path: root/xlators/features
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xlators/features')
8 files changed, 3773 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/doc/TESTING b/xlators/features/glupy/doc/TESTING
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e05f17f498f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/doc/TESTING
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Loading a translator written in Python using the glupy meta translator
+'test.vol' is a simple volfile with the debug-trace Python translator on top
+of a brick. The volfile can be mounted using the following command.
+$ glusterfs --debug -f test.vol /path/to/mntpt
+If then file operations are performed on the newly mounted file system, log
+output would be printed by the Python translator on the standard output.
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/doc/test.vol b/xlators/features/glupy/doc/test.vol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0751a488c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/doc/test.vol
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+volume vol-posix
+ type storage/posix
+ option directory /path/to/brick
+volume vol-glupy
+ type features/glupy
+ option module-name debug-trace
+ subvolumes vol-posix
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/src/ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
index ccecc7a4ff1..931e5b741cb 100644
--- a/xlators/features/glupy/src/
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ xlatordir = $(libdir)/glusterfs/$(PACKAGE_VERSION)/xlator/features
glupydir = $(xlatordir)/glupy
-glupy_PYTHON =
+glupy_PYTHON =
glupy_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -nostartfiles
glupy_la_SOURCES = glupy.c
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/src/ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..53e76546b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+import sys
+import stat
+from uuid import UUID
+from time import strftime, localtime
+from gluster import *
+# This translator was written primarily to test the fop entry point definitions
+# and structure definitions in ''.
+# It is similar to the debug-trace translator, one of the already available
+# translator types written in C, that logs the arguments passed to the fops and
+# their corresponding cbk functions.
+dl.get_id.restype = c_long
+dl.get_id.argtypes = [ POINTER(call_frame_t) ]
+dl.get_rootunique.restype = c_uint64
+dl.get_rootunique.argtypes = [ POINTER(call_frame_t) ]
+def uuid2str (gfid):
+ return str(UUID(''.join(map("{0:02x}".format, gfid))))
+def st_mode_from_ia (prot, filetype):
+ st_mode = 0
+ type_bit = 0
+ prot_bit = 0
+ if filetype == IA_IFREG:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFREG
+ elif filetype == IA_IFDIR:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFDIR
+ elif filetype == IA_IFLNK:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFLNK
+ elif filetype == IA_IFBLK:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFBLK
+ elif filetype == IA_IFCHR:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFCHR
+ elif filetype == IA_IFIFO:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFIFO
+ elif filetype == IA_IFSOCK:
+ type_bit = stat.S_IFSOCK
+ elif filetype == IA_INVAL:
+ pass
+ if prot.suid:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_ISUID
+ if prot.sgid:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_ISGID
+ if prot.sticky:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_ISVTX
+ if
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IRUSR
+ if prot.owner.write:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IWUSR
+ if prot.owner.execn:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IXUSR
+ if
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IRGRP
+ if
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IWGRP
+ if
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IXGRP
+ if
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IROTH
+ if prot.other.write:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IWOTH
+ if prot.other.execn:
+ prot_bit |= stat.S_IXOTH
+ st_mode = (type_bit | prot_bit)
+ return st_mode
+def trace_stat2str (buf):
+ gfid = uuid2str(buf.contents.ia_gfid)
+ mode = st_mode_from_ia(buf.contents.ia_prot, buf.contents.ia_type)
+ atime_buf = strftime("[%b %d %H:%M:%S]",
+ localtime(buf.contents.ia_atime))
+ mtime_buf = strftime("[%b %d %H:%M:%S]",
+ localtime(buf.contents.ia_mtime))
+ ctime_buf = strftime("[%b %d %H:%M:%S]",
+ localtime(buf.contents.ia_ctime))
+ return ("(gfid={0:s}, ino={1:d}, mode={2:o}, nlink={3:d}, uid ={4:d}, "+
+ "gid ={5:d}, size={6:d}, blocks={7:d}, atime={8:s}, mtime={9:s}, "+
+ "ctime={10:s})").format(gfid, buf.contents.ia_no, mode,
+ buf.contents.ia_nlink,
+ buf.contents.ia_uid,
+ buf.contents.ia_gid,
+ buf.contents.ia_size,
+ buf.contents.ia_blocks,
+ atime_buf, mtime_buf,
+ ctime_buf)
+class xlator(Translator):
+ def __init__(self, c_this):
+ Translator.__init__(self, c_this)
+ self.gfids = {}
+ def lookup_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE LOOKUP FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
+ "path={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_lookup(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def lookup_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, xdata, postparent):
+ unique =dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key =dl.get_id(frame)
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ gfid = uuid2str(buf.contents.ia_gfid)
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE LOOKUP CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s}; " +
+ "*postparent={4:s}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, statstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE LOOKUP CBK - {0:d}: gfid={1:s};" +
+ " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_lookup(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, xdata, postparent)
+ return 0
+ def create_fop(self, frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE CREATE FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; " +
+ "fd={3:s}; flags=0{4:o}; mode=0{5:o}; " +
+ "umask=0{6:o}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
+ fd, flags, mode, umask)
+ dl.wind_create(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, flags,mode,
+ umask, fd, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def create_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ if op_ret >= 0:
+ gfid = uuid2str(inode.contents.gfid)
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE CREATE CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s};" +
+ " op_ret={2:d}; fd={3:s}; *stbuf={4:s}; " +
+ "*preparent={5:s};" +
+ " *postparent={6:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ fd, statstr,
+ preparentstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ print ("GLUPY TRACE CREATE CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d}; " +
+ "op_errno={2:d}").format(unique, op_ret, op_errno)
+ dl.unwind_create(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def open_fop(self, frame, this, loc, flags, fd, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE OPEN FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
+ "flags={3:d}; fd={4:s}").format(unique, gfid,
+ loc.contents.path, flags,
+ fd)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_open(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, flags, fd, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def open_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE OPEN CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; op_ret={2:d}; "
+ "op_errno={3:d}; *fd={4:s}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno, fd)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_open(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readv_fop(self, frame, this, fd, size, offset, flags, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READV FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "fd={2:s}; size ={3:d}; offset={4:d}; " +
+ "flags=0{5:x}").format(unique, gfid, fd, size, offset,
+ flags)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_readv (frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, size, offset,
+ flags, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readv_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, vector,
+ count, buf, iobref, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret >= 0:
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READV CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}, "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s};").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ statstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READV CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}, "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_readv (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ vector, count, buf, iobref, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def writev_fop(self, frame, this, fd, vector, count, offset, flags,
+ iobref, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE WRITEV FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
+ "fd={2:s}; count={3:d}; offset={4:d}; " +
+ "flags=0{5:x}").format(unique, gfid, fd, count, offset,
+ flags)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_writev(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, vector, count,
+ offset, flags, iobref, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def writev_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf,
+ postbuf, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ if op_ret >= 0:
+ preopstr = trace_stat2str(prebuf)
+ postopstr = trace_stat2str(postbuf)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE WRITEV CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d}; " +
+ "*prebuf={2:s}; " +
+ "*postbuf={3:s}").format(unique, op_ret, preopstr,
+ postopstr)
+ else:
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE WRITEV CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_writev (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ prebuf, postbuf, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def opendir_fop(self, frame, this, loc, fd, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE OPENDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
+ "fd={3:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path, fd)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_opendir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, fd, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def opendir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE OPENDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; op_ret={2:d};"+
+ " op_errno={3:d}; fd={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ op_errno, fd)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_opendir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ fd, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readdir_fop(self, frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:s}; " +
+ "size={3:d}; offset={4:d}").format(unique, gfid, fd, size,
+ offset)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_readdir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, size, offset,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readdir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; op_ret={2:d};"+
+ " op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret, op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_readdir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readdirp_fop(self, frame, this, fd, size, offset, dictionary):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READDIRP FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:s}; "+
+ " size={3:d}; offset={4:d}").format(unique, gfid, fd, size,
+ offset)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_readdirp(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, size, offset,
+ dictionary)
+ return 0
+ def readdirp_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READDIRP CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_readdirp(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def mkdir_fop(self, frame, this, loc, mode, umask, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE MKDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; " +
+ "mode={3:d}; umask=0{4:o}").format(unique, gfid,
+ loc.contents.path, mode,
+ umask)
+ dl.wind_mkdir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, mode, umask,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def mkdir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ gfid = uuid2str(inode.contents.gfid)
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE MKDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *stbuf={3:s}; *prebuf={4:s}; "+
+ "*postbuf={5:s} ").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ statstr,
+ preparentstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE MKDIR CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d}; "+
+ "op_errno={2:d}").format(unique, op_ret, op_errno)
+ dl.unwind_mkdir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def rmdir_fop(self, frame, this, loc, flags, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE RMDIR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
+ "flags={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
+ flags)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_rmdir(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, flags, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def rmdir_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE RMDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *prebuf={3:s}; "+
+ "*postbuf={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ preparentstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE RMDIR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_rmdir(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def stat_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE STAT FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
+ " path={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_stat(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def stat_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE STAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s};").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ statstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE STAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_stat(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def fstat_fop(self, frame, this, fd, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FSTAT FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; " +
+ "fd={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, fd)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_fstat(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def fstat_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FSTAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
+ " op_ret={2:d}; *buf={3:s}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ statstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FSTAT CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique.
