/* Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_OOM_H #include #else #define OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MIN (-1000) #define OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MAX 1000 #define OOM_DISABLE (-17) #define OOM_ADJUST_MAX 15 #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_STATS #ifdef DEBUG #include #endif #endif #include "xlator.h" #include "glusterfs.h" #include "compat.h" #include "logging.h" #include "glusterfsd-messages.h" #include "dict.h" #include "list.h" #include "timer.h" #include "glusterfsd.h" #include "revision.h" #include "common-utils.h" #include "gf-event.h" #include "statedump.h" #include "latency.h" #include "glusterfsd-mem-types.h" #include "syscall.h" #include "call-stub.h" #include #include "rpc-clnt.h" #include "syncop.h" #include "client_t.h" #include "netgroups.h" #include "exports.h" #include "monitoring.h" #include "daemon.h" /* using argp for command line parsing */ static char gf_doc[] = ""; static char argp_doc[] = "--volfile-server=SERVER [MOUNT-POINT]\n" "--volfile=VOLFILE [MOUNT-POINT]"; const char *argp_program_version = "" PACKAGE_NAME " " PACKAGE_VERSION "\nRepository revision: " GLUSTERFS_REPOSITORY_REVISION "\n" "Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. " "\n" "GlusterFS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n" "It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser\n" "General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3\n" "or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),\n" "in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation."; const char *argp_program_bug_address = "<" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">"; static error_t parse_opts(int32_t key, char *arg, struct argp_state *_state); static struct argp_option gf_options[] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, "Basic options:"}, {"volfile-server", ARGP_VOLFILE_SERVER_KEY, "SERVER", 0, "Server to get the volume file from. Unix domain socket path when " "transport type 'unix'. This option overrides --volfile option"}, {"volfile", ARGP_VOLUME_FILE_KEY, "VOLFILE", 0, "File to use as VOLUME_FILE"}, {"spec-file", ARGP_VOLUME_FILE_KEY, "VOLFILE", OPTION_HIDDEN, "File to use as VOLUME FILE"}, {"log-level", ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "LOGLEVEL", 0, "Logging severity. Valid options are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, " "CRITICAL, TRACE and NONE [default: INFO]"}, {"log-file", ARGP_LOG_FILE_KEY, "LOGFILE", 0, "File to use for logging [default: " DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY "/" PACKAGE_NAME ".log" "]"}, {"logger", ARGP_LOGGER, "LOGGER", 0, "Set which logging sub-system to " "log to, valid options are: gluster-log and syslog, " "[default: \"gluster-log\"]"}, {"log-format", ARGP_LOG_FORMAT, "LOG-FORMAT", 0, "Set log format, valid" " options are: no-msg-id and with-msg-id, [default: \"with-msg-id\"]"}, {"log-buf-size", ARGP_LOG_BUF_SIZE, "LOG-BUF-SIZE", 0, "Set logging " "buffer size, [default: 5]"}, {"log-flush-timeout", ARGP_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT, "LOG-FLUSH-TIMEOUT", 0, "Set log flush timeout, [default: 2 minutes]"}, {0, 0, 0, 0, "Advanced Options:"}, {"volfile-server-port", ARGP_VOLFILE_SERVER_PORT_KEY, "PORT", 0, "Listening port number of volfile server"}, {"volfile-server-transport", ARGP_VOLFILE_SERVER_TRANSPORT_KEY, "TRANSPORT", 0, "Transport type to get volfile from server [default: socket]"}, {"volfile-id", ARGP_VOLFILE_ID_KEY, "KEY", 0, "'key' of the volfile to be fetched from server"}, {"pid-file", ARGP_PID_FILE_KEY, "PIDFILE", 0, "File to use as pid file"}, {"socket-file", ARGP_SOCK_FILE_KEY, "SOCKFILE", 0, "File to use as unix-socket"}, {"no-daemon", ARGP_NO_DAEMON_KEY, 0, 0, "Run in foreground"}, {"run-id", ARGP_RUN_ID_KEY, "RUN-ID", OPTION_HIDDEN, "Run ID for the process, used by scripts to keep track of process " "they started, defaults to none"}, {"debug", ARGP_DEBUG_KEY, 0, 0, "Run in debug mode. This option sets --no-daemon, --log-level " "to DEBUG and --log-file to console"}, {"volume-name", ARGP_VOLUME_NAME_KEY, "XLATOR-NAME", 0, "Translator name to be used for MOUNT-POINT [default: top most volume " "definition in VOLFILE]"}, {"xlator-option", ARGP_XLATOR_OPTION_KEY, "XLATOR-NAME.OPTION=VALUE", 0, "Add/override an option for a translator in volume file with specified" " value"}, {"read-only", ARGP_READ_ONLY_KEY, 0, 0, "Mount the filesystem in 'read-only' mode"}, {"acl", ARGP_ACL_KEY, 0, 0, "Mount the filesystem with POSIX ACL support"}, {"selinux", ARGP_SELINUX_KEY, 0, 0, "Enable SELinux label (extended attributes) support on inodes"}, {"capability", ARGP_CAPABILITY_KEY, 0, 0, "Enable Capability (extended attributes) support on inodes"}, {"subdir-mount", ARGP_SUBDIR_MOUNT_KEY, "SUBDIR-PATH", 0, "Mount subdirectory given [default: NULL]"}, {"print-netgroups", ARGP_PRINT_NETGROUPS, "NETGROUP-FILE", 0, "Validate the netgroups file and print it out"}, {"print-exports", ARGP_PRINT_EXPORTS, "EXPORTS-FILE", 0, "Validate the exports file and print it out"}, {"print-xlatordir", ARGP_PRINT_XLATORDIR_KEY, 0, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Print xlator directory path"}, {"print-statedumpdir", ARGP_PRINT_STATEDUMPDIR_KEY, 0, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Print directory path in which statedumps shall be generated"}, {"print-logdir", ARGP_PRINT_LOGDIR_KEY, 0, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Print path of default log directory"}, {"print-libexecdir", ARGP_PRINT_LIBEXECDIR_KEY, 0, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Print path of default libexec directory"}, {"volfile-max-fetch-attempts", ARGP_VOLFILE_MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS, "0", OPTION_HIDDEN, "Maximum number of attempts to fetch the volfile"}, {"aux-gfid-mount", ARGP_AUX_GFID_MOUNT_KEY, 0, 0, "Enable access to filesystem through gfid directly"}, {"enable-ino32", ARGP_INODE32_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Use 32-bit inodes when mounting to workaround broken applications" "that don't support 64-bit inodes"}, {"worm", ARGP_WORM_KEY, 0, 0, "Mount the filesystem in 'worm' mode"}, {"mac-compat", ARGP_MAC_COMPAT_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Provide stubs for attributes needed for seamless operation on Macs " #ifdef GF_DARWIN_HOST_OS "[default: \"on\" on client side, else \"off\"]" #else "[default: \"off\"]" #endif }, {"brick-name", ARGP_BRICK_NAME_KEY, "BRICK-NAME", OPTION_HIDDEN, "Brick name to be registered with Gluster portmapper"}, {"brick-port", ARGP_BRICK_PORT_KEY, "BRICK-PORT", OPTION_HIDDEN, "Brick Port to be registered with Gluster portmapper"}, {"fopen-keep-cache", ARGP_FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Do not purge the cache on file open"}, {"global-timer-wheel", ARGP_GLOBAL_TIMER_WHEEL, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Instantiate process global timer-wheel"}, {"thin-client", ARGP_THIN_CLIENT_KEY, 0, 0, "Enables thin mount and connects via gfproxyd daemon"}, {0, 0, 0, 0, "Fuse options:"}, {"direct-io-mode", ARGP_DIRECT_IO_MODE_KEY, "BOOL|auto", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Specify direct I/O strategy [default: \"auto\"]"}, {"entry-timeout", ARGP_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_KEY, "SECONDS", 0, "Set entry timeout to SECONDS in fuse kernel module [default: 1]"}, {"negative-timeout", ARGP_NEGATIVE_TIMEOUT_KEY, "SECONDS", 0, "Set negative timeout to SECONDS in fuse kernel module [default: 0]"}, {"attribute-timeout", ARGP_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEOUT_KEY, "SECONDS", 0, "Set attribute timeout to SECONDS for inodes in fuse kernel module " "[default: 1]"}, {"gid-timeout", ARGP_GID_TIMEOUT_KEY, "SECONDS", 0, "Set auxiliary group list timeout to SECONDS for fuse translator " "[default: 300]"}, {"resolve-gids", ARGP_RESOLVE_GIDS_KEY, 0, 0, "Resolve all auxiliary groups in fuse translator (max 32 otherwise)"}, {"lru-limit", ARGP_FUSE_LRU_LIMIT_KEY, "N", 0, "Set fuse module's limit for number of inodes kept in LRU list to N " "[default: 131072]"}, {"background-qlen", ARGP_FUSE_BACKGROUND_QLEN_KEY, "N", 0, "Set fuse module's background queue length to N " "[default: 64]"}, {"congestion-threshold", ARGP_FUSE_CONGESTION_THRESHOLD_KEY, "N", 0, "Set fuse module's congestion threshold to N " "[default: 48]"}, #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS {"oom-score-adj", ARGP_OOM_SCORE_ADJ_KEY, "INTEGER", 0, "Set oom_score_adj value for process" "[default: 0]"}, #endif {"client-pid", ARGP_CLIENT_PID_KEY, "PID", OPTION_HIDDEN, "client