+function changelog_mode_remove_test()
+ MNT_PNT=$1
+ echo -e "\n:::::::::::::::::::::::" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo "Start of changelog-mode-$DIR_STR-$FILE_TYPE-remove-test with \
+$MNT_PNT client" >> $LOG_FILE
+ echo -e ":::::::::::::::::::::::\n" >> $LOG_FILE
+ local ret=0
+ if [ ! -z $MNT_PNT ]; then
+ rm -rvf $MNT_PNT >> $LOG_FILE
+ else
+ echo "Value of MNT_PNT is NULL" >> $LOG_FILE
+ fi
+ check_status_arequal
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ result $ret "chnagelog-mode-$DIR_STR-$FILE_TYPE-remove-test with \
+$MNT_PNT client"
+ return $ret
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/georep-rsync-changelog.t b/tests/geo-rep/georep-rsync-changelog.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eda06a36df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/georep-rsync-changelog.t
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Following tests involves geo-rep regresseion tests with changelog
+# as change detector, and rsync as sync mode on both fuse and nfs mount
+. $(dirname $0)/../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-helper.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-config.rc
+AREQUAL_PATH=$(dirname $0)/../utils
+test "`uname -s`" != "Linux" && {
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -L$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone -largp ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lintl";
+build_tester $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum.c $CFLAGS
+TEST glusterd
+TEST pidof glusterd
+setup_georep ;
+# start of tests on fuse mount
+TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $GMV0 $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "create" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chmod" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chown" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chgrp" $M0
+# Bug 1083963
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "rename" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "truncate" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "symlink" $M0
+# Bug 1003020
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "hardlink" $M0
+#TEST changelog_mode_remove_test $M0
+# start of tests on nfs mount
+TEST mount -t nfs -o vers=3,nolock $H0:$GMV0 $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "create" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chmod" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chown" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chgrp" $N0
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "rename" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "truncate" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "symlink" $N0
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "hardlink" $N0
+#TEST changelog_mode_remove_test $N0
+TEST rm -rf $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/georep-rsync-hybrid.t b/tests/geo-rep/georep-rsync-hybrid.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af23a526ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/georep-rsync-hybrid.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Following tests involves geo-rep tests with hybrid crawl
+# as change detector, and rsync as sync mode on both fuse and nfs mount
+. $(dirname $0)/../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-helper.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-config.rc
+AREQUAL_PATH=$(dirname $0)/../utils
+test "`uname -s`" != "Linux" && {
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -L$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone -largp ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lintl";
+build_tester $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum.c $CFLAGS
+TEST glusterd
+TEST pidof glusterd
+setup_georep ;
+# start of tests on fuse mount
+TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $GMV0 $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "create" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chmod" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chown" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chgrp" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "truncate" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "symlink" $M0
+#TEST hybrid_mode_test "hardlink" $M0
+# start of tests on nfs mount
+TEST mount -t nfs -o vers=3,nolock $H0:$GMV0 $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "create" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chmod" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chown" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chgrp" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "truncate" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "symlink" $N0
+#TEST hybrid_mode_test "hardlink" $N0
+TEST rm -rf $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/georep-setup.t b/tests/geo-rep/georep-setup.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75c379c8486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/georep-setup.t
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+. $(dirname $0)/../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc
+TEST glusterd
+TEST pidof glusterd
+TEST $CLI volume create $GMV0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${GMV0}{1,2,3,4};
+TEST $CLI volume start $GMV0
+TEST $CLI volume create $GSV0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${GSV0}{1,2,3,4};
+TEST $CLI volume start $GSV0
+TEST $CLI system:: execute gsec_create