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_fstat(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def statfs_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ if loc.contents.inode:
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ else:
+ gfid = "0"
+ print("GLUPY TRACE STATFS FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "path={2:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path)
+ dl.wind_statfs(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def statfs_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ #TBD: print buf (pointer to an iovec type object)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE STATFS CBK {0:d}: "+
+ "op_ret={1:d}").format(unique, op_ret)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE STATFS CBK- {0:d}"+
+ "op_ret={1:d}; op_errno={2:d}").format(unique,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ dl.unwind_statfs(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def getxattr_fop(self, frame, this, loc, name, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE GETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s};"+
+ " name={3:s}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
+ name)
+ self.gfids[key]=gfid
+ dl.wind_getxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, name, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def getxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE GETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}; "+
+ " dictionary={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_getxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def fgetxattr_fop(self, frame, this, fd, name, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FGETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:s}; "+
+ "name={3:s}").format(unique, gfid, fd, name)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_fgetxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, name, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def fgetxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FGETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d};"+
+ " dictionary={4:s}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ op_errno, dictionary)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_fgetxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def setxattr_fop(self, frame, this, loc, dictionary, flags, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE SETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s};"+
+ " flags={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
+ flags)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_setxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, dictionary,
+ flags, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def setxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE SETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_setxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def fsetxattr_fop(self, frame, this, fd, dictionary, flags, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(fd.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FSETXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; fd={2:p}; "+
+ "flags={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, fd, flags)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_fsetxattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), fd, dictionary,
+ flags, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def fsetxattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE FSETXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_fsetxattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def removexattr_fop(self, frame, this, loc, name, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE REMOVEXATTR FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "path={2:s}; name={3:s}").format(unique, gfid,
+ loc.contents.path,
+ name)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_removexattr(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, name,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def removexattr_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ print("GLUPY TRACE REMOVEXATTR CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
+ " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_removexattr(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def link_fop(self, frame, this, oldloc, newloc, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ if (newloc.contents.inode):
+ newgfid = uuid2str(newloc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ else:
+ newgfid = "0"
+ oldgfid = uuid2str(oldloc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE LINK FOP-{0:d}: oldgfid={1:s}; oldpath={2:s};"+
+ "newgfid={3:s};"+
+ "newpath={4:s}").format(unique, oldgfid,
+ oldloc.contents.path,
+ newgfid,
+ newloc.contents.path)
+ self.gfids[key] = oldgfid
+ dl.wind_link(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), oldloc, newloc,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def link_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE LINK CBK- {0:d}: op_ret={1:d} "+
+ "*stbuf={2:s}; *prebuf={3:s}; "+
+ "*postbuf={4:s} ").format(unique, op_ret, statstr,
+ preparentstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE LINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; "+
+ "op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_link(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def unlink_fop(self, frame, this, loc, xflag, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE UNLINK FOP- {0:d}; gfid={1:s}; path={2:s}; "+
+ "flag={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
+ xflag)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_unlink(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, xflag,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def unlink_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE UNLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid ={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *prebuf={3:s}; "+
+ "*postbuf={4:s} ").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ preparentstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE UNLINK CBK: {0:d}: gfid ={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; "+
+ "op_errno={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_unlink(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readlink_fop(self, frame, this, loc, size, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READLINK FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; path={2:s};"+
+ " size={3:d}").format(unique, gfid, loc.contents.path,
+ size)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_readlink(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), loc, size,
+ xdata)
+ return 0
+ def readlink_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, stbuf, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(stbuf)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
+ " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}; *prebuf={4:s}; "+
+ "*postbuf={5:s} ").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, statstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE READLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s} "+
+ " op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_readlink(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ stbuf, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def symlink_fop(self, frame, this, linkpath, loc, umask, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.inode.contents.gfid)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE SYMLINK FOP- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "linkpath={2:s}; path={3:s};"+
+ "umask=0{4:o}").format(unique, gfid, linkpath,
+ loc.contents.path, umask)
+ self.gfids[key] = gfid
+ dl.wind_symlink(frame, POINTER(xlator_t)(), linkpath, loc,
+ umask, xdata)
+ return 0
+ def symlink_cbk(self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata):
+ unique = dl.get_rootunique(frame)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ gfid = self.gfids[key]
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ statstr = trace_stat2str(buf)
+ preparentstr = trace_stat2str(preparent)
+ postparentstr = trace_stat2str(postparent)
+ print("GLUPY TRACE SYMLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; *stbuf={3:s}; *preparent={4:s}; "+
+ "*postparent={5:s}").format(unique, gfid,
+ op_ret, statstr,
+ preparentstr,
+ postparentstr)
+ else:
+ print("GLUPY TRACE SYMLINK CBK- {0:d}: gfid={1:s}; "+
+ "op_ret={2:d}; op_errno={3:d}").format(unique,
+ gfid,
+ op_ret,
+ op_errno)
+ del self.gfids[key]
+ dl.unwind_symlink(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata)
+ return 0
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.c b/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.c
index 9c06085b938..fafea817cdb 100644
--- a/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.c
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.c
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ glupy_lookup_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
return ret;
frame->local = NULL;
STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (lookup, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ wind:
wind_lookup (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, dict_t *xdata)
xlator_t *this = THIS;
if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ glupy_create_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
return ret;
frame->local = NULL;
STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (create, frame, op_ret, op_errno, fd, inode, buf,
@@ -215,7 +214,6 @@ void
wind_create (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, int32_t flags,
mode_t mode, mode_t umask, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
xlator_t *this = THIS;
if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
@@ -253,14 +251,2068 @@ set_create_cbk (long py_this, fop_create_cbk_t cbk)
priv->cbks[GLUPY_CREATE] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: OPEN */
+glupy_open_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_OPEN]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_open_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_OPEN]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ fd, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (open, frame, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_open (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ int32_t flags, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_OPEN]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_open_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_OPEN]))(
+ frame, this, loc, flags, fd, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_open_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->open, loc, flags, fd, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_open (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, int32_t flags,
+ fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_open_cbk, xl, xl->fops->open, loc, flags,
+ fd, xdata);
+unwind_open (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (open, frame, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata);
+set_open_fop (long py_this, fop_open_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_OPEN] = (long)fop;
+set_open_cbk (long py_this, fop_open_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_OPEN] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: READV */
