# # Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # import re import os import sys import stat import time import fcntl import types import struct import logging import tempfile import subprocess from errno import EEXIST, ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR, ELOOP, EACCES from errno import EISDIR, ENOTEMPTY, ESTALE, EINVAL, EBUSY, EPERM import errno from rconf import rconf import gsyncdconfig as gconf import repce from repce import RepceServer, RepceClient from master import gmaster_builder import syncdutils from syncdutils import GsyncdError, select, privileged, funcode from syncdutils import umask, entry2pb, gauxpfx, errno_wrap, lstat from syncdutils import NoStimeAvailable, PartialHistoryAvailable from syncdutils import ChangelogException, ChangelogHistoryNotAvailable from syncdutils import get_changelog_log_level, get_rsync_version from syncdutils import CHANGELOG_AGENT_CLIENT_VERSION from syncdutils import GX_GFID_CANONICAL_LEN from gsyncdstatus import GeorepStatus from syncdutils import lf, Popen, sup, Volinfo from syncdutils import Xattr, matching_disk_gfid, get_gfid_from_mnt from syncdutils import unshare_propagation_supported ENOTSUP = getattr(errno, 'ENOTSUP', 'EOPNOTSUPP') slv_volume = None slv_host = None slv_bricks = None class Server(object): """singleton implemening those filesystem access primitives which are needed for geo-replication functionality (Singleton in the sense it's a class which has only static and classmethods and is used directly, without instantiation.) """ GX_NSPACE_PFX = (privileged() and "trusted" or "system") GX_NSPACE = GX_NSPACE_PFX + ".glusterfs" NTV_FMTSTR = "!" + "B" * 19 + "II" FRGN_XTRA_FMT = "I" FRGN_FMTSTR = NTV_FMTSTR + FRGN_XTRA_FMT # for backend gfid fetch, do not use GX_NSPACE_PFX GFID_XATTR = 'trusted.gfid' GFID_FMTSTR = "!" + "B" * 16 local_path = '' @classmethod def _fmt_mknod(cls, l): return "!II%dsI%dsIII" % (GX_GFID_CANONICAL_LEN, l + 1) @classmethod def _fmt_mkdir(cls, l): return "!II%dsI%dsII" % (GX_GFID_CANONICAL_LEN, l + 1) @classmethod def _fmt_symlink(cls, l1, l2): return "!II%dsI%ds%ds" % (GX_GFID_CANONICAL_LEN, l1 + 1, l2 + 1) def _pathguard(f): """decorator method that checks the path argument of the decorated functions to make sure it does not point out of the managed tree """ fc = funcode(f) pi = list(fc.co_varnames).index('path') def ff(*args): path = args[pi] ps = path.split('/') if path[0] == '/' or '..' in ps: raise ValueError('unsafe path') args = list(args) args[pi] = os.path.join(args[0].local_path, path) return f(*args) return ff @classmethod @_pathguard def entries(cls, path): """directory entries in an array""" # prevent symlinks being followed if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(path).st_mode): raise OSError(ENOTDIR, os.strerror(ENOTDIR)) return os.listdir(path) @classmethod @_pathguard def lstat(cls, path): try: return os.lstat(path) except (IOError, OSError): ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == ENOENT: return ex.errno else: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def linkto_check(cls, path): try: return not ( Xattr.lgetxattr_buf(path, 'trusted.glusterfs.dht.linkto') == '') except (IOError, OSError): ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOENT, ENODATA): return False else: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def gfid(cls, path): buf = errno_wrap(Xattr.lgetxattr, [path, cls.GFID_XATTR, 16], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, ENODATA]) if buf == ENOENT: return buf else: m = re.match('(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})', "".join( ['%02x' % x for x in struct.unpack(cls.GFID_FMTSTR, buf)])) return '-'.join(m.groups()) @classmethod @_pathguard def purge(cls, path, entries=None): """force-delete subtrees If @entries is not specified, delete the whole subtree under @path (including @path). Otherwise, @entries should be a a sequence of children of @path, and the effect is identical with a joint @entries-less purge on them, ie. for e in entries: cls.purge(os.path.join(path, e)) """ me_also = entries is None if not entries: try: # if it's a symlink, prevent # following it try: os.unlink(path) return except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == EISDIR: entries = os.listdir(path) else: raise except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOTDIR, ENOENT, ELOOP): try: os.unlink(path) return except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == ENOENT: return raise else: raise for e in entries: cls.purge(os.path.join(path, e)) if me_also: os.rmdir(path) @classmethod @_pathguard def _create(cls, path, ctor): """path creation backend routine""" try: ctor(path) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == EEXIST: cls.purge(path) return ctor(path) raise @classmethod @_pathguard def mkdir(cls, path): cls._create(path, os.mkdir) @classmethod @_pathguard def symlink(cls, lnk, path): cls._create(path, lambda p: os.symlink(lnk, p)) @classmethod @_pathguard def