+TEST $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 create push-pem
+TEST $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 start
+sleep 80 # after start geo-rep takes a minute to get stable
+TEST ! "$CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 status | egrep -i 'faulty'"
+TEST "$CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 status | egrep -i 'Changelog crawl'"
+TEST $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 stop
+TEST $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 delete
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/georep-tarssh-changelog.t b/tests/geo-rep/georep-tarssh-changelog.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f0e817f551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/georep-tarssh-changelog.t
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Following tests involves geo-rep regresseion tests with changelog
+# as change detector, and rsync as sync mode on both fuse and nfs mount
+. $(dirname $0)/../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-helper.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-config.rc
+AREQUAL_PATH=$(dirname $0)/../utils
+test "`uname -s`" != "Linux" && {
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -L$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone -largp ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lintl";
+build_tester $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum.c $CFLAGS
+TEST glusterd
+TEST pidof glusterd
+setup_georep ;
+# start of tests on fuse mount
+TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $GMV0 $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "create" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chmod" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chown" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chgrp" $M0
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "rename" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "truncate" $M0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "symlink" $M0
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "hardlink" $M0
+#TEST changelog_mode_remove_test $M0
+# start of tests on nfs mount
+TEST mount -t nfs -o vers=3,nolock $H0:$GMV0 $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "create" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chmod" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chown" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "chgrp" $N0
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "rename" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "truncate" $N0
+TEST changelog_mode_test "symlink" $N0
+#TEST changelog_mode_test "hardlink" $N0
+#TEST changelog_mode_remove_test $N0
+TEST rm -rf $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum
diff --git a/tests/geo-rep/georep-tarssh-hybrid.t b/tests/geo-rep/georep-tarssh-hybrid.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af23a526ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/geo-rep/georep-tarssh-hybrid.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Following tests involves geo-rep tests with hybrid crawl
+# as change detector, and rsync as sync mode on both fuse and nfs mount
+. $(dirname $0)/../include.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-helper.rc
+. $(dirname $0)/geo-rep-config.rc
+AREQUAL_PATH=$(dirname $0)/../utils
+test "`uname -s`" != "Linux" && {
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -L$(dirname $0)/../../../contrib/argp-standalone -largp ";
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lintl";
+build_tester $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum.c $CFLAGS
+TEST glusterd
+TEST pidof glusterd
+setup_georep ;
+# start of tests on fuse mount
+TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $GMV0 $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "create" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chmod" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chown" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chgrp" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "truncate" $M0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "symlink" $M0
+#TEST hybrid_mode_test "hardlink" $M0
+# start of tests on nfs mount
+TEST mount -t nfs -o vers=3,nolock $H0:$GMV0 $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "create" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chmod" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chown" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "chgrp" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "truncate" $N0
+TEST hybrid_mode_test "symlink" $N0
+#TEST hybrid_mode_test "hardlink" $N0
+TEST rm -rf $AREQUAL_PATH/arequal-checksum
diff --git a/tests/include.rc b/tests/include.rc
index ed1fef0ae11..d4772bd42f4 100644
--- a/tests/include.rc
+++ b/tests/include.rc
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ N0=${N0:=/mnt/nfs/0}; # 0th mount point for NFS
N1=${N1:=/mnt/nfs/1}; # 1st mount point for NFS
V0=${V0:=patchy}; # volume name to use in tests
V1=${V1:=patchy1}; # volume name to use in tests
+GMV0=${GMV0:=master}; # master volume name to use in geo-rep tests
+GSV0=${GSV0:=slave}; # slave volume name to use in geo-rep tests
B0=${B0:=/d/backends}; # top level of brick directories
WORKDIRS="$B0 $M0 $M1 $M2 $N0 $N1"
@@ -436,9 +438,11 @@ function cleanup()
- if [ -n "${GLUSTERD_WORKDIR}" ] ; then
- rm -rf $GLUSTERD_WORKDIR/* $B0/* /etc/glusterd/*;
- fi
+ # remove contents of "GLUSTERD_WORKDIR" except hooks directory.
