/* Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_BACKTRACE #include #else #include "execinfo_compat.h" #endif #include #include "syscall.h" #define GF_JSON_MSG_LENGTH 8192 #define GF_SYSLOG_CEE_FORMAT \ "@cee: {\"msg\": \"%s\", \"gf_code\": \"%u\", \"gf_message\": \"%s\"}" #define GF_LOG_CONTROL_FILE "/etc/glusterfs/logger.conf" #define GF_LOG_BACKTRACE_DEPTH 5 #define GF_LOG_BACKTRACE_SIZE 4096 #define GF_LOG_TIMESTR_SIZE 256 #define GF_MAX_SLOG_PAIR_COUNT 100 #include "xlator.h" #include "logging.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "glusterfs.h" #include "timer.h" #include "libglusterfs-messages.h" /* Do not replace gf_log in TEST_LOG with gf_msg, as there is a slight chance * that it could lead to an infinite recursion.*/ #define TEST_LOG(__msg, __args ...) \ gf_log ("logging-infra", GF_LOG_DEBUG, __msg, ##__args); void gf_log_flush_timeout_cbk (void *data); int gf_log_inject_timer_event (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx); static void gf_log_flush_extra_msgs (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t new); static char *gf_level_strings[] = {"", /* NONE */ "M", /* EMERGENCY */ "A", /* ALERT */ "C", /* CRITICAL */ "E", /* ERROR */ "W", /* WARNING */ "N", /* NOTICE */ "I", /* INFO */ "D", /* DEBUG */ "T", /* TRACE */ "" }; /* Ideally this should get moved to logging.h */ struct _msg_queue { struct list_head msgs; }; struct _log_msg { const char *msg; struct list_head queue; }; void gf_log_logrotate (int signum) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) { ctx->log.logrotate = 1; ctx->log.cmd_history_logrotate = 1; } } void gf_log_enable_syslog (void) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) ctx->log.gf_log_syslog = 1; } void gf_log_disable_syslog (void) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) ctx->log.gf_log_syslog = 0; } gf_loglevel_t gf_log_get_loglevel (void) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) return ctx->log.loglevel; else /* return global defaults (see gf_log_globals_init) */ return GF_LOG_INFO; } void gf_log_set_loglevel (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, gf_loglevel_t level) { if (ctx) ctx->log.loglevel = level; } int gf_log_get_localtime (void) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) return ctx->log.localtime; else /* return global defaults (see gf_log_globals_init) */ return 0; } void gf_log_set_localtime (int on_off) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) ctx->log.localtime = on_off; } void gf_log_flush (void) { xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (ctx && ctx->log.logger == gf_logger_glusterlog) { pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); fflush (ctx->log.gf_log_logfile); pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); } return; } void gf_log_set_xl_loglevel (void *this, gf_loglevel_t level) { xlator_t *xl = this; if (!xl) return; xl->loglevel = level; } /* TODO: The following get/set functions are yet not invoked from anywhere * in the code. The _intention_ is to pass CLI arguments to various daemons * that are started, which would then invoke these set APIs as required. * * glusterd would read the defaults from its .vol file configuration shipped * as a part of the packages distributed. * * For any gluster* daemon that is started the shipped configuration becomes the * default, if a volume has to change its logging format or logger, then a * gluster CLI is invoked to set this property for the volume in question. * * The property is maintained by glusterd, and passed to the daemon as a CLI * option, IOW persistence of the option is maintained by glusterd persistent * storage (i.e .vol file) only * * care needs to be taken to configure and start daemons based on the versions * that supports these features */ gf_log_format_t gf_log_get_logformat (void) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) return ctx->log.logformat; else /* return global defaluts (see gf_log_globals_init) */ return gf_logformat_withmsgid; } void gf_log_set_logformat (gf_log_format_t format) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) ctx->log.logformat = format; } gf_log_logger_t gf_log_get_logger (void) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) return ctx->log.logger; else /* return global defaluts (see gf_log_globals_init) */ return gf_logger_glusterlog; } void gf_log_set_logger (gf_log_logger_t logger) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) ctx->log.logger = logger; } gf_loglevel_t gf_log_get_xl_loglevel (void *this) { xlator_t *xl = this; if (!xl) return 0; return xl->loglevel; } void gf_log_set_log_buf_size (uint32_t buf_size) { uint32_t old = 0; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = THIS->ctx; pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); { old = ctx->log.lru_size; ctx->log.lru_size = buf_size; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); /* If the old size is less than/equal to the new size, then do nothing. * * But if the new size is less than the old size, then * a. If the cur size of the buf is less than or equal the new size, * then do nothing. * b. But if the current size of the buf is greater than the new size, * then flush the least recently used (cur size - new_size) msgs * to disk. */ if (buf_size < old) gf_log_flush_extra_msgs (ctx, buf_size); } void gf_log_set_log_flush_timeout (uint32_t timeout) { THIS->ctx->log.timeout = timeout; } log_buf_t * log_buf_new () { log_buf_t *buf = NULL; buf = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->logbuf_pool); return buf; } /* If log_buf_init() fails (indicated by a return value of -1), * call log_buf_destroy() to clean up memory allocated in heap and to return * the log_buf_t object back to its memory pool. */ int log_buf_init (log_buf_t *buf, const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, int graph_id) { int ret = -1; if (!buf || !domain || !file || !function || !appmsgstr || !