will authenticate itself with process id PID to server"}, {"no-root-squash", ARGP_FUSE_NO_ROOT_SQUASH_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "disable/enable root squashing for the trusted " "client"}, {"user-map-root", ARGP_USER_MAP_ROOT_KEY, "USER", OPTION_HIDDEN, "replace USER with root in messages"}, {"dump-fuse", ARGP_DUMP_FUSE_KEY, "PATH", 0, "Dump fuse traffic to PATH"}, {"volfile-check", ARGP_VOLFILE_CHECK_KEY, 0, 0, "Enable strict volume file checking"}, {"no-mem-accounting", ARGP_MEM_ACCOUNTING_KEY, 0, OPTION_HIDDEN, "disable internal memory accounting"}, {"fuse-mountopts", ARGP_FUSE_MOUNTOPTS_KEY, "OPTIONS", OPTION_HIDDEN, "Extra mount options to pass to FUSE"}, {"use-readdirp", ARGP_FUSE_USE_READDIRP_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Use readdirp mode in fuse kernel module" " [default: \"yes\"]"}, {"secure-mgmt", ARGP_SECURE_MGMT_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Override default for secure (SSL) management connections"}, {"localtime-logging", ARGP_LOCALTIME_LOGGING_KEY, 0, 0, "Enable localtime logging"}, {"process-name", ARGP_PROCESS_NAME_KEY, "PROCESS-NAME", OPTION_HIDDEN, "option to specify the process type"}, {"event-history", ARGP_FUSE_EVENT_HISTORY_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "disable/enable fuse event-history"}, {"reader-thread-count", ARGP_READER_THREAD_COUNT_KEY, "INTEGER", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "set fuse reader thread count"}, {"kernel-writeback-cache", ARGP_KERNEL_WRITEBACK_CACHE_KEY, "BOOL", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "enable fuse in-kernel writeback cache"}, {"attr-times-granularity", ARGP_ATTR_TIMES_GRANULARITY_KEY, "NS", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "declare supported granularity of file attribute" " times in nanoseconds"}, {0, 0, 0, 0, "Miscellaneous Options:"}, { 0, }}; static struct argp argp = {gf_options, parse_opts, argp_doc, gf_doc}; int glusterfs_pidfile_cleanup(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx); int glusterfs_volumes_init(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx); int glusterfs_mgmt_init(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx); int glusterfs_listener_init(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx); int glusterfs_listener_stop(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx); static int set_fuse_mount_options(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, dict_t *options) { int ret = 0; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; char *mount_point = NULL; char cwd[PATH_MAX] = { 0, }; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; /* Check if mount-point is absolute path, * if not convert to absolute path by concatenating with CWD */ if (cmd_args->mount_point[0] != '/') { if (getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX) != NULL) { ret = gf_asprintf(&mount_point, "%s/%s", cwd, cmd_args->mount_point); if (ret == -1) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_1, "Could not create absolute mountpoint " "path"); goto err; } } else { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_2, "Could not get current working directory"); goto err; } } else mount_point = gf_strdup(cmd_args->mount_point); ret = dict_set_dynstr(options, ZR_MOUNTPOINT_OPT, mount_point); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_3, "failed to set mount-point to options dictionary"); goto err; } if (cmd_args->fuse_attribute_timeout >= 0) { ret = dict_set_double(options, ZR_ATTR_TIMEOUT_OPT, cmd_args->fuse_attribute_timeout); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value " "for key " ZR_ATTR_TIMEOUT_OPT); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->fuse_entry_timeout >= 0) { ret = dict_set_double(options, ZR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_OPT, cmd_args->fuse_entry_timeout); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " ZR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_OPT); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->fuse_negative_timeout >= 0) { ret = dict_set_double(options, ZR_NEGATIVE_TIMEOUT_OPT, cmd_args->fuse_negative_timeout); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " ZR_NEGATIVE_TIMEOUT_OPT); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->client_pid_set) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, "client-pid", cmd_args->client_pid); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key client-pid"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->uid_map_root) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, "uid-map-root", cmd_args->uid_map_root); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "uid-map-root"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->volfile_check) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, ZR_STRICT_VOLFILE_CHECK, cmd_args->volfile_check); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " ZR_STRICT_VOLFILE_CHECK); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->dump_fuse) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, ZR_DUMP_FUSE, cmd_args->dump_fuse); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " ZR_DUMP_FUSE); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->acl) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "acl", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key acl"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->selinux) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "selinux", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key selinux"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->capability) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "capability", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key capability"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->aux_gfid_mount) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "virtual-gfid-access", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "aux-gfid-mount"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->enable_ino32) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "enable-ino32", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "enable-ino32"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->read_only) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "read-only", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key read-only"); goto err; } } switch (cmd_args->fopen_keep_cache) { case GF_OPTION_ENABLE: ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "fopen-keep-cache", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "fopen-keep-cache"); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_DISABLE: ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "fopen-keep-cache", "off"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "fopen-keep-cache"); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_DEFERRED: /* default */ default: gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "fopen-keep-cache mode %d", cmd_args->fopen_keep_cache); break; } if (cmd_args->gid_timeout_set) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, "gid-timeout", cmd_args->gid_timeout); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key gid-timeout"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->resolve_gids) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "resolve-gids", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "resolve-gids"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->lru_limit >= 0) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, "lru-limit", cmd_args->lru_limit); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "lru-limit"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->background_qlen) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, "background-qlen", cmd_args->background_qlen); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "background-qlen"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->congestion_threshold) { ret = dict_set_int32(options, "congestion-threshold", cmd_args->congestion_threshold); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "congestion-threshold"); goto err; } } switch (cmd_args->fuse_direct_io_mode) { case GF_OPTION_DISABLE: /* disable */ ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, ZR_DIRECT_IO_OPT, "disable"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_5, "failed to set 'disable' for key " ZR_DIRECT_IO_OPT); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_ENABLE: /* enable */ ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, ZR_DIRECT_IO_OPT, "enable"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_6, "failed to set 'enable' for