+ find $GLUSTERD_WORKDIR/* -maxdepth 0 -name 'hooks' -prune \
+ -o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
+ rm -rf $B0/* /etc/glusterd/*;
# unmount all stale mounts from /tmp, This is a temporary work around
# till the stale mount in /tmp is found.
diff --git a/tests/utils/ b/tests/utils/
index 05cf1279999..bef4201bf1f 100755
--- a/tests/utils/
+++ b/tests/utils/
@@ -5,107 +5,312 @@
from __future__ import with_statement
-import sys
import os
import re
-import random
-from optparse import OptionParser
+import sys
import time
-import string
import errno
+import xattr
+import string
+import random
+import logging
+import tarfile
+import argparse
+datsiz = 0
+timr = 0
+def setLogger(filename):
+ global logger
+ logger = logging.getLogger(filename)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ return
+def setupLogger(filename):
+ logger = logging.getLogger(filename)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
+ ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+ ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ ch.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(ch)
+ return logger
def os_rd(src, size):
- fd =,os.O_RDONLY)
+ global datsiz
+ fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
data =, size)
+ datsiz = datsiz + size
return data
def os_wr(dest, data):
- fd =,os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0644)
+ global timr
+ st = time.time()
+ fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
os.write(fd, data)
+ ed = time.time()
+ timr = timr+(ed-st)
-def create_sparse_file(fil):
- if option.size:
- option.random = False
- size = option.size
+def create_sparse_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand):
+ if rand:
+ size = random.randint(mins, maxs)
- size = random.randint(option.min, option.max)
+ size = size
data = os_rd("/dev/zero", size)
os_wr(fil, data)
-def create_binary_file(fil):
- if option.size:
- option.random = False
- size = option.size
+def create_binary_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand):
+ if rand:
+ size = random.randint(mins, maxs)
- size = random.randint(option.min, option.max)
+ size = size
data = os_rd("/dev/urandom", size)
os_wr(fil, data)
-def create_txt_file(fil):
- if option.size:
- option.random = False
- size = option.size
- else:
- size = random.randint(option.min, option.max)
+def create_txt_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand):
+ if rand:
+ size = random.randint(mins, maxs)
if size < 500*1024:
data = os_rd("/etc/services", size)
os_wr(fil, data)
- data = os_rd("/etc/services", 500*1024)
+ data = os_rd("/etc/services", 512*1024)
file_size = 0
- fd =,os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0644)
+ fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
while file_size < size:
os.write(fd, data)
file_size += 500*1024
-def get_filename():
- size = option.flen
+def create_tar_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand):
+ if rand:
+ size = random.randint(mins, maxs)
+ else:
+ size = size
+ data = os_rd("/dev/urandom", size)
+ os_wr(fil, data)
+ tar =".tar.gz", "w:gz")
+ tar.add(fil)
+ tar.close()
+ os.unlink(fil)
+ return
+def get_filename(flen):
+ size = flen
char = string.uppercase+string.digits
st = ''.join(random.choice(char) for i in range(size))
ti = str((hex(int(str(time.time()).split('.')[0])))[2:])
- return ti+"~~"+st
+ return ti+"%%"+st
+def text_files(files, file_count, inter, size, mins, maxs, rand,
+ flen, randname, dir_path):
+ global datsiz, timr
+ for k in range(files):
+ if not file_count % inter:
+"Total files created -- "+str(file_count))
+ if not randname:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k)
+ else:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+get_filename(flen)
+ create_txt_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand)
+ file_count += 1
+ return file_count
-def text_files(files, file_count):
+def sparse_files(files, file_count, inter, size, mins, maxs,
+ rand, flen, randname, dir_path):
for k in range(files):
- if not file_count%option.inter:
- print file_count
- fil = get_filename()
- create_txt_file(fil)
+ if not file_count % inter:
+"Total files created -- "+str(file_count))
+ if not randname:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k)
+ else:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+get_filename(flen)
+ create_sparse_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand)
file_count += 1
return file_count
-def sparse_files(files, file_count):
+def binary_files(files, file_count, inter, size, mins, maxs,
+ rand, flen, randname, dir_path):
for k in range(files):
- if not file_count%option.inter:
