#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Red Hat Inc. All Rights Reserved # # Pacemaker+Corosync High Availability for NFS-Ganesha # # setup, teardown, add, delete, refresh-config, and status # # Each participating node in the cluster is assigned a virtual IP (VIP) # which fails over to another node when its associated ganesha.nfsd dies # for any reason. After the VIP is moved to another node all the # ganesha.nfsds are send a signal using DBUS to put them into NFS GRACE. # # There are six resource agent types used: ganesha_mon, ganesha_grace, # ganesha_nfsd, IPaddr, and Dummy. ganesha_mon is used to monitor the # ganesha.nfsd. ganesha_grace is used to send the DBUS signal to put # the remaining ganesha.nfsds into grace. ganesha_nfsd is used to start # and stop the ganesha.nfsd during setup and teardown. IPaddr manages # the VIP. A Dummy resource named $hostname-trigger_ip-1 is used to # ensure that the NFS GRACE DBUS signal is sent after the VIP moves to # the new host. HA_NUM_SERVERS=0 HA_SERVERS="" HA_CONFDIR="/etc/ganesha" HA_VOL_NAME="gluster_shared_storage" HA_VOL_MNT="/var/run/gluster/shared_storage" SERVICE_MAN="DISTRO_NOT_FOUND" cfgline=$(grep ^CONFFILE= /etc/sysconfig/ganesha) eval $(echo ${cfgline} | grep -F CONFFILE=) GANESHA_CONF=${CONFFILE:-/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf} RHEL6_PCS_CNAME_OPTION="--name" determine_service_manager () { if [ -e "/usr/bin/systemctl" ]; then SERVICE_MAN="/usr/bin/systemctl" elif [ -e "/sbin/invoke-rc.d" ]; then SERVICE_MAN="/sbin/invoke-rc.d" elif [ -e "/sbin/service" ]; then SERVICE_MAN="/sbin/service" fi if [ "$SERVICE_MAN" == "DISTRO_NOT_FOUND" ] then echo "Service manager not recognized, exiting" exit 1 fi } manage_service () { local action=${1} local new_node=${2} if [ "$SERVICE_MAN" == "/usr/sbin/systemctl" ] then ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \ /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem root@${new_node} "$SERVICE_MAN ${action} nfs-ganesha" else ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \ /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem root@${new_node} "$SERVICE_MAN nfs-ganesha ${action}" fi } check_cluster_exists() { local name=${1} local cluster_name="" if [ -e /var/run/corosync.pid ]; then cluster_name=$(pcs status | grep "Cluster name:" | cut -d ' ' -f 3) if [ ${cluster_name} -a ${cluster_name} = ${name} ]; then logger "$name already exists, exiting" exit 0 fi fi } determine_servers() { local cmd=${1} local num_servers=0 local tmp_ifs=${IFS} local ha_servers="" if [[ "X${cmd}X" != "XsetupX" ]]; then ha_servers=$(pcs status | grep "Online:" | grep -o '\[.*\]' | sed -e 's/\[//' | sed -e 's/\]//') IFS=$' ' for server in ${ha_servers} ; do num_servers=$(expr ${num_servers} + 1) done IFS=${tmp_ifs} HA_NUM_SERVERS=${num_servers} HA_SERVERS="${ha_servers}" else IFS=$',' for server in ${HA_CLUSTER_NODES} ; do num_servers=$(expr ${num_servers} + 1) done IFS=${tmp_ifs} HA_NUM_SERVERS=${num_servers} HA_SERVERS="${HA_CLUSTER_NODES//,/ }" fi } setup_cluster() { local name=${1} local num_servers=${2} local servers=${3} local unclean="" logger "setting up cluster ${name} with the following ${servers}" pcs cluster auth ${servers} # fedora pcs cluster setup ${name} ${servers} # rhel6 pcs cluster setup --name ${name} ${servers} pcs cluster setup ${RHEL6_PCS_CNAME_OPTION} ${name} ${servers} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "pcs cluster setup ${RHEL6_PCS_CNAME_OPTION} ${name} ${servers} failed" exit 1; fi pcs cluster start --all if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "pcs cluster start failed" exit 1; fi sleep 3 unclean=$(pcs status | grep -u "UNCLEAN") while [[ "${unclean}X" = "UNCLEANX" ]]; do sleep 1 unclean=$(pcs status | grep -u "UNCLEAN") done sleep 1 if [ ${num_servers} -lt 3 ]; then pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore failed" fi fi pcs property set stonith-enabled=false if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs property set stonith-enabled=false failed" fi } setup_finalize() { local cibfile=${1} local stopped="" stopped=$(pcs status | grep -u "Stopped") while [[ "${stopped}X" = "StoppedX" ]]; do sleep 1 stopped=$(pcs status | grep -u "Stopped") done pcs status | grep dead_ip-1 | sort > /var/run/ganesha/pcs_status } setup_copy_config() { local short_host=$(hostname -s) if [ -e /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem ]; then while [[ ${1} ]]; do if [ ${short_host} != ${1} ]; then scp -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \ /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem ${1}:${HA_CONFDIR}/ganesha-ha.conf ${1}:${HA_CONFDIR}/ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: scp ganesha-ha.conf to ${1} failed" fi fi shift done else logger "warning: scp ganesha-ha.conf to ${1} failed" fi } copy_export_config () { local new_node=${1} scp -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \ /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem ${HA_VOL_SERVER}:${GANESHA_CONF} ${new_node}:/etc/ganesha/ scp -r -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \ /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem ${HA_VOL_SERVER}:${HA_CONFDIR}/exports/ ${new_node}:${HA_CONFDIR}/ } teardown_cluster() { local name=${1} for server in ${HA_SERVERS} ; do if [[ ${HA_CLUSTER_NODES} != *${server}* ]]; then logger "info: ${server} is not in config, removing" pcs cluster stop ${server} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster stop ${server} failed" fi pcs cluster node remove ${server} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster node remove ${server} failed" fi fi done # BZ 1193433 - pcs doesn't reload cluster.conf after modification # after teardown completes, a subsequent setup will appear to have # 'remembered' the deleted node. You can work around this by # issuing another `pcs cluster node remove $node`, # `crm_node -f -R $server`, or # `cibadmin --delete --xml-text '' pcs cluster stop --all if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning pcs cluster stop --all failed" fi pcs cluster destroy if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "error pcs cluster destroy failed" exit 1 fi } cleanup_ganesha_config () { rm -rf ${HA_CONFDIR}/exports/*.conf rm -rf ${HA_CONFDIR}/.export_added rm -rf /etc/cluster/cluster.conf* rm -rf /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/* sed -r -i -e '/^%include[[:space:]]+".+\.conf"$/d' ${GANESHA_CONF} } do_create_virt_ip_constraints() { local cibfile=${1}; shift local primary=${1}; shift local weight="1000" # first a constraint location rule that says the VIP must be where # there's a ganesha.nfsd running pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location ${primary}-cluster_ip-1 rule score=-INFINITY ganesha-active ne 1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint location ${primary}-cluster_ip-1 rule score=-INFINITY ganesha-active ne 1 failed" fi # then a set of constraint location prefers to set the prefered order # for where a VIP should move while [[ ${1} ]]; do pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location ${primary}-cluster_ip-1 prefers ${1}=${weight} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint location ${primary}-cluster_ip-1 prefers ${1}=${weight} failed" fi weight=$(expr ${weight} + 1000) shift done # and finally set the highest preference for the VIP to its home node # default weight when created is/was 100. # on Fedora setting appears to be additive, so to get the desired # value we adjust the weight # weight=$(expr ${weight} - 100) pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location ${primary}-cluster_ip-1 prefers ${primary}=${weight} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint location ${primary}-cluster_ip-1 prefers ${primary}=${weight} failed" fi } wrap_create_virt_ip_constraints() { local cibfile=${1}; shift local primary=${1}; shift local head="" local tail="" # build a list of peers, e.g. for a four node cluster, for node1, # the result is "node2 node3 node4"; for node2, "node3 node4 node1" # and so on. while [[ ${1} ]]; do if [ "${1}" = "${primary}" ]; then shift while [[ ${1} ]]; do tail=${tail}" "${1} shift done else head=${head}" "${1} fi shift done do_create_virt_ip_constraints ${cibfile} ${primary} ${tail} ${head} } create_virt_ip_constraints() { local cibfile=${1}; shift while [[ ${1} ]]; do wrap_create_virt_ip_constraints ${cibfile} ${1} ${HA_SERVERS} shift done } setup_create_resources() { local cibfile=$(mktemp -u) # mount the HA-state volume and start ganesha.nfsd on all nodes pcs resource create nfs_start ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} --clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create nfs_start ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} --clone failed" fi sleep 1 # cloned resources seem to never have their start() invoked when they # are created, but stop() is invoked when they are destroyed. Why???. # No matter, we don't want this resource agent hanging around anyway pcs resource delete nfs_start-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete nfs_start-clone failed" fi pcs resource create nfs-mon ganesha_mon --clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create nfs-mon ganesha_mon --clone failed" fi pcs resource create nfs-grace ganesha_grace --clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create nfs-grace ganesha_grace --clone failed" fi pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} while [[ ${1} ]]; do # this is variable indirection # from a nvs like 'VIP_host1=' or 'VIP_host1=""' # (or VIP_host-1=..., or VIP_host-1.my.domain.name=...) # a variable 'clean_name' is created (e.g. w/ value 'VIP_host_1') # and a clean nvs (e.g. w/ value 'VIP_host_1="10_7_6_5"') # after the `eval ${clean_nvs}` there is a variable VIP_host_1 # with the value '10_7_6_5', and the following \$$ magic to # reference it, i.e. `eval tmp_ipaddr=\$${clean_name}` gives us # ${tmp_ipaddr} with 10_7_6_5 and then convert the _s back to .s # to give us ipaddr="". whew! name="VIP_${1}" clean_name=${name//[-.]