key " ZR_DIRECT_IO_OPT); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_DEFERRED: /* auto */ default: gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "fuse direct io type %d", cmd_args->fuse_direct_io_mode); break; } switch (cmd_args->no_root_squash) { case GF_OPTION_ENABLE: /* enable */ ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "no-root-squash", "enable"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_6, "failed to set 'enable' for key " "no-root-squash"); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_DISABLE: /* disable/default */ default: ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "no-root-squash", "disable"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_5, "failed to set 'disable' for key " "no-root-squash"); goto err; } gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "fuse no-root-squash mode %d", cmd_args->no_root_squash); break; } if (!cmd_args->no_daemon_mode) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "sync-to-mount", "enable"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key sync-mtab"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->use_readdirp) { ret = dict_set_str(options, "use-readdirp", cmd_args->use_readdirp); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "use-readdirp"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->event_history) { ret = dict_set_str(options, "event-history", cmd_args->event_history); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "event-history"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->thin_client) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "thin-client", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "thin-client"); goto err; } } if (cmd_args->reader_thread_count) { ret = dict_set_uint32(options, "reader-thread-count", cmd_args->reader_thread_count); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "reader-thread-count"); goto err; } } switch (cmd_args->kernel_writeback_cache) { case GF_OPTION_ENABLE: ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "kernel-writeback-cache", "on"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "kernel-writeback-cache"); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_DISABLE: ret = dict_set_static_ptr(options, "kernel-writeback-cache", "off"); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "kernel-writeback-cache"); goto err; } break; case GF_OPTION_DEFERRED: /* default */ default: gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "kernel-writeback-cache mode %d", cmd_args->kernel_writeback_cache); break; } if (cmd_args->attr_times_granularity) { ret = dict_set_uint32(options, "attr-times-granularity", cmd_args->attr_times_granularity); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " "attr-times-granularity"); goto err; } } ret = 0; err: return ret; } int create_fuse_mount(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret = 0; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; xlator_t *master = NULL; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (!cmd_args->mount_point) { gf_msg_trace("glusterfsd", 0, "mount point not found, not a client process"); return 0; } if (ctx->process_mode != GF_CLIENT_PROCESS) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_7, "Not a client process, not performing mount operation"); return -1; } master = GF_CALLOC(1, sizeof(*master), gfd_mt_xlator_t); if (!master) goto err; master->name = gf_strdup("fuse"); if (!master->name) goto err; if (xlator_set_type(master, "mount/fuse") == -1) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_8, "MOUNT-POINT %s initialization failed", cmd_args->mount_point); goto err; } master->ctx = ctx; master->options = get_new_dict(); if (!master->options) goto err; ret = set_fuse_mount_options(ctx, master->options); if (ret) goto err; if (cmd_args->fuse_mountopts) { ret = dict_set_static_ptr(master->options, ZR_FUSE_MOUNTOPTS, cmd_args->fuse_mountopts); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_4, "failed to set dict value for key " ZR_FUSE_MOUNTOPTS); goto err; } } ret = xlator_init(master); if (ret) { gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "failed to initialize fuse translator"); goto err; } ctx->master = master; return 0; err: if (master) { xlator_destroy(master); } return 1; } static FILE * get_volfp(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret = 0; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; FILE *specfp = NULL; struct stat statbuf; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; ret = sys_lstat(cmd_args->volfile, &statbuf); if (ret == -1) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_9, "loading volume file %s failed", cmd_args->volfile); return NULL; } if ((specfp = fopen(cmd_args->volfile, "r")) == NULL) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_9, "loading volume file %s failed", cmd_args->volfile); return NULL; } gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "loading volume file %s", cmd_args->volfile); return specfp; } static int gf_remember_backup_volfile_server(char *arg) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int ret = -1; ctx = glusterfsd_ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (!cmd_args) goto out; ret = gf_set_volfile_server_common( cmd_args, arg, GF_DEFAULT_VOLFILE_TRANSPORT, GF_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT); if (ret) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set volfile server: %s", strerror(errno)); } out: return ret; } static int gf_remember_xlator_option(char *arg) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; xlator_cmdline_option_t *option = NULL; int ret = -1; char *dot = NULL; char *equals = NULL; ctx = glusterfsd_ctx; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; option = GF_CALLOC(1, sizeof(xlator_cmdline_option_t), gfd_mt_xlator_cmdline_option_t); if (!option) goto out; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&option->cmd_args); dot = strchr(arg, '.'); if (!dot) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_WARNING, 0, glusterfsd_msg_10, "xlator option %s is invalid", arg); goto out; } option->volume = GF_MALLOC((dot - arg) + 1, gfd_mt_char); if (!option->volume) goto out; strncpy(option->volume, arg, (dot - arg)); option->volume[(dot - arg)] = '\0'; equals = strchr(arg, '='); if (!equals) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_WARNING, 0, glusterfsd_msg_10, "xlator option %s is invalid", arg); goto out; } option->key = GF_MALLOC((equals - dot) + 1, gfd_mt_char); if (!option->key) goto out; strncpy(option->key, dot + 1, (equals - dot - 1)); option->key[(equals - dot - 1)] = '\0'; if (!*(equals + 1)) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_WARNING, 0, glusterfsd_msg_10, "xlator option %s is invalid", arg); goto out; } option->value = gf_strdup(equals + 1); list_add(&option->cmd_args, &cmd_args->xlator_options); ret = 0; out: if (ret == -1) { if (option) { GF_FREE(option->volume); GF_FREE(option->key); GF_FREE(option->value); GF_FREE(option); } } return ret; } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS static struct oom_api_info { char *oom_api_file; int32_t oom_min; int32_t oom_max; } oom_api_info[] = { {"/proc/self/oom_score_adj", OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MIN, OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MAX}, {"/proc/self/oom_adj", OOM_DISABLE, OOM_ADJUST_MAX}, {NULL, 0, 0}}; static struct oom_api_info * get_oom_api_info(void) { struct oom_api_info *api = NULL; for (api = oom_api_info; api->oom_api_file; api++) { if (sys_access(api->oom_api_file, F_OK) != -1) { return api; } } return NULL; } #endif static error_t parse_opts(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; uint32_t n = 0; #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS int32_t k = 0; struct oom_api_info *api = NULL; #endif double d = 0.0; gf_boolean_t b = _gf_false; char *pwd = NULL; char *tmp_str = NULL; char *port_str = NULL; struct passwd *pw = NULL; int ret = 0; cmd_args = state->input; switch (key) { case ARGP_VOLFILE_SERVER_KEY: gf_remember_backup_volfile_server(arg); break; case ARGP_READ_ONLY_KEY: cmd_args->read_only = 1; break; case ARGP_ACL_KEY: cmd_args->acl = 1; gf_remember_xlator_option("*-md-cache.cache-posix-acl=true"); break; case ARGP_SELINUX_KEY: cmd_args->selinux = 1; gf_remember_xlator_option("*-md-cache.cache-selinux=true"); break; case ARGP_CAPABILITY_KEY: cmd_args->capability = 1; break; case ARGP_AUX_GFID_MOUNT_KEY: cmd_args->aux_gfid_mount = 1; break; case ARGP_INODE32_KEY: cmd_args->enable_ino32 = 1; break; case ARGP_WORM_KEY: cmd_args->worm = 1; break; case ARGP_PRINT_NETGROUPS: cmd_args->print_netgroups = arg; break; case ARGP_PRINT_EXPORTS: cmd_args->print_exports = arg; break; case ARGP_PRINT_XLATORDIR_KEY: cmd_args->print_xlatordir = _gf_true; break; case ARGP_PRINT_STATEDUMPDIR_KEY: cmd_args->print_statedumpdir = _gf_true; break; case ARGP_PRINT_LOGDIR_KEY: cmd_args->print_logdir = _gf_true; break; case ARGP_PRINT_LIBEXECDIR_KEY: cmd_args->print_libexecdir = _gf_true; break; case ARGP_MAC_COMPAT_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "on"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { cmd_args->mac_compat = b; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "invalid value \"%s\" for mac-compat", arg); break; case ARGP_VOLUME_FILE_KEY: GF_FREE(cmd_args->volfile); if (arg[0] != '/') { pwd = getcwd(NULL, PATH_MAX); if (!pwd) { argp_failure(state, -1, errno, "getcwd failed with error no %d", errno); break; } char tmp_buf[1024]; snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%s/%s", pwd, arg); cmd_args->volfile = gf_strdup(tmp_buf); free(pwd); } else { cmd_args->volfile = gf_strdup(arg); } break; case ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_KEY: if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_NONE_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_NONE; break; } if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_CRITICAL; break; } if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_ERROR; break; } if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_WARNING; break; } if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_INFO; break; } if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_DEBUG; break; } if (strcasecmp(arg, ARGP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE_OPTION) == 0) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_TRACE; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown log level %s", arg); break; case ARGP_LOG_FILE_KEY: cmd_args->log_file = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_VOLFILE_SERVER_PORT_KEY: n = 0; if (gf_string2uint_base10(arg, &n) == 0) { cmd_args->volfile_server_port = n; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown volfile server port %s", arg); break; case ARGP_VOLFILE_SERVER_TRANSPORT_KEY: cmd_args->volfile_server_transport = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_VOLFILE_ID_KEY: cmd_args->volfile_id = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_THIN_CLIENT_KEY: cmd_args->thin_client = _gf_true; break; case ARGP_PID_FILE_KEY: cmd_args->pid_file = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_SOCK_FILE_KEY: cmd_args->sock_file = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_NO_DAEMON_KEY: cmd_args->no_daemon_mode = ENABLE_NO_DAEMON_MODE; break; case ARGP_RUN_ID_KEY: cmd_args->run_id = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_DEBUG_KEY: cmd_args->debug_mode = ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE; break; case ARGP_VOLFILE_MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS: cmd_args->max_connect_attempts = 1; break; case ARGP_DIRECT_IO_MODE_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "on"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { cmd_args->fuse_direct_io_mode = b; break; } if (strcmp(arg, "auto") == 0) break; argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown direct I/O mode setting \"%s\"", arg); break; case ARGP_FUSE_NO_ROOT_SQUASH_KEY: cmd_args->no_root_squash = _gf_true; break; case ARGP_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_KEY: d = 0.0; gf_string2double(arg, &d); if (!(d < 0.0)) { cmd_args->fuse_entry_timeout = d; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown entry timeout %s", arg); break; case ARGP_NEGATIVE_TIMEOUT_KEY: d = 0.0; ret = gf_string2double(arg, &d); if ((ret == 0) && !(d < 0.0)) { cmd_args->fuse_negative_timeout = d; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown negative timeout %s", arg); break; case ARGP_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEOUT_KEY: d = 0.0; gf_string2double(arg, &d); if (!(d < 0.0)) { cmd_args->fuse_attribute_timeout = d; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown attribute timeout %s", arg); break; case ARGP_CLIENT_PID_KEY: if (gf_string2int(arg, &cmd_args->client_pid) == 0) { cmd_args->client_pid_set = 1; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown client pid %s", arg); break; case ARGP_USER_MAP_ROOT_KEY: pw = getpwnam(arg); if (pw) cmd_args->uid_map_root = pw->pw_uid; else argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "user %s does not exist", arg); break; case ARGP_VOLFILE_CHECK_KEY: cmd_args->volfile_check = 1; break; case ARGP_VOLUME_NAME_KEY: cmd_args->volume_name = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_XLATOR_OPTION_KEY: if (gf_remember_xlator_option(arg)) argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "invalid xlator option %s", arg); break; case ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS: break; case ARGP_KEY_ARG: if (state->arg_num >= 1) argp_usage(state); cmd_args->mount_point = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_DUMP_FUSE_KEY: cmd_args->dump_fuse = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_BRICK_NAME_KEY: cmd_args->brick_name = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_BRICK_PORT_KEY: n = 0; port_str = strtok_r(arg, ",", &tmp_str); if (gf_string2uint_base10(port_str, &n) == 0) { cmd_args->brick_port = n; port_str = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tmp_str); if (port_str) { if (gf_string2uint_base10(port_str, &n) == 0) { cmd_args->brick_port2 = n; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "wrong brick (listen) port %s", arg); } break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown brick (listen) port %s", arg); break; case ARGP_MEM_ACCOUNTING_KEY: /* TODO: it should have got handled much earlier */ // gf_mem_acct_enable_set (THIS->ctx); break; case ARGP_FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "on"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { cmd_args->fopen_keep_cache = b; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown cache setting \"%s\"", arg); break; case ARGP_GLOBAL_TIMER_WHEEL: cmd_args->global_timer_wheel = 1; break; case ARGP_GID_TIMEOUT_KEY: if (!gf_string2int(arg, &cmd_args->gid_timeout)) { cmd_args->gid_timeout_set = _gf_true; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown group list timeout %s", arg); break; case ARGP_RESOLVE_GIDS_KEY: cmd_args->resolve_gids = 1; break; case ARGP_FUSE_LRU_LIMIT_KEY: if (!gf_string2int32(arg, &cmd_args->lru_limit)) break; argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown LRU limit option %s", arg); break; case ARGP_FUSE_BACKGROUND_QLEN_KEY: if (!gf_string2int(arg, &cmd_args->background_qlen)) break; argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown background qlen option %s", arg); break; case ARGP_FUSE_CONGESTION_THRESHOLD_KEY: if (!gf_string2int(arg, &cmd_args->congestion_threshold)) break; argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown congestion threshold option %s", arg); break; #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS case ARGP_OOM_SCORE_ADJ_KEY: k = 0; api = get_oom_api_info(); if (!api) goto no_oom_api; if (gf_string2int(arg, &k) == 0 && k >= api->oom_min && k <= api->oom_max) { cmd_args->oom_score_adj = gf_strdup(arg); break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown oom_score_adj value %s", arg); no_oom_api: break; #endif case ARGP_FUSE_MOUNTOPTS_KEY: cmd_args->fuse_mountopts = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_FUSE_USE_READDIRP_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "yes"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { if (b) { cmd_args->use_readdirp = "yes"; } else { cmd_args->use_readdirp = "no"; } break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown use-readdirp setting \"%s\"", arg); break; case ARGP_LOGGER: if (strcasecmp(arg, GF_LOGGER_GLUSTER_LOG) == 0) cmd_args->logger = gf_logger_glusterlog; else if (strcasecmp(arg, GF_LOGGER_SYSLOG) == 0) cmd_args->logger = gf_logger_syslog; else argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown logger %s", arg); break; case ARGP_LOG_FORMAT: if (strcasecmp(arg, GF_LOG_FORMAT_NO_MSG_ID) == 0) cmd_args->log_format = gf_logformat_traditional; else if (strcasecmp(arg, GF_LOG_FORMAT_WITH_MSG_ID) == 0) cmd_args->log_format = gf_logformat_withmsgid; else argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown log format %s", arg); break; case ARGP_LOG_BUF_SIZE: if (gf_string2uint32(arg, &cmd_args->log_buf_size)) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown log buf size option %s", arg); } else if (cmd_args->log_buf_size > GF_LOG_LRU_BUFSIZE_MAX) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "Invalid log buf size %s. " "Valid range: [" GF_LOG_LRU_BUFSIZE_MIN_STR "," GF_LOG_LRU_BUFSIZE_MAX_STR "]", arg); } break; case ARGP_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT: if (gf_string2uint32(arg, &cmd_args->log_flush_timeout)) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown log flush timeout option %s", arg); } else if ((cmd_args->log_flush_timeout < GF_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MIN) || (cmd_args->log_flush_timeout > GF_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MAX)) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "Invalid log flush timeout %s. " "Valid range: [" GF_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MIN_STR "," GF_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MAX_STR "]", arg); } break; case ARGP_SECURE_MGMT_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "yes"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { cmd_args->secure_mgmt = b ? 