+glupy_readv_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iovec *vector,
+ int32_t count, struct iatt *stbuf, struct iobref *iobref,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_READV]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_readv_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_READV]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ vector, count, stbuf, iobref, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readv, frame, op_ret, op_errno, vector,
+ count, stbuf, iobref, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_readv (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ size_t size, off_t offset, uint32_t flags, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_READV]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_readv_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_READV]))(
+ frame, this, fd, size, offset, flags, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_readv_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->readv, fd, size, offset,
+ flags, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_readv (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd, size_t size,
+ off_t offset, uint32_t flags, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_readv_cbk, xl, xl->fops->readv, fd, size,
+ offset, flags, xdata);
+unwind_readv (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iovec *vector,
+ int32_t count, struct iatt *stbuf, struct iobref *iobref,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readv, frame, op_ret, op_errno, vector,
+ count, stbuf, iobref, xdata);
+set_readv_fop (long py_this, fop_readv_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_READV] = (long)fop;
+set_readv_cbk (long py_this, fop_readv_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_READV] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: WRITEV */
+glupy_writev_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *prebuf,
+ struct iatt *postbuf, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_WRITEV]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_writev_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_WRITEV]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ prebuf, postbuf, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (writev, frame, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf,
+ postbuf, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_writev (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ struct iovec *vector, int32_t count, off_t offset,
+ uint32_t flags, struct iobref *iobref, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_WRITEV]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_writev_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_WRITEV]))(
+ frame, this, fd, vector, count, offset, flags,
+ iobref, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_writev_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->writev, fd, vector, count,
+ offset, flags, iobref, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_writev (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd, struct iovec *vector,
+ int32_t count, off_t offset, uint32_t flags, struct iobref *iobref,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_writev_cbk, xl, xl->fops->writev, fd, vector,
+ count, offset, flags, iobref, xdata);
+unwind_writev (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *prebuf,
+ struct iatt *postbuf, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (writev, frame, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf,
+ postbuf, xdata);
+set_writev_fop (long py_this, fop_writev_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_WRITEV] = (long)fop;
+set_writev_cbk (long py_this, fop_writev_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_WRITEV] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_opendir_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, fd_t *fd,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_OPENDIR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_opendir_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_OPENDIR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ fd, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (opendir, frame, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_opendir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_OPENDIR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_opendir_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_OPENDIR]))(
+ frame, this, loc, fd, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_opendir_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->opendir, loc, fd, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_opendir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND(frame,glupy_opendir_cbk,xl,xl->fops->opendir,loc,fd,xdata);
+unwind_opendir (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT(opendir,frame,op_ret,op_errno,
+ fd,xdata);
+set_opendir_fop (long py_this, fop_opendir_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_OPENDIR] = (long)fop;
+set_opendir_cbk (long py_this, fop_opendir_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_OPENDIR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_readdir_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, gf_dirent_t *entries,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_READDIR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_readdir_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_READDIR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ entries, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readdir, frame, op_ret, op_errno, entries,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_readdir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ size_t size, off_t offset, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_READDIR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_readdir_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_READDIR]))(
+ frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_readdir_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->readdir,fd, size, offset, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_readdir(call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd, size_t size,
+ off_t offset, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND(frame,glupy_readdir_cbk,xl,xl->fops->readdir,fd,size,offset,xdata);
+unwind_readdir (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, gf_dirent_t *entries,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT(readdir,frame,op_ret,op_errno,
+ entries, xdata);
+set_readdir_fop (long py_this, fop_readdir_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_READDIR] = (long)fop;
+set_readdir_cbk (long py_this, fop_readdir_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_READDIR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_readdirp_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, gf_dirent_t *entries,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_READDIRP]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_readdirp_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_READDIRP]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ entries, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readdirp, frame, op_ret, op_errno, entries,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_readdirp (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ size_t size, off_t offset, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_READDIRP]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_readdirp_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_READDIRP]))(
+ frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_readdirp_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->readdirp,fd, size, offset, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_readdirp (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd, size_t size,
+ off_t offset, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND(frame,glupy_readdirp_cbk,xl,xl->fops->readdirp,fd,size,offset,xdata);
+unwind_readdirp (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, gf_dirent_t *entries,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT(readdirp,frame,op_ret,op_errno,
+ entries, xdata);
+set_readdirp_fop (long py_this, fop_readdirp_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_READDIRP] = (long)fop;
+set_readdirp_cbk (long py_this, fop_readdirp_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_READDIRP] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP:STAT */
+glupy_stat_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *buf, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_STAT]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_stat_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_STAT]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (stat, frame, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_stat (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_STAT]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_stat_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_STAT]))(
+ frame, this, loc, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_stat_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->stat, loc, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_stat (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND(frame,glupy_stat_cbk,xl,xl->fops->stat,loc,xdata);
+unwind_stat (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *buf,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT(stat,frame,op_ret,op_errno,
+ buf,xdata);
+set_stat_fop (long py_this, fop_stat_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_STAT] = (long)fop;
+set_stat_cbk (long py_this, fop_stat_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_STAT] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: FSTAT */
+glupy_fstat_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *buf, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_FSTAT]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_fstat_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_FSTAT]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fstat, frame, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_fstat (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_FSTAT]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_fstat_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_FSTAT]))(
+ frame, this, fd, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fstat_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->fstat, fd, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_fstat (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND(frame,glupy_fstat_cbk,xl,xl->fops->fstat,fd,xdata);
+unwind_fstat (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct iatt *buf,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT(fstat,frame,op_ret,op_errno,
+ buf,xdata);
+set_fstat_fop (long py_this, fop_fstat_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_FSTAT] = (long)fop;