*appmsgstr) goto out; buf->msg = gf_strdup (*appmsgstr); if (!buf->msg) goto out; buf->msg_id = msgid; buf->errnum = errnum; buf->domain = gf_strdup (domain); if (!buf->domain) goto out; buf->file = gf_strdup (file); if (!buf->file) goto out; buf->function = gf_strdup (function); if (!buf->function) goto out; buf->line = line; buf->level = level; buf->refcount = 0; buf->graph_id = graph_id; INIT_LIST_HEAD (&buf->msg_list); ret = 0; out: return ret; } int log_buf_destroy (log_buf_t *buf) { if (!buf) return -1; GF_FREE (buf->msg); GF_FREE (buf->domain); GF_FREE (buf->file); GF_FREE (buf->function); mem_put (buf); return 0; } static void gf_log_rotate(glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int fd = -1; FILE *new_logfile = NULL; FILE *old_logfile = NULL; /* not involving locks on initial check to speed it up */ if (ctx->log.logrotate) { /* let only one winner through on races */ pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); if (!ctx->log.logrotate) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); return; } else { ctx->log.logrotate = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); } fd = open (ctx->log.filename, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { gf_msg ("logrotate", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open " "logfile"); return; } sys_close (fd); new_logfile = fopen (ctx->log.filename, "a"); if (!new_logfile) { gf_msg ("logrotate", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open logfile" " %s", ctx->log.filename); return; } pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) old_logfile = ctx->log.logfile; ctx->log.gf_log_logfile = ctx->log.logfile = new_logfile; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); if (old_logfile != NULL) fclose (old_logfile); } return; } void gf_log_globals_fini (void) { /* TODO: Nobody is invoking the fini, but cleanup needs to happen here, * needs cleanup for, log.ident, log.filename, closelog, log file close * rotate state, possibly under a lock */ pthread_mutex_destroy (&THIS->ctx->log.logfile_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy (&THIS->ctx->log.log_buf_lock); } void gf_log_disable_suppression_before_exit (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { /* * First set log buf size to 0. This would ensure two things: * i. that all outstanding log messages are flushed to disk, and * ii. all subsequent calls to gf_msg will result in the logs getting * directly flushed to disk without being buffered. * * Then, cancel the current log timer event. */ gf_log_set_log_buf_size (0); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); { if (ctx->log.log_flush_timer) { gf_timer_call_cancel (ctx, ctx->log.log_flush_timer); ctx->log.log_flush_timer = NULL; } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); } /** gf_log_fini - function to perform the cleanup of the log information * @data - glusterfs context * @return: success: 0 * failure: -1 */ int gf_log_fini (void *data) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = data; int ret = 0; FILE *old_logfile = NULL; if (ctx == NULL) { ret = -1; goto out; } gf_log_disable_suppression_before_exit (ctx); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { old_logfile = ctx->log.logfile; /* Logfile needs to be set to NULL, so that any call to gf_log after calling gf_log_fini, will log the message to stderr. */ ctx->log.loglevel = GF_LOG_NONE; ctx->log.logfile = NULL; } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); if (old_logfile && (fclose (old_logfile) != 0)) ret = -1; out: return ret; } /** * gf_openlog -function to open syslog specific to gluster based on * existence of file /etc/glusterfs/logger.conf * @ident: optional identification string similar to openlog() * @option: optional value to option to openlog(). Passing -1 uses * 'LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY' as default * @facility: optional facility code similar to openlog(). Passing -1 * uses LOG_DAEMON as default * * @return: void */ void gf_openlog (const char *ident, int option, int facility) { int _option = option; int _facility = facility; if (-1 == _option) { _option = LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY; } if (-1 == _facility) { _facility = LOG_LOCAL1; } /* TODO: Should check for errors here and return appropriately */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); /* C-locale for strtod, ... */ /* close the previous syslog if open as we are changing settings */ closelog (); openlog(ident, _option, _facility); } /** * _json_escape -function to convert string to json encoded string * @str: input string * @buf: buffer to store encoded string * @len: length of @buf * * @return: success: last unprocessed character position by pointer in @str * failure: NULL * * Internal function. Heavily inspired by _ul_str_escape() function in * libumberlog * * Sample output: * [1] str = "devel error" * buf = "devel error" * [2] str = "devel error" * buf = "devel\terror" * [3] str = "I/O error on "/tmp/foo" file" * buf = "I/O error on \"/tmp/foo\" file" * [4] str = "I/O erroron /tmp/bar file" * buf = "I/O error\u001bon /tmp/bar file" * */ char * _json_escape(const char *str, char *buf, size_t len) { static const unsigned char json_exceptions[UCHAR_MAX + 1] = { [0x01] = 1, [0x02] = 1, [0x03] = 1, [0x04] = 1, [0x05] = 1, [0x06] = 1, [0x07] = 1, [0x08] = 1, [0x09] = 1, [0x0a] = 1, [0x0b] = 1, [0x0c] = 1, [0x0d] = 1, [0x0e] = 1, [0x0f] = 1, [0x10] = 1, [0x11] = 1, [0x12] = 1, [0x13] = 1, [0x14] = 1, [0x15] = 1, [0x16] = 1, [0x17] = 1, [0x18] = 1, [0x19] = 1, [0x1a] = 1, [0x1b] = 1, [0x1c] = 1, [0x1d] = 1, [0x1e] = 1, [0x1f] = 1, ['\\'] = 1, ['"'] = 1 }; static const char json_hex_chars[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; unsigned char *p = NULL; size_t pos = 0; if (!str || !buf || len <= 0) { return NULL; } for (p = (unsigned char *)str; *p && (pos + 1) < len; p++) { if (json_exceptions[*p] == 0) { buf[pos++] = *p; continue; } if ((pos + 2) >= len) { break; } switch (*p) { case '\b': buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = 'b'; break; case '\n': buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = 'n'; break; case '\r': buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = 'r'; break; case '\t': buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = 't'; break; case '\\': buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = '\\'; break; case '"': buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = '"'; break; default: if ((pos + 6) >= len) { buf[pos] = '\0'; return (char *)p; } buf[pos++] = '\\'; buf[pos++] = 'u'; buf[pos++] = '0'; buf[pos++] = '0'; buf[pos++] = json_hex_chars[(*p) >> 4]; buf[pos++] = json_hex_chars[(*p) & 0xf]; break; } } buf[pos] = '\0'; return (char *)p; } /** * gf_syslog -function to submit message to syslog specific to gluster * @facility_priority: facility_priority of syslog() * @format: optional format string to syslog() * * @return: void */ void gf_syslog (int facility_priority, char *format, ...) { char *msg = NULL; char json_msg[GF_JSON_MSG_LENGTH]; GF_UNUSED char *p = NULL; va_list ap; GF_ASSERT (format); va_start (ap, format); if (vasprintf (&msg, format, ap) != -1) { p = _json_escape (msg, json_msg, GF_JSON_MSG_LENGTH); syslog (facility_priority, "%s", msg); free (msg); } else syslog (GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "vasprintf() failed, out of memory?"); va_end (ap); } void gf_log_globals_init (void *data, gf_loglevel_t level) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = data; pthread_mutex_init (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex, NULL); ctx->log.loglevel = level; ctx->log.gf_log_syslog = 1; ctx->log.sys_log_level = GF_LOG_CRITICAL; ctx->log.logger = gf_logger_glusterlog; ctx->log.logformat = gf_logformat_withmsgid; ctx->log.lru_size = GF_LOG_LRU_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT; ctx->log.timeout = GF_LOG_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; ctx->log.localtime = GF_LOG_LOCALTIME_DEFAULT; pthread_mutex_init (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock, NULL); INIT_LIST_HEAD (&ctx->log.lru_queue); #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* For the 'syslog' output. one can grep 'GlusterFS' in syslog for serious logs */ openlog ("GlusterFS", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); #endif } int gf_log_init (void *data, const char *file, const char *ident) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; int fd = -1; struct stat buf; ctx = data; if (ctx == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: ctx is NULL\n"); return -1; } if (ident) { ctx->log.ident = gf_strdup (ident); } /* we keep the files and the syslog open, so that on logger change, we * are ready to log anywhere, that the new value specifies */ if (ctx->log.ident) { gf_openlog (ctx->log.ident, -1, LOG_DAEMON); } else { gf_openlog (NULL, -1, LOG_DAEMON); } /* TODO: make FACILITY configurable than LOG_DAEMON */ if (sys_stat (GF_LOG_CONTROL_FILE, &buf) == 0) { /* use syslog logging */ ctx->log.log_control_file_found = 1; } else { /* use old style logging */ ctx->log.log_control_file_found = 0; } if (!file) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: no filename specified\n"); return -1; } if (strcmp (file, "-") == 0) { int dupfd = -1; ctx->log.filename = gf_strdup ("/dev/stderr"); if (!ctx->log.filename) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: strdup failed\n"); return -1; } dupfd = dup (fileno (stderr)); if (dupfd == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not dup %d (%s)\n", fileno (stderr), strerror (errno)); return -1; } ctx->log.logfile = fdopen (dupfd, "a"); if (!ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not fdopen on %d (%s)\n", dupfd, strerror (errno)); return -1; } goto out; } ctx->log.filename = gf_strdup (file); if (!ctx->log.filename) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: updating log-filename failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return -1; } fd = open (file, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: failed to create logfile" " \"%s\" (%s)\n", file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } sys_close (fd); ctx->log.logfile = fopen (file, "a"); if (!ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: failed to open logfile \"%s\" (%s)\n", file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } out: ctx->log.gf_log_logfile = ctx->log.logfile; return 0; } void set_sys_log_level (gf_loglevel_t level) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (ctx) ctx->log.sys_log_level = level; } /* Check if we should be logging * Return value: _gf_false : Print the log * _gf_true : Do not Print the log */ static gf_boolean_t skip_logging (xlator_t *this, gf_loglevel_t level) { gf_boolean_t ret = _gf_false; gf_loglevel_t existing_level = GF_LOG_NONE; if (level == GF_LOG_NONE) { ret = _gf_true; goto out; } existing_level = this->loglevel ? this->loglevel : this->ctx->log.loglevel; if (level > existing_level) { ret = _gf_true; goto out; } out: return ret; } int _gf_log_callingfn (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int line, gf_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *basename = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; char *str1 = NULL; char *str2 = NULL; char *msg = NULL; char timestr[256] = {0,}; char *callstr = NULL; struct timeval tv = {0,}; size_t len = 0; int ret = 0; va_list ap; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; static char *level_strings[] = {"", /* NONE */ "M", /* EMERGENCY */ "A", /* ALERT */ "C", /* CRITICAL */ "E", /* ERROR */ "W", /* WARNING */ "N", /* NOTICE */ "I", /* INFO */ "D", /* DEBUG */ "T", /* TRACE */ ""}; if (!domain || !file || !function || !fmt) { fprintf (stderr, "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } basename = strrchr (file, '/'); if (basename) basename++; else basename = file; /*Saving the backtrace to pre-allocated ctx->btbuf * to avoid allocating memory from the heap*/ callstr = gf_backtrace_save (NULL); if (ctx->log.log_control_file_found) { int priority; /* treat GF_LOG_TRACE and GF_LOG_NONE as LOG_DEBUG and other level as is */ if (GF_LOG_TRACE == level || GF_LOG_NONE == level) { priority = LOG_DEBUG; } else { priority = level - 1; } va_start (ap, fmt); vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); gf_syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: %s", basename, line, function, callstr, ((this->graph) ? this->graph->id:0), domain, str2); goto out; } ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (-1 == ret) goto out; va_start (ap, fmt); gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec); ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: ", timestr, level_strings[level], basename, line, function, callstr, ((this->graph) ? this->graph->id:0), domain); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } va_end (ap); len = strlen (str1); msg = GF_MALLOC (len + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char); if (!msg) { ret = -1; goto out; } strcpy (msg, str1); strcpy (msg + len, str2); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s\n", msg); fflush (ctx->log.logfile); } else if (ctx->log.loglevel >= level) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush (stderr); } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* We want only serious log in 'syslog', not our debug and trace logs */ if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level && (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level)) syslog ((level-1), "%s\n", msg); #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); out: GF_FREE (msg); GF_FREE (str1); FREE (str2); va_end (ap); return ret; } int _gf_msg_plain_internal (gf_loglevel_t level, const char *msg) { xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; int priority; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; /* log to the configured logging service */ switch (ctx->log.logger) { case gf_logger_syslog: if (ctx->log.log_control_file_found && ctx->log.gf_log_syslog) { SET_LOG_PRIO (level, priority); syslog (priority, "%s", msg); break; } /* NOTE: If syslog control file is absent, which is another * way to control logging to syslog, then we will fall through * to the gluster log. The ideal way to do things would be to * not have the extra control file check */ case gf_logger_glusterlog: pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s\n", msg); fflush (ctx->log.logfile); } else { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush (stderr); } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* We want only serious logs in 'syslog', not our debug * and trace logs */ if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level && (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level)) syslog ((level-1), "%s\n", msg); #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); break; } return 0; } int _gf_msg_plain (gf_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, ...) { xlator_t *this = NULL; int ret = 0; va_list ap; char *msg = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; va_start (ap, fmt); ret = vasprintf (&msg, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } ret = _gf_msg_plain_internal (level, msg); FREE (msg); out: return ret; } int _gf_msg_vplain (gf_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { xlator_t *this = NULL; int ret = 0; char *msg = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; ret = vasprintf (&msg, fmt, ap); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } ret = _gf_msg_plain_internal (level, msg); FREE (msg); out: return ret; } int _gf_msg_plain_nomem (gf_loglevel_t level, const char *msg) { xlator_t *this = NULL; int ret = 0; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; ret = _gf_msg_plain_internal (level, msg); out: return ret; } void _gf_msg_backtrace_nomem (gf_loglevel_t level, int stacksize) { xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; void *array[200]; size_t bt_size = 0; int fd = -1; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; /* syslog does not have fd support, hence no no-mem variant */ if (ctx->log.logger != gf_logger_glusterlog) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; bt_size = backtrace (array, ((stacksize <= 200)? stacksize : 200)); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { fd = ctx->log.logfile? fileno (ctx->log.logfile) : fileno (stderr); if (bt_size && (fd != -1)) { /* print to the file fd, to prevent any allocations from backtrace_symbols */ backtrace_symbols_fd (&array[0], bt_size, fd); } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); out: return; } int _gf_msg_backtrace (int stacksize, char *callstr, size_t strsize) { int ret = -1; int i = 0; int size = 0; int savstrsize = strsize; void *array[200]; char **callingfn = NULL; /* We chop off last 2 anyway, so if request is less than tolerance * nothing to do */ if (stacksize < 3) goto out; size = backtrace (array, ((stacksize <= 200)? stacksize : 200)); if ((size - 3) < 0) goto out; if (size) callingfn = backtrace_symbols (&array[2], size - 2); if (!callingfn) goto out; ret = snprintf (callstr, strsize, "("); PRINT_SIZE_CHECK (ret, out, strsize); for ((i = size - 3); i >= 0; i--) { ret = snprintf (callstr + savstrsize - strsize, strsize, "-->%s ", callingfn[i]); PRINT_SIZE_CHECK (ret, out, strsize); } ret = snprintf (callstr + savstrsize - strsize, strsize, ")"); PRINT_SIZE_CHECK (ret, out, strsize); out: FREE (callingfn); return ret; } int _gf_msg_nomem (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int line, gf_loglevel_t level, size_t size) { const char *basename = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; struct timeval tv = {0,}; int ret = 0; int fd = -1; char msg[2048] = {0,}; char timestr[GF_LOG_TIMESTR_SIZE] = {0,}; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; int wlen = 0; int priority; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; if (!domain || !file || !function) { fprintf (stderr, "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } GET_FILE_NAME_TO_LOG (file, basename); ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (-1 == ret) goto out; gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); ret = snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } /* TODO: Currently we print in the enhanced format, with a message ID * of 0. Need to enhance this to support format as configured */ ret = snprintf (msg, sizeof msg, "[%s] %s [MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %s: no memory " "available for size (%"GF_PRI_SIZET")" " [call stack follows]\n", timestr, gf_level_strings[level], (uint64_t) 0, basename, line, function, domain, size); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } /* log to the configured logging service */ switch (ctx->log.logger) { case gf_logger_syslog: if (ctx->log.log_control_file_found && ctx->log.gf_log_syslog) { SET_LOG_PRIO (level, priority); /* if syslog allocates, then this may fail, but we * cannot do much about it at the moment */ /* There is no fd for syslog, hence no stack printed */ syslog (priority, "%s", msg); break; } /* NOTE: If syslog control file is absent, which is another * way to control logging to syslog, then we will fall through * to the gluster log. The ideal way to do things would be to * not have the extra control file check */ case gf_logger_glusterlog: pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { fd = ctx->log.logfile? fileno (ctx->log.logfile) : fileno (stderr); if (fd == -1) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); goto out; } wlen = strlen (msg); /* write directly to the fd to prevent out of order * message and stack */ ret = sys_write (fd, msg, wlen); if (ret == -1) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); goto out; } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* We want only serious log in 'syslog', not our debug * and trace logs */ if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level && (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level)) syslog ((level-1), "%s\n", msg); #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); _gf_msg_backtrace_nomem (level, GF_LOG_BACKTRACE_DEPTH); break; } out: return ret; } static int gf_log_syslog (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, int graph_id, gf_log_format_t fmt) { int priority; SET_LOG_PRIO (level, priority); /* log with appropriate format */ switch (fmt) { case gf_logformat_traditional: if (!callstr) { if (errnum) syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: %s [%s]", file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr, strerror(errnum)); else syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: %s", file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr); } else { if (errnum) syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s:" " %s [%s]", file, line, function, callstr, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr, strerror(errnum)); else syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: %s", file, line, function, callstr, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr); } break; case gf_logformat_withmsgid: if (!callstr) { if (errnum) syslog (priority, "[MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: %s [%s]", msgid, file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr, strerror(errnum)); else syslog (priority, "[MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: %s", msgid, file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr); } else { if (errnum) syslog (priority, "[MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: %s [%s]", msgid, file, line, function, callstr, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr, strerror(errnum)); else syslog (priority, "[MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: %s", msgid, file, line, function, callstr, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr); } break; case