#!/usr/bin/python2 import blessings import requests from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning import re import argparse from collections import defaultdict from datetime import timedelta, datetime from pystache import render # This tool goes though the Gluster regression links and checks for failures BASE = 'https://build.gluster.org' TERM = blessings.Terminal() MAX_BUILDS = 1000 summary = defaultdict(list) VERBOSE = None def process_failure(url, node): text = requests.get(url, verify=False).text accum = [] for t in text.split('\n'): if t.find("Result: FAIL") != -1: for t2 in accum: if VERBOSE: print t2.encode('utf-8') if t2.find("Wstat") != -1: test_case = re.search('\./tests/.*\.t', t2) if test_case: summary[test_case.group()].append((url, node)) accum = [] elif t.find("cur_cores=/") != -1: summary["core"].append([t.split("/")[1]]) summary["core"].append(url) else: accum.append(t) def print_summary(failed_builds, total_builds, html=False): # All the templates count = [ '{{failed}} of {{total}} regressions failed', '

{{failed}} of {{total}} regressions failed

' ] regression_link = [ '\tRegression Link: {{link}}\n' '\tNode: {{node}}', '

 Regression Link: {{link}}

' '

 Node: {{node}}

' ] component = [ '\tComponent: {{comp}}', '

 Component: {{comp}}

' ] failure_count = [ ''.join([ TERM.red, '{{test}} ; Failed {{count}} times', TERM.normal ]), ( '

{{test}}; Failed {{count}}' ' times

' ) ] template = 0 if html: template = 1 print render( count[template], {'failed': failed_builds, 'total': total_builds} ) for k, v in summary.iteritems(): if k == 'core': print ''.join([TERM.red, "Found cores:", TERM.normal]) for comp, link in zip(v[::2], v[1::2]): print render(component[template], {'comp': comp}) print render( regression_link[template], {'link': link[0], 'node': link[1]} ) else: print render(failure_count[template], {'test': k, 'count': len(v)}) for link in v: print render( regression_link[template], {'link': link[0], 'node': link[1]} ) def get_summary(cut_off_date, reg_link): ''' Get links to the failed jobs ''' success_count = 0 failure_count = 0 for page in xrange(0, MAX_BUILDS, 100): build_info = requests.get(''.join([ BASE, reg_link, 'api/json?depth=1&tree=allBuilds' '[url,result,timestamp,builtOn]', '{{{0},{1}}}'.format(page, page+100) ]), verify=False).json() for build in build_info.get('allBuilds'): if datetime.fromtimestamp(build['timestamp']/1000) < cut_off_date: # stop when timestamp older than cut off date return failure_count, failure_count + success_count if build['result'] in [None, 'SUCCESS']: # pass when build is a success or ongoing success_count += 1 continue if VERBOSE: print ''.join([ TERM.red, 'FAILURE on {0}'.format(build['url']), TERM.normal ]) url = ''.join([build['url'], 'consoleText']) failure_count += 1 process_failure(url, build['builtOn']) return failure_count, failure_count + success_count def main(num_days, regression_link, html_report): cut_off_date = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=num_days) failure = 0 total = 0 for reg in regression_link: if reg == 'centos': reg_link = '/job/centos6-regression/' elif reg == 'netbsd': reg_link = '/job/netbsd7-regression/' else: reg_link = reg counts = get_summary(cut_off_date, reg_link) failure += counts[0] total += counts[1] print_summary(failure, total, html_report) if __name__ == '__main__': requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("get-summary") parser.add_argument( "last_no_of_days", default=1, type=int, help="Regression summary of last number of days" ) parser.add_argument( "regression_link", default="centos", nargs='+', help="\"centos\" | \"netbsd\" | any other regression link" ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print a detailed report of each test case that is failed" ) parser.add_argument( "--html-report", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print a brief report of failed regressions in html format" ) args = parser.parse_args() VERBOSE = args.verbose main( num_days=args.last_no_of_days, regression_link=args.regression_link, html_report=args.html_report )