+set_fstat_cbk (long py_this, fop_fstat_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_FSTAT] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_statfs_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct statvfs *buf, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_STATFS]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_statfs_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_STATFS]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ buf, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (statfs, frame, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_statfs (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_STATFS]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_statfs_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_STATFS]))(
+ frame, this, loc, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_statfs_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->statfs, loc, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_statfs (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND(frame,glupy_statfs_cbk,xl,xl->fops->statfs,loc,xdata);
+unwind_statfs (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, struct statvfs *buf,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT(statfs,frame,op_ret,op_errno,
+ buf,xdata);
+set_statfs_fop (long py_this, fop_statfs_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_STATFS] = (long)fop;
+set_statfs_cbk (long py_this, fop_statfs_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_STATFS] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_setxattr_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_SETXATTR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_setxattr_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_SETXATTR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (setxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_setxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ dict_t *dict, int32_t flags, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_SETXATTR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_setxattr_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_SETXATTR]))(
+ frame, this, loc, dict, flags, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_setxattr_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->setxattr, loc, dict,
+ flags, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_setxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc,
+ dict_t *dict, int32_t flags, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_setxattr_cbk, xl, xl->fops->setxattr,
+ loc, dict, flags, xdata);
+unwind_setxattr (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (setxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+set_setxattr_fop (long py_this, fop_setxattr_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_SETXATTR] = (long)fop;
+set_setxattr_cbk (long py_this, fop_setxattr_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_SETXATTR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_getxattr_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *dict,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_GETXATTR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_getxattr_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_GETXATTR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, dict,
+ xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (getxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, dict,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_getxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_GETXATTR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_getxattr_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_GETXATTR]))(
+ frame, this, loc, name, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_getxattr_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->getxattr, loc, name,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_getxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_getxattr_cbk, xl, xl->fops->getxattr,
+ loc, name, xdata);
+unwind_getxattr (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *dict,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (getxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, dict,
+ xdata);
+set_getxattr_fop (long py_this, fop_getxattr_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_GETXATTR] = (long)fop;
+set_getxattr_cbk (long py_this, fop_getxattr_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_GETXATTR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_fsetxattr_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_FSETXATTR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_fsetxattr_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_FSETXATTR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fsetxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_fsetxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ dict_t *dict, int32_t flags, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_FSETXATTR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_fsetxattr_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_FSETXATTR]))(
+ frame, this, fd, dict, flags, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fsetxattr_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->fsetxattr, fd, dict,
+ flags, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_fsetxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd,
+ dict_t *dict, int32_t flags, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fsetxattr_cbk, xl, xl->fops->fsetxattr,
+ fd, dict, flags, xdata);
+unwind_fsetxattr (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fsetxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+set_fsetxattr_fop (long py_this, fop_fsetxattr_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_FSETXATTR] = (long)fop;
+set_fsetxattr_cbk (long py_this, fop_fsetxattr_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_FSETXATTR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_fgetxattr_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *dict,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_FGETXATTR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_fgetxattr_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_FGETXATTR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, dict,
+ xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fgetxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, dict,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_fgetxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_FGETXATTR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_fgetxattr_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_FGETXATTR]))(
+ frame, this, fd, name, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fgetxattr_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->fgetxattr, fd, name,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_fgetxattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fgetxattr_cbk, xl, xl->fops->fgetxattr,
+ fd, name, xdata);
+unwind_fgetxattr (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *dict,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fgetxattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, dict,
+ xdata);
+set_fgetxattr_fop (long py_this, fop_fgetxattr_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_FGETXATTR] = (long)fop;
+set_fgetxattr_cbk (long py_this, fop_fgetxattr_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_FGETXATTR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_removexattr_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_REMOVEXATTR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_removexattr_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_REMOVEXATTR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (removexattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_removexattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_REMOVEXATTR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_removexattr_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_REMOVEXATTR]))(
+ frame, this, loc, name, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_removexattr_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->removexattr, loc, name,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_removexattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_removexattr_cbk, xl, xl->fops->removexattr,
+ loc, name, xdata);
+unwind_removexattr (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (removexattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+set_removexattr_fop (long py_this, fop_removexattr_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_REMOVEXATTR] = (long)fop;
+set_removexattr_cbk (long py_this, fop_removexattr_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_REMOVEXATTR] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_fremovexattr_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_FREMOVEXATTR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_fremovexattr_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_FREMOVEXATTR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fremovexattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_fremovexattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, fd_t *fd,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_FREMOVEXATTR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_fremovexattr_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_FREMOVEXATTR]))(
+ frame, this, fd, name, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fremovexattr_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->fremovexattr, fd, name,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_fremovexattr (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, fd_t *fd,
+ const char *name, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_fremovexattr_cbk, xl, xl->fops->fremovexattr,
+ fd, name, xdata);
+unwind_fremovexattr (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fremovexattr, frame, op_ret, op_errno, xdata);
+set_fremovexattr_fop (long py_this, fop_fremovexattr_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_FREMOVEXATTR] = (long)fop;
+set_fremovexattr_cbk (long py_this, fop_fremovexattr_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_FREMOVEXATTR] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: LINK*/
+glupy_link_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode,
+ struct iatt *buf, struct iatt *preparent,
+ struct iatt *postparent, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_LINK]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_link_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_LINK]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (link, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_link(call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *oldloc, loc_t *newloc,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_LINK]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_link_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_LINK]))(
+ frame, this, oldloc, newloc, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_link_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->link, oldloc, newloc,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_link (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *oldloc, loc_t *newloc,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_link_cbk, xl, xl->fops->link,
+ oldloc, newloc, xdata);
+unwind_link (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode,
+ struct iatt *buf, struct iatt *preparent,
+ struct iatt *postparent, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (link, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+set_link_fop (long py_this, fop_link_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_LINK] = (long)fop;