gf_logformat_cee: /* TODO: Enhance CEE with additional parameters */ gf_syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: %s", file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr); break; default: /* NOTE: should not get here without logging */ break; } /* TODO: There can be no errors from gf_syslog? */ return 0; } static int gf_log_glusterlog (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, struct timeval tv, int graph_id, gf_log_format_t fmt) { char timestr[GF_LOG_TIMESTR_SIZE] = {0,}; char *header = NULL; char *footer = NULL; char *msg = NULL; size_t hlen = 0, flen = 0, mlen = 0; int ret = 0; /* rotate if required */ gf_log_rotate(ctx); /* format the time stamp */ gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec); /* generate header and footer */ if (fmt == gf_logformat_traditional) { if (!callstr) { ret = gf_asprintf (&header, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s]" " %d-%s: ", timestr, gf_level_strings[level], file, line, function, graph_id, domain); } else { ret = gf_asprintf (&header, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s] %s" " %d-%s: ", timestr, gf_level_strings[level], file, line, function, callstr, graph_id, domain); } if (-1 == ret) { goto err; } } else { /* gf_logformat_withmsgid */ /* CEE log format unsupported in logger_glusterlog, so just * print enhanced log format */ if (!callstr) { ret = gf_asprintf (&header, "[%s] %s [MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: ", timestr, gf_level_strings[level], msgid, file, line, function, graph_id, domain); } else { ret = gf_asprintf (&header, "[%s] %s [MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: ", timestr, gf_level_strings[level], msgid, file, line, function, callstr, graph_id, domain); } if (-1 == ret) { goto err; } } if (errnum) { ret = gf_asprintf (&footer, " [%s]",strerror(errnum)); if (-1 == ret) { goto err; } } /* generate the full message to log */ hlen = strlen (header); flen = footer? strlen (footer) : 0; mlen = strlen (*appmsgstr); msg = GF_MALLOC (hlen + flen + mlen + 1, gf_common_mt_char); if (!msg) { ret = -1; goto err; } strcpy (msg, header); strcpy (msg + hlen, *appmsgstr); if (footer) strcpy (msg + hlen + mlen, footer); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s\n", msg); fflush (ctx->log.logfile); } else if (ctx->log.loglevel >= level) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush (stderr); } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* We want only serious logs in 'syslog', not our debug * and trace logs */ if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level && (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level)) syslog ((level-1), "%s\n", msg); #endif } /* TODO: Plugin in memory log buffer retention here. For logs not * flushed during cores, it would be useful to retain some of the last * few messages in memory */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); ret = 0; err: GF_FREE (msg); GF_FREE (header); GF_FREE (footer); return ret; } static int gf_syslog_log_repetitions (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, int refcount, struct timeval oldest, struct timeval latest, int graph_id) { int priority; char timestr_latest[256] = {0,}; char timestr_oldest[256] = {0,}; SET_LOG_PRIO (level, priority); gf_time_fmt (timestr_latest, sizeof timestr_latest, latest.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr_latest + strlen (timestr_latest), sizeof (timestr_latest) - strlen (timestr_latest), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, latest.tv_usec); gf_time_fmt (timestr_oldest, sizeof timestr_oldest, oldest.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr_oldest + strlen (timestr_oldest), sizeof (timestr_oldest) - strlen (timestr_oldest), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, oldest.tv_usec); if (errnum) { syslog (priority, "The message \"[MSGID: %"PRIu64"] [%s:%d:%s] " "%d-%s: %s [%s] \" repeated %d times between %s and %s", msgid, file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr, strerror(errnum), refcount, timestr_oldest, timestr_latest); } else { syslog (priority, "The message \"[MSGID: %"PRIu64"] [%s:%d:%s] " "%d-%s: %s \" repeated %d times between %s and %s", msgid, file, line, function, graph_id, domain, *appmsgstr, refcount, timestr_oldest, timestr_latest); } return 0; } static int gf_glusterlog_log_repetitions (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, int refcount, struct timeval oldest, struct timeval latest, int graph_id) { int ret = 0; size_t hlen = 0; size_t flen = 0; size_t mlen = 0; char timestr_latest[256] = {0,}; char timestr_oldest[256] = {0,}; char errstr[256] = {0,}; char *header = NULL; char *footer = NULL; char *msg = NULL; if (!ctx) goto err; gf_log_rotate (ctx); gf_time_fmt (timestr_latest, sizeof timestr_latest, latest.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr_latest + strlen (timestr_latest), sizeof (timestr_latest) - strlen (timestr_latest), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, latest.tv_usec); gf_time_fmt (timestr_oldest, sizeof timestr_oldest, oldest.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr_oldest + strlen (timestr_oldest), sizeof (timestr_oldest) - strlen (timestr_oldest), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, oldest.tv_usec); ret = gf_asprintf (&header, "The message \"%s [MSGID: %"PRIu64"]" " [%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: ", gf_level_strings[level], msgid, file, line, function, graph_id, domain); if (-1 == ret) goto err; if (errnum) snprintf (errstr, sizeof (errstr) - 1, " [%s]", strerror (errnum)); ret = gf_asprintf (&footer, "%s\" repeated %d times between" " [%s] and [%s]", errstr, refcount, timestr_oldest, timestr_latest); if (-1 == ret) goto err; /* generate the full message to log */ hlen = strlen (header); flen = strlen (footer); mlen = strlen (*appmsgstr); msg = GF_MALLOC (hlen + flen + mlen + 1, gf_common_mt_char); if (!msg) { ret = -1; goto err; } strcpy (msg, header); strcpy (msg + hlen, *appmsgstr); strcpy (msg + hlen + mlen, footer); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s\n", msg); fflush (ctx->log.logfile); } else if (ctx->log.loglevel >= level) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush (stderr); } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* We want only serious logs in 'syslog', not our debug * and trace logs */ if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level && (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level)) syslog ((level-1), "%s\n", msg); #endif } /* TODO: Plugin in memory log buffer retention here. For logs not * flushed during cores, it would be useful to retain some of the last * few messages in memory */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); ret = 0; err: GF_FREE (msg); GF_FREE (header); GF_FREE (footer); return ret; } static int gf_log_print_with_repetitions (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, int refcount, struct timeval oldest, struct timeval latest, int graph_id) { int ret = -1; gf_log_logger_t logger = 0; logger = ctx->log.logger; switch (logger) { case gf_logger_syslog: if (ctx->log.log_control_file_found && ctx->log.gf_log_syslog) { ret = gf_syslog_log_repetitions (domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, callstr, refcount, oldest, latest, graph_id); break; } case gf_logger_glusterlog: ret = gf_glusterlog_log_repetitions (ctx, domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, callstr, refcount, oldest, latest, graph_id); break; } return ret; } static int gf_log_print_plain_fmt (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, struct timeval tv, int graph_id, gf_log_format_t fmt) { int ret = -1; gf_log_logger_t logger = 0; logger = ctx->log.logger; /* log to the configured logging service */ switch (logger) { case gf_logger_syslog: if (ctx->log.log_control_file_found && ctx->log.gf_log_syslog) { ret = gf_log_syslog (ctx, domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, callstr, graph_id, fmt); break; } /* NOTE: If syslog control file is absent, which is another * way to control logging to syslog, then we will fall through * to the gluster log. The ideal way to do things would be to * not have the extra control file check */ case gf_logger_glusterlog: ret = gf_log_glusterlog (ctx, domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, callstr, tv, graph_id, fmt); break; } return ret; } void gf_log_flush_message (log_buf_t *buf, glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { if (buf->refcount == 1) { (void) gf_log_print_plain_fmt (ctx, buf->domain, buf->file, buf->function, buf->line, buf->level, buf->errnum, buf->msg_id, &buf->msg, NULL, buf->latest, buf->graph_id, gf_logformat_withmsgid); } if (buf->refcount > 1) { gf_log_print_with_repetitions (ctx, buf->domain, buf->file, buf->function, buf->line, buf->level, buf->errnum, buf->msg_id, &buf->msg, NULL, buf->refcount, buf->oldest, buf->latest, buf->graph_id); } return; } static void gf_log_flush_list (struct list_head *copy, glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { log_buf_t *iter = NULL; log_buf_t *tmp = NULL; list_for_each_entry_safe (iter, tmp, copy, msg_list) { gf_log_flush_message (iter, ctx); list_del_init (&iter->msg_list); log_buf_destroy (iter); } } void gf_log_flush_msgs (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { struct list_head copy; INIT_LIST_HEAD (©); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); { list_splice_init (&ctx->log.lru_queue, ©); ctx->log.lru_cur_size = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); gf_log_flush_list (©, ctx); return; } static void gf_log_flush_extra_msgs (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t new) { int count = 0; int i = 0; log_buf_t *iter = NULL; log_buf_t *tmp = NULL; struct list_head copy; INIT_LIST_HEAD (©); /* If the number of outstanding log messages does not cause list * overflow even after reducing the size of the list, then do nothing. * Otherwise (that is if there are more items in the list than there * need to be after reducing its size), move the least recently used * 'diff' elements to be flushed into a separate list... */ pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); { if (ctx->log.lru_cur_size <= new) goto unlock; count = ctx->log.lru_cur_size - new; list_for_each_entry_safe (iter, tmp, &ctx->log.lru_queue, msg_list) { if (i == count) break; list_del_init (&iter->msg_list); list_add_tail (&iter->msg_list, ©); i++; } ctx->log.lru_cur_size = ctx->log.lru_cur_size - count; } // ... quickly unlock ... unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); if (list_empty (©)) return; TEST_LOG("Log buffer size reduced. About to flush %d extra log " "messages", count); // ... and then flush them outside the lock. gf_log_flush_list (©, ctx); TEST_LOG("Just flushed %d extra log messages", count); return; } static int __gf_log_inject_timer_event (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret = -1; struct timespec timeout = {0,}; if (!ctx) goto out; if (ctx->log.log_flush_timer) { gf_timer_call_cancel (ctx, ctx->log.log_flush_timer); ctx->log.log_flush_timer = NULL; } timeout.tv_sec = ctx->log.timeout; timeout.tv_nsec = 0; TEST_LOG("Starting timer now. Timeout = %u, current buf size = %d", ctx->log.timeout, ctx->log.lru_size); ctx->log.log_flush_timer = gf_timer_call_after (ctx, timeout, gf_log_flush_timeout_cbk, (void *)ctx); if (!ctx->log.log_flush_timer) goto out; ret = 0; out: return ret; } int gf_log_inject_timer_event (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret = -1; if (!ctx) return -1; pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); { ret = __gf_log_inject_timer_event (ctx); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); return ret; } void gf_log_flush_timeout_cbk (void *data) { glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = (glusterfs_ctx_t *) data; TEST_LOG("Log timer timed out. About to flush outstanding messages if " "present"); gf_log_flush_msgs (ctx); (void) gf_log_inject_timer_event (ctx); return; } static int _gf_msg_internal (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, uint64_t msgid, char **appmsgstr, char *callstr, int graph_id) { int ret = -1; uint32_t size = 0; const char *basename = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; log_buf_t *iter = NULL; log_buf_t *buf_tmp = NULL; log_buf_t *buf_new = NULL; log_buf_t *first = NULL; struct timeval tv = {0,}; gf_boolean_t found = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t flush_lru = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t flush_logged_msg = _gf_false; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; GET_FILE_NAME_TO_LOG (file, basename); ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (ret) goto out; /* If this function is called via _gf_msg_callingfn () (indicated by a * non-NULL callstr), or if the logformat is traditional, flush the * message directly to disk. */ if ((callstr) || (ctx->log.logformat == gf_logformat_traditional)) { ret = gf_log_print_plain_fmt (ctx, domain, basename, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, callstr, tv, graph_id, gf_logformat_traditional); goto out; } pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); { /* Check if the msg being logged is already part of the list */ list_for_each_entry_safe_reverse (iter, buf_tmp, &ctx->log.lru_queue, msg_list) { if (first == NULL) // Remember the first (lru) element in first ptr first = iter; /* Try to fail the search early on by doing the less * expensive integer comparisons and continue to string * parameter comparisons only after all int parameters * are found to be matching. */ if (line != iter->line) continue; if (errnum != iter->errnum) continue; if (msgid != iter->msg_id) continue; if (level != iter->level) continue; if (graph_id != iter->graph_id) continue; if (strcmp (domain, iter->domain)) continue; if (strcmp (basename, iter->file)) continue; if (strcmp (function, iter->function)) continue; if (strcmp (*appmsgstr, iter->msg)) continue; //Ah! Found a match! list_move_tail (&iter->msg_list, &ctx->log.lru_queue); iter->refcount++; found = _gf_true; //Update the 'latest' timestamp. memcpy ((void *)&(iter->latest), (void *)&tv, sizeof (struct timeval)); break; } if (found) { ret = 0; goto unlock; } // else ... size = ctx->log.lru_size; /* If the upper limit on the log buf size is 0, flush the msg to * disk directly after unlock. There's no need to buffer the * msg here. */ if (size == 0) { flush_logged_msg = _gf_true; goto unlock; } else if ((ctx->log.lru_cur_size + 1) > size) { /* If the list is full, flush the lru msg to disk and also * release it after unlock, and ... * */ if (first->refcount >= 1) TEST_LOG("Buffer overflow of a buffer whose size limit " "is %d. About to flush least recently used log" " message to disk", size); list_del_init (&first->msg_list); ctx->log.lru_cur_size--; flush_lru = _gf_true; } /* create a new list element, initialise and enqueue it. * Additionally, this being the first occurrence of the msg, * log it directly to disk after unlock. */ buf_new = log_buf_new (); if (!buf_new) { ret = -1; goto unlock; } ret = log_buf_init (buf_new, domain, basename, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, graph_id); if (ret) { log_buf_destroy (buf_new); goto unlock; } memcpy ((void *)&(buf_new->latest), (void *)&tv, sizeof (struct timeval)); memcpy ((void *)&(buf_new->oldest), (void *)&tv, sizeof (struct timeval)); list_add_tail (&buf_new->msg_list, &ctx->log.lru_queue); ctx->log.lru_cur_size++; flush_logged_msg = _gf_true; ret = 0; } unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.log_buf_lock); /* Value of @ret is a don't-care below since irrespective of success or * failure post setting of @flush_lru, @first must be flushed and freed. */ if (flush_lru) { gf_log_flush_message (first, ctx); log_buf_destroy (first); } /* Similarly, irrespective of whether all operations since setting of * @flush_logged_msg were successful or not, flush the message being * logged to disk in the plain format. */ if (flush_logged_msg) { ret = gf_log_print_plain_fmt (ctx, domain, basename, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, appmsgstr, callstr, tv, graph_id, gf_logformat_withmsgid); } out: return ret; } int _gf_msg (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, int trace, uint64_t msgid, const char *fmt, ...) { int ret = 0; char *msgstr = NULL; va_list ap; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; char callstr[GF_LOG_BACKTRACE_SIZE] = {0,}; int passcallstr = 0; int log_inited = 0; /* in args check */ if (!domain || !file || !function || !fmt) { fprintf (stderr, "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } this = THIS; if (this == NULL) return -1; ctx = this->ctx; if (ctx == NULL) { /* messages before context initialization are ignored */ return -1; } /* check if we should be logging */ if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; if (trace) { ret = _gf_msg_backtrace (GF_LOG_BACKTRACE_DEPTH, callstr, GF_LOG_BACKTRACE_SIZE); if (ret >= 0) passcallstr = 1; else ret = 0; } pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { log_inited = 1; } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); /* form the message */ va_start (ap, fmt); ret = vasprintf (&msgstr, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); /* log */ if (ret != -1) { if (!log_inited && ctx->log.gf_log_syslog) { ret = gf_log_syslog (ctx, domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, &msgstr, (passcallstr? callstr : NULL), (this->graph)? this->graph->id : 0, gf_logformat_traditional); } else { ret = _gf_msg_internal (domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, msgid, &msgstr, (passcallstr? callstr : NULL), (this->graph)? this->graph->id : 0); } } else { /* man (3) vasprintf states on error strp contents * are undefined, be safe */ msgstr = NULL; } FREE (msgstr); out: return ret; } /* TODO: Deprecate (delete) _gf_log, _gf_log_callingfn, * once messages are changed to use _gf_msgXXX APIs for logging */ int _gf_log (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int line, gf_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *basename = NULL; FILE *new_logfile = NULL; va_list ap; char timestr[GF_LOG_TIMESTR_SIZE] = {0,}; struct timeval tv = {0,}; char *str1 = NULL; char *str2 = NULL; char *msg = NULL; size_t len = 0; int ret = 0; int fd = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) goto out; if (skip_logging (this, level)) goto out; static char *level_strings[] = {"", /* NONE */ "M", /* EMERGENCY */ "A", /* ALERT */ "C", /* CRITICAL */ "E", /* ERROR */ "W", /* WARNING */ "N", /* NOTICE */ "I", /* INFO */ "D", /* DEBUG */ "T", /* TRACE */ ""}; if (!domain || !file || !function || !fmt) { fprintf (stderr, "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument\n", __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return -1; } basename = strrchr (file, '/'); if (basename) basename++; else basename = file; if (ctx->log.log_control_file_found) { int priority; /* treat GF_LOG_TRACE and GF_LOG_NONE as LOG_DEBUG and other level as is */ if (GF_LOG_TRACE == level || GF_LOG_NONE == level) { priority = LOG_DEBUG; } else { priority = level - 1; } va_start (ap, fmt); vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); gf_syslog (priority, "[%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: %s", basename, line, function, ((this->graph) ? this->graph->id:0), domain, str2); goto err; } if (ctx->log.logrotate) { ctx->log.logrotate = 0; fd = open (ctx->log.filename, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { gf_msg ("logrotate", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open logfile"); return -1; } sys_close (fd); new_logfile = fopen (ctx->log.filename, "a"); if (!new_logfile) { gf_msg ("logrotate", GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open logfile %s", ctx->log.filename); goto log; } pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) fclose (ctx->log.logfile); ctx->log.gf_log_logfile = ctx->log.logfile = new_logfile; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); } log: ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (-1 == ret) goto out; va_start (ap, fmt); gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec); ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: ", timestr, level_strings[level], basename, line, function, ((this->graph)?this->graph->id:0), domain); if (-1 == ret) { goto err; } ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap); if (-1 == ret) { goto err; } va_end (ap); len = strlen (str1); msg = GF_MALLOC (len + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char); if (!msg) { goto err; } strcpy (msg, str1); strcpy (msg + len, str2); pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); { if (ctx->log.logfile) { fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s\n", msg); fflush (ctx->log.logfile); } else if (ctx->log.loglevel >= level) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); fflush (stderr); } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS /* We want only serious log in 'syslog', not our debug and trace logs */ if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level && (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level)) syslog ((level-1), "%s\n", msg); #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex); err: GF_FREE (msg); GF_FREE (str1); FREE (str2); out: va_end (ap); return (0); } int _gf_log_eh (const char *function, const char *fmt, ...) { int ret = -1; va_list ap; char *str1 = NULL; char *str2 = NULL; char *msg = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%d] %s: ", ((this->graph)?this->graph->id:0), function); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } va_start (ap, fmt); ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap); if (-1 == ret) { goto out; } msg = GF_MALLOC (strlen (str1) + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char); if (!msg) { ret = -1; goto out; } strcpy (msg, str1); strcat (msg, str2); ret = eh_save_history (this->history, msg); if (ret < 0) GF_FREE (msg); out: GF_FREE (str1); /* Use FREE instead of GF_FREE since str2 was allocated by vasprintf */ if (str2) FREE (str2); va_end (ap); return ret; } int gf_cmd_log_init (const char *filename) { int fd = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; this = THIS; ctx = this->ctx; if (!ctx) return -1; if (!filename){ gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, 0, LG_MSG_INVALID_ENTRY, "gf_cmd_log_init: no filename specified\n"); return -1; } ctx->log.cmd_log_filename = gf_strdup (filename); if (!ctx->log.cmd_log_filename) { return -1; } /* close and reopen cmdlogfile for log rotate*/ if (ctx->log.cmdlogfile) { fclose (ctx->log.cmdlogfile); ctx->log.cmdlogfile = NULL; } fd = open (ctx->log.cmd_log_filename, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open cmd_log_file"); return -1; } sys_close (fd); ctx->log.cmdlogfile = fopen (ctx->log.cmd_log_filename, "a"); if (!ctx->log.cmdlogfile){ gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "gf_cmd_log_init: failed to open logfile \"%s\" " "\n", ctx->log.cmd_log_filename); return -1; } return 0; } int gf_cmd_log (const char *domain, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char timestr[64]; struct timeval tv = {0,}; char *str1 = NULL; char *str2 = NULL; char *msg = NULL; size_t len = 0; int ret = 0; int fd = -1; glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; ctx = THIS->ctx; if (!ctx) return -1; if (!ctx->log.cmdlogfile) return -1; if (!domain || !fmt) { gf_msg_trace ("glusterd", 0, "logging: invalid argument\n"); return -1; } ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (ret == -1) goto out; va_start (ap, fmt); gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT); snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), GF_LOG_TIMESTR_SIZE - strlen (timestr), ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec); ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%s] %s : ", timestr, domain); if (ret == -1) { goto out; } ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap); if (ret == -1) { goto out; } va_end (ap); len = strlen (str1); msg = GF_MALLOC (len + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char); if (!msg) { goto out; } strcpy (msg, str1); strcpy (msg + len, str2); /* close and reopen cmdlogfile fd for in case of log rotate*/ if (ctx->log.cmd_history_logrotate) { ctx->log.cmd_history_logrotate = 0; if (ctx->log.cmdlogfile) { fclose (ctx->log.cmdlogfile); ctx->log.cmdlogfile = NULL; } fd = open (ctx->log.cmd_log_filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open " "logfile \"%s\" \n", ctx->log.cmd_log_filename); ret = -1; goto out; } ctx->log.cmdlogfile = fdopen (fd, "a"); if (!ctx->log.cmdlogfile) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, errno, LG_MSG_FILE_OP_FAILED, "failed to open logfile \"%s\"" " \n", ctx->log.cmd_log_filename); ret = -1; goto out; } } fprintf (ctx->log.cmdlogfile, "%s\n", msg); fflush (ctx->log.cmdlogfile); out: GF_FREE (msg); GF_FREE (str1); FREE (str2); va_end (ap); return ret; } int _do_slog_format (const char *event, va_list inp, char **msg) { va_list valist_tmp; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int ret = 0; char *fmt = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; int num_format_chars = 0; char format_char = '%'; char *tmp1 = NULL; char *tmp2 = NULL; ret = gf_asprintf (&tmp2, "%s", event); if (ret == -1) goto out; /* Hardcoded value for max key value pairs, exits early */ /* from loop if found NULL */ for (i = 0; i < GF_MAX_SLOG_PAIR_COUNT; i++) { fmt = va_arg (inp, char*); if (fmt == NULL) { break; } /* Get number of times % is used in input for formating, */ /* this count will be used to skip those many args from the */ /* main list and will be used to format inner format */ num_format_chars = 0; for (k = 0; fmt[k] != '\0'; k++) { /* If %% is used then that is escaped */ if (fmt[k] == format_char && fmt[k+1] == format_char) { k++; } else if (fmt[k] == format_char) { num_format_chars++; } } tmp1 = gf_strdup (tmp2); if (!tmp1) { ret = -1; goto out; } GF_FREE (tmp2); tmp2 = NULL; if (num_format_chars > 0) { /* Make separate valist and format the string */ va_copy (valist_tmp, inp); ret = gf_vasprintf (&buffer, fmt, valist_tmp); if (ret < 0) { va_end (valist_tmp); goto out; } va_end (valist_tmp); for (j = 0; j < num_format_chars; j++) { /* Skip the va_arg value since these values are already used for internal formatting */ (void) va_arg (inp, void*); } ret = gf_asprintf (&tmp2, "%s\t%s", tmp1, buffer); if (ret < 0) goto out; GF_FREE (buffer); buffer = NULL; } else { ret = gf_asprintf (&tmp2, "%s\t%s", tmp1, fmt); if (ret < 0) goto out; } GF_FREE (tmp1); tmp1 = NULL; } *msg = gf_strdup (tmp2); if (!msg) ret = -1; out: if (buffer) GF_FREE (buffer); if (tmp1) GF_FREE (tmp1); if (tmp2) GF_FREE (tmp2); return ret; } int _gf_smsg (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int32_t line, gf_loglevel_t level, int errnum, int trace, uint64_t msgid, const char *event, ...) { va_list valist; char *msg = NULL; int ret = 0; va_start (valist, event); ret = _do_slog_format (event, valist, &msg); if (ret == -1) goto out; ret = _gf_msg (domain, file, function, line, level, errnum, trace, msgid, "%s", msg); out: va_end (valist); if (msg) GF_FREE (msg); return ret; } int _gf_slog (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int line, gf_loglevel_t level, const char *event, ...) { va_list valist; char *msg = NULL; int ret = 0; va_start (valist, event); ret = _do_slog_format (event, valist, &msg); if (ret == -1) goto out; ret = _gf_log (domain, file, function, line, level, "%s", msg); out: va_end (valist); if (msg) GF_FREE (msg); return ret; }