#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # import fcntl import os import tempfile import urllib import json import time from datetime import datetime from errno import EACCES, EAGAIN, ENOENT from syncdutils import EVENT_GEOREP_ACTIVE, EVENT_GEOREP_PASSIVE, gf_event from syncdutils import EVENT_GEOREP_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETED DEFAULT_STATUS = "N/A" MONITOR_STATUS = ("Created", "Started", "Paused", "Stopped") STATUS_VALUES = (DEFAULT_STATUS, "Initializing...", "Active", "Passive", "Faulty") CRAWL_STATUS_VALUES = (DEFAULT_STATUS, "Hybrid Crawl", "History Crawl", "Changelog Crawl") def human_time(ts): try: return datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: return DEFAULT_STATUS def human_time_utc(ts): try: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(ts)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: return DEFAULT_STATUS def get_default_values(): return { "slave_node": DEFAULT_STATUS, "worker_status": DEFAULT_STATUS, "last_synced": 0, "last_synced_entry": 0, "crawl_status": DEFAULT_STATUS, "entry": 0, "data": 0, "meta": 0, "failures": 0, "checkpoint_completed": DEFAULT_STATUS, "checkpoint_time": 0, "checkpoint_completion_time": 0} class LockedOpen(object): def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self.filename = filename self.open_args = args self.open_kwargs = kwargs self.fileobj = None def __enter__(self): """ If two processes compete to update a file, The first process gets the lock and the second process is blocked in the fcntl.flock() call. When first process replaces the file and releases the lock, the already open file descriptor in the second process now points to a "ghost" file(not reachable by any path name) with old contents. To avoid that conflict, check the fd already opened is same or not. Open new one if not same """ f = open(self.filename, *self.open_args, **self.open_kwargs) while True: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX) fnew = open(self.filename, *self.open_args, **self.open_kwargs) if os.path.sameopenfile(f.fileno(), fnew.fileno()): fnew.close() break else: f.close() f = fnew self.fileobj = f return f def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): self.fileobj.close() def set_monitor_status(status_file, status): fd = os.open(status_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) os.close(fd) with LockedOpen(status_file, 'r+'): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', dir=os.path.dirname(status_file), delete=False) as tf: tf.write(status) tempname = tf.name os.rename(tempname, status_file) dirfd = os.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(status_file)), os.O_DIRECTORY) os.fsync(dirfd) os.close(dirfd) class GeorepStatus(object): def __init__(self, monitor_status_file, brick, master, slave, monitor_pid_file=None): self.master = master slv_data = slave.split("::") self.slave_host = slv_data[0] self.slave_volume = slv_data[1].split(":")[0] # Remove Slave UUID self.work_dir = os.path.dirname(monitor_status_file) self.monitor_status_file = monitor_status_file self.filename = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "brick_%s.status" % urllib.quote_plus(brick)) fd = os.open(self.filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) os.close(fd) fd = os.open(self.monitor_status_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) os.close(fd) self.brick = brick self.default_values = get_default_values() self.monitor_pid_file = monitor_pid_file def _update(self, mergerfunc): with LockedOpen(self.filename, 'r+') as f: try: data = json.load(f) except ValueError: data = self.default_values data = mergerfunc(data) # If Data is not changed by merger func if not data: return False with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w', dir=os.path.dirname(self.filename), delete=False) as tf: tf.write(data) tempname = tf.name os.rename(tempname, self.filename) dirfd = os.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.filename)), os.O_DIRECTORY) os.fsync(dirfd) os.close(dirfd) return True def reset_on_worker_start(self): def merger(data): data["slave_node"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["crawl_status"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["entry"] = 0 data["data"] = 0 data["meta"] = 0 return json.dumps(data) self._update(merger) def set_field(self, key, value): def merger(data): # Current data and prev data is same if data[key] == value: return {} data[key] = value return json.dumps(data) return self._update(merger) def trigger_gf_event_checkpoint_completion(self, checkpoint_time, checkpoint_completion_time): gf_event(EVENT_GEOREP_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETED, master_volume=self.master, slave_host=self.slave_host, slave_volume=self.slave_volume, brick_path=self.brick, checkpoint_time=checkpoint_time, checkpoint_completion_time=checkpoint_completion_time) def set_last_synced(self, value, checkpoint_time): def merger(data): data["last_synced"] = value[0] # If checkpoint is not set or reset # or if last set checkpoint is changed if checkpoint_time == 0 or \ checkpoint_time != data["checkpoint_time"]: data["checkpoint_time"] = 0 data["checkpoint_completion_time"] = 0 data["checkpoint_completed"] = "No" # If checkpoint is completed and not marked as completed # previously then update the checkpoint completed time if checkpoint_time > 0 and checkpoint_time <= value[0]: if data["checkpoint_completed"] == "No": curr_time = int(time.time()) data["checkpoint_time"] = checkpoint_time data["checkpoint_completion_time"] = curr_time