+set_link_cbk (long py_this, fop_link_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_LINK] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_symlink_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode,
+ struct iatt *buf, struct iatt *preparent,
+ struct iatt *postparent, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_SYMLINK]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_symlink_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_SYMLINK]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (symlink, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_symlink(call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, const char *linkname,
+ loc_t *loc, mode_t umask, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_SYMLINK]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_symlink_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_SYMLINK]))(
+ frame, this, linkname, loc, umask, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_symlink_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->symlink, linkname, loc,
+ umask, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_symlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, const char *linkname,
+ loc_t *loc, mode_t umask, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_symlink_cbk, xl, xl->fops->symlink,
+ linkname, loc, umask, xdata);
+unwind_symlink (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode,
+ struct iatt *buf, struct iatt *preparent,
+ struct iatt *postparent, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (symlink, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+set_symlink_fop (long py_this, fop_symlink_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_SYMLINK] = (long)fop;
+set_symlink_cbk (long py_this, fop_symlink_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_SYMLINK] = (long)cbk;
+glupy_readlink_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, const char *path,
+ struct iatt *buf, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_READLINK]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_readlink_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_READLINK]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ path, buf, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readlink, frame, op_ret, op_errno, path,
+ buf, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_readlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ size_t size, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_READLINK]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_readlink_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_READLINK]))(
+ frame, this, loc, size, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_readlink_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->readlink, loc,
+ size, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_readlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc,
+ size_t size, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_readlink_cbk, xl, xl->fops->readlink,
+ loc, size, xdata);
+unwind_readlink (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, const char *path,
+ struct iatt *buf, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (readlink, frame, op_ret, op_errno, path, buf,
+ xdata);
+set_readlink_fop (long py_this, fop_readlink_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_READLINK] = (long)fop;
+set_readlink_cbk (long py_this, fop_readlink_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_READLINK] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: UNLINK */
+glupy_unlink_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno,
+ struct iatt *preparent, struct iatt *postparent,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_UNLINK]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_unlink_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_UNLINK]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (unlink, frame, op_ret, op_errno, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_unlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ int xflags, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_UNLINK]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_unlink_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_UNLINK]))(
+ frame, this, loc, xflags, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_unlink_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->unlink, loc,
+ xflags, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_unlink (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc,
+ int xflags, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_unlink_cbk, xl, xl->fops->unlink,
+ loc, xflags, xdata);
+unwind_unlink (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno,
+ struct iatt *preparent, struct iatt *postparent,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (unlink, frame, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+set_unlink_fop (long py_this, fop_unlink_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_UNLINK] = (long)fop;
+set_unlink_cbk (long py_this, fop_unlink_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_UNLINK] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: MKDIR */
+glupy_mkdir_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode,
+ struct iatt *buf, struct iatt *preparent,
+ struct iatt *postparent, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_MKDIR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_mkdir_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_MKDIR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (mkdir, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_mkdir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc, mode_t mode,
+ mode_t umask, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_MKDIR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_mkdir_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_MKDIR]))(
+ frame, this, loc, mode, umask, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_mkdir_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->mkdir, loc, mode, umask,
+ xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_mkdir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc, mode_t mode,
+ mode_t umask, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_mkdir_cbk, xl, xl->fops->mkdir,
+ loc, mode, umask, xdata);
+unwind_mkdir (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, inode_t *inode,
+ struct iatt *buf, struct iatt *preparent,
+ struct iatt *postparent, dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (mkdir, frame, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+set_mkdir_fop (long py_this, fop_mkdir_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_MKDIR] = (long)fop;
+set_mkdir_cbk (long py_this, fop_mkdir_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_MKDIR] = (long)cbk;
+/* FOP: RMDIR */
+glupy_rmdir_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno,
+ struct iatt *preparent, struct iatt *postparent,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ if (!priv->cbks[GLUPY_RMDIR]) {
+ goto unwind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ ret = ((fop_rmdir_cbk_t)(priv->cbks[GLUPY_RMDIR]))(
+ frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (rmdir, frame, op_ret, op_errno, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata);
+ return 0;
+glupy_rmdir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *this, loc_t *loc,
+ int xflags, dict_t *xdata)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = this->private;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ int32_t ret;
+ static long next_id = 0;
+ if (!priv->fops[GLUPY_RMDIR]) {
+ goto wind;
+ }
+ gstate = glupy_enter();
+ frame->local = (void *)++next_id;
+ ret = ((fop_rmdir_t)(priv->fops[GLUPY_RMDIR]))(
+ frame, this, loc, xflags, xdata);
+ glupy_leave(gstate);
+ return ret;
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_rmdir_cbk, FIRST_CHILD(this),
+ FIRST_CHILD(this)->fops->rmdir, loc,
+ xflags, xdata);
+ return 0;
+wind_rmdir (call_frame_t *frame, xlator_t *xl, loc_t *loc,
+ int xflags, dict_t *xdata)
+ xlator_t *this = THIS;
+ if (!xl || (xl == this)) {
+ xl = FIRST_CHILD(this);
+ }
+ STACK_WIND (frame, glupy_rmdir_cbk, xl, xl->fops->rmdir,
+ loc, xflags, xdata);
+unwind_rmdir (call_frame_t *frame, long cookie, xlator_t *this,
+ int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno,
+ struct iatt *preparent, struct iatt *postparent,
+ dict_t *xdata)
+ frame->local = NULL;
+ STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (rmdir, frame, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata);
+set_rmdir_fop (long py_this, fop_rmdir_t fop)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->fops[GLUPY_RMDIR] = (long)fop;
+set_rmdir_cbk (long py_this, fop_rmdir_cbk_t cbk)
+ glupy_private_t *priv = ((xlator_t *)py_this)->private;
+ priv->cbks[GLUPY_RMDIR] = (long)cbk;
get_id (call_frame_t *frame)
return (long)(frame->local);
+get_rootunique (call_frame_t *frame)
+ return frame->root->unique;
init (xlator_t *this)
@@ -313,6 +2365,7 @@ init (xlator_t *this)
goto *err_cleanup;
+ gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "py_mod_name = %s", module_name);
priv->py_module = PyImport_Import(py_mod_name);
if (!priv->py_module) {
@@ -393,8 +2446,29 @@ fini (xlator_t *this)
struct xlator_fops fops = {
- .lookup = glupy_lookup,
- .create = glupy_create,
+ .lookup = glupy_lookup,
+ .create = glupy_create,
+ .open = glupy_open,
+ .readv = glupy_readv,
+ .writev = glupy_writev,
+ .opendir = glupy_opendir,
+ .readdir = glupy_readdir,
+ .stat = glupy_stat,
+ .fstat = glupy_fstat,
+ .setxattr = glupy_setxattr,
+ .getxattr = glupy_getxattr,
+ .fsetxattr = glupy_fsetxattr,
+ .fgetxattr = glupy_fgetxattr,
+ .removexattr = glupy_removexattr,
+ .fremovexattr = glupy_fremovexattr,
+ .link = glupy_link,
+ .unlink = glupy_unlink,
+ .readlink = glupy_readlink,
+ .symlink = glupy_symlink,
+ .mkdir = glupy_mkdir,
+ .rmdir = glupy_rmdir,
+ .statfs = glupy_statfs,
+ .readdirp = glupy_readdirp
struct xlator_cbks cbks = {
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.h b/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.h
index e6d2ff4f32c..8661fce88c5 100644
--- a/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.h
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/glupy.h
@@ -29,6 +29,28 @@
enum {
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/src/ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
index ac732fb1733..a5daa77d32a 100644
--- a/xlators/features/glupy/src/
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
@@ -3,116 +3,839 @@ from ctypes import *
class call_frame_t (Structure):
- pass
+ pass
+class dev_t (Structure):
+ pass
class dict_t (Structure):
- pass
+ pass
-class fd_t (Structure):
+class gf_dirent_t (Structure):
+ pass
+class iobref_t (Structure):
+class iovec_t (Structure):
+ pass
+class list_head (Structure):
+ pass
+list_head._fields_ = [
+ ("next", POINTER(list_head)),
+ ("prev", POINTER(list_head))
+ ]
+class rwxperm_t (Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("read", c_uint8, 1),
+ ("write", c_uint8, 1),
+ ("execn", c_uint8, 1)
+ ]
+class statvfs_t (Structure):
+ pass
+class xlator_t (Structure):
+ pass
+class ia_prot_t (Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("suid", c_uint8, 1),
+ ("sgid", c_uint8, 1),
+ ("sticky", c_uint8, 1),
+ ("owner", rwxperm_t),
+ ("group", rwxperm_t),
+ ("other", rwxperm_t)
+ ]
+# For checking file type.
