/* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Gluster, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "cli.h" #include "cli-cmd.h" #include "cli-mem-types.h" #include "cli1-xdr.h" #include "run.h" extern struct rpc_clnt *global_rpc; extern rpc_clnt_prog_t *cli_rpc_prog; int cli_cmd_volume_help_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *in_word, const char **words, int wordcount); int cli_cmd_volume_info_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; cli_cmd_volume_get_ctx_t ctx = {0,}; cli_local_t *local = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_GET_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if ((wordcount == 2) || (wordcount == 3 && !strcmp (words[2], "all"))) { ctx.flags = GF_CLI_GET_NEXT_VOLUME; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_GET_NEXT_VOLUME]; } else if (wordcount == 3) { ctx.flags = GF_CLI_GET_VOLUME; ctx.volname = (char *)words[2]; if (strlen (ctx.volname) > 1024) { cli_out ("Invalid volume name"); goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_GET_VOLUME]; } else { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; return -1; } local = cli_local_get (); if (!local) goto out; local->get_vol.flags = ctx.flags; if (ctx.volname) local->get_vol.volname = gf_strdup (ctx.volname); frame->local = local; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, &ctx); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Getting Volume information failed!"); } if (frame) FRAME_DESTROY (frame); return ret; } int cli_cmd_sync_volume_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; dict_t *dict = NULL; if ((wordcount < 3) || (wordcount > 4)) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } dict = dict_new (); if (!dict) goto out; if ((wordcount == 3) || !strcmp(words[3], "all")) { ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, "flags", (int32_t) GF_CLI_SYNC_ALL); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set" "flag"); goto out; } } else { ret = dict_set_str (dict, "volname", (char *) words[3]); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set " "volume"); goto out; } } ret = dict_set_str (dict, "hostname", (char *) words[2]); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set hostname"); goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_SYNC_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume sync failed"); } if (dict) dict_unref (dict); return ret; } gf_ai_compare_t cli_cmd_compare_addrinfo (struct addrinfo *first, struct addrinfo *next) { int ret = -1; struct addrinfo *tmp1 = NULL; struct addrinfo *tmp2 = NULL; char firstip[NI_MAXHOST] = {0.}; char nextip[NI_MAXHOST] = {0,}; for (tmp1 = first; tmp1 != NULL; tmp1 = tmp1->ai_next) { ret = getnameinfo (tmp1->ai_addr, tmp1->ai_addrlen, firstip, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (ret) return GF_AI_COMPARE_ERROR; for (tmp2 = next; tmp2 != NULL; tmp2 = tmp2->ai_next) { ret = getnameinfo (tmp2->ai_addr, tmp2->ai_addrlen, nextip, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (ret) return GF_AI_COMPARE_ERROR; if (!strcmp (firstip, nextip)) { return GF_AI_COMPARE_MATCH; } } } return GF_AI_COMPARE_NO_MATCH; } /* Check for non optimal brick order for replicate : * Checks if bricks belonging to a replicate volume * are present on the same server */ int32_t cli_cmd_check_brick_order (struct cli_state *state, const char *bricks, int brick_count, int sub_count) { int ret = -1; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; addrinfo_list_t *ai_list = NULL; addrinfo_list_t *ai_list_tmp1 = NULL; addrinfo_list_t *ai_list_tmp2 = NULL; char *brick = NULL; char *brick_list = NULL; char *brick_list_dup = NULL; char *tmpptr = NULL; struct addrinfo *ai_info = NULL; gf_answer_t answer = GF_ANSWER_NO; const char *failed_question = NULL; const char *found_question = NULL; failed_question = "Failed to perform brick order check. " "Do you want to continue creating the volume? "; found_question = "Multiple bricks of a replicate volume are present" " on the same server. This setup is not optimal.\n" "Do you still want to continue creating the volume? "; GF_ASSERT (bricks); GF_ASSERT (brick_count > 0); GF_ASSERT (sub_count > 0); ai_list = malloc (sizeof (addrinfo_list_t)); ai_list->info = NULL; INIT_LIST_HEAD (&ai_list->list); brick_list = gf_strdup (bricks); if (brick_list == NULL) { gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to allocate memory"); goto check_failed; } brick_list_dup = brick_list; /* Resolve hostnames and get addrinfo */ while (i < brick_count) { ++i; brick = strtok_r (brick_list, " \n", &tmpptr); brick_list = tmpptr; if (brick == NULL) goto check_failed; brick = strtok_r (brick, ":", &tmpptr); if (brick == NULL) goto check_failed; ret = getaddrinfo (brick, NULL, NULL, &ai_info); if (ret) goto check_failed; ai_list_tmp1 = malloc (sizeof (addrinfo_list_t)); if (ai_list_tmp1 == NULL) goto check_failed; ai_list_tmp1->info = ai_info; list_add_tail (&ai_list_tmp1->list, &ai_list->list); ai_list_tmp1 = NULL; } i = 0; ai_list_tmp1 = list_entry (ai_list->list.next, addrinfo_list_t, list); /* Check for bad brick order */ while (i < brick_count) { ++i; ai_info = ai_list_tmp1->info; ai_list_tmp1 = list_entry (ai_list_tmp1->list.next, addrinfo_list_t, list); if ( 0 == i % sub_count) { j = 0; continue; } ai_list_tmp2 = ai_list_tmp1; k = j; while (k < sub_count - 1) { ++k; ret = cli_cmd_compare_addrinfo (ai_info, ai_list_tmp2->info); if (GF_AI_COMPARE_ERROR == ret) goto check_failed; if (GF_AI_COMPARE_MATCH == ret) goto found_bad_brick_order; ai_list_tmp2 = list_entry (ai_list_tmp2->list.next, addrinfo_list_t, list); } ++j; } gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_INFO, "Brick order okay"); ret = 0; goto out; check_failed: gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_INFO, "Failed bad brick order check"); answer = cli_cmd_get_confirmation(state, failed_question); if (GF_ANSWER_YES == answer) ret = 0; goto out; found_bad_brick_order: gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_INFO, "Bad brick order found"); answer = cli_cmd_get_confirmation (state, found_question); if (GF_ANSWER_YES == answer) ret = 0; out: ai_list_tmp2 = NULL; i = 0; if (brick_list_dup) GF_FREE (brick_list_dup); list_for_each_entry (ai_list_tmp1, &ai_list->list, list) { if (ai_list_tmp1->info) freeaddrinfo (ai_list_tmp1->info); if (ai_list_tmp2) free (ai_list_tmp2); ai_list_tmp2 = ai_list_tmp1; } free (ai_list_tmp2); return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_create_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; char *brick_list = NULL; int32_t brick_count = 0; int32_t sub_count = 0; int32_t type = GF_CLUSTER_TYPE_NONE; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_CREATE_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_volume_create_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } /*Check brick order if type is replicate*/ ret = dict_get_int32 (options, "type", &type); if (ret) { gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Could not get brick type"); goto out; } if ((type == GF_CLUSTER_TYPE_REPLICATE) || (type == GF_CLUSTER_TYPE_STRIPE_REPLICATE)) { if ((ret = dict_get_str (options, "bricks", &brick_list)) != 0) { gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Replica bricks check : " "Could not retrieve bricks list"); goto out; } if ((ret = dict_get_int32 (options, "count", &brick_count)) != 0) { gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Replica bricks check : " "Could not retrieve brick count"); goto out; } if ((ret = dict_get_int32 (options, "replica-count", &sub_count)) != 0) { gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Replica bricks check : " "Could not retrieve replica count"); goto out; } gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_INFO, "Replicate cluster type found." " Checking brick order."); ret = cli_cmd_check_brick_order (state, brick_list, brick_count, sub_count); if (ret) { gf_log("cli", GF_LOG_INFO, "Not creating volume because of bad brick order"); goto out; } } if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume create failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_delete_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; char *volname = NULL; gf_answer_t answer = GF_ANSWER_NO; const char *question = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; question = "Deleting volume will erase all information about the volume. " "Do you want to continue?"; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_DELETE_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (wordcount != 3) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } answer = cli_cmd_get_confirmation (state, question); if (GF_ANSWER_NO == answer) { ret = 0; goto out; } volname = (char *)words[2]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, volname); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume delete failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_start_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; dict_t *dict = NULL; int flags = 0; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (wordcount < 3 || wordcount > 4) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } dict = dict_new (); if (!dict) { goto out; } if (!words[2]) goto out; ret = dict_set_str (dict, "volname", (char *)words[2]); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "dict set failed"); goto out; } if (wordcount == 4) { if (!strcmp("force", words[3])) { flags |= GF_CLI_FLAG_OP_FORCE; } else { ret = -1; cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } } ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, "flags", flags); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "dict set failed"); goto out; } if (ret < 0) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to serialize dict"); goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_START_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); } out: if (dict) dict_unref (dict); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume start failed"); } return ret; } gf_answer_t cli_cmd_get_confirmation (struct cli_state *state, const char *question) { char answer[5] = {'\0', }; char flush = '\0'; int len = 0; if (state->mode & GLUSTER_MODE_SCRIPT) return GF_ANSWER_YES; printf ("%s (y/n) ", question); if (fgets (answer, 4, stdin) == NULL) { cli_out("gluster cli read error"); goto out; } len = strlen (answer); if (answer [len - 1] == '\n'){ answer [--len] = '\0'; } else { do{ flush = getchar (); }while (flush != '\n'); } if (len > 