#/bin/bash #This script is called by glusterd when the user #tries to export a volume via NFS-Ganesha. #An export file specific to a volume #is created in GANESHA_DIR/exports. GANESHA_DIR=$1 VOL=$2 function check_cmd_status() { if [ "$1" != "0" ] then rm -rf $GANESHA_DIR/exports/export.$VOL.conf exit 1 fi } if [ ! -d "$GANESHA_DIR/exports" ]; then mkdir $GANESHA_DIR/exports check_cmd_status `echo $?` fi CONF=$(cat /etc/sysconfig/ganesha | grep "CONFFILE" | cut -f 2 -d "=") check_cmd_status `echo $?` function write_conf() { echo -e "# WARNING : Using Gluster CLI will overwrite manual # changes made to this file. To avoid it, edit the # file, copy it over to all the NFS-Ganesha nodes # and run ganesha-ha.sh --refresh-config." echo "EXPORT{" echo " Export_Id = 2;" echo " Path = \"/$VOL\";" echo " FSAL {" echo " name = "GLUSTER";" echo " hostname=\"localhost\";" echo " volume=\"$VOL\";" echo " }" echo " Access_type = RW;" echo ' Squash="No_root_squash";' echo " Pseudo=\"/$VOL\";" echo ' Protocols = "3", "4" ;' echo ' Transports = "UDP","TCP";' echo ' SecType = "sys";' echo " }" } write_conf $@ > $GANESHA_DIR/exports/export.$VOL.conf if ! (cat $CONF | grep $VOL.conf$ ) then echo "%include \"$GANESHA_DIR/exports/export.$VOL.conf\"" >> $CONF fi