1 : 0; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown secure-mgmt setting \"%s\"", arg); break; case ARGP_LOCALTIME_LOGGING_KEY: cmd_args->localtime_logging = 1; break; case ARGP_PROCESS_NAME_KEY: cmd_args->process_name = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_SUBDIR_MOUNT_KEY: if (arg[0] != '/') { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "expect '/%s', provided just \"%s\"", arg, arg); break; } cmd_args->subdir_mount = gf_strdup(arg); break; case ARGP_FUSE_EVENT_HISTORY_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "no"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { if (b) { cmd_args->event_history = "yes"; } else { cmd_args->event_history = "no"; } break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown event-history setting \"%s\"", arg); break; case ARGP_READER_THREAD_COUNT_KEY: if (gf_string2uint32(arg, &cmd_args->reader_thread_count)) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown reader thread count option %s", arg); } else if ((cmd_args->reader_thread_count < 1) || (cmd_args->reader_thread_count > 64)) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "Invalid reader thread count %s. " "Valid range: [\"1, 64\"]", arg); } break; case ARGP_KERNEL_WRITEBACK_CACHE_KEY: if (!arg) arg = "yes"; if (gf_string2boolean(arg, &b) == 0) { cmd_args->kernel_writeback_cache = b; break; } argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown kernel writeback cache setting \"%s\"", arg); break; case ARGP_ATTR_TIMES_GRANULARITY_KEY: if (gf_string2uint32(arg, &cmd_args->attr_times_granularity)) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "unknown attribute times granularity option %s", arg); } else if (cmd_args->attr_times_granularity > 1000000000) { argp_failure(state, -1, 0, "Invalid attribute times granularity value %s. " "Valid range: [\"0, 1000000000\"]", arg); } break; } return 0; } gf_boolean_t should_call_fini(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, xlator_t *trav) { /* There's nothing to call, so the other checks don't matter. */ if (!trav->fini) { return _gf_false; } /* This preserves previous behavior in glusterd. */ if (ctx->process_mode == GF_GLUSTERD_PROCESS) { return _gf_true; } /* This is the only one known to be safe in glusterfsd. */ if (!strcmp(trav->type, "experimental/fdl")) { return _gf_true; } return _gf_false; } void cleanup_and_exit(int signum) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; xlator_t *trav = NULL; xlator_t *top; xlator_t *victim; xlator_list_t **trav_p; ctx = glusterfsd_ctx; if (!ctx) return; /* To take or not to take the mutex here and in the other * signal handler - gf_print_trace() - is the big question here. * * Taking mutex in signal handler would mean that if the process * receives a fatal signal while another thread is holding * ctx->log.log_buf_lock to perhaps log a message in _gf_msg_internal(), * the offending thread hangs on the mutex lock forever without letting * the process exit. * * On the other hand. not taking the mutex in signal handler would cause * it to modify the lru_list of buffered log messages in a racy manner, * corrupt the list and potentially give rise to an unending * cascade of SIGSEGVs and other re-entrancy issues. */ gf_log_disable_suppression_before_exit(ctx); gf_msg_callingfn("", GF_LOG_WARNING, 0, glusterfsd_msg_32, "received signum (%d), shutting down", signum); if (ctx->cleanup_started) return; ctx->cleanup_started = 1; /* signout should be sent to all the bricks in case brick mux is enabled * and multiple brick instances are attached to this process */ if (ctx->active) { top = ctx->active->first; for (trav_p = &top->children; *trav_p; trav_p = &(*trav_p)->next) { victim = (*trav_p)->xlator; rpc_clnt_mgmt_pmap_signout(ctx, victim->name); } } else { rpc_clnt_mgmt_pmap_signout(ctx, NULL); } /* below part is a racy code where the rpcsvc object is freed. * But in another thread (epoll thread), upon poll error in the * socket the transports are cleaned up where again rpcsvc object * is accessed (which is already freed by the below function). * Since the process is about to be killed don't execute the function * below. */ /* if (ctx->listener) { */ /* (void) glusterfs_listener_stop (ctx); */ /* } */ /* Call fini() of FUSE xlator first: * so there are no more requests coming and * 'umount' of mount point is done properly */ trav = ctx->master; if (trav && trav->fini) { THIS = trav; trav->fini(trav); } glusterfs_pidfile_cleanup(ctx); #if 0 /* TODO: Properly do cleanup_and_exit(), with synchronization */ if (ctx->mgmt) { /* cleanup the saved-frames before last unref */ rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup (&ctx->mgmt->conn); rpc_clnt_unref (ctx->mgmt); } #endif trav = NULL; /* NOTE: Only the least significant 8 bits i.e (signum & 255) will be available to parent process on calling exit() */ exit(abs(signum)); } static void reincarnate(int signum) { int ret = 0; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; ctx = glusterfsd_ctx; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (cmd_args->volfile_server) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_INFO, 0, glusterfsd_msg_11, "Fetching the volume file from server..."); ret = glusterfs_volfile_fetch(ctx); } else { gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "Not reloading volume specification file" " on SIGHUP"); } /* Also, SIGHUP should do logrotate */ gf_log_logrotate(1); if (ret < 0) gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_12, "volume initialization failed."); return; } void emancipate(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, int ret) { /* break free from the parent */ if (ctx->daemon_pipe[1] != -1) { sys_write(ctx->daemon_pipe[1], (void *)&ret, sizeof(ret)); sys_close(ctx->daemon_pipe[1]); ctx->daemon_pipe[1] = -1; } } static uint8_t gf_get_process_mode(char *exec_name) { char *dup_execname = NULL, *base = NULL; uint8_t ret = 0; dup_execname = gf_strdup(exec_name); base = basename(dup_execname); if (!strncmp(base, "glusterfsd", 10)) { ret = GF_SERVER_PROCESS; } else if (!strncmp(base, "glusterd", 8)) { ret = GF_GLUSTERD_PROCESS; } else { ret = GF_CLIENT_PROCESS; } GF_FREE(dup_execname); return ret; } static int glusterfs_ctx_defaults_init(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; struct rlimit lim = { 0, }; int ret = -1; if (!ctx) return ret; ret = xlator_mem_acct_init(THIS, gfd_mt_end); if (ret != 0) { gf_msg(THIS->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_34, "memory accounting init failed."); return ret; } /* reset ret to -1 so that we don't need to explicitly * set it in all error paths before "goto err" */ ret = -1; /* monitoring should be enabled by default */ ctx->measure_latency = true; ctx->process_uuid = generate_glusterfs_ctx_id(); if (!ctx->process_uuid) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_13, "ERROR: glusterfs uuid generation failed"); goto out; } ctx->page_size = 128 * GF_UNIT_KB; ctx->iobuf_pool = iobuf_pool_new(); if (!ctx->iobuf_pool) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_14, "ERROR: glusterfs iobuf pool creation failed"); goto out; } ctx->event_pool = event_pool_new(DEFAULT_EVENT_POOL_SIZE, STARTING_EVENT_THREADS); if (!ctx->event_pool) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_14, "ERROR: glusterfs event pool creation failed"); goto out; } ctx->pool = GF_CALLOC(1, sizeof(call_pool_t), gfd_mt_call_pool_t); if (!ctx->pool) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_14, "ERROR: glusterfs call pool creation failed"); goto out; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->pool->all_frames); LOCK_INIT(&ctx->pool->lock); /* frame_mem_pool size 112 * 4k */ ctx->pool->frame_mem_pool = mem_pool_new(call_frame_t, 4096); if (!ctx->pool->frame_mem_pool) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_14, "ERROR: glusterfs frame pool creation failed"); goto out; } /* stack_mem_pool size 256 * 1024 */ ctx->pool->stack_mem_pool = mem_pool_new(call_stack_t, 1024); if (!ctx->pool->stack_mem_pool) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_14, "ERROR: glusterfs stack pool creation failed"); goto out; } ctx->stub_mem_pool = mem_pool_new(call_stub_t, 1024); if (!ctx->stub_mem_pool) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_14, "ERROR: glusterfs stub pool creation failed"); goto out; } ctx->dict_pool = mem_pool_new(dict_t, GF_MEMPOOL_COUNT_OF_DICT_T); if (!ctx->dict_pool) goto out; ctx->dict_pair_pool = mem_pool_new(data_pair_t, GF_MEMPOOL_COUNT_OF_DATA_PAIR_T); if (!ctx->dict_pair_pool) goto out; ctx->dict_data_pool = mem_pool_new(data_t, GF_MEMPOOL_COUNT_OF_DATA_T); if (!ctx->dict_data_pool) goto out; ctx->logbuf_pool = mem_pool_new(log_buf_t, GF_MEMPOOL_COUNT_OF_LRU_BUF_T); if (!ctx->logbuf_pool) goto out; pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->notify_lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ctx->notify_cond, NULL); ctx->clienttable = gf_clienttable_alloc(); if (!ctx->clienttable) goto out; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; /* parsing command line arguments */ cmd_args->log_level = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; cmd_args->logger = gf_logger_glusterlog; cmd_args->log_format = gf_logformat_withmsgid; cmd_args->log_buf_size = GF_LOG_LRU_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT; cmd_args->log_flush_timeout = GF_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; cmd_args->mac_compat = GF_OPTION_DISABLE; #ifdef GF_DARWIN_HOST_OS /* On Darwin machines, O_APPEND is not handled, * which may corrupt the data */ cmd_args->fuse_direct_io_mode = GF_OPTION_DISABLE; #else cmd_args->fuse_direct_io_mode = GF_OPTION_DEFERRED; #endif cmd_args->fuse_attribute_timeout = -1; cmd_args->fuse_entry_timeout = -1; cmd_args->fopen_keep_cache = GF_OPTION_DEFERRED; cmd_args->kernel_writeback_cache = GF_OPTION_DEFERRED; if (ctx->mem_acct_enable) cmd_args->mem_acct = 1; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd_args->xlator_options); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd_args->volfile_servers); lim.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; lim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &lim); ret = 0; out: if (ret) { if (ctx->pool) { mem_pool_destroy(ctx->pool->frame_mem_pool); mem_pool_destroy(ctx->pool->stack_mem_pool); } GF_FREE(ctx->pool); mem_pool_destroy(ctx->stub_mem_pool); mem_pool_destroy(ctx->dict_pool); mem_pool_destroy(ctx->dict_data_pool); mem_pool_destroy(ctx->dict_pair_pool); mem_pool_destroy(ctx->logbuf_pool); } return ret; } static int logging_init(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, const char *progpath) { cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int ret = 0; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (cmd_args->log_file == NULL) { ret = gf_set_log_file_path(cmd_args, ctx); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to set the log file " "path\n"); return -1; } } if (cmd_args->log_ident == NULL) { ret = gf_set_log_ident(cmd_args); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to set the log " "identity\n"); return -1; } } /* finish log set parameters before init */ gf_log_set_loglevel(ctx, cmd_args->log_level); gf_log_set_localtime(cmd_args->localtime_logging); gf_log_set_logger(cmd_args->logger); gf_log_set_logformat(cmd_args->log_format); gf_log_set_log_buf_size(cmd_args->log_buf_size); gf_log_set_log_flush_timeout(cmd_args->log_flush_timeout); if (gf_log_init(ctx, cmd_args->log_file, cmd_args->log_ident) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to open logfile %s\n", cmd_args->log_file); return -1; } /* At this point, all the logging related parameters are initialised * except for the log flush timer, which will be injected post fork(2) * in daemonize() . During this time, any log message that is logged * will be kept buffered. And if the list that holds these messages * overflows, then the same lru policy is used to drive out the least * recently used message and displace it with the message just logged. */ return 0; } void gf_check_and_set_mem_acct(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-mem-accounting") == 0) { gf_global_mem_acct_enable_set(0); break; } } } /** * print_exports_file - Print out & verify the syntax * of the exports file specified * in the parameter. * * @exports_file : Path of the exports file to print & verify * * @return : success: 0 when successfully parsed * failure: 1 when failed to parse one or more lines * -1 when other critical errors (dlopen () etc) * Critical errors are treated differently than parse errors. Critical * errors terminate the program immediately here and print out different * error messages. Hence there are different return values. */ int print_exports_file(const char *exports_file) { void *libhandle = NULL; char *libpathfull = NULL; struct exports_file *file = NULL; int ret = 0; int (*exp_file_parse)(const char *filepath, struct exports_file **expfile, struct mount3_state *ms) = NULL; void (*exp_file_print)(const struct exports_file *file) = NULL; void (*exp_file_deinit)(struct exports_file * ptr) = NULL; /* XLATORDIR passed through a -D flag to GCC */ ret = gf_asprintf(&libpathfull, "%s/%s/server.so", XLATORDIR, "nfs"); if (ret < 0) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "asprintf () failed."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Load up the library */ libhandle = dlopen(libpathfull, RTLD_NOW); if (!libhandle) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error loading NFS server library : " "%s\n", dlerror()); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Load up the function */ exp_file_parse = dlsym(libhandle, "exp_file_parse"); if (!exp_file_parse) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error finding function exp_file_parse " "in symbol."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Parse the file */ ret = exp_file_parse(exports_file, &file, NULL); if (ret < 0) { ret = 1; /* This means we failed to parse */ goto out; } /* Load up the function */ exp_file_print = dlsym(libhandle, "exp_file_print"); if (!exp_file_print) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error finding function exp_file_print in symbol."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Print it out to screen */ exp_file_print(file); /* Load up the function */ exp_file_deinit = dlsym(libhandle, "exp_file_deinit"); if (!exp_file_deinit) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error finding function exp_file_deinit in lib."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Free the file */ exp_file_deinit(file); out: if (libhandle) dlclose(libhandle); GF_FREE(libpathfull); return ret; } /** * print_netgroups_file - Print out & verify the syntax * of the netgroups file specified * in the parameter. * * @netgroups_file : Path of the netgroups file to print & verify * @return : success: 0 when successfully parsed * failure: 1 when failed to parse one more more lines * -1 when other critical errors (dlopen () etc) * * We have multiple returns here because for critical errors, we abort * operations immediately and exit. For example, if we can't load the * NFS server library, then we have a real bad problem so we don't continue. * Or if we cannot allocate anymore memory, we don't want to continue. Also, * we want to print out a different error messages based on the ret value. */ int print_netgroups_file(const char *netgroups_file) { void *libhandle = NULL; char *libpathfull = NULL; struct netgroups_file *file = NULL; int ret = 0; struct netgroups_file *(*ng_file_parse)(const char *file_path) = NULL; void (*ng_file_print)(const struct netgroups_file *file) = NULL; void (*ng_file_deinit)(struct netgroups_file * ptr) = NULL; /* XLATORDIR passed through a -D flag to GCC */ ret = gf_asprintf(&libpathfull, "%s/%s/server.so", XLATORDIR, "nfs"); if (ret < 0) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "asprintf () failed."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Load up the library */ libhandle = dlopen(libpathfull, RTLD_NOW); if (!libhandle) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error loading NFS server library : %s\n", dlerror()); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Load up the function */ ng_file_parse = dlsym(libhandle, "ng_file_parse"); if (!ng_file_parse) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error finding function ng_file_parse in symbol."