3) goto out; if (!strcasecmp (answer, "y") || !strcasecmp (answer, "yes")) return GF_ANSWER_YES; else if (!strcasecmp (answer, "n") || !strcasecmp (answer, "no")) return GF_ANSWER_NO; out: cli_out ("Invalid input, please enter y/n"); return GF_ANSWER_NO; } int cli_cmd_volume_stop_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; int flags = 0; gf_answer_t answer = GF_ANSWER_NO; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; dict_t *dict = NULL; char *volname = NULL; const char *question = "Stopping volume will make its data inaccessible. " "Do you want to continue?"; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (wordcount < 3 || wordcount > 4) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } volname = (char*) words[2]; dict = dict_new (); ret = dict_set_str (dict, "volname", volname); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "dict set failed"); goto out; } if (wordcount == 4) { if (!strcmp("force", words[3])) { flags |= GF_CLI_FLAG_OP_FORCE; } else { ret = -1; cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } } ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, "flags", flags); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "dict set failed"); goto out; } answer = cli_cmd_get_confirmation (state, question); if (GF_ANSWER_NO == answer) { ret = 0; goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_STOP_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume stop on '%s' failed", volname); } if (dict) dict_unref (dict); return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_rename_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *dict = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; dict = dict_new (); if (!dict) goto out; if (wordcount != 4) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } ret = dict_set_str (dict, "old-volname", (char *)words[2]); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_str (dict, "new-volname", (char *)words[3]); if (ret) goto out; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_RENAME_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); } out: if (dict) dict_destroy (dict); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume rename on '%s' failed", (char *)words[2]); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_defrag_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *dict = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; int index = 0; #ifdef GF_SOLARIS_HOST_OS cli_out ("Command not supported on Solaris"); goto out; #endif frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; dict = dict_new (); if (!dict) goto out; if (!((wordcount == 4) || (wordcount == 5))) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } if (wordcount == 4) { index = 3; } else { if (strcmp (words[3], "fix-layout") && strcmp (words[3], "start")) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } index = 4; } if (strcmp (words[index], "start") && strcmp (words[index], "stop") && strcmp (words[index], "status") && strcmp (words[index], "force")) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } ret = dict_set_str (dict, "volname", (char *)words[2]); if (ret) goto out; if (wordcount == 4) { ret = dict_set_str (dict, "command", (char *)words[3]); if (ret) goto out; } if (wordcount == 5) { if ((strcmp (words[3], "fix-layout") || strcmp (words[4], "start")) && (strcmp (words[3], "start") || strcmp (words[4], "force"))) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } ret = dict_set_str (dict, "option", (char *)words[4]); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_str (dict, "command", (char *)words[3]); if (ret) goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_DEFRAG_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); } out: if (dict) dict_destroy (dict); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume rebalance failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_reset_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_RESET_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_volume_reset_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume reset failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_profile_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; ret = cli_cmd_volume_profile_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_PROFILE_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume profile failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_set_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_SET_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_volume_set_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume set failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_add_brick_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_volume_add_brick_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_ADD_BRICK]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume add-brick failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_quota_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = 0; int parse_err = 0; int32_t type = 0; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; gf_answer_t answer = GF_ANSWER_NO; const char *question = "Disabling quota will delete all the quota " "configuration. Do you want to