xtime(cls, path, uuid): """query xtime extended attribute Return xtime of @path for @uuid as a pair of integers. "Normal" errors due to non-existent @path or extended attribute are tolerated and errno is returned in such a case. """ try: val = Xattr.lgetxattr(path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'xtime']), 8) return struct.unpack('!II', val) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR): return ex.errno else: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def stime_mnt(cls, path, uuid): """query xtime extended attribute Return xtime of @path for @uuid as a pair of integers. "Normal" errors due to non-existent @path or extended attribute are tolerated and errno is returned in such a case. """ try: val = Xattr.lgetxattr(path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'stime']), 8) return struct.unpack('!II', val) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR): return ex.errno else: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def stime(cls, path, uuid): """query xtime extended attribute Return xtime of @path for @uuid as a pair of integers. "Normal" errors due to non-existent @path or extended attribute are tolerated and errno is returned in such a case. """ try: val = Xattr.lgetxattr(path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'stime']), 8) return struct.unpack('!II', val) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR): return ex.errno else: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def entry_stime(cls, path, uuid): """ entry_stime xattr to reduce the number of retry of Entry changes when Geo-rep worker crashes and restarts. entry_stime is updated after processing every changelog file. On failure and restart, worker only have to reprocess the last changelog for Entry ops. Xattr Key: ...entry_stime """ try: val = Xattr.lgetxattr(path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'entry_stime']), 8) return struct.unpack('!II', val) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in (ENOENT, ENODATA, ENOTDIR): return ex.errno else: raise @classmethod def node_uuid(cls, path='.'): try: uuid_l = Xattr.lgetxattr_buf( path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'node-uuid'])) return uuid_l[:-1].split(' ') except OSError: raise @classmethod @_pathguard def set_stime(cls, path, uuid, mark): """set @mark as stime for @uuid on @path""" errno_wrap(Xattr.lsetxattr, [path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'stime']), struct.pack('!II', *mark)], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) @classmethod @_pathguard def set_entry_stime(cls, path, uuid, mark): """set @mark as stime for @uuid on @path""" errno_wrap(Xattr.lsetxattr, [path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'entry_stime']), struct.pack('!II', *mark)], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) @classmethod @_pathguard def set_xtime(cls, path, uuid, mark): """set @mark as xtime for @uuid on @path""" errno_wrap(Xattr.lsetxattr, [path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'xtime']), struct.pack('!II', *mark)], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) @classmethod @_pathguard def set_xtime_remote(cls, path, uuid, mark): """ set @mark as xtime for @uuid on @path the difference b/w this and set_xtime() being set_xtime() being overloaded to set the xtime on the brick (this method sets xtime on the remote slave) """ Xattr.lsetxattr( path, '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, uuid, 'xtime']), struct.pack('!II', *mark)) @classmethod def entry_ops(cls, entries): pfx = gauxpfx() logging.debug('entries: %s' % repr(entries)) # regular file def entry_pack_reg(gf, bn, mo, uid, gid): blen = len(bn) return struct.pack(cls._fmt_mknod(blen), uid, gid, gf, mo, bn, stat.S_IMODE(mo), 0, umask()) def entry_pack_reg_stat(gf, bn, st): blen = len(bn) mo = st['mode'] return struct.pack(cls._fmt_mknod(blen), st['uid'], st['gid'], gf, mo, bn, stat.S_IMODE(mo), 0, umask()) # mkdir def entry_pack_mkdir(gf, bn, mo, uid, gid): blen = len(bn) return struct.pack(cls._fmt_mkdir(blen), uid, gid, gf, mo, bn, stat.S_IMODE(mo), umask()) # symlink def entry_pack_symlink(gf, bn, lnk, st): blen = len(bn) llen = len(lnk) return struct.pack(cls._fmt_symlink(blen, llen), st['uid'], st['gid'], gf, st['mode'], bn, lnk) def entry_purge(op, entry, gfid, e): # This is an extremely racy code and needs to be fixed ASAP. # The GFID check here is to be sure that the pargfid/bname # to be purged is the GFID gotten from the changelog. # (a stat(changelog_gfid) would also be valid here) # The race here is between the GFID check and the purge. if not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, entry): collect_failure(e, EEXIST) return if op == 'UNLINK': er = errno_wrap(os.unlink, [entry], [ENOENT, ESTALE], [EBUSY]) return er elif op == 'RMDIR': er = errno_wrap(os.rmdir, [entry], [ENOENT, ESTALE, ENOTEMPTY], [EBUSY]) if er == ENOTEMPTY: return er def collect_failure(e, cmd_ret, dst=False): slv_entry_info = {} slv_entry_info['gfid_mismatch'] = False