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Parse the file */ file = ng_file_parse(netgroups_file); if (!file) { ret = 1; /* This means we failed to parse */ goto out; } /* Load up the function */ ng_file_print = dlsym(libhandle, "ng_file_print"); if (!ng_file_print) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error finding function ng_file_print in symbol."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Print it out to screen */ ng_file_print(file); /* Load up the function */ ng_file_deinit = dlsym(libhandle, "ng_file_deinit"); if (!ng_file_deinit) { gf_log("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Error finding function ng_file_deinit in lib."); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Free the file */ ng_file_deinit(file); out: if (libhandle) dlclose(libhandle); GF_FREE(libpathfull); return ret; } int parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[], glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int process_mode = 0; int ret = 0; struct stat stbuf = { 0, }; char timestr[32]; char tmp_logfile[1024] = {0}; char *tmp_logfile_dyn = NULL; char *tmp_logfilebase = NULL; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int len = 0; char *thin_volfileid = NULL; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; /* Do this before argp_parse so it can be overridden. */ if (sys_access(SECURE_ACCESS_FILE, F_OK) == 0) { cmd_args->secure_mgmt = 1; ctx->ssl_cert_depth = glusterfs_read_secure_access_file(); } /* Need to set lru_limit to below 0 to indicate there was nothing specified. This is needed as 0 is a valid option, and may not be default value. */ cmd_args->lru_limit = -1; argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, ARGP_IN_ORDER, NULL, cmd_args); if (cmd_args->print_xlatordir || cmd_args->print_statedumpdir || cmd_args->print_logdir || cmd_args->print_libexecdir) { /* Just print, nothing else to do */ goto out; } if (cmd_args->print_netgroups) { /* When this option is set we don't want to do anything else * except for printing & verifying the netgroups file. */ ret = 0; goto out; } if (cmd_args->print_exports) { /* When this option is set we don't want to do anything else * except for printing & verifying the exports file. */ ret = 0; goto out; } ctx->secure_mgmt = cmd_args->secure_mgmt; if (ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE == cmd_args->debug_mode) { cmd_args->log_level = GF_LOG_DEBUG; cmd_args->log_file = gf_strdup("/dev/stderr"); cmd_args->no_daemon_mode = ENABLE_NO_DAEMON_MODE; } process_mode = gf_get_process_mode(argv[0]); ctx->process_mode = process_mode; if (cmd_args->process_name) { ctx->cmd_args.process_name = cmd_args->process_name; } /* Make sure after the parsing cli, if '--volfile-server' option is given, then '--volfile-id' is mandatory */ if (cmd_args->volfile_server && !cmd_args->volfile_id) { gf_msg("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_15, "ERROR: '--volfile-id' is mandatory if '-s' OR " "'--volfile-server' option is given"); ret = -1; goto out; } if ((cmd_args->volfile_server == NULL) && (cmd_args->volfile == NULL)) { if (process_mode == GF_SERVER_PROCESS) cmd_args->volfile = gf_strdup(DEFAULT_SERVER_VOLFILE); else if (process_mode == GF_GLUSTERD_PROCESS) cmd_args->volfile = gf_strdup(DEFAULT_GLUSTERD_VOLFILE); else cmd_args->volfile = gf_strdup(DEFAULT_CLIENT_VOLFILE); /* Check if the volfile exists, if not give usage output and exit */ ret = sys_stat(cmd_args->volfile, &stbuf); if (ret) { gf_msg("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, glusterfsd_msg_16, "ERROR: parsing the volfile failed"); /* argp_usage (argp.) */ fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s [options] [mountpoint]\n", argv[0]); goto out; } } if (cmd_args->thin_client) { len = strlen(cmd_args->volfile_id) + SLEN("gfproxy-client/"); thin_volfileid = GF_MALLOC(len + 1, gf_common_mt_char); snprintf(thin_volfileid, len + 1, "gfproxy-client/%s", cmd_args->volfile_id); GF_FREE(cmd_args->volfile_id); cmd_args->volfile_id = thin_volfileid; } if (cmd_args->run_id) { ret = sys_lstat(cmd_args->log_file, &stbuf); /* If its /dev/null, or /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr, * let it use the same, no need to alter */ if (((ret == 0) && (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode))) || (ret == -1)) { /* Have separate logfile per run */ gf_time_fmt(timestr, sizeof timestr, time(NULL), gf_timefmt_FT); sprintf(tmp_logfile, "%s.%s.%d", cmd_args->log_file, timestr, getpid()); /* Create symlink to actual log file */ sys_unlink(cmd_args->log_file); tmp_logfile_dyn = gf_strdup(tmp_logfile); tmp_logfilebase = basename(tmp_logfile_dyn); ret = sys_symlink(tmp_logfilebase, cmd_args->log_file); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: symlink of logfile failed\n"); goto out; } GF_FREE(cmd_args->log_file); cmd_args->log_file = gf_strdup(tmp_logfile); GF_FREE(tmp_logfile_dyn); } } /* This option was made obsolete but parsing it for backward compatibility with third party applications */ if (cmd_args->max_connect_attempts) { gf_msg("glusterfs", GF_LOG_WARNING, 0, glusterfsd_msg_33, "obsolete option '--volfile-max-fecth-attempts or " "fetch-attempts' was provided"); } #ifdef GF_DARWIN_HOST_OS if (cmd_args->mount_point) cmd_args->mac_compat = GF_OPTION_DEFERRED; #endif ret = 0; out: return ret; } int glusterfs_pidfile_setup(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int ret = -1; FILE *pidfp = NULL; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (!cmd_args->pid_file) return 0; pidfp = fopen(cmd_args->pid_file, "a+"); if (!pidfp) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_17, "pidfile %s open failed", cmd_args->pid_file); goto out; } ctx->pidfp = pidfp; ret = 0; out: return ret; } int glusterfs_pidfile_cleanup(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (!ctx->pidfp) return 0; gf_msg_trace("glusterfsd", 0, "pidfile %s cleanup", cmd_args->pid_file); if (ctx->cmd_args.pid_file) { ctx->cmd_args.pid_file = NULL; } lockf(fileno(ctx->pidfp), F_ULOCK, 0); fclose(ctx->pidfp); ctx->pidfp = NULL; return 0; } int glusterfs_pidfile_update(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, pid_t pid) { cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int ret = 0; FILE *pidfp = NULL; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; pidfp = ctx->pidfp; if (!pidfp) return 0; ret = lockf(fileno(pidfp), F_TLOCK, 0); if (ret) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_18, "pidfile %s lock failed", cmd_args->pid_file); return ret; } ret = sys_ftruncate(fileno(pidfp), 0); if (ret) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_20, "pidfile %s truncation failed", cmd_args->pid_file); return ret; } ret = fprintf(pidfp, "%d\n", pid); if (ret <= 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_21, "pidfile %s write failed", cmd_args->pid_file); return ret; } ret = fflush(pidfp); if (ret) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_21, "pidfile %s write failed", cmd_args->pid_file); return ret; } gf_msg_debug("glusterfsd", 0, "pidfile %s updated with pid %d", cmd_args->pid_file, pid); return 0; } void * glusterfs_sigwaiter(void *arg) { sigset_t set; int ret = 0; int sig = 0; char *file = NULL; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); /* cleanup_and_exit */ sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); /* cleanup_and_exit */ sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); /* reincarnate */ sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR1); /* gf_proc_dump_info */ sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR2); for (;;) { ret = sigwait(&set, &sig); if (ret) continue; switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: cleanup_and_exit(sig); break; case SIGHUP: reincarnate(sig); break; case SIGUSR1: gf_proc_dump_info(sig, glusterfsd_ctx); break; case SIGUSR2: file = gf_monitor_metrics(glusterfsd_ctx); /* Nothing needed to be done here */ GF_FREE(file); break; default: break; } } return NULL; } void glusterfsd_print_trace(int signum) { gf_print_trace(signum, glusterfsd_ctx); } int glusterfs_signals_setup(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { sigset_t set; int ret = 0; sigemptyset(&set); /* common setting for all threads */ signal(SIGSEGV, glusterfsd_print_trace); signal(SIGABRT, glusterfsd_print_trace); signal(SIGILL, glusterfsd_print_trace); signal(SIGTRAP, glusterfsd_print_trace); signal(SIGFPE, glusterfsd_print_trace); signal(SIGBUS, glusterfsd_print_trace); signal(SIGINT, cleanup_and_exit); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* block