continue?"; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_QUOTA]; if (proc == NULL) { ret = -1; goto out; } frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = cli_cmd_quota_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret < 0) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_err = 1; goto out; } else if (dict_get_int32 (options, "type", &type) == 0 && type == GF_QUOTA_OPTION_TYPE_DISABLE) { answer = cli_cmd_get_confirmation (state, question); if (answer == GF_ANSWER_NO) goto out; } if (proc->fn) ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret && parse_err == 0) cli_out ("Quota command failed"); return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_remove_brick_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; gf_answer_t answer = GF_ANSWER_NO; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; int need_question = 0; const char *question = "Removing brick(s) can result in data loss. " "Do you want to Continue?"; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_volume_remove_brick_parse (words, wordcount, &options, &need_question); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } if (!(state->mode & GLUSTER_MODE_SCRIPT) && need_question) { /* we need to ask question only in case of 'commit or force' */ answer = cli_cmd_get_confirmation (state, question); if (GF_ANSWER_NO == answer) { ret = 0; goto out; } } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_REMOVE_BRICK]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume remove-brick failed"); } if (options) dict_unref (options); return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_replace_brick_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; #ifdef GF_SOLARIS_HOST_OS cli_out ("Command not supported on Solaris"); goto out; #endif proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_REPLACE_BRICK]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_volume_replace_brick_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume replace-brick failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_set_transport_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { cli_cmd_broadcast_response (0); return 0; } int cli_cmd_volume_top_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; ret = cli_cmd_volume_top_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { parse_error = 1; cli_usage_out (word->pattern); goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_TOP_VOLUME]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume top failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_log_rotate_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; if (!((wordcount == 4) || (wordcount == 5))) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_LOG_ROTATE]; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = cli_cmd_log_rotate_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) goto out; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (options) dict_destroy (options); if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume log rotate failed"); } return ret; } #if (SYNCDAEMON_COMPILE) static int cli_check_gsync_present () { char buff[PATH_MAX] = {0, }; runner_t runner = {0,}; char *ptr = NULL; int ret = 0; ret = setenv ("_GLUSTERD_CALLED_", "1", 1); if (-1 == ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_WARNING, "setenv syscall failed, hence could" "not assert if geo-replication is installed"); goto out; } runinit (&runner); runner_add_args (&runner, GSYNCD_PREFIX"/gsyncd", "--version", NULL); runner_redir (&runner, STDOUT_FILENO, RUN_PIPE); ret = runner_start (&runner); if (ret == -1) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "geo-replication not installed"); goto out; } ptr = fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), runner_chio (&runner, STDOUT_FILENO)); if (ptr) { if (!strstr (buff, "gsyncd")) { ret = -1; goto out; } } else { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = runner_end (&runner); if (ret) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "geo-replication not installed"); out: gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret ? -1 : 0; } void cli_cmd_check_gsync_exists_cbk (struct cli_cmd *this) { int ret = 0; ret = cli_check_gsync_present (); if (ret) this->disable = _gf_true; } #endif int cli_cmd_volume_gsync_set_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = 0; int parse_err = 0; dict_t *options = NULL; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable [GLUSTER_CLI_GSYNC_SET]; if (proc == NULL) { ret = -1; goto out; } frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (frame == NULL) { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = cli_cmd_gsync_set_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_err = 1; goto out; } if (proc->fn) ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); out: if (options) dict_unref (options); if (ret && parse_err == 0) cli_out (GEOREP" command failed"); return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_status_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *dict = NULL; uint32_t cmd = 0; ret = cli_cmd_volume_status_parse (words, wordcount, &dict); if (ret) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); goto out; } ret = dict_get_uint32 (dict, "cmd", &cmd); if (ret) goto out; if (!