slv_entry_info['dst'] = dst # We do this for failing fops on Slave # Master should be logging this if cmd_ret is None: return False if cmd_ret == EEXIST: if dst: en = e['entry1'] else: en = e['entry'] disk_gfid = get_gfid_from_mnt(en) if isinstance(disk_gfid, basestring) and \ e['gfid'] != disk_gfid: slv_entry_info['gfid_mismatch'] = True st = lstat(en) if not isinstance(st, int): if st and stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): slv_entry_info['slave_isdir'] = True else: slv_entry_info['slave_isdir'] = False slv_entry_info['slave_gfid'] = disk_gfid failures.append((e, cmd_ret, slv_entry_info)) else: return False else: failures.append((e, cmd_ret, slv_entry_info)) return True failures = [] def recursive_rmdir(gfid, entry, path): """disk_gfid check added for original path for which recursive_delete is called. This disk gfid check executed before every Unlink/Rmdir. If disk gfid is not matching with GFID from Changelog, that means other worker deleted the directory. Even if the subdir/file present, it belongs to different parent. Exit without performing further deletes. """ if not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, entry): return names = [] names = errno_wrap(os.listdir, [path], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, ENOTSUP]) if isinstance(names, int): return for name in names: fullname = os.path.join(path, name) if not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, entry): return er = errno_wrap(os.remove, [fullname], [ENOENT, ESTALE, EISDIR], [EBUSY]) if er == EISDIR: recursive_rmdir(gfid, entry, fullname) if not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, entry): return errno_wrap(os.rmdir, [path], [ENOENT, ESTALE], [EBUSY]) def rename_with_disk_gfid_confirmation(gfid, entry, en): if not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, entry): logging.error(lf("RENAME ignored: source entry does not match " "with on-disk gfid", source=entry, gfid=gfid, disk_gfid=get_gfid_from_mnt(entry), target=en)) collect_failure(e, EEXIST) return cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.rename, [entry, en], [ENOENT, EEXIST], [ESTALE, EBUSY]) collect_failure(e, cmd_ret) for e in entries: blob = None op = e['op'] gfid = e['gfid'] entry = e['entry'] uid = 0 gid = 0 if e.get("stat", {}): # Copy UID/GID value and then reset to zero. Copied UID/GID # will be used to run chown once entry is created. uid = e['stat']['uid'] gid = e['stat']['gid'] e['stat']['uid'] = 0 e['stat']['gid'] = 0 (pg, bname) = entry2pb(entry) if op in ['RMDIR', 'UNLINK']: # Try once, if rmdir failed with ENOTEMPTY # then delete recursively. er = entry_purge(op, entry, gfid, e) if isinstance(er, int): if er == ENOTEMPTY and op == 'RMDIR': # Retry if ENOTEMPTY, ESTALE er1 = errno_wrap(recursive_rmdir, [gfid, entry, os.path.join(pg, bname)], [], [ENOTEMPTY, ESTALE, ENODATA]) if not isinstance(er1, int): logging.debug("Removed %s => %s/%s recursively" % (gfid, pg, bname)) else: logging.warn(lf("Recursive remove failed", gfid=gfid, pgfid=pg, bname=bname, error=os.strerror(er1))) else: logging.warn(lf("Failed to remove", gfid=gfid, pgfid=pg, bname=bname, error=os.strerror(er))) elif op in ['CREATE', 'MKNOD']: slink = os.path.join(pfx, gfid) st = lstat(slink) # don't create multiple entries with same gfid if isinstance(st, int): blob = entry_pack_reg( gfid, bname, e['mode'], e['uid'], e['gid']) # Self healed hardlinks are recorded as MKNOD. # So if the gfid already exists, it should be # processed as hard link not mknod. elif op in ['MKNOD']: cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.link, [slink, entry], [ENOENT, EEXIST], [ESTALE]) collect_failure(e, cmd_ret) elif op == 'MKDIR': slink = os.path.join(pfx, gfid) st = lstat(slink) # don't create multiple entries with same gfid if isinstance(st, int): blob = entry_pack_mkdir( gfid, bname, e['mode'], e['uid'], e['gid']) else: # If gfid of a directory exists on slave but path based # create is getting EEXIST. This means the directory is # renamed in master but recorded as MKDIR during hybrid # crawl. Get the directory path by reading the backend # symlink and trying to rename to new name as said by # master. global slv_bricks global slv_volume global slv_host if not slv_bricks: slv_info = Volinfo(slv_volume, slv_host) slv_bricks = slv_info.bricks # Result of readlink would be of format as below. # readlink = "../../pgfid[0:2]/pgfid[2:4]/pgfid/basename" realpath = os.readlink(os.path.join(slv_bricks[0]['dir'], ".glusterfs", gfid[0:2], gfid[2:4], gfid)) realpath_parts = realpath.split('/') src_pargfid = realpath_parts[-2] src_basename = realpath_parts[-1] src_entry = os.path.join(pfx, src_pargfid, src_basename) logging.info(lf("Special case: rename on mkdir", gfid=gfid, entry=repr(entry))) rename_with_disk_gfid_confirmation(gfid, src_entry, entry) elif op == 'LINK': slink = os.path.join(pfx, gfid) st = lstat(slink) if isinstance(st, int): (pg, bname) = entry2pb(entry) if stat.S_ISREG(e['stat']['mode']): blob = entry_pack_reg_stat(gfid, bname, e['stat']) elif stat.S_ISLNK(e['stat']['mode']): blob = entry_pack_symlink(gfid, bname, e['link'], e['stat']) else: cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.link, [slink, entry], [ENOENT, EEXIST], [ESTALE]) collect_failure(e, cmd_ret) elif op == 'SYMLINK': en = e['entry'] st = lstat(entry) if isinstance(st, int): blob = entry_pack_symlink(gfid, bname, e['link'], e['stat']) elif not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, en): collect_failure(e, EEXIST) elif op == 'RENAME': en = e['entry1'] st = lstat(entry) if isinstance(st, int): if e['stat'] and not stat.S_ISDIR(e['stat']['mode']): if stat.S_ISLNK(e['stat']['mode']) and \ e['link'] is not None: st1 = lstat(en) if isinstance(st1, int): (pg, bname) = entry2pb(en) blob = entry_pack_symlink(gfid, bname, e['link'], e['stat']) elif not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, en): collect_failure(e, EEXIST, True) else: slink = os.path.join(pfx, gfid) st = lstat(slink) # don't create multiple entries with same gfid if isinstance(st, int): (pg, bname) = entry2pb(en) blob = entry_pack_reg_stat(gfid, bname, e['stat']) else: cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.link, [slink, en], [ENOENT, EEXIST], [ESTALE]) collect_failure(e, cmd_ret) else: st1 = lstat(en) if isinstance(st1, int): rename_with_disk_gfid_confirmation(gfid, entry, en) else: if st.st_ino == st1.st_ino: # we have a hard link, we can now unlink source try: errno_wrap(os.unlink, [entry], [ENOENT, ESTALE], [EBUSY]) except OSError as e: if e.errno == EISDIR: try: errno_wrap(os.rmdir, [entry], [ENOENT, ESTALE], [EBUSY]) except OSError as e: if e.errno == ENOTEMPTY: logging.error( lf("Directory Rename failed. " "Both Old and New" " directories exists", old=entry, new=en)) else: raise else: raise elif not matching_disk_gfid(gfid, en): collect_failure(e, EEXIST, True) else: rename_with_disk_gfid_confirmation(gfid, entry, en) if blob: cmd_ret = errno_wrap(Xattr.lsetxattr, [pg, 'glusterfs.gfid.newfile', blob], [EEXIST, ENOENT], [ESTALE, EINVAL, EBUSY]) collect_failure(e, cmd_ret) # If UID/GID is different than zero that means we are trying # create Entry with different UID/GID. Create Entry with # UID:0 and GID:0, and then call chown to set UID/GID if uid != 0 or gid != 0: path = os.path.join(pfx, gfid) cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.lchown, [path, uid, gid], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) collect_failure(e, cmd_ret) return failures @classmethod def meta_ops(cls, meta_entries): logging.debug('Meta-entries: %s' % repr(meta_entries)) failures = [] for e in meta_entries: mode = e['stat']['mode'] uid = e['stat']['uid'] gid = e['stat']['gid'] atime = e['stat']['atime'] mtime = e['stat']['mtime'] go = e['go'] # Linux doesn't support chmod on symlink itself. # It is always applied to the target file. So # changelog would record target file's gfid # and we are good. But 'chown' is supported on # symlink file. So changelog would record symlink # gfid in such cases. Since we do 'chown' 'chmod' # 'utime' for each gfid recorded for metadata, and # we know from changelog the metadata is on symlink's # gfid or target file's gfid, we should be doing # 'lchown' 'lchmod' 'utime with no-deference' blindly. # But since 'lchmod' and 'utime with no de-reference' is # not supported in python3, we have to rely on 'chmod' # and 'utime with de-reference'. But 'chmod' # de-reference the symlink and gets ENOENT, EACCES, # EPERM errors, hence ignoring those errors if it's on # symlink file. is_symlink = False cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.lchown, [go, uid, gid], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) if isinstance(cmd_ret, int): continue cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.chmod, [go, mode], [ENOENT, EACCES, EPERM], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) if isinstance(cmd_ret, int): is_symlink = os.path.islink(go) if not is_symlink: failures.append((e, cmd_ret, "chmod")) cmd_ret = errno_wrap(os.utime, [go, (atime, mtime)], [ENOENT, EACCES, EPERM], [ESTALE, EINVAL]) if isinstance(cmd_ret, int): if not is_symlink: is_symlink = os.path.islink(go) if not is_symlink: failures.append((e, cmd_ret, "utime")) return failures @classmethod @_pathguard def setattr(cls, path, adct): """set file attributes @adct is a dict, where 'own', 'mode' and 'times' keys are looked for and values used to perform chown, chmod or utimes on @path. """ own = adct.get('own') if own: os.lchown(path, *own) mode = adct.get('mode') if mode: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IMODE(mode)) times = adct.get('times') if times: os.utime(path, times) @staticmethod def pid(): return os.getpid() last_keep_alive = 0 @classmethod def keep_alive(cls, dct): """process keepalive messages. Return keep-alive counter (number of received keep-alive messages). Now the "keep-alive" message can also have a payload which is used to set a foreign volume-mark on the underlying file system. """ if dct: key = '.