data["checkpoint_completed"] = "Yes" self.trigger_gf_event_checkpoint_completion( checkpoint_time, curr_time) return json.dumps(data) self._update(merger) def set_worker_status(self, status): self.set_field("worker_status", status) def set_worker_crawl_status(self, status): self.set_field("crawl_status", status) def set_slave_node(self, slave_node): def merger(data): data["slave_node"] = slave_node return json.dumps(data) self._update(merger) def inc_value(self, key, value): def merger(data): data[key] = data.get(key, 0) + value return json.dumps(data) self._update(merger) def dec_value(self, key, value): def merger(data): data[key] = data.get(key, 0) - value if data[key] < 0: data[key] = 0 return json.dumps(data) self._update(merger) def set_active(self): if self.set_field("worker_status", "Active"): gf_event(EVENT_GEOREP_ACTIVE, master_volume=self.master, slave_host=self.slave_host, slave_volume=self.slave_volume, brick_path=self.brick) def set_passive(self): if self.set_field("worker_status", "Passive"): gf_event(EVENT_GEOREP_PASSIVE, master_volume=self.master, slave_host=self.slave_host, slave_volume=self.slave_volume, brick_path=self.brick) def get_monitor_status(self): data = "" with open(self.monitor_status_file, "r") as f: data = f.read().strip() return data def get_status(self, checkpoint_time=0): """ Monitor Status ---> Created Started Paused Stopped ---------------------------------------------------------------------- slave_node N/A VALUE VALUE N/A status Created VALUE Paused Stopped last_synced N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE last_synced_entry N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE crawl_status N/A VALUE N/A N/A entry N/A VALUE N/A N/A data N/A VALUE N/A N/A meta N/A VALUE N/A N/A failures N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE checkpoint_completed N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE checkpoint_time N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE checkpoint_completed_time N/A VALUE VALUE VALUE """ data = self.default_values with open(self.filename) as f: try: data.update(json.load(f)) except ValueError: pass monitor_status = self.get_monitor_status() # Verifying whether monitor process running and adjusting status if monitor_status in ["Started", "Paused"]: try: with open(self.monitor_pid_file, "r+") as f: fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) monitor_status = "Stopped" except (IOError, OSError) as e: # If pid file not exists, either monitor died or Geo-rep # not even started once if e.errno == ENOENT: monitor_status = "Stopped" elif e.errno in (EACCES, EAGAIN): # cannot grab. so, monitor process still running..move on pass else: raise if monitor_status in ["Created", "Paused", "Stopped"]: data["worker_status"] = monitor_status if monitor_status == "": data["worker_status"] = "Stopped" # Checkpoint adjustments if checkpoint_time == 0: data["checkpoint_completed"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_time"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_completion_time"] = DEFAULT_STATUS else: if checkpoint_time != data["checkpoint_time"]: if checkpoint_time <= data["last_synced"]: data["checkpoint_completed"] = "Yes" data["checkpoint_time"] = checkpoint_time data["checkpoint_completion_time"] = data["last_synced"] else: data["checkpoint_completed"] = "No" data["checkpoint_time"] = checkpoint_time data["checkpoint_completion_time"] = DEFAULT_STATUS if data["checkpoint_time"] not in [0, DEFAULT_STATUS]: chkpt_time = data["checkpoint_time"] data["checkpoint_time"] = human_time(chkpt_time) data["checkpoint_time_utc"] = human_time_utc(chkpt_time) if data["checkpoint_completion_time"] not in [0, DEFAULT_STATUS]: chkpt_completion_time = data["checkpoint_completion_time"] data["checkpoint_completion_time"] = human_time( chkpt_completion_time) data["checkpoint_completion_time_utc"] = human_time_utc( chkpt_completion_time) if data["last_synced"] == 0: data["last_synced"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["last_synced_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS else: last_synced = data["last_synced"] data["last_synced"] = human_time(last_synced) data["last_synced_utc"] = human_time_utc(last_synced) if data["worker_status"] != "Active": data["last_synced"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["last_synced_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["crawl_status"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["entry"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["data"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["meta"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["failures"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_completed"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_time"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_completed_time"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_time_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS data["checkpoint_completion_time_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS if data["worker_status"] not in ["Active", "Passive"]: data["slave_node"] = DEFAULT_STATUS if data.get("last_synced_utc", 0) == 0: data["last_synced_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS if data.get("checkpoint_completion_time_utc", 0) == 0: data["checkpoint_completion_time_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS if data.get("checkpoint_time_utc", 0) == 0: data["checkpoint_time_utc"] = DEFAULT_STATUS return data def print_status(self, checkpoint_time=0): for key, value in self.get_status(checkpoint_time).items(): print ("%s: %s" % (key, value))