- print file_count
- fil = get_filename()
- create_sparse_file(fil)
+ if not file_count % inter:
+"Total files created -- "+str(file_count))
+ if not randname:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k)
+ else:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+get_filename(flen)
+ create_binary_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand)
file_count += 1
return file_count
-def binary_files(files, file_count):
+def tar_files(files, file_count, inter, size, mins, maxs,
+ rand, flen, randname, dir_path):
for k in range(files):
- if not file_count%option.inter:
- print file_count
- fil = get_filename()
- create_binary_file(fil)
+ if not file_count % inter:
+"Total files created -- "+str(file_count))
+ if not randname:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k)
+ else:
+ fil = dir_path+"/"+get_filename(flen)
+ create_tar_file(fil, size, mins, maxs, rand)
file_count += 1
return file_count
+def setxattr_files(files, randname, dir_path):
+ char = string.uppercase+string.digits
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ v = ''.join(random.choice(char) for i in range(10))
+ n = "user."+v
+ xattr.setxattr(dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k), n, v)
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path+"/")
+ for fil in dirs:
+ v = ''.join(random.choice(char) for i in range(10))
+ n = "user."+v
+ xattr.setxattr(dir_path+"/"+fil, n, v)
+ return
+def rename_files(files, flen, randname, dir_path):
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ os.rename(dir_path + "/" + "file" + str(k),
+ dir_path + "/" + "file" + str(files+k))
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ if not os.path.isdir(fil):
+ newfil = get_filename(flen)
+ os.rename(dir_path + "/" + fil,
+ dir_path + "/" + newfil)
+ return
+def truncate_files(files, mins, maxs, randname, dir_path):
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ byts = random.randint(mins, maxs)
+ fd = + "/" + "file" + str(k), os.O_WRONLY)
+ os.ftruncate(fd, byts)
+ os.close(fd)
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ if not os.path.isdir(dir_path+"/"+fil):
+ byts = random.randint(mins, maxs)
+ fd ="/"+fil, os.O_WRONLY)
+ os.ftruncate(fd, byts)
+ os.close(fd)
+ return
+def chmod_files(files, flen, randname, dir_path):
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ mod = random.randint(0, 511)
+ os.chmod(dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k), mod)
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ mod = random.randint(0, 511)
+ os.chmod(dir_path+"/"+fil, mod)
+ return
+def random_og(path):
+ u = random.randint(1025, 65536)
+ g = -1
+ os.chown(path, u, g)
+def chown_files(files, flen, randname, dir_path):
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ random_og(dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k))
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ random_og(dir_path+"/"+fil)
+ return
+def chgrp_files(files, flen, randname, dir_path):
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ random_og(dir_path+"/"+"file"+str(k))
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ random_og(dir_path+"/"+fil)
+ return
+def symlink_files(files, flen, randname, dir_path):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir_path+"/"+"symlink_to_files")
+ except OSError as ex:
+ if ex.errno is not errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ src_file = "file"+str(k)
+ os.symlink(dir_path+"/"+src_file,
+ dir_path+"/"+"symlink_to_files/file"+str(k)+"_sym")
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ newfil = get_filename(flen)
+ os.symlink(dir_path+"/"+fil,
+ dir_path+"/"+"symlink_to_files/"+newfil)
+ return
+def hardlink_files(files, flen, randname, dir_path):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir_path+"/"+"hardlink_to_files")
+ except OSError as ex:
+ if ex.errno is not errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ if not randname:
+ for k in range(files):
+ src_file = "file"+str(k)
+ dir_path+"/"+"hardlink_to_files/file"+str(k)+"_hard")
+ else:
+ dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
+ for fil in dirs:
+ if not os.path.isdir(dir_path+"/"+fil):
+ newfil = get_filename(flen)
+ dir_path+"/"+"hardlink_to_files/"+newfil)
+ return
def human2bytes(size):
size_short = {
- 1024 : ['K','KB','KiB','k','kB','kiB'],
- 1024*1024 : ['M','MB','MiB'],
- 1024*1024*1024 : ['G','GB','GiB']
- num ='(\d+)',size).group()
+ 1024: ['K', 'KB', 'KiB', 'k', 'kB', 'kiB'],
+ 1024*1024: ['M', 'MB', 'MiB'],
+ 1024*1024*1024: ['G', 'GB', 'GiB']
+ }
+ num ='(\d+)', size).group()
ext = size[len(num):]
num = int(num)
if ext == '':