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'volume-mark', dct['uuid']]) val = struct.pack(cls.FRGN_FMTSTR, *(dct['version'] + tuple(int(x, 16) for x in re.findall('(?:[\da-f]){2}', dct['uuid'])) + (dct['retval'],) + dct['volume_mark'][0:2] + ( dct['timeout'],))) Xattr.lsetxattr('.', key, val) cls.last_keep_alive += 1 return cls.last_keep_alive @staticmethod def version(): """version used in handshake""" return 1.0 class Mounter(object): """Abstract base class for mounter backends""" def __init__(self, params): self.params = params self.mntpt = None self.umount_cmd = [] @classmethod def get_glusterprog(cls): gluster_cmd_dir = gconf.get("gluster-command-dir") if rconf.args.subcmd == "slave": gluster_cmd_dir = gconf.get("slave-gluster-command-dir") return os.path.join(gluster_cmd_dir, cls.glusterprog) def umount_l(self, d): """perform lazy umount""" po = Popen(self.make_umount_argv(d), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) po.wait() return po @classmethod def make_umount_argv(cls, d): raise NotImplementedError def make_mount_argv(self, label=None): raise NotImplementedError def cleanup_mntpt(self, *a): pass def handle_mounter(self, po): po.wait() def inhibit(self, label): """inhibit a gluster filesystem Mount glusterfs over a temporary mountpoint, change into the mount, and lazy unmount the filesystem. """ mpi, mpo = os.pipe() mh = Popen.fork() if mh: # Parent os.close(mpi) fcntl.fcntl(mpo, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) d = None margv = self.make_mount_argv(label) if self.mntpt: # mntpt is determined pre-mount d = self.mntpt os.write(mpo, d + '\0') po = Popen(margv, **self.mountkw) self.handle_mounter(po) po.terminate_geterr() logging.debug('auxiliary glusterfs mount in place') if not d: # mntpt is determined during mount d = self.mntpt os.write(mpo, d + '\0') os.write(mpo, 'M') t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: os.chdir(d)) t.start() tlim = rconf.starttime + gconf.get("connection-timeout") while True: if not t.isAlive(): break if time.time() >= tlim: syncdutils.finalize(exval=1) time.sleep(1) os.close(mpo) _, rv = syncdutils.waitpid(mh, 0) if rv: rv = (os.WIFEXITED(rv) and os.WEXITSTATUS(rv) or 0) - \ (os.WIFSIGNALED(rv) and os.WTERMSIG(rv) or 0) logging.warn(lf('stale mount possibly left behind', path=d)) raise GsyncdError("cleaning up temp mountpoint %s " "failed with status %d" % (d, rv)) else: rv = 0 try: os.setsid() os.close(mpo) mntdata = '' while True: c = os.read(mpi, 1) if not c: break mntdata += c if mntdata: mounted = False if mntdata[-1] == 'M': mntdata = mntdata[:-1] assert(mntdata) mounted = True assert(mntdata[-1] == '\0') mntpt = mntdata[:-1] assert(mntpt) umount_master = False umount_slave = False if rconf.args.subcmd == "worker" \ and not unshare_propagation_supported() \ and not gconf.get("access-mount"): umount_master = True if rconf.args.subcmd == "slave" \ and not gconf.get("slave-access-mount"): umount_slave = True if mounted and (umount_master or umount_slave): po = self.umount_l(mntpt) po.terminate_geterr(fail_on_err=False) if po.returncode != 0: po.errlog() rv = po.returncode logging.debug("Lazy umount done: %s" % mntpt) if umount_master or umount_slave: self.cleanup_mntpt(mntpt) except: logging.exception('mount cleanup failure:') rv = 200 os._exit(rv) logging.debug('auxiliary glusterfs mount prepared') class DirectMounter(Mounter): """mounter backend which calls mount(8), umount(8) directly""" mountkw = {'stderr': subprocess.PIPE} glusterprog = 'glusterfs' @staticmethod def make_umount_argv(d): return ['umount', '-l', d] def make_mount_argv(self, label=None): self.mntpt = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gsyncd-aux-mount-') rconf.mount_point = self.mntpt return [self.get_glusterprog()] + \ ['--' + p for p in self.params] + [self.mntpt] def cleanup_mntpt(self, mntpt=None): if not mntpt: mntpt = self.mntpt errno_wrap(os.rmdir, [mntpt], [ENOENT, EBUSY]) class MountbrokerMounter(Mounter): """mounter backend using the mountbroker gluster service""" mountkw = {'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE} glusterprog = 'gluster' @classmethod def make_cli_argv(cls): return [cls.get_glusterprog()] + ['--remote-host=localhost'] + \ gconf.get("gluster-cli-options").split() + ['system::'] @classmethod def make_umount_argv(cls, d): return cls.make_cli_argv() + ['umount', d, 'lazy'] def make_mount_argv(self, label): return self.make_cli_argv() + \ ['mount', label, 'user-map-root=' + syncdutils.getusername()] + self.params def handle_mounter(self, po): self.mntpt = po.stdout.readline()[:-1] rconf.mount_point = self.mntpt rconf.mountbroker = True self.umount_cmd = self.make_cli_argv() + ['umount'] rconf.mbr_umount_cmd = self.umount_cmd po.stdout.close() sup(self, po) if po.returncode != 0: # if cli terminated with error due to being # refused by glusterd, what it put # out on stdout is a diagnostic message logging.error(lf('glusterd answered', mnt=self.mntpt)) class