#!/bin/bash # To override version/release from git, # create VERSION file containing text with version/release # eg. v3.4.0-1 # One thing to note, If one does 'git clone --depth N glusterfs.git', # the git describe command doesn't work. Hence you notice below that # we have added timestamp as version (YYYY.MM.DD) and release (HH.mmss) PKG_VERSION=`cat VERSION 2> /dev/null || git describe --tags --match "v[0-9]*" 2>/dev/null` get_version() { # tags and output versions: # - v3.4.0 => 3.4.0 (upstream clean) # - v3.4.0-1 => 3.4.0 (downstream clean) # - v3.4.0-2-g34e62f => 3.4.0 (upstream dirty) # - v3.4.0-1-2-g34e62f => 3.4.0 (downstream dirty) AWK_VERSION=' BEGIN { FS="-" } /^v[0-9]/ { sub(/^v/,"") ; print $1 }' version=$(echo $PKG_VERSION | awk "$AWK_VERSION" | tr -cd '[:alnum:].') if [ "x${version}" == "x" ] ; then version=$(date +%Y.%m.%d | tr -d '\n') fi echo $version | tr -d '\n' } get_release() { # tags and output releases: # - v3.4.0 => 0 (upstream clean) # - v3.4.0-1 => 1 (downstream clean) # - v3.4.0-2-g34e62f1 => 2.git34e62f1 (upstream dirty) # - v3.4.0-1-2-g34e62f1 => 1.2.git34e62f1 (downstream dirty) AWK_RELEASE=' BEGIN { FS="-"; OFS="." } /^v[0-9]/ { if (NF == 1) print 0 else if (NF == 2) print $2 else if (NF == 3) print $2, "git" substr($3, 2) else if (NF == 4) print $2, $3, "git" substr($4, 2) }' release=$(echo $PKG_VERSION | awk "$AWK_RELEASE" | tr -cd '[:alnum:].') if [ "x${release}" == "x" ] ; then release=$(date +%H.%M%S | tr -d '\n') fi echo $release | tr -d '\n' } if test "x$1" = "x--full"; then echo -n "v$(get_version)-$(get_release)" elif test "x$1" = "x--version"; then get_version elif test "x$1" = "x--release"; then get_release else echo "usage: $0 [--full|--version|--release]" exit 1 fi