these signals from non-sigwaiter threads */ sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); /* cleanup_and_exit */ sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); /* reincarnate */ sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR1); /* gf_proc_dump_info */ sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR2); ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); if (ret) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_WARNING, errno, glusterfsd_msg_22, "failed to execute pthread_sigmask"); return ret; } ret = gf_thread_create(&ctx->sigwaiter, NULL, glusterfs_sigwaiter, (void *)&set, "sigwait"); if (ret) { /* TODO: fallback to signals getting handled by other threads. setup the signal handlers */ gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_WARNING, errno, glusterfsd_msg_23, "failed to create pthread"); return ret; } return ret; } int daemonize(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret = -1; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int cstatus = 0; int err = 1; int child_pid = 0; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; ret = glusterfs_pidfile_setup(ctx); if (ret) goto out; if (cmd_args->no_daemon_mode) { goto postfork; } if (cmd_args->debug_mode) goto postfork; ret = pipe(ctx->daemon_pipe); if (ret) { /* If pipe() fails, retain daemon_pipe[] = {-1, -1} and parent will just not wait for child status */ ctx->daemon_pipe[0] = -1; ctx->daemon_pipe[1] = -1; } ret = os_daemon_return(0, 0); switch (ret) { case -1: if (ctx->daemon_pipe[0] != -1) { sys_close(ctx->daemon_pipe[0]); sys_close(ctx->daemon_pipe[1]); } gf_msg("daemonize", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, glusterfsd_msg_24, "daemonization failed"); goto out; case 0: /* child */ /* close read */ sys_close(ctx->daemon_pipe[0]); break; default: /* parent */ /* close write */ child_pid = ret; sys_close(ctx->daemon_pipe[1]); if (ctx->mnt_pid > 0) { ret = waitpid(ctx->mnt_pid, &cstatus, 0); if (!(ret == ctx->mnt_pid)) { if (WIFEXITED(cstatus)) { err = WEXITSTATUS(cstatus); } else { err = cstatus; } gf_msg("daemonize", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_25, "mount failed"); exit(err); } } sys_read(ctx->daemon_pipe[0], (void *)&err, sizeof(err)); /* NOTE: Only the least significant 8 bits i.e (err & 255) will be available to parent process on calling exit() */ if (err) _exit(abs(err)); /* Update pid in parent only for glusterd process */ if (ctx->process_mode == GF_GLUSTERD_PROCESS) { ret = glusterfs_pidfile_update(ctx, child_pid); if (ret) exit(1); } _exit(0); } postfork: /* Update pid in child either process_mode is not belong to glusterd or process is spawned in no daemon mode */ if ((ctx->process_mode != GF_GLUSTERD_PROCESS) || (cmd_args->no_daemon_mode)) { ret = glusterfs_pidfile_update(ctx, getpid()); if (ret) goto out; } ret = gf_log_inject_timer_event(ctx); glusterfs_signals_setup(ctx); out: return ret; } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS static int set_oom_score_adj(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret = -1; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int fd = -1; size_t oom_score_len = 0; struct oom_api_info *api = NULL; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (!cmd_args->oom_score_adj) goto success; api = get_oom_api_info(); if (!api) goto out; fd = open(api->oom_api_file, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) goto out; oom_score_len = strlen(cmd_args->oom_score_adj); if (sys_write(fd, cmd_args->oom_score_adj, oom_score_len) != oom_score_len) { sys_close(fd); goto out; } if (sys_close(fd) < 0) goto out; success: ret = 0; out: return ret; } #endif int glusterfs_process_volfp(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, FILE *fp) { glusterfs_graph_t *graph = NULL; int ret = -1; xlator_t *trav = NULL; graph = glusterfs_graph_construct(fp); if (!graph) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_26, "failed to construct the graph"); goto out; } for (trav = graph->first; trav; trav = trav->next) { if (strcmp(trav->type, "mount/fuse") == 0) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_27, "fuse xlator cannot be specified in volume " "file"); goto out; } } xlator_t *xl = graph->first; if (strcmp(xl->type, "protocol/server") == 0) { (void)copy_opts_to_child(xl, FIRST_CHILD(xl), "*auth*"); } ret = glusterfs_graph_prepare(graph, ctx, ctx->cmd_args.volume_name); if (ret) { goto out; } ret = glusterfs_graph_activate(graph, ctx); if (ret) { goto out; } gf_log_dump_graph(fp, graph); ret = 0; out: if (fp) fclose(fp); if (ret && !ctx->active) { glusterfs_graph_destroy(graph); /* there is some error in setting up the first graph itself */ emancipate(ctx, ret); cleanup_and_exit(ret); } return ret; } int glusterfs_volumes_init(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { FILE *fp = NULL; cmd_args_t *cmd_args = NULL; int ret = 0; cmd_args = &ctx->cmd_args; if (cmd_args->sock_file) { ret = glusterfs_listener_init(ctx); if (ret) goto out; } if (cmd_args->volfile_server) { ret = glusterfs_mgmt_init(ctx); /* return, do not emancipate() yet */ return ret; } fp = get_volfp(ctx); if (!fp) { gf_msg("glusterfsd", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_28, "Cannot reach volume specification file"); ret = -1; goto out; } ret = glusterfs_process_volfp(ctx, fp); if (ret) goto out; out: emancipate(ctx, ret); return ret; } /* This is the only legal global pointer */ glusterfs_ctx_t *glusterfsd_ctx; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; int ret = -1; char cmdlinestr[PATH_MAX] = { 0, }; cmd_args_t *cmd = NULL; mem_pools_init_early(); gf_check_and_set_mem_acct(argc, argv); ctx = glusterfs_ctx_new(); if (!ctx) { gf_msg("glusterfs", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, glusterfsd_msg_29, "ERROR: glusterfs context not initialized"); return ENOMEM; } glusterfsd_ctx = ctx; ret = glusterfs_globals_init(ctx); if (ret) return ret; THIS->ctx = ctx; ret = glusterfs_ctx_defaults_init(ctx); if (ret) goto out; ret = parse_cmdline(argc, argv, ctx); if (ret) goto out; cmd = &ctx->cmd_args; if (cmd->print_xlatordir) { /* XLATORDIR passed through a -D flag to GCC */ printf("%s\n", XLATORDIR); goto out; } if (cmd->print_statedumpdir) { printf("%s\n", DEFAULT_VAR_RUN_DIRECTORY); goto out; } if (cmd->print_logdir) { printf("%s\n", DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY); goto out; } if (cmd->print_libexecdir) { printf("%s\n", LIBEXECDIR); goto out; } if (cmd->print_netgroups) { /* If this option is set we want to print & verify the file, * set the return value (exit code in this case) and exit. */ ret = print_netgroups_file(cmd->print_netgroups); goto out; } if (cmd->print_exports) { /* If this option is set we want to print & verify the file, * set the return value (exit code in this case) * and exit. */ ret = print_exports_file(cmd->print_exports); goto out; } ret = logging_init(ctx, argv[0]); if (ret) goto out; /* log the version of glusterfs running here along with the actual command line options. */ { int i = 0; int pos = 0; int len = snprintf(cmdlinestr, sizeof(cmdlinestr), "%s", argv[0]); for (i = 1; (i < argc) && (len > 0); i++) { pos += len; len = snprintf(cmdlinestr + pos, sizeof(cmdlinestr) - pos, " %s", argv[i]); if ((len <= 0) || (len >= (sizeof(cmdlinestr) - pos))) { gf_msg("glusterfs", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_29, "failed to create command line string"); ret = -1; goto out; } } gf_msg(argv[0], GF_LOG_INFO, 0, glusterfsd_msg_30, "Started running %s version %s (args: %s)", argv[0], PACKAGE_VERSION, cmdlinestr); ctx->cmdlinestr = gf_strdup(cmdlinestr); } gf_proc_dump_init(); ret = create_fuse_mount(ctx); if (ret) goto out; ret = daemonize(ctx); if (ret) goto out; /* * If we do this before daemonize, the pool-sweeper thread dies with * the parent, but we want to do it as soon as possible after that in * case something else depends on pool allocations. */ mem_pools_init_late(); #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS ret = set_oom_score_adj(ctx); if (ret) goto out; #endif ctx->env = syncenv_new(0, 0, 0); if (!ctx->env) { gf_msg("", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, glusterfsd_msg_31, "Could not create new sync-environment"); goto out; } /* do this _after_ daemonize() */ if (cmd->global_timer_wheel) { if (!glusterfs_ctx_tw_get(ctx)) { ret = -1; goto out; } } ret = glusterfs_volumes_init(ctx); if (ret) goto out; ret = event_dispatch(ctx->event_pool); out: // glusterfs_ctx_destroy (ctx); return ret; }