GLUSTERServer(Server): "server enhancements for a glusterfs backend""" @classmethod def _attr_unpack_dict(cls, xattr, extra_fields=''): """generic volume mark fetching/parsing backed""" fmt_string = cls.NTV_FMTSTR + extra_fields buf = Xattr.lgetxattr('.', xattr, struct.calcsize(fmt_string)) vm = struct.unpack(fmt_string, buf) m = re.match( '(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})', "".join(['%02x' % x for x in vm[2:18]])) uuid = '-'.join(m.groups()) volinfo = {'version': vm[0:2], 'uuid': uuid, 'retval': vm[18], 'volume_mark': vm[19:21], } if extra_fields: return volinfo, vm[-len(extra_fields):] else: return volinfo @classmethod def foreign_volume_infos(cls): """return list of valid (not expired) foreign volume marks""" dict_list = [] xattr_list = Xattr.llistxattr_buf('.') for ele in xattr_list: if ele.find('.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'volume-mark', ''])) == 0: d, x = cls._attr_unpack_dict(ele, cls.FRGN_XTRA_FMT) now = int(time.time()) if x[0] > now: logging.debug("volinfo[%s] expires: %d " "(%d sec later)" % (d['uuid'], x[0], x[0] - now)) d['timeout'] = x[0] dict_list.append(d) else: try: Xattr.lremovexattr('.', ele) except OSError: pass return dict_list @classmethod def native_volume_info(cls): """get the native volume mark of the underlying gluster volume""" try: return cls._attr_unpack_dict('.'.join([cls.GX_NSPACE, 'volume-mark'])) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno != ENODATA: raise class GLUSTER(object): """scheme class for gluster:// urls can be used to represent a gluster slave server on slave side, or interface to a remote gluster slave on master side, or to represent master (slave-ish features come from the mixins, master functionality is outsourced to GMaster from master) """ server = GLUSTERServer def __init__(self, host, volume): self.path = "%s:%s" % (host, volume) self.host = host self.volume = volume global slv_volume global slv_host slv_volume = self.volume slv_host = self.host def connect(self): """inhibit the resource beyond Choose mounting backend (direct or mountbroker), set up glusterfs parameters and perform the mount with given backend """ logging.info("Mounting gluster volume locally...") t0 = time.time() label = gconf.get('mountbroker', None) if not label and not privileged(): label = syncdutils.getusername() mounter = label and MountbrokerMounter or DirectMounter log_file = gconf.get("gluster-log-file") if rconf.args.subcmd == "slave": log_file = gconf.get("slave-gluster-log-file") log_level = gconf.get("gluster-log-level") if rconf.args.subcmd == "slave": log_level = gconf.get("slave-gluster-log-level") params = gconf.get("gluster-params").split() + \ ['log-level=' + log_level] + \ ['log-file=' + log_file, 'volfile-server=' + self.host] + \ ['volfile-id=' + self.volume, 'client-pid=-1'] self.mounter = mounter(params) self.mounter.inhibit(label) logging.info(lf("Mounted gluster volume", duration="%.4f" % (time.time() - t0))) def gmaster_instantiate_tuple(self, slave): """return a tuple of the 'one shot' and the 'main crawl' class instance""" return (gmaster_builder('xsync')(self, slave), gmaster_builder()(self, slave), gmaster_builder('changeloghistory')(self, slave)) def service_loop(self, slave=None): """enter service loop - if slave given, instantiate GMaster and pass control to that instance, which implements master behavior - else do that's what's inherited """ if rconf.args.subcmd == "slave": if gconf.get("use-rsync-xattrs") and not privileged(): raise GsyncdError( "using rsync for extended attributes is not supported") repce = RepceServer( self.server, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, gconf.get("sync-jobs")) t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(), syncdutils.finalize())) t.start() logging.info("slave listening") if gconf.get("slave-timeout") and gconf.get("slave-timeout") > 0: while True: lp = self.server.last_keep_alive time.sleep(gconf.get("slave-timeout")) if lp == self.server.last_keep_alive: logging.info( lf("connection inactive, stopping", timeout=gconf.get("slave-timeout"))) break else: select((), (), ()) return class brickserver(Server): local_path = rconf.args.local_path aggregated = self.server @classmethod def entries(cls, path): e = super(brickserver, cls).entries(path) # on the brick don't mess with /.glusterfs if path == '.': try: e.remove('.glusterfs') e.remove('.trashcan') except ValueError: pass return e @classmethod def lstat(cls, e): """ path based backend stat """ return super(brickserver, cls).lstat(e) @classmethod def gfid(cls, e): """ path based backend gfid fetch """ return super(brickserver, cls).gfid(e) @classmethod def linkto_check(cls, e): return super(brickserver, cls).linkto_check(e) # define {,set_}xtime in slave, thus preempting # the call to remote, so that it takes data from # the local brick slave.server.xtime = types.MethodType( lambda _self, path, uuid: ( brickserver.xtime(path, uuid + '.' + rconf.args.slave_id) ), slave.server) slave.server.stime = types.MethodType( lambda _self, path, uuid: ( brickserver.stime(path, uuid + '.' + rconf.args.slave_id) ), slave.server) slave.server.entry_stime = types.MethodType( lambda _self, path, uuid: ( brickserver.entry_stime( path, uuid + '.' + rconf.args.slave_id) ), slave.server) slave.server.set_stime = types.MethodType( lambda _self, path, uuid, mark: ( brickserver.set_stime(path, uuid + '.' + rconf.args.slave_id, mark) ), slave.server) slave.server.set_entry_stime = types.MethodType( lambda _self, path, uuid, mark: ( brickserver.set_entry_stime( path, uuid + '.' + rconf.args.slave_id, mark) ), slave.server) (g1, g2, g3) = self.gmaster_instantiate_tuple(slave) g1.master.server = brickserver g2.master.server = brickserver g3.master.server = brickserver # bad bad bad: bad way to do things like this # need to make this elegant # register the crawlers and start crawling # g1 ==> Xsync, g2 ==> config.change_detector(changelog by default) # g3 ==> changelog History (inf, ouf, ra, wa) = rconf.args.rpc_fd.split(',') changelog_agent = RepceClient(int(inf), int(ouf)) status = GeorepStatus(gconf.get("state-file"), rconf.args.local_node, rconf.args.local_path, rconf.args.local_node_id, rconf.args.master, rconf.args.slave) status.reset_on_worker_start() rv = changelog_agent.version() if int(rv) != CHANGELOG_AGENT_CLIENT_VERSION: raise GsyncdError( "RePCe major version mismatch(changelog agent): " "local %s, remote %s" % (CHANGELOG_AGENT_CLIENT_VERSION, rv)) try: workdir = g2.setup_working_dir() # Register only when change_detector is not set to # xsync, else agent will generate changelog files # in .processing directory of working dir if gconf.get("change-detector") != 'xsync': # register with the changelog library # 9 == log level (DEBUG) # 5 == connection retries changelog_agent.init() changelog_agent.register(rconf.args.local_path, workdir, gconf.get("changelog-log-file"), get_changelog_log_level( gconf.get("changelog-log-level")), g2.CHANGELOG_CONN_RETRIES) register_time = int(time.time()) g2.register(register_time, changelog_agent, status) g3.register(register_time, changelog_agent, status) except ChangelogException as e: logging.error(lf("Changelog register failed", error=e)) sys.exit(1) g1.register(status=status) logging.info(lf("Register time", time=register_time)) # oneshot: Try to use changelog history api, if not # available switch to FS crawl # Note: if config.change_detector is xsync then # it will not use changelog history api try: g3.crawlwrap(oneshot=True) except PartialHistoryAvailable as e: logging.info(lf('Partial history available, using xsync crawl' ' after consuming history', till=e)) g1.crawlwrap(oneshot=True, register_time=register_time) except ChangelogHistoryNotAvailable: logging.info('Changelog history not available, using xsync') g1.crawlwrap(oneshot=True, register_time=register_time) except NoStimeAvailable: logging.info('No stime available, using xsync crawl') g1.crawlwrap(oneshot=True, register_time=register_time) except ChangelogException as e: logging.error(lf("Changelog History Crawl failed", error=e)) sys.exit(1) try: g2.crawlwrap() except ChangelogException as e: logging.error(lf("Changelog crawl failed", error=e)) sys.exit(1) class SSH(object): """scheme class for ssh:// urls interface to remote slave on master side implementing an ssh based proxy """ def __init__(self, host, volume): self.remote_addr = host self.volume = volume @staticmethod def parse_ssh_address(self): m = re.match('([^@]+)@(.+)', self.remote_addr) if m: u, h = m.groups() else: u, h = syncdutils.getusername(), self.remote_addr self.remotehost = h return {'user': u, 'host': h} def start_fd_client(self, i, o): """set up RePCe client, handshake with server It's cut out as a separate method to let subclasses hook into client startup """ self.server = RepceClient(i, o) rv = self.server.__version__() exrv = {'proto': repce.repce_version, 'object': Server.version()} da0 = (rv, exrv) da1 = ({}, {}) for i in range(2): for k, v in da0[i].iteritems(): da1[i][k] = int(v) if da1[0] != da1[1]: raise GsyncdError( "RePCe major version mismatch: local %s, remote %s" % (exrv, rv)) slavepath = "/proc/%d/cwd" % self.server.pid() self.slaveurl = ':'.join([self.remote_addr, slavepath]) def connect_remote(self): """connect to inner slave url through outer ssh url Wrap the connecting utility in ssh. Much care is put into daemonizing: in that case ssh is started before daemonization, but RePCe client is to be created after that (as ssh interactive password auth would be defeated by a daemonized ssh, while client should be present only in the final process). In that case the action is taken apart to two parts, this method is ivoked once pre-daemon, once post-daemon. Use @go_daemon to deiced what part to perform. [NB. ATM gluster product does not makes use of interactive authentication.] """ syncdutils.setup_ssh_ctl(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gsyncd-aux-ssh-'), self.remote_addr, self.volume) logging.info("Initializing SSH connection