(cmd & GF_CLI_STATUS_ALL)) { /* for one volume or brick */ proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_STATUS_VOLUME]; } else { /* volume status all or all detail */ proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_STATUS_ALL]; } if (!proc->fn) goto out; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); out: if (dict) dict_unref (dict); return ret; } int cli_get_detail_status (dict_t *dict, int i, cli_volume_status_t *status) { uint64_t free = -1; uint64_t total = -1; char key[1024] = {0}; int ret = 0; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.free", i); ret = dict_get_uint64 (dict, key, &free); if (ret) goto out; status->free = gf_uint64_2human_readable (free); if (!status->free) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.total", i); ret = dict_get_uint64 (dict, key, &total); if (ret) goto out; status->total = gf_uint64_2human_readable (total); if (!status->total) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.device", i); ret = dict_get_str (dict, key, &(status->device)); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.block_size", i); ret = dict_get_uint64 (dict, key, &(status->block_size)); if (ret) goto out; #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.mnt_options", i); ret = dict_get_str (dict, key, &(status->mount_options)); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.fs_name", i); ret = dict_get_str (dict, key, &(status->fs_name)); if (ret) goto out; #endif if (IS_EXT_FS(status->fs_name) || !strcmp (status->fs_name, "xfs")) { #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.inode_size", i); ret = dict_get_str (dict, key, &(status->inode_size)); if (ret) status->inode_size = NULL; #endif memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.total_inodes", i); ret = dict_get_uint64 (dict, key, &(status->total_inodes)); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.free_inodes", i); ret = dict_get_uint64 (dict, key, &(status->free_inodes)); if (ret) goto out; } else { #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS status->inode_size = NULL; #endif status->total_inodes = 0; status->free_inodes = 0; } out: return ret; } void cli_print_detailed_status (cli_volume_status_t *status) { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Brick", status->brick); cli_out ("%-20s : %-20d", "Port", status->port); cli_out ("%-20s : %-20c", "Online", (status->online) ? 'Y' : 'N'); cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Pid", status->pid_str); #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "File System", status->fs_name); cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Device", status->device); if (status->mount_options) { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Mount Options", status->mount_options); } else { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Mount Options", "N/A"); } if (status->inode_size) { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Inode Size", status->inode_size); } else { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Inode Size", "N/A"); } #endif cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Disk Space Free", status->free); cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Total Disk Space", status->total); if (status->total_inodes) { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20ld", "Inode Count", status->total_inodes); } else { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Inode Count", "N/A"); } if (status->free_inodes) { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20ld", "Free Inodes", status->free_inodes); } else { cli_out ("%-20s : %-20s", "Free Inodes", "N/A"); } } int cli_print_brick_status (cli_volume_status_t *status) { int fieldlen = CLI_VOL_STATUS_BRICK_LEN; char buf[80] = {0,}; int bricklen = 0; int i = 0; char *p = NULL; int num_tabs = 0; bricklen = strlen (status->brick); p = status->brick; while (bricklen > 0) { if (bricklen > fieldlen) { i++; strncpy (buf, p, fieldlen); buf[strlen(buf) + 1] = '\0'; cli_out ("%s", buf); p = status->brick + i * fieldlen; bricklen -= fieldlen; } else { num_tabs = (fieldlen - bricklen) / CLI_TAB_LENGTH + 1; printf ("%s", p); while (num_tabs-- != 0) printf ("\t"); cli_out ("%d\t%c\t%s", status->port, status->online?'Y':'N', status->pid_str); bricklen = 0; } } return 0; } int cli_cmd_volume_heal_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; dict_t *dict = NULL; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (wordcount != 3) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } dict = dict_new (); if (!dict) goto out; ret = dict_set_str (dict, "volname", (char *) words[2]); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set volname"); goto out; } proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_HEAL_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, dict); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error == 0)) cli_out ("Volume heal failed"); } if (dict) dict_unref (dict); return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_statedump_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (wordcount < 3) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } if (wordcount >= 3) { ret = cli_cmd_volume_statedump_options_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { parse_error = 1; gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing " "statedump options"); cli_out ("Error parsing options"); cli_usage_out (word->pattern); } } ret = dict_set_str (options, "volname", (char *)words[2]); if (ret) goto out; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_STATEDUMP_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error = 0)) cli_out ("Volume statedump failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_list_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; int sent = 0; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_LIST_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, NULL); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if (sent == 0) cli_out ("Volume list failed"); } return ret; } int cli_cmd_volume_clearlocks_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *word, const char **words, int wordcount) { int ret = -1; rpc_clnt_procedure_t *proc = NULL; call_frame_t *frame = NULL; dict_t *options = NULL; int sent = 0; int parse_error = 0; frame = create_frame (THIS, THIS->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; if (wordcount < 7 || wordcount > 8) { cli_usage_out (word->pattern); parse_error = 1; goto out; } ret = cli_cmd_volume_clrlks_opts_parse (words, wordcount, &options); if (ret) { parse_error = 1; gf_log ("cli", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing " "clear-locks options"); cli_out ("Error parsing options"); cli_usage_out (word->pattern); } ret = dict_set_str (options, "volname", (char *)words[2]); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_str (options, "path", (char *)words[3]); if (ret) goto out; proc = &cli_rpc_prog->proctable[GLUSTER_CLI_CLRLOCKS_VOLUME]; if (proc->fn) { ret = proc->fn (frame, THIS, options); } out: if (ret) { cli_cmd_sent_status_get (&sent); if ((sent == 0) && (parse_error = 0)) cli_out ("Volume clear-locks failed"); } return ret; } struct cli_cmd volume_cmds[] = { { "volume info [all|]", cli_cmd_volume_info_cbk, "list information of all volumes"}, { "volume create [stripe ] [replica ] [transport ] ...", cli_cmd_volume_create_cbk, "create a new volume of specified type with mentioned bricks"}, { "volume delete ", cli_cmd_volume_delete_cbk, "delete volume specified by "}, { "volume start [force]", cli_cmd_volume_start_cbk, "start volume specified by "}, { "volume stop [force]", cli_cmd_volume_stop_cbk, "stop volume specified by "}, /*{ "volume rename ", cli_cmd_volume_rename_cbk, "rename volume to "},*/ { "volume add-brick [ ] ...", cli_cmd_volume_add_brick_cbk, "add brick to volume "}, { "volume remove-brick [replica ] ... {start|pause|abort|status|commit|force}", cli_cmd_volume_remove_brick_cbk, "remove brick from volume "}, { "volume rebalance [fix-layout] {start|stop|status} [force]", cli_cmd_volume_defrag_cbk, "rebalance operations"}, { "volume replace-brick {start|pause|abort|status|commit [force]}", cli_cmd_volume_replace_brick_cbk, "replace-brick operations"}, /*{ "volume set-transport [] ...", cli_cmd_volume_set_transport_cbk, "set transport type for volume "},*/ { "volume set ", cli_cmd_volume_set_cbk, "set options for volume "}, { "volume help", cli_cmd_volume_help_cbk, "display help for the volume command"}, { "volume log rotate [BRICK]", cli_cmd_log_rotate_cbk, "rotate the log file for corresponding volume/brick"}, { "volume sync [all|]", cli_cmd_sync_volume_cbk, "sync the volume information from a peer"}, { "volume reset [option] [force]", cli_cmd_volume_reset_cbk, "reset all the reconfigured options"}, #if (SYNCDAEMON_COMPILE) {"volume "GEOREP" [] [] {start|stop|config|status|log-rotate} [options...]", cli_cmd_volume_gsync_set_cbk, "Geo-sync operations", cli_cmd_check_gsync_exists_cbk}, #endif { "volume profile {start|info|stop}", cli_cmd_volume_profile_cbk, "volume profile operations"}, { "volume quota [path] [value]", cli_cmd_quota_cbk, "quota translator specific operations"}, { "volume top {[open|read|write|opendir|readdir] " "|[read-perf|write-perf bs count ]} " " [brick ] [list-cnt ]", cli_cmd_volume_top_cbk, "volume top operations"}, { "volume status [all | []]" " [detail|clients|mem|inode|fd|callpool]", cli_cmd_volume_status_cbk, "display status of all or specified volume(s)/brick"}, { "volume heal ", cli_cmd_volume_heal_cbk, "Start healing of volume specified by "}, {"volume statedump [nfs] [all|mem|iobuf|callpool|priv|fd|" "inode|history]...", cli_cmd_volume_statedump_cbk, "perform statedump on bricks"}, {"volume list", cli_cmd_volume_list_cbk, "list all volumes in cluster"}, {"volume clear-locks kind {blocked|granted|all}" "{inode [range]|entry [basename]|posix [range]}", cli_cmd_volume_clearlocks_cbk, "Clear locks held on path" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; int cli_cmd_volume_help_cbk (struct cli_state *state, struct cli_cmd_word *in_word, const char **words, int wordcount) { struct cli_cmd *cmd = NULL; for (cmd = volume_cmds; cmd->pattern; cmd++) if (_gf_false == cmd->disable) cli_out ("%s - %s", cmd->pattern, cmd->desc); return 0; } int cli_cmd_volume_register (struct cli_state *state) { int ret = 0; struct cli_cmd *cmd = NULL; for (cmd = volume_cmds; cmd->pattern; cmd++) { ret = cli_cmd_register (&state->tree, cmd); if (ret) goto out; } out: return ret; }