@@ -115,93 +320,270 @@ def human2bytes(size):
size = num*value
return size
-def multipledir(mnt_pnt,brdth,depth,files):
+def bytes2human(byts):
+ abbr = {
+ 1 << 30L: "GB",
+ 1 << 20L: "MB",
+ 1 << 10L: "KB",
+ 1: "bytes"
+ }
+ if byts == 1:
+ return '1 bytes'
+ for factor, suffix in abbr.items():
+ if byts >= factor:
+ break
+ return "%.3f %s" % (byts / factor, suffix)
+def multipledir(mnt_pnt, brdth, depth, files, fop, file_type="text",
+ inter="1000", size="100K", mins="10K", maxs="500K",
+ rand=False, l=10, randname=False):
files_count = 1
+ size = human2bytes(size)
+ maxs = human2bytes(maxs)
+ mins = human2bytes(mins)
for i in range(brdth):
- breadth = mnt_pnt+"/"+str(i)
- try:
- os.makedirs(breadth)
- except OSError as ex:
- if not ex.errno is errno.EEXIST:
- raise
- os.chdir(breadth)
- dir_depth = breadth
- print breadth
+ dir_path = mnt_pnt
for j in range(depth):
- dir_depth = dir_depth+"/"+str(j)
+ dir_path = dir_path+"/"+"level"+str(j)+str(i)
- os.makedirs(dir_depth)
+ os.makedirs(dir_path)
except OSError as ex:
- if not ex.errno is errno.EEXIST:
+ if ex.errno is not errno.EEXIST:
- os.chdir(dir_depth)
- if option.file_type == "text":
- files_count = text_files(files, files_count)
- elif option.file_type == "sparse":
- files_count = sparse_files(files, files_count)
- elif option.file_type == "binary":
- files_count = binary_files(files, files_count)
- else:
- print "Not a valid file type"
- sys.exit(1)
-def singledir(mnt_pnt, files):
+ if fop == "create":
+"Entering the directory level"+str(j)+str(i))
+ if file_type == "text":
+ files_count = text_files(files, files_count, inter, size,
+ mins, maxs, rand, l, randname,
+ dir_path)
+ elif file_type == "sparse":
+ files_count = sparse_files(files, files_count, inter, size,
+ mins, maxs, rand, l, randname,
+ dir_path)
+ elif file_type == "binary":
+ files_count = binary_files(files, files_count, inter, size,
+ mins, maxs, rand, l, randname,
+ dir_path)
+ elif file_type == "tar":
+ files_count = tar_files(files, files_count, inter, size,
+ mins, maxs, rand, l, randname,
+ dir_path)
+ else:
+ logger.error("Not a valid file type")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif fop == "rename":
+"Started renaming files for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level"+str(j) +
+ str(i)+" ...")
+ rename_files(files, l, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished renaming files for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level"+str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "chmod":
+"Started changing permission of files for the " +
+ "files 0 to "+str(files)+" in the directory level"
+ + str(j)+str(i)+" ...")
+ chmod_files(files, l, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished changing permission of files for " +
+ "the files 0 to "+str(files) +
+ " in the directory level"+str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "chown":
+"Started changing ownership of files for the " +
+ "files 0 to " + str(files) +
+ " in the directory level"+str(j)+str(i)+" ...")
+ chown_files(files, l, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished changing ownership of files for " +
+ "the files 0 to "+str(files) +
+ " in the directory level"+str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "chgrp":
+"Started changing group ownership of files for " +
+ "the files 0 to " + str(files) +
+ " in the directory level"+str(j)+str(i)+" ...")
+ chgrp_files(files, l, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished changing group ownership of files for " +
+ "the files 0 to "+str(files) +
+ " in the directory level"+str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "symlink":
+"Started creating symlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i)+"...")
+ symlink_files(files, l, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished creating symlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files) + " in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "hardlink":
+"Started creating hardlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i)+"...")
+ hardlink_files(files, l, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished creating hardlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files) + " in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "truncate":
+"Started truncating the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i)+"...")
+ truncate_files(files, mins, maxs, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished truncating the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i))
+ elif fop == "setxattr":
+"Started setxattr to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i)+"...")