+ IA_IFSOCK) = xrange(8)
class iatt_t (Structure):
- pass
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("ia_no", c_uint64),
+ ("ia_gfid", c_ubyte * 16),
+ ("ia_dev", c_uint64),
+ ("ia_type", c_uint),
+ ("ia_prot", ia_prot_t),
+ ("ia_nlink", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_uid", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_gid", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_rdev", c_uint64),
+ ("ia_size", c_uint64),
+ ("ia_blksize", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_blocks", c_uint64),
+ ("ia_atime", c_uint32 ),
+ ("ia_atime_nsec", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_mtime", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_mtime_nsec", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_ctime", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_ctime_nsec", c_uint32)
+ ]
+class mem_pool (Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("list", list_head),
+ ("hot_count", c_int),
+ ("cold_count", c_int),
+ ("lock", c_void_p),
+ ("padded_sizeof_type", c_ulong),
+ ("pool", c_void_p),
+ ("pool_end", c_void_p),
+ ("real_sizeof_type", c_int),
+ ("alloc_count", c_uint64),
+ ("pool_misses", c_uint64),
+ ("max_alloc", c_int),
+ ("curr_stdalloc", c_int),
+ ("max_stdalloc", c_int),
+ ("name", c_char_p),
+ ("global_list", list_head)
+ ]
+class U_ctx_key_inode (Union):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("key", c_uint64),
+ ("xl_key", POINTER(xlator_t))
+ ]
+class U_ctx_value1 (Union):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("value1", c_uint64),
+ ("ptr1", c_void_p)
+ ]
+class U_ctx_value2 (Union):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("value2", c_uint64),
+ ("ptr2", c_void_p)
+ ]
+class inode_ctx (Structure):
+ _anonymous_ = ("u_key","u_value1","u_value2",)
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("u_key", U_ctx_key_inode),
+ ("u_value1", U_ctx_value1),
+ ("u_value2", U_ctx_value2)
+ ]
class inode_t (Structure):
- pass
+ pass
+class inode_table_t (Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("lock", c_void_p),
+ ("hashsize", c_size_t),
+ ("name", c_char_p),
+ ("root", POINTER(inode_t)),
+ ("xl", POINTER(xlator_t)),
+ ("lru_limit", c_uint32),
+ ("inode_hash", POINTER(list_head)),
+ ("name_hash", POINTER(list_head)),
+ ("active", list_head),
+ ("active_size", c_uint32),
+ ("lru", list_head),
+ ("lru_size", c_uint32),
+ ("purge", list_head),
+ ("purge_size", c_uint32),
+ ("inode_pool", POINTER(mem_pool)),
+ ("dentry_pool", POINTER(mem_pool)),
+ ("fd_mem_pool", POINTER(mem_pool))
+ ]
+inode_t._fields_ = [
+ ("table", POINTER(inode_table_t)),
+ ("gfid", c_ubyte * 16),
+ ("lock", c_void_p),
+ ("nlookup", c_uint64),
+ ("fd_count", c_uint32),
+ ("ref", c_uint32),
+ ("ia_type", c_uint),
+ ("fd_list", list_head),
+ ("dentry_list", list_head),
+ ("hashv", list_head),
+ ("listv", list_head),
+ ("ctx", POINTER(inode_ctx))
+ ]
+class U_ctx_key_fd (Union):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("key", c_uint64),
+ ("xl_key", c_void_p)
+ ]
+class fd_lk_ctx (Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("lk_list", list_head),
+ ("ref", c_int),
+ ("lock", c_void_p)
+ ]
+class fd_ctx (Structure):
+ _anonymous_ = ("u_key","u_value1")
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("u_key", U_ctx_key_fd),
+ ("u_value1", U_ctx_value1)
+ ]
+class fd_t (Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("pid", c_uint64),
+ ("flags", c_int32),
+ ("refcount", c_int32),
+ ("inode_list", list_head),
+ ("inode", POINTER(inode_t)),
+ ("lock", c_void_p),
+ ("ctx", POINTER(fd_ctx)),
+ ("xl_count", c_int),
+ ("lk_ctx", POINTER(fd_lk_ctx)),
+ ("anonymous", c_uint)
+ ]
class loc_t (Structure):
- _fields_ = [
- ( "path", c_char_p ),
- ( "name", c_char_p ),
- ( "inode", c_void_p ),
- ( "parent", c_void_p ),
- # Not quite correct, but easier to manipulate.
- ( "gfid", c_uint * 4 ),
- ( "pargfid", c_uint * 4 ),
- ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("path", c_char_p),
+ ("name", c_char_p),
+ ("inode", POINTER(inode_t)),
+ ("parent", POINTER(inode_t)),
+ ("gfid", c_ubyte * 16),
+ ("pargfid", c_ubyte * 16),
+ ]
-class xlator_t (Structure):
- pass
def _init_op (a_class, fop, cbk, wind, unwind):
- # Decorators, used by translators. We could pass the signatures as
- # parameters, but it's actually kind of nice to keep them around for
- # inspection.
- a_class.fop_type = apply(CFUNCTYPE,a_class.fop_sig)
- a_class.cbk_type = apply(CFUNCTYPE,a_class.cbk_sig)
- # Dispatch-function registration.
- fop.restype = None
- fop.argtypes = [ c_long, a_class.fop_type ]
- # Callback-function registration.
- cbk.restype = None
- cbk.argtypes = [ c_long, a_class.cbk_type ]
- # STACK_WIND function.
- wind.restype = None
- wind.argtypes = list(a_class.fop_sig[1:])
- # STACK_UNWIND function.
- unwind.restype = None
- unwind.argtypes = list(a_class.cbk_sig[1:])
+ # Decorators, used by translators. We could pass the signatures as
+ # parameters, but it's actually kind of nice to keep them around for
+ # inspection.
+ a_class.fop_type = apply(CFUNCTYPE,a_class.fop_sig)
+ a_class.cbk_type = apply(CFUNCTYPE,a_class.cbk_sig)
+ # Dispatch-function registration.
+ fop.restype = None
+ fop.argtypes = [ c_long, a_class.fop_type ]
+ # Callback-function registration.
+ cbk.restype = None
+ cbk.argtypes = [ c_long, a_class.cbk_type ]
+ # STACK_WIND function.
+ wind.restype = None
+ wind.argtypes = list(a_class.fop_sig[1:])
+ # STACK_UNWIND function.
+ unwind.restype = None
+ unwind.argtypes = list(a_class.cbk_sig[1:])
class OpLookup:
- fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
- POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t))
- cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
- c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
- POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(iatt_t))
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(iatt_t))
_init_op (OpLookup, dl.set_lookup_fop, dl.set_lookup_cbk,
- dl.wind_lookup, dl.unwind_lookup)
+ dl.wind_lookup, dl.unwind_lookup)
class OpCreate:
- fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
- POINTER(loc_t), c_int, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(fd_t),
- POINTER(dict_t))
- cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
- c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(inode_t),
- POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
- POINTER(dict_t))
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_int, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(fd_t),
+ POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(inode_t),
+ POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(dict_t))
_init_op (OpCreate, dl.set_create_fop, dl.set_create_cbk,
- dl.wind_create, dl.unwind_create)
+ dl.wind_create, dl.unwind_create)
-class Translator:
- def __init__ (self, c_this):
- # This is only here to keep references to the stubs we create,
- # because ctypes doesn't and can't because it doesn't
- # get a pointer to the actual Python object. It's a dictionary
- # instead of a list in case we ever allow changing fops/cbks
- # after initialization and need to look them up.