/_} nvs=$(grep "^${name}=" ${HA_CONFDIR}/ganesha-ha.conf) clean_nvs=${nvs//[-.]/_} eval ${clean_nvs} eval tmp_ipaddr=\$${clean_name} ipaddr=${tmp_ipaddr//_/.} pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create ${1}-cluster_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr ip=${ipaddr} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=15s if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning pcs resource create ${1}-cluster_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr ip=${ipaddr} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=15s failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create ${1}-trigger_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create ${1}-trigger_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint colocation add ${1}-cluster_ip-1 with ${1}-trigger_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint colocation add ${1}-cluster_ip-1 with ${1}-trigger_ip-1 failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order ${1}-trigger_ip-1 then nfs-grace-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint order ${1}-trigger_ip-1 then nfs-grace-clone failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order nfs-grace-clone then ${1}-cluster_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint order nfs-grace-clone then ${1}-cluster_ip-1 failed" fi shift done create_virt_ip_constraints ${cibfile} ${HA_SERVERS} pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} failed" fi rm -f ${cibfile} } teardown_resources() { # local mntpt=$(grep ha-vol-mnt ${HA_CONFIG_FILE} | cut -d = -f 2) # delete -clone resource agents # in particular delete the ganesha monitor so we don't try to # trigger anything when we shut down ganesha next. pcs resource delete nfs-mon-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete nfs-mon-clone failed" fi pcs resource delete nfs-grace-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete nfs-grace-clone failed" fi # unmount the HA-state volume and terminate ganesha.nfsd on all nodes pcs resource create nfs_stop ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} --clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create nfs_stop ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} --clone failed" fi sleep 1 # cloned resources seem to never have their start() invoked when they # are created, but stop() is invoked when they are destroyed. Why???. pcs resource delete nfs_stop-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete nfs_stop-clone failed" fi while [[ ${1} ]]; do pcs resource delete ${1}-cluster_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete ${1}-cluster_ip-1 failed" fi pcs resource delete ${1}-trigger_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete ${1}-trigger_ip-1 failed" fi pcs resource delete ${1}-dead_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "info: pcs resource delete ${1}-dead_ip-1 failed" fi shift done } recreate_resources() { local cibfile=${1}; shift while [[ ${1} ]]; do # this is variable indirection # see the comment on the same a few lines up name="VIP_${1}" clean_name=${name//[-.]/_} nvs=$(grep "^${name}=" ${HA_CONFDIR}/ganesha-ha.conf) clean_nvs=${nvs//[-.]/_} eval ${clean_nvs} eval tmp_ipaddr=\$${clean_name} ipaddr=${tmp_ipaddr//_/.} pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create ${1}-cluster_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr ip=${ipaddr} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=15s if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning pcs resource create ${1}-cluster_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr ip=${ipaddr} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=10s failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create ${1}-trigger_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create ${1}-trigger_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint colocation add ${1}-cluster_ip-1 with ${1}-trigger_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint colocation add ${1}-cluster_ip-1 with ${1}-trigger_ip-1 failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order ${1}-trigger_ip-1 then nfs-grace-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint order ${1}-trigger_ip-1 then nfs-grace-clone failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order nfs-grace-clone then ${1}-cluster_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint order nfs-grace-clone then ${1}-cluster_ip-1 failed" fi shift done } addnode_recreate_resources() { local cibfile=${1}; shift local add_node=${1}; shift local add_vip=${1}; shift recreate_resources ${cibfile} ${HA_SERVERS} pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create ${add_node}-cluster_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr ip=${add_vip} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=15s if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning pcs resource create ${add_node}-cluster_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr ip=${add_vip} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=10s failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create ${add_node}-trigger_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource create ${add_node}-trigger_ip-1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint colocation add ${add_node}-cluster_ip-1 with ${add_node}-trigger_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint colocation add ${add_node}-cluster_ip-1 with ${add_node}-trigger_ip-1 failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order ${add_node}-trigger_ip-1 then nfs-grace-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint order ${add_node}-trigger_ip-1 then nfs-grace-clone failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order nfs-grace-clone then ${add_node}-cluster_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs constraint order nfs-grace-clone then ${add_node}-cluster_ip-1 failed" fi } clear_resources() { local cibfile=${1}; shift while [[ ${1} ]]; do pcs -f ${cibfile} resource delete ${1}-cluster_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} resource delete ${1}-cluster_ip-1" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} resource delete ${1}-trigger_ip-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} resource delete ${1}-trigger_ip-1" fi shift done } addnode_create_resources() { local add_node=${1}; shift local add_vip=${1}; shift local cibfile=$(mktemp -u) # mount the HA-state volume and start ganesha.nfsd on the new node pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create nfs_start-${add_node} ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create nfs_start-${add_node} ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location nfs_start-${add_node} prefers ${add_node}=INFINITY if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location nfs_start-${add_node} prefers ${add_node}=INFINITY failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order nfs_start-${add_node} then nfs-mon-clone if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint order nfs_start-${add_node} then nfs-mon-clone failed" fi pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} failed" fi rm -f ${cibfile} # start HA on the new node pcs cluster start ${add_node} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster start ${add_node} failed" fi pcs resource delete nfs_start-${add_node} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete nfs_start-${add_node} failed" fi pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} failed" fi # delete all the -cluster_ip-1 and -trigger_ip-1 resources, # clearing their constraints, then create them again so we can # recompute their constraints clear_resources ${cibfile} ${HA_SERVERS} addnode_recreate_resources ${cibfile} ${add_node} ${add_vip} HA_SERVERS="${HA_SERVERS} ${add_node}" create_virt_ip_constraints ${cibfile} ${HA_SERVERS} pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} failed" fi rm -f ${cibfile} } deletenode_delete_resources() { local node=${1}; shift local ha_servers=$(echo "${HA_SERVERS}" | sed s/${node}//) local cibfile=$(mktemp -u) pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} failed" fi # delete all the -cluster_ip-1 and -trigger_ip-1 resources, # clearing their constraints, then create them again so we can # recompute their constraints clear_resources ${cibfile} ${HA_SERVERS} recreate_resources ${cibfile} ${ha_servers} HA_SERVERS="${ha_servers}" create_virt_ip_constraints ${cibfile} ${HA_SERVERS} pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} failed" fi rm -f ${cibfile} pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib ${cibfile} failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create nfs_stop-${node} ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} resource create nfs_stop-${node} ganesha_nfsd ha_vol_mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} failed" fi pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location nfs_stop-${node} prefers ${node}=INFINITY if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs -f ${cibfile} constraint location nfs_stop-${node} prefers ${node}=INFINITY