/* Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include "mem-pool.h" #include "logging.h" #include "xlator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * memory header for gf_mem_set_acct_info */ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { uint32_t type; size_t size; xlator_t *xl; uint32_t header_magic; uint8_t pad[8]; } mem_header_t; /* * Prototypes to private functions */ int gf_mem_set_acct_info (xlator_t *xl, char **alloc_ptr, size_t size, uint32_t type, const char *typestr); /* * Helper functions */ static xlator_t * helper_xlator_init(uint32_t num_types) { xlator_t *xl; int i, ret; REQUIRE(num_types > 0); xl = test_calloc(1, sizeof(xlator_t)); assert_non_null(xl); xl->mem_acct.num_types = num_types; xl->mem_acct.rec = test_calloc(num_types, sizeof(struct mem_acct_rec)); assert_non_null(xl->mem_acct.rec); xl->ctx = test_calloc(1, sizeof(glusterfs_ctx_t)); assert_non_null(xl->ctx); for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++) { ret = LOCK_INIT(&(xl->mem_acct.rec[i].lock)); assert_int_equal(ret, 0); } ENSURE(num_types == xl->mem_acct.num_types); ENSURE(NULL != xl); return xl; } static int helper_xlator_destroy(xlator_t *xl) { int i, ret; for (i = 0; i < xl->mem_acct.num_types; i++) { ret = LOCK_DESTROY(&(xl->mem_acct.rec[i].lock)); assert_int_equal(ret, 0); } free(xl->mem_acct.rec); free(xl->ctx); free(xl); return 0; } static void helper_check_memory_headers( char *mem, xlator_t *xl, size_t size, uint32_t type) { mem_header_t *p; p = (mem_header_t *)mem, assert_int_equal(p->type, type); assert_int_equal(p->size, size); assert_true(p->xl == xl); assert_int_equal(p->header_magic, GF_MEM_HEADER_MAGIC); assert_true(*(uint32_t *)(mem+sizeof(mem_header_t)+size) == GF_MEM_TRAILER_MAGIC); } /* * Tests */ static void test_gf_mem_acct_enable_set(void **state) { (void) state; glusterfs_ctx_t test_ctx; expect_assert_failure(gf_mem_acct_enable_set(NULL)); memset(&test_ctx, 0, sizeof(test_ctx)); assert_true(NULL == test_ctx.process_uuid); gf_mem_acct_enable_set((void *)&test_ctx); assert_true(1 == test_ctx.mem_acct_enable); assert_true(NULL == test_ctx.process_uuid); } static void test_gf_mem_set_acct_info_asserts(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; xlator_t xltest; char *alloc_ptr; size_t size; uint32_t type; memset(&xltest, 0, sizeof(xlator_t)); xl = (xlator_t *)0xBADD; alloc_ptr = (char *)0xBADD; size = 8196; type = 0; // Check xl is NULL expect_assert_failure(gf_mem_set_acct_info(NULL, &alloc_ptr, size, type, "")); // Check xl->mem_acct.rec = NULL expect_assert_failure(gf_mem_set_acct_info(&xltest, &alloc_ptr, 0, type, "")); // Check type <= xl->mem_acct.num_types type = 100; expect_assert_failure(gf_mem_set_acct_info(&xltest, &alloc_ptr, 0, type, "")); // Check alloc is NULL assert_int_equal(-1, gf_mem_set_acct_info(&xltest, NULL, size, type, "")); // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); // Test number of types type = 100; assert_true(NULL != xl->mem_acct.rec); assert_true(type > xl->mem_acct.num_types); expect_assert_failure(gf_mem_set_acct_info(xl, &alloc_ptr, size, type, "")); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_mem_set_acct_info_memory(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; char *alloc_ptr; char *temp_ptr; size_t size; uint32_t type; const char *typestr = "TEST"; size = 8196; type = 9; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_null(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].typestr); // Test allocation temp_ptr = test_calloc(1, size + GF_MEM_HEADER_SIZE + GF_MEM_TRAILER_SIZE); assert_non_null(temp_ptr); alloc_ptr = temp_ptr; gf_mem_set_acct_info(xl, &alloc_ptr, size, type, typestr); //Check values assert_ptr_equal(typestr, xl->mem_acct.rec[type].typestr); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, size); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 1); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 1); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, size); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 1); // Check memory helper_check_memory_headers(temp_ptr, xl, size, type); // Check that alloc_ptr has been moved correctly // by gf_mem_set_acct_info { mem_header_t *p; p = (mem_header_t *)temp_ptr; p++; p->type = 1234; assert_int_equal(*(uint32_t *)alloc_ptr, p->type); } free(temp_ptr); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_calloc_default_calloc(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; uint32_t type; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); will_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Call __gf_calloc size = 1024; type = 3; mem = __gf_calloc(1, size, type, "3"); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0x5A, size); // Check xl did not change assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 0); free(mem); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_calloc_mem_acct_enabled(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; uint32_t type; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable = 1; // For line mem-pool.c:115 and mem-pool:118 will_always_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Call __gf_calloc size = 1024; type = 3; mem = __gf_calloc(1, size, type, "3"); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0x5A, size); // Check xl values assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, size); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 1); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 1); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, size); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 1); // Check memory helper_check_memory_headers(mem - sizeof(mem_header_t), xl, size, type); free(mem - sizeof(mem_header_t)); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_malloc_default_malloc(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; uint32_t type; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); will_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Call __gf_malloc size = 1024; type = 3; mem = __gf_malloc(size, type, "3"); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0x5A, size); // Check xl did not change assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 0); free(mem); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_malloc_mem_acct_enabled(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; uint32_t type; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable = 1; // For line mem-pool.c:115 and mem-pool:118 will_always_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Call __gf_malloc size = 1024; type = 3; mem = __gf_malloc(size, type, "3"); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0x5A, size); // Check xl values assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, size); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 1); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 1); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, size); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 1); // Check memory helper_check_memory_headers(mem - sizeof(mem_header_t), xl, size, type); free(mem - sizeof(mem_header_t)); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_realloc_default_realloc(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; uint32_t type; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); will_always_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Call __gf_malloc then realloc size = 10; type = 3; mem = __gf_malloc(size, type, "3"); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0xA5, size); size = 1024; mem = __gf_realloc(mem, size); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0x5A, size); // Check xl did not change assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, 0); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 0); free(mem); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_realloc_mem_acct_enabled(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; uint32_t type; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable = 1; // For line mem-pool.c:115 and mem-pool:118 will_always_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Call __gf_malloc then realloc size = 1024; type = 3; mem = __gf_malloc(size, type, "3"); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0xA5, size); size = 2048; mem = __gf_realloc(mem, size); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0x5A, size); // Check xl values // // :TODO: This is really weird. I would have expected // xl to only have a size equal to that of the realloc // not to the realloc + the malloc. // Is this a bug? // assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].size, size+1024); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].num_allocs, 2); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].total_allocs, 2); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_size, size+1024); assert_int_equal(xl->mem_acct.rec[type].max_num_allocs, 2); // Check memory helper_check_memory_headers(mem - sizeof(mem_header_t), xl, size, type); free(mem - sizeof(mem_header_t)); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } static void test_gf_realloc_ptr(void **state) { xlator_t *xl; void *mem; size_t size; // Initialize xl xl = helper_xlator_init(10); assert_int_equal(xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable, 0); // For line mem-pool.c:115 and mem-pool:118 will_always_return(__glusterfs_this_location, &xl); // Tests according to the manpage for realloc // Like a malloc size = 1024; mem = __gf_realloc(NULL, size); assert_non_null(mem); memset(mem, 0xA5, size); // Like a free mem = __gf_realloc(mem, 0); assert_null(mem); // Now enable xl context xl->ctx->mem_acct_enable = 1; expect_assert_failure(__gf_realloc(NULL, size)); helper_xlator_destroy(xl); } int main(void) { const UnitTest tests[] = { unit_test(test_gf_mem_acct_enable_set), unit_test(test_gf_mem_set_acct_info_asserts), unit_test(test_gf_mem_set_acct_info_memory), unit_test(test_gf_calloc_default_calloc), unit_test(test_gf_calloc_mem_acct_enabled), unit_test(test_gf_malloc_default_malloc), unit_test(test_gf_malloc_mem_acct_enabled), unit_test(test_gf_realloc_default_realloc), unit_test(test_gf_realloc_mem_acct_enabled), unit_test(test_gf_realloc_ptr), }; return run_tests(tests, "libglusterfs_mem_pool"); }