- self.stub_refs = {}
- funcs = dir(self.__class__)
- if "lookup_fop" in funcs:
- @OpLookup.fop_type
- def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self):
- return s.lookup_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata)
- self.stub_refs["lookup_fop"] = stub
- dl.set_lookup_fop(c_this,stub)
- if "lookup_cbk" in funcs:
- @OpLookup.cbk_type
- def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
- buf, xdata, postparent, s=self):
- return s.lookup_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret,
- op_errno, inode, buf, xdata,
- postparent)
- self.stub_refs["lookup_cbk"] = stub
- dl.set_lookup_cbk(c_this,stub)
- if "create_fop" in funcs:
- @OpCreate.fop_type
- def stub (frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd,
- xdata, s=self):
- return s.create_fop (frame, this, loc, flags,
- mode, umask, fd, xdata)
- self.stub_refs["create_fop"] = stub
- dl.set_create_fop(c_this,stub)
- if "create_cbk" in funcs:
- @OpCreate.cbk_type
- def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
- inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata,
- s=self):
- return s.create_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
- op_ret, op_errno, fd,
- inode, buf, preparent,
- postparent, xdata)
- return 0
- self.stub_refs["create_cbk"] = stub
- dl.set_create_cbk(c_this,stub)
+class OpOpen:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpOpen, dl.set_open_fop, dl.set_open_cbk,
+ dl.wind_open, dl.unwind_open)
+class OpReadv:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), c_size_t, c_long, c_uint32, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(iovec_t), c_int, POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(iobref_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpReadv, dl.set_readv_fop, dl.set_readv_cbk,
+ dl.wind_readv, dl.unwind_readv)
+class OpWritev:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(iovec_t), c_int, c_long, c_uint32,
+ POINTER(iobref_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpWritev, dl.set_writev_fop, dl.set_writev_cbk,
+ dl.wind_writev, dl.unwind_writev)
+class OpOpendir:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(fd_t) ,POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpOpendir, dl.set_opendir_fop, dl.set_opendir_cbk,
+ dl.wind_opendir, dl.unwind_opendir)
+class OpReaddir:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), c_size_t, c_long, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(gf_dirent_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpReaddir, dl.set_readdir_fop, dl.set_readdir_cbk,
+ dl.wind_readdir, dl.unwind_readdir)
+class OpReaddirp:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), c_size_t, c_long, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(gf_dirent_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpReaddirp, dl.set_readdirp_fop, dl.set_readdirp_cbk,
+ dl.wind_readdirp, dl.unwind_readdirp)
+class OpStat:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpStat, dl.set_stat_fop, dl.set_stat_cbk,
+ dl.wind_stat, dl.unwind_stat)
+class OpFstat:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpFstat, dl.set_fstat_fop, dl.set_fstat_cbk,
+ dl.wind_fstat, dl.unwind_fstat)
+class OpStatfs:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(statvfs_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpStatfs, dl.set_statfs_fop, dl.set_statfs_cbk,
+ dl.wind_statfs, dl.unwind_statfs)
+class OpSetxattr:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t), c_int32,
+ POINTER (dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpSetxattr, dl.set_setxattr_fop, dl.set_setxattr_cbk,
+ dl.wind_setxattr, dl.unwind_setxattr)
+class OpGetxattr:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_char_p, POINTER (dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpGetxattr, dl.set_getxattr_fop, dl.set_getxattr_cbk,
+ dl.wind_getxattr, dl.unwind_getxattr)
+class OpFsetxattr:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t), c_int32,
+ POINTER (dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpFsetxattr, dl.set_fsetxattr_fop, dl.set_fsetxattr_cbk,
+ dl.wind_fsetxattr, dl.unwind_fsetxattr)
+class OpFgetxattr:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), c_char_p, POINTER (dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpFgetxattr, dl.set_fgetxattr_fop, dl.set_fgetxattr_cbk,
+ dl.wind_fgetxattr, dl.unwind_fgetxattr)
+class OpRemovexattr:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_char_p, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpRemovexattr, dl.set_removexattr_fop, dl.set_removexattr_cbk,
+ dl.wind_removexattr, dl.unwind_removexattr)
+class OpFremovexattr:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(fd_t), c_char_p, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpFremovexattr, dl.set_fremovexattr_fop, dl.set_fremovexattr_cbk,
+ dl.wind_fremovexattr, dl.unwind_fremovexattr)
+class OpLink:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpLink, dl.set_link_fop, dl.set_link_cbk,
+ dl.wind_link, dl.unwind_link)
+class OpSymlink:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_char_p, POINTER(loc_t), c_uint, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpSymlink, dl.set_symlink_fop, dl.set_symlink_cbk,
+ dl.wind_symlink, dl.unwind_symlink)
+class OpUnlink:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_int, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpUnlink, dl.set_unlink_fop, dl.set_unlink_cbk,
+ dl.wind_unlink, dl.unwind_unlink)
+class OpReadlink:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_size_t, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, c_char_p, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpReadlink, dl.set_readlink_fop, dl.set_readlink_cbk,
+ dl.wind_readlink, dl.unwind_readlink)
+class OpMkdir:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpMkdir, dl.set_mkdir_fop, dl.set_mkdir_cbk,
+ dl.wind_mkdir, dl.unwind_mkdir)
+class OpRmdir:
+ fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t),
+ POINTER(loc_t), c_int, POINTER(dict_t))
+ cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t),
+ c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t),
+ POINTER(dict_t))
+_init_op (OpRmdir, dl.set_rmdir_fop, dl.set_rmdir_cbk,
+ dl.wind_rmdir, dl.unwind_rmdir)
+class Translator:
+ def __init__ (self, c_this):
+ # This is only here to keep references to the stubs we create,
+ # because ctypes doesn't and can't because it doesn't
+ # get a pointer to the actual Python object. It's a dictionary
+ # instead of a list in case we ever allow changing fops/cbks
+ # after initialization and need to look them up.
+ self.stub_refs = {}
+ funcs = dir(self.__class__)
+ if "lookup_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpLookup.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.lookup_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["lookup_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_lookup_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "lookup_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpLookup.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, xdata, postparent, s=self):
+ return s.lookup_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret,
+ op_errno, inode, buf, xdata,
+ postparent)
+ self.stub_refs["lookup_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_lookup_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "create_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpCreate.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.create_fop (frame, this, loc, flags,
+ mode, umask, fd, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["create_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_create_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "create_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpCreate.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.create_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ inode, buf, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["create_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_create_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "open_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpOpen.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, flags, fd,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.open_fop (frame, this, loc, flags,
+ fd, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["open_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_open_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "open_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpOpen.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.open_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["open_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_open_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "readv_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpReadv.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, size, offset, flags,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readv_fop (frame, this, fd, size,
+ offset, flags, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readv_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_readv_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "readv_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpReadv.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ vector, count, stbuf, iobref, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.readv_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, vector,
+ count, stbuf, iobref,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readv_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_readv_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "writev_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpWritev.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, vector, count,
+ offset, flags, iobref, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.writev_fop (frame, this, fd, vector,
+ count, offset, flags,
+ iobref, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["writev_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_writev_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "writev_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpWritev.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ prebuf, postbuf, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.writev_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, prebuf,
+ postbuf, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["writev_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_writev_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "opendir_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpOpendir.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, fd, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.opendir_fop (frame, this, loc, fd,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["opendir_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_opendir_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "opendir_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpOpendir.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.opendir_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, fd,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["opendir_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_opendir_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "readdir_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpReaddir.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readdir_fop (frame, this, fd, size,
+ offset, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readdir_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_readdir_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "readdir_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpReaddir.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ entries, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readdir_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, entries,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readdir_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_readdir_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "readdirp_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpReaddirp.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readdirp_fop (frame, this, fd, size,
+ offset, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readdirp_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_readdirp_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "readdirp_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpReaddirp.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ entries, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readdirp_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ entries, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readdirp_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_readdirp_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "stat_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpStat.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.stat_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["stat_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_stat_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "stat_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpStat.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.stat_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret,
+ op_errno, buf, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["stat_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_stat_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "fstat_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpFstat.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.fstat_fop (frame, this, fd, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fstat_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_fstat_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "fstat_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpFstat.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.fstat_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret,