between master and slave...") t0 = time.time() extra_opts = [] remote_gsyncd = gconf.get("remote-gsyncd") if remote_gsyncd == "": remote_gsyncd = "/nonexistent/gsyncd" if gconf.get("use-rsync-xattrs"): extra_opts.append('--use-rsync-xattrs') args_to_slave = [gconf.get("ssh-command")] + \ gconf.get("ssh-options").split() + \ ["-p", str(gconf.get("ssh-port"))] + \ rconf.ssh_ctl_args + [self.remote_addr] + \ [remote_gsyncd, "slave"] + \ extra_opts + \ [rconf.args.master, rconf.args.slave] + \ [ '--master-node', rconf.args.local_node, '--master-node-id', rconf.args.local_node_id, '--master-brick', rconf.args.local_path, '--local-node', rconf.args.resource_remote, '--local-node-id', rconf.args.resource_remote_id] + \ [ # Add all config arguments here, slave gsyncd will not use # config file in slave side, so all overridding options should # be sent as arguments '--slave-timeout', str(gconf.get("slave-timeout")), '--slave-log-level', gconf.get("slave-log-level"), '--slave-gluster-log-level', gconf.get("slave-gluster-log-level"), '--slave-gluster-command-dir', gconf.get("slave-gluster-command-dir")] if gconf.get("slave-access-mount"): args_to_slave.append('--slave-access-mount') if rconf.args.debug: args_to_slave.append('--debug') po = Popen(args_to_slave, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) rconf.transport = po self.start_fd_client(po.stdout, po.stdin) logging.info(lf("SSH connection between master and slave established.", duration="%.4f" % (time.time() - t0))) def rsync(self, files, *args, **kw): """invoke rsync""" if not files: raise GsyncdError("no files to sync") logging.debug("files: " + ", ".join(files)) extra_rsync_flags = [] # Performance flag, --ignore-missing-args, if rsync version is # greater than 3.1.0 then include this flag. if gconf.get("rsync-opt-ignore-missing-args") and \ get_rsync_version(gconf.get("rsync-command")) >= "3.1.0": extra_rsync_flags = ["--ignore-missing-args"] rsync_ssh_opts = [gconf.get("ssh-command")] + \ gconf.get("ssh-options").split() + \ ["-p", str(gconf.get("ssh-port"))] + \ rconf.ssh_ctl_args + \ gconf.get("rsync-ssh-options").split() argv = [ gconf.get("rsync-command"), '-aR0', '--inplace', '--files-from=-', '--super', '--stats', '--numeric-ids', '--no-implied-dirs' ] if gconf.get("rsync-opt-existing"): argv += ["--existing"] if gconf.get("sync-xattrs"): argv += ['--xattrs'] if gconf.get("sync-acls"): argv += ['--acls'] argv = argv + \ gconf.get("rsync-options").split() + \ extra_rsync_flags + ['.'] + \ ["-e", " ".join(rsync_ssh_opts)] + \ [self.slaveurl] log_rsync_performance = gconf.getr("log-rsync-performance", False) if log_rsync_performance: # use stdout=PIPE only when log_rsync_performance enabled # Else rsync will write to stdout and nobody is their # to consume. If PIPE is full rsync hangs. po = Popen(argv, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: po = Popen(argv, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for f in files: po.stdin.write(f) po.stdin.write('\0') stdout, stderr = po.communicate() if kw.get("log_err", False): for errline in stderr.strip().split("\n")[:-1]: logging.error(lf("SYNC Error", sync_engine="Rsync", error=errline)) if log_rsync_performance: rsync_msg = [] for line in stdout.split("\n"): if line.startswith("Number of files:") or \ line.startswith("Number of regular files transferred:") or \ line.startswith("Total file size:") or \ line.startswith("Total transferred file size:") or \ line.startswith("Literal data:") or \ line.startswith("Matched data:") or \ line.startswith("Total bytes sent:") or \ line.startswith("Total bytes received:") or \ line.startswith("sent "): rsync_msg.append(line) logging.info(lf("rsync performance", data=", ".join(rsync_msg))) return po def tarssh(self, files, slaveurl, log_err=False): """invoke tar+ssh -z (compress) can be use if needed, but omitting it now as it results in weird error (tar+ssh errors out (errcode: 2) """ if not files: raise GsyncdError("no files to sync") logging.debug("files: " + ", ".join(files)) (host, rdir) = slaveurl.split(':') tar_cmd = ["tar"] + \ ["--sparse", "-cf", "-", "--files-from", "-"] ssh_cmd = gconf.get("ssh-command-tar").split() + \ gconf.get("ssh-options-tar").split() + \ ["-p", str(gconf.get("ssh-port"))] + \ [host, "tar"] + \ ["--overwrite", "-xf", "-", "-C", rdir] p0 = Popen(tar_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p1 = Popen(ssh_cmd, stdin=p0.stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for f in files: p0.stdin.write(f) p0.stdin.write('\n') p0.stdin.close() p0.stdout.close() # Allow p0 to receive a SIGPIPE if p1 exits. # wait for tar to terminate, collecting any errors, further # waiting for transfer to complete _, stderr1 = p1.communicate() # stdin and stdout of p0 is already closed, Reset to None and # wait for child process to complete p0.stdin = None p0.stdout = None p0.communicate() if log_err: for errline in stderr1.strip().split("\n")[:-1]: logging.error(lf("SYNC Error", sync_engine="Tarssh", error=errline)) return p1