+ setxattr_files(files, randname, dir_path)
+"Finished setxattr to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" in the directory level" +
+ str(j)+str(i))
+ if fop == "create":
+ thrpt = datsiz / timr
+"finished creating files with throughput ---- " +
+ bytes2human(thrpt)+"ps")
+def singledir(mnt_pnt, files, fop, file_type="text", inter="1000", size="100K",
+ mins="10K", maxs="500K", rand=False, l=10, randname=False):
files_count = 1
- os.chdir(mnt_pnt)
- if option.file_type == "text":
- files_count = text_files(files, files_count)
- elif option.file_type == "sparse":
- files_count = sparse_files(files, files_count)
- elif option.file_type == "binary":
- files_count = binary_files(files, files_count)
- else:
- print "Not a valid file type"
- sys.exit(1)
+ size = human2bytes(size)
+ maxs = human2bytes(maxs)
+ mins = human2bytes(mins)
+ if fop == "create":
+ if file_type == "text":
+ files_count = text_files(files, files_count, inter, size, mins,
+ maxs, rand, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+ elif file_type == "sparse":
+ files_count = sparse_files(files, files_count, inter, size, mins,
+ maxs, rand, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+ elif file_type == "binary":
+ files_count = binary_files(files, files_count, inter, size, mins,
+ maxs, rand, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+ elif file_type == "tar":
+ files_count = tar_files(files, files_count, inter, size, mins,
+ maxs, rand, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+ else:
+"Not a valid file type")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ thrpt = datsiz / timr
+"finished creating files with avg throughput ---- " +
+ bytes2human(thrpt)+"ps")
+ elif fop == "rename":
+"Started renaming files for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files) + "...")
+ rename_files(files, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished renaming files for the files 0 to "+str(files))
+ elif fop == "chmod":
+"Started changing permission for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+" ...")
+ chmod_files(files, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished changing permission files for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files))
+ elif fop == "chown":
+"Started changing ownership for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+"...")
+ chown_files(files, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished changing ownership for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files))
+ elif fop == "chgrp":
+"Started changing group ownership for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+"...")
+ chgrp_files(files, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished changing group ownership for the files 0 to " +
+ str(files))
+ elif fop == "symlink":
+"Started creating symlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+"...")
+ symlink_files(files, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished creating symlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files))
+ elif fop == "hardlink":
+"Started creating hardlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files)+"...")
+ hardlink_files(files, l, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished creating hardlink to the files 0 to " +
+ str(files))
+ elif fop == "truncate":
+"Started truncating the files 0 to " + str(files)+"...")
+ truncate_files(files, mins, maxs, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished truncating the files 0 to " + str(files))
+ elif fop == "setxattr":
+"Started setxattr to the files 0 to " + str(files)+"...")
+ setxattr_files(files, randname, mnt_pnt)
+"Finished setxattr to the files 0 to " + str(files))
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "usage: %prog [option] <MNT_PT>"
- parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
- parser.add_option("-n", dest="files",type="int" ,default=100,
- help="number of files in each level [default: %default]")
- parser.add_option("--size", action = "store",type="string",
- help="size of the files to be used")
- parser.add_option("--random", action="store_true", default=True,
- help="random size of the file between --min and --max "
- "[default: %default]")
- parser.add_option("--max", action = "store",type="string", default="500K",
- help="maximum size of the files, if random is True "
- "[default: %default]")
- parser.add_option("--min", action = "store",type="string", default="10K",
- help="minimum size of the files, if random is True "
- "[default: %default]" )
- parser.add_option("--single", action="store_true", dest="dir",default=True,
- help="create files in single directory [default: %default]" )
- parser.add_option("--multi", action="store_false", dest="dir",
- help="create files in multiple directories")
- parser.add_option("-b", dest="brdth",type="int",default=5,
- help="number of directories in one level(works with --multi)[default: %default]")
- parser.add_option("-d", dest="depth",type="int",default=5,
- help="number of levels of directories(works with --multi)[default: %default]")
- parser.add_option("-l", dest="flen",type="int" ,default=10,
- help="number of bytes for filename "
- "[default: %default]")
- parser.add_option("-t","--type", action="store", type="string" , dest="file_type",default="text",
- help="type of the file to be created (text, sparse, binary) [default: %default]" )
- parser.add_option("-I", dest="inter", type="int", default=100,
- help="print number files created of interval [defailt: %dafault]")
- (option,args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- print "usage: <script> [option] <MNT_PT>"
- print ""
- sys.exit(1)
- args[0] = os.path.abspath(args[0])
- if option.size:
- option.size = human2bytes(option.size)
- else:
- option.max = human2bytes(option.max)
- option.min = human2bytes(option.min)
- if option.dir:
- singledir(args[0], option.files)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.
+ ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument("-n", dest="files", type=int, default=100,
+ help="number of files in each level ")
+ parser.add_argument("--size", action="store", default="100k",
+ help="size of the files to be used ")
+ parser.add_argument("--random", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="random size of the file between --min and --max")
+ parser.add_argument("--max", action="store", default="500K",
+ help="maximum size of the files, if random is True")
+ parser.add_argument("--min", action="store", default="10K",
+ help="minimum size of the files, if random is True")
+ parser.add_argument("--single", action="store_true", dest="dir",
+ default=True, help="create files in single directory")
+ parser.add_argument("--multi", action="store_false", dest="dir",
+ help="create files in multiple directories")
+ parser.add_argument("-b", dest="brdth", type=int, default=5,
+ help="number of directories in one level(works " +
+ "with --multi) ")
+ parser.add_argument("-d", dest="depth", type=int, default=5,
+ help="number of levels of directories (works " +
+ "with --multi) ")
+ parser.add_argument("-l", dest="flen", type=int, default=10,
+ help="number of bytes for filename ( Used only when " +
+ "randname is enabled) ")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", action="store", dest="file_type",
+ default="text", choices=["text", "sparse", "binary",
+ "tar"],
+ help="type of the file to be created ()")
+ parser.add_argument("-I", dest="inter", type=int, default=100,
+ help="print number files created of interval")
+ parser.add_argument("--fop", action="store", dest="fop", default="create",
+ choices=["create", "rename", "chmod", "chown", "chgrp",
+ "symlink", "hardlink", "truncate",
+ "setxattr"],
+ help="fop to be performed on the files")
+ parser.add_argument("-R", dest="randname", action="store_false",
+ default=True, help="To disable random file name " +
+ "(default: Enabled)")
+ parser.add_argument("mntpnt", help="Mount point")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logger = setupLogger("testlost")
+ args.mntpnt = os.path.abspath(args.mntpnt)
+ if args.dir:
+ singledir(args.mntpnt, args.files, args.fop, args.file_type,
+ args.inter, args.size, args.min, args.max,
+ args.random, args.flen, args.randname)
- multipledir(args[0], option.brdth, option.depth, option.files)
- print "creation of files completed.\n"
+ multipledir(args.mntpnt, args.brdth, args.depth, args.files,
+ args.fop, args.file_type, args.inter, args.size,
+ args.min, args.max, args.random, args.flen,
+ args.randname)
diff --git a/tests/volume.rc b/tests/volume.rc
index 59a66142e9e..f2a56888fb8 100644
--- a/tests/volume.rc
+++ b/tests/volume.rc
@@ -474,3 +474,35 @@ function mount_get_option_value {
function get_volume_mark {
getfattr -n trusted.glusterfs.volume-mark -ehex $1 | sed -n 's/^trusted.glusterfs.volume-mark=0x//p' | cut -b5-36 | sed 's/\([a-f0-9]\{8\}\)\([a-f0-9]\{4\}\)\([a-f0-9]\{4\}\)\([a-f0-9]\{4\}\)/\1-\2-\3-\4-/'
+# setup geo-rep in a single a node.
+function setup_georep {
+ $CLI volume create $GMV0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${GMV0}{1,2,3,4};
+ $CLI volume start $GMV0
+ $CLI volume create $GSV0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${GSV0}{1,2,3,4};
+ $CLI volume start $GSV0
+ $CLI system:: execute gsec_create
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 create push-pem
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 start
+ sleep 80 # after start geo-rep takes a minute to get stable
+# stop and delete geo-rep session
+function cleanup_georep {
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 stop
+ $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 delete