failed" fi pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster cib-push ${cibfile} failed" fi rm -f ${cibfile} pcs resource delete nfs_stop-${node} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs resource delete nfs_stop-${node} failed" fi } setup_state_volume() { local mnt=${HA_VOL_MNT} local longname="" local shortname="" local dname="" local dirname="" longname=$(hostname) dname=${longname#$(hostname -s)} while [[ ${1} ]]; do if [[ ${1} == *${dname} ]]; then dirname=${1} else dirname=${1}${dname} fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname} ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname} fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd fi touch ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/state if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha/v4recov ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha/v4recov fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha/v4old ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha/v4old fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/sm ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/sm fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/sm.bak ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/sm.bak fi if [ ! -d ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/state ]; then mkdir ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/state fi for server in ${HA_SERVERS} ; do if [ ${server} != ${dirname} ]; then ln -s ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${server}/nfs/ganesha ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/ganesha/${server} ln -s ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${server}/nfs/statd ${mnt}/nfs-ganesha/${dirname}/nfs/statd/${server} fi done shift done } main() { local cmd=${1}; shift HA_CONFDIR=${1}; shift local ha_conf=${HA_CONFDIR}/ganesha-ha.conf local node="" local vip="" # ignore any comment lines cfgline=$(grep ^HA_NAME= ${ha_conf}) eval $(echo ${cfgline} | grep -F HA_NAME=) cfgline=$(grep ^HA_VOL_SERVER= ${ha_conf}) eval $(echo ${cfgline} | grep -F HA_VOL_SERVER=) cfgline=$(grep ^HA_CLUSTER_NODES= ${ha_conf}) eval $(echo ${cfgline} | grep -F HA_CLUSTER_NODES=) # we'll pretend that nobody ever edits /etc/os-release if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then eval $(grep -F "REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT=" /etc/os-release) [ "$REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT" == "Fedora" ] && RHEL6_PCS_CNAME_OPTION="" fi case "${cmd}" in setup | --setup) logger "setting up ${HA_NAME}" check_cluster_exists ${HA_NAME} determine_servers "setup" if [ "X${HA_NUM_SERVERS}X" != "X1X" ]; then setup_cluster ${HA_NAME} ${HA_NUM_SERVERS} "${HA_SERVERS}" setup_create_resources ${HA_SERVERS} setup_state_volume ${HA_SERVERS} setup_copy_config ${HA_SERVERS} setup_finalize else logger "insufficient servers for HA, aborting" fi ;; teardown | --teardown) logger "tearing down ${HA_NAME}" determine_servers "teardown" teardown_resources ${HA_SERVERS} teardown_cluster ${HA_NAME} ;; cleanup | --cleanup) cleanup_ganesha_config ${HA_CONFDIR} ;; add | --add) node=${1}; shift vip=${1}; shift logger "adding ${node} with ${vip} to ${HA_NAME}" copy_export_config ${node} ${HA_CONFDIR} determine_service_manager manage_service "start" ${node} determine_servers "add" pcs cluster node add ${node} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster node add ${node} failed" fi addnode_create_resources ${node} ${vip} #Subsequent add-node recreates resources for all the nodes #that already exist in the cluster. The nodes are picked up #from the entries in the ganesha-ha.conf file. Adding the #newly added node to the file so that the resources specfic #to this node is correctly recreated in the future. echo "VIP_$node=\"$vip\"" >> ${HA_CONFDIR}/ganesha-ha.conf NEW_NODES="$HA_CLUSTER_NODES,$node" sed -i s/HA_CLUSTER_NODES.*/"HA_CLUSTER_NODES=\"$NEW_NODES\""/ \ $HA_CONFDIR/ganesha-ha.conf HA_SERVERS="${HA_SERVERS} ${node}" setup_copy_config ${HA_SERVERS} ;; delete | --delete) node=${1}; shift logger "deleting ${node} from ${HA_NAME}" determine_servers "delete" deletenode_delete_resources ${node} pcs cluster node remove ${node} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logger "warning: pcs cluster node remove ${node} failed" fi # TODO: delete node's directory in shared state determine_service_manager manage-service "stop" cleanup_ganesha_config ${HA_CONFDIR} ;; status | --status) exec pcs status ;; refresh-config | --refresh-config) ;; help | --help) echo "Usage : add|delete|status" echo "Add-node : ganesha-ha.sh --add \ " echo "Delete-node: ganesha-ha.sh --delete \ " ;; *) # setup and teardown are not intended to be used by a # casual user logger "Usage: ganesha-ha.sh add|delete|status" ;; esac } main $*