+ op_errno, buf, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fstat_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_fstat_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "statfs_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpStatfs.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.statfs_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["statfs_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_statfs_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "statfs_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpStatfs.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.statfs_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, buf,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["statfs_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_statfs_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "setxattr_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpSetxattr.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, dictionary, flags, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.setxattr_fop (frame, this, loc,
+ dictionary, flags,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["setxattr_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_setxattr_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "setxattr_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpSetxattr.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.setxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["setxattr_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_setxattr_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "getxattr_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpGetxattr.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, name, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.getxattr_fop (frame, this, loc, name,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["getxattr_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_getxattr_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "getxattr_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpGetxattr.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.getxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["getxattr_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_getxattr_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "fsetxattr_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpFsetxattr.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, dictionary, flags, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.fsetxattr_fop (frame, this, fd,
+ dictionary, flags,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fsetxattr_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_fsetxattr_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "fsetxattr_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpFsetxattr.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.fsetxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fsetxattr_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_fsetxattr_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "fgetxattr_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpFgetxattr.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, name, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.fgetxattr_fop (frame, this, fd, name,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fgetxattr_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_fgetxattr_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "fgetxattr_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpFgetxattr.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.fgetxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ dictionary, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fgetxattr_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_fgetxattr_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "removexattr_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpRemovexattr.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, name, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.removexattr_fop (frame, this, loc,
+ name, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["removexattr_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_removexattr_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "removexattr_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpRemovexattr.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.removexattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["removexattr_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_removexattr_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "fremovexattr_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpFremovexattr.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, fd, name, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.fremovexattr_fop (frame, this, fd,
+ name, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fremovexattr_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_fremovexattr_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "fremovexattr_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpFremovexattr.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.fremovexattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["fremovexattr_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_fremovexattr_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "link_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpLink.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, oldloc, newloc,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.link_fop (frame, this, oldloc,
+ newloc, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["link_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_link_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "link_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpLink.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.link_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["link_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_link_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "symlink_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpSymlink.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, linkname, loc,
+ umask, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.symlink_fop (frame, this, linkname,
+ loc, umask, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["symlink_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_symlink_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "symlink_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpSymlink.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.symlink_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["symlink_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_symlink_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "unlink_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpUnlink.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, xflags,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.unlink_fop (frame, this, loc,
+ xflags, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["unlink_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_unlink_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "unlink_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpUnlink.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.unlink_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["unlink_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_unlink_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "readlink_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpReadlink.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, size,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readlink_fop (frame, this, loc,
+ size, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readlink_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_readlink_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "readlink_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpReadlink.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ path, buf, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.readlink_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ path, buf, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["readlink_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_readlink_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "mkdir_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpMkdir.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, mode, umask, xdata,
+ s=self):
+ return s.mkdir_fop (frame, this, loc, mode,
+ umask, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["mkdir_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_mkdir_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "mkdir_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpMkdir.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.mkdir_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno, inode,
+ buf, preparent,
+ postparent, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["mkdir_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_mkdir_cbk(c_this,stub)
+ if "rmdir_fop" in funcs:
+ @OpRmdir.fop_type
+ def stub (frame, this, loc, xflags,
+ xdata, s=self):
+ return s.rmdir_fop (frame, this, loc,
+ xflags, xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["rmdir_fop"] = stub
+ dl.set_rmdir_fop(c_this,stub)
+ if "rmdir_cbk" in funcs:
+ @OpRmdir.cbk_type
+ def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self):
+ return s.rmdir_cbk (frame, cookie, this,
+ op_ret, op_errno,
+ preparent, postparent,
+ xdata)
+ self.stub_refs["rmdir_cbk"] = stub
+ dl.set_rmdir_cbk(c_this,stub)
diff --git a/xlators/features/glupy/src/ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
index 6ca855f72f0..1023602b9f3 100644
--- a/xlators/features/glupy/src/
+++ b/xlators/features/glupy/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import sys
+from uuid import UUID
from gluster import *
# Negative-lookup-caching example. If a file wasn't there the last time we
@@ -19,75 +20,73 @@ cache = {}
dl.get_id.restype = c_long
dl.get_id.argtypes = [ POINTER(call_frame_t) ]
-def uuid2str (orig):
- return "%08x%08x%08x%08x" % (orig[0], orig[1], orig[2], orig[3])
+def uuid2str (gfid):
+ return str(UUID(''.join(map("{0:02x}".format, gfid))))
class xlator (Translator):
- def __init__ (self, c_this):
- self.requests = {}
- Translator.__init__(self,c_this)
+ def __init__ (self, c_this):
+ self.requests = {}
+ Translator.__init__(self,c_this)
- def lookup_fop (self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
- pargfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.pargfid)
- print "lookup FOP: %s:%s" % (pargfid,
- # Check the cache.
- if cache.has_key(pargfid):
- if in cache[pargfid]:
- print "short-circuiting for %s:%s" % (
- pargfid,
- dl.unwind_lookup(frame,0,this,-1,2,None,None,
- None,None)
- return 0
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- self.requests[key] = (pargfid,[:])
- # TBD: get real child xl from init, pass it here
- dl.wind_lookup(frame,POINTER(xlator_t)(),loc,xdata)
- return 0
+ def lookup_fop (self, frame, this, loc, xdata):
+ pargfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.pargfid)
+ print "lookup FOP: %s:%s" % (pargfid,
+ # Check the cache.
+ if cache.has_key(pargfid):
+ if in cache[pargfid]:
+ print "short-circuiting for %s:%s" % (pargfid,
+ dl.unwind_lookup(frame,0,this,-1,2,None,None,None,None)
+ return 0
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ self.requests[key] = (pargfid,[:])
+ # TBD: get real child xl from init, pass it here
+ dl.wind_lookup(frame,POINTER(xlator_t)(),loc,xdata)
+ return 0
- def lookup_cbk (self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
- xdata, postparent):
- print "lookup CBK: %d (%d)" % (op_ret, op_errno)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- pargfid, name = self.requests[key]
- # Update the cache.
- if op_ret == 0:
- print "found %s, removing from cache" % name
- if cache.has_key(pargfid):
- cache[pargfid].discard(name)
- elif op_errno == 2: # ENOENT
- print "failed to find %s, adding to cache" % name
- if cache.has_key(pargfid):
- cache[pargfid].add(name)
- else:
- cache[pargfid] = set([name])
- del self.requests[key]
- dl.unwind_lookup(frame,cookie,this,op_ret,op_errno,
- inode,buf,xdata,postparent)
- return 0
+ def lookup_cbk (self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf,
+ xdata, postparent):
+ print "lookup CBK: %d (%d)" % (op_ret, op_errno)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ pargfid, name = self.requests[key]
+ # Update the cache.
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ print "found %s, removing from cache" % name
+ if cache.has_key(pargfid):
+ cache[pargfid].discard(name)
+ elif op_errno == 2: # ENOENT
+ print "failed to find %s, adding to cache" % name
+ if cache.has_key(pargfid):
+ cache[pargfid].add(name)
+ else:
+ cache[pargfid] = set([name])
+ del self.requests[key]
+ dl.unwind_lookup(frame,cookie,this,op_ret,op_errno,
+ inode,buf,xdata,postparent)
+ return 0
- def create_fop (self, frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd, xdata):
- pargfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.pargfid)
- print "create FOP: %s:%s" % (pargfid,
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- self.requests[key] = (pargfid,[:])
- # TBD: get real child xl from init, pass it here
- dl.wind_create(frame,POINTER(xlator_t)(),loc,flags,mode,umask,
- fd,xdata)
- return 0
+ def create_fop (self, frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd, xdata):
+ pargfid = uuid2str(loc.contents.pargfid)
+ print "create FOP: %s:%s" % (pargfid,
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ self.requests[key] = (pargfid,[:])
+ # TBD: get real child xl from init, pass it here
+ dl.wind_create(frame,POINTER(xlator_t)(),loc,flags,mode,umask,fd,xdata)
+ return 0
- def create_cbk (self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, inode,
- buf, preparent, postparent, xdata):
- print "create CBK: %d (%d)" % (op_ret, op_errno)
- key = dl.get_id(frame)
- pargfid, name = self.requests[key]
- # Update the cache.
- if op_ret == 0:
- print "created %s, removing from cache" % name
- if cache.has_key(pargfid):
- cache[pargfid].discard(name)
- del self.requests[key]
- dl.unwind_create(frame,cookie,this,op_ret,op_errno,fd,inode,buf,
- preparent,postparent,xdata)
- return 0
+ def create_cbk (self, frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, inode,
+ buf, preparent, postparent, xdata):
+ print "create CBK: %d (%d)" % (op_ret, op_errno)
+ key = dl.get_id(frame)
+ pargfid, name = self.requests[key]
+ # Update the cache.
+ if op_ret == 0:
+ print "created %s, removing from cache" % name
+ if cache.has_key(pargfid):
+ cache[pargfid].discard(name)
+ del self.requests[key]
+ dl.unwind_create(frame,cookie,this,op_ret,op_errno,fd,inode,buf,
+ preparent,postparent,xdata)
+ return 0