#!/bin/bash # Script to verify the Master and Slave Gluster compatibility. # To use ./gverify # Returns 0 if master and slave compatible. # Considering buffer_size 100MB BUFFER_SIZE=104857600; slave_log_file=`gluster --print-logdir`/geo-replication-slaves/slave.log function SSHM() { ssh -q \ -oPasswordAuthentication=no \ -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -oControlMaster=yes \ "$@"; } function cmd_master() { VOL=$1; local cmd_line; cmd_line=$(cat </dev/null); glusterfs -s localhost --xlator-option="*dht.lookup-unhashed=off" --volfile-id \$v -l $slave_log_file \$d; i=\$(stat -c "%i" \$d); if [[ "\$i" -ne "1" ]]; then echo 0:0; exit 1; fi; cd \$d; disk_size=\$(df -B1 \$d | tail -1 | awk "{print \\\$2}"); used_size=\$(df -B1 \$d | tail -1 | awk "{print \\\$3}"); umount -l \$d; rmdir \$d; ver=\$(gluster --version | head -1 | cut -f2 -d " "); echo \$disk_size:\$used_size:\$ver; }; cd /tmp; [ x$VOL != x ] && do_verify $VOL; EOF ); echo $cmd_line; } function cmd_slave() { local cmd_line; cmd_line=$(cat </dev/null); glusterfs --xlator-option="*dht.lookup-unhashed=off" --volfile-server $SLAVEHOST --volfile-id $SLAVEVOL -l $slave_log_file \$d; mount -t glusterfs $SLAVEHOST:$SLAVEVOL $d i=$(stat -c "%i" $d); if [[ "$i" -ne "1" ]]; then echo 0:0; exit 1; fi; cd $d; disk_size=$(df -B1 $d | tail -1 | awk "{print \$2}"); used_size=$(df -B1 $d | tail -1 | awk "{print \$3}"); no_of_files=$(find $d -maxdepth 0 -empty); umount -l $d; rmdir $d; cmd_line=$(cmd_slave); ver=`SSHM $SLAVEUSER@$SLAVEHOST bash -c "'$cmd_line'"`; status=$disk_size:$used_size:$ver:$no_of_files; echo $status } function main() { log_file=$5 > $log_file # Use FORCE_BLOCKER flag in the error message to differentiate # between the errors which the force command should bypass ping -w 5 $3; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FORCE_BLOCKER|$3 not reachable." > $log_file exit 1; fi; ssh -oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 $2@$3 "echo Testing_Passwordless_SSH"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FORCE_BLOCKER|Passwordless ssh login has not been setup with $3 for user $2." > $log_file exit 1; fi; ERRORS=0; master_data=$(master_stats $1); slave_data=$(slave_stats $2 $3 $4); master_disk_size=$(echo $master_data | cut -f1 -d':'); slave_disk_size=$(echo $slave_data | cut -f1 -d':'); master_used_size=$(echo $master_data | cut -f2 -d':'); slave_used_size=$(echo $slave_data | cut -f2 -d':'); master_version=$(echo $master_data | cut -f3 -d':'); slave_version=$(echo $slave_data | cut -f3 -d':'); slave_no_of_files=$(echo $slave_data | cut -f4 -d':'); if [[ "x$master_disk_size" = "x" || "x$master_version" = "x" || "$master_disk_size" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "FORCE_BLOCKER|Unable to fetch master volume details. Please check the master cluster and master volume." > $log_file; exit 1; fi; if [[ "x$slave_disk_size" = "x" || "x$slave_version" = "x" || "$slave_disk_size" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "FORCE_BLOCKER|Unable to fetch slave volume details. Please check the slave cluster and slave volume." > $log_file; exit 1; fi; # The above checks are mandatory and force command should be blocked # if they fail. The checks below can be bypassed if force option is # provided hence no FORCE_BLOCKER flag. if [ "$slave_disk_size" -lt "$master_disk_size" ]; then echo "Total disk size of master is greater than disk size of slave." >> $log_file; ERRORS=$(($ERRORS + 1)); fi effective_master_used_size=$(( $master_used_size + $BUFFER_SIZE )) slave_available_size=$(( $slave_disk_size - $slave_used_size )) master_available_size=$(( $master_disk_size - $effective_master_used_size )); if [ "$slave_available_size" -lt "$master_available_size" ]; then echo "Total available size of master is greater than available size of slave" >> $log_file; ERRORS=$(($ERRORS + 1)); fi if [ -z $slave_no_of_files ]; then echo "$3::$4 is not empty. Please delete existing files in $3::$4 and retry, or use force to continue without deleting the existing files." >> $log_file; ERRORS=$(($ERRORS + 1)); fi; if [[ $master_version > $slave_version ]]; then echo "Gluster version mismatch between master and slave." >> $log_file; ERRORS=$(($ERRORS + 1)); fi; exit $ERRORS; } main "$@";