#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Gluster, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # . import getopt, sys, os, string from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup,make_option prefix = "@prefix@" if not (prefix + "/share/glusterfs") in sys.path: sys.path.append(prefix + "/share/glusterfs") from CreateVolfile import * from CreateBooster import * def check_duplicate_entry(args): """Check duplicate entries in incoming arguments""" _tmp = [] for server in args: if server not in _tmp: _tmp.append (server) else: print "Duplicate arguments detected (%s)" % server raise ValueError return def args2dict(args): keyvalue = {} for arg in args: if int(arg.find(':')) == -1: continue first = arg.split(':')[0] keyvalue[first] = [] for arg in args: if int(arg.find(':')) == -1: continue first = arg.split(':')[0] if arg.split(':')[1] not in keyvalue[first]: if arg.split(':')[1][0] != '/': print "Absolute export path required for %s" % arg raise ValueError keyvalue[first].append (arg.split(':')[1]) return keyvalue def args2array(args): array = [] for arg in args: if int(arg.find(':')) == -1: continue array.append(arg) return array def generate_volume_files (): num_stripe = 4 num_replica = 2 usage_str = "%prog: -n -t -p -a -r " version_str = "%prog 3.0" desc_str = "A tool to generate volume files for GlusterFS." parse = OptionParser(usage=usage_str, version=version_str, description=desc_str) # Basic option list group = OptionGroup(parse, "Basic Options") group.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="volume_name", help="") group.add_option("-t", "--transport", dest="transport_type", default="tcp", help="tcp,ib-verbs default: tcp") group.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int", dest="port", default=6996, help=" number") group.add_option("-a", "--auth", dest="auth_param", default="*", help="comma seperated ip range") group.add_option("-r", "--raid", type="int", dest="raid_type", help="0|1") group.add_option("--nfs", action="store_true", dest="need_nfs", default=False, help="booster nfs reexport") group.add_option("--cifs", action="store_true", dest="need_cifs", default=False, help="booster cifs reexport") parse.add_option_group(group) # CIFS option list group = OptionGroup(parse, "CIFS Options") group.add_option("--username", dest="cifs_username", default="gluster", help="") group.add_option("--guest", action="store_true", dest="enable_guest", default=False, help="enable guest access") parse.add_option_group(group) # NFS option list # Advanced option list group = OptionGroup(parse, "Advanced Options") group.add_option("--ibdev", type="int", dest="ib_dev", default=1, help="Infiniband device number ") group.add_option("-c", "--conf-dir", dest="conf_dir", help="output directory for volume files") group.add_option("--volume-size-server", dest="size_server", help="volume size for each server") group.add_option("--volume-size-client", dest="size_client", help="volume size for each client") parse.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parse, "Extra Options") group.add_option("--unused", action="store_true", dest="unused", default=False, help="enable unused options") group.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="add all debug modules to volumes") parse.add_option_group(group) (options, args) = parse.parse_args() if options.volume_name is None: print "Error: volume name is mandatory, please provide volume name" raise ValueError if options.transport_type: transports = options.transport_type.split(',') for transport in transports: if (transport != "tcp" and transport != "ib-verbs"): print "Error: --transport: option " + transport + \ " is not valid transport type" raise ValueError if options.raid_type: if (options.raid_type != 1 and options.raid_type != 0): print "Error: --raid: option " + str(options.raid_type) + " is not valid raid type" raise ValueError check_duplicate_entry(args) server_dict = {} server_dict = args2dict(args) server_array = args2array(args) if len (server_dict.keys()) == 0: print "Error: no servers provided, please provide atleast one server" raise ValueError if options.raid_type == 1: if (len(server_array) % num_replica) != 0: print "raid type (%d) and number of volumes (%d) invalid" % (options.raid_type, len(server_array)) raise ValueError if options.raid_type == 0: if (len(server_array) % num_stripe) != 0: print "raid type (%d) and number of volumes (%d) invalid" % (options.raid_type, len(server_array)) raise ValueError for server in server_dict.keys(): create_exp = CreateVolfile (server_dict, server, None, transports, options, None) try: create_exp.create_export_volfile () except IOError, (errno, strerror): print "Got %s creating server volfiles for %s" % (strerror, server) for transport in transports: create_mnt = CreateVolfile (server_dict, None, transport, transports, options, server_array) try: create_mnt.create_mount_volfile () except IOError, (errno, strerror): print "Got %s creating client volfiles for transport '%s'" % (strerror, transport) create_booster = CreateBooster (options, transports) try: create_booster.configure_booster () except IOError, (errno, strerror): print "Got %s creating booster configuration" % (strerror) def main (): try: generate_volume_files() except ValueError: sys.exit(1) main()