#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../include.rc PEER_DIR=/var/lib/glusterd/peers TEST mkdir -p $PEER_DIR declare -i HOST_NUM=100 create_random_peer_files() { for i in $(seq 0 9); do local peer_uuid=$(uuidgen) # The rules for quoting and variable substitution in # here documents would force this to be even less # readable that way. ( echo "state=1" echo "uuid=$peer_uuid" echo "hostname=127.0.0.$HOST_NUM" ) > $PEER_DIR/$peer_uuid HOST_NUM+=1 done } create_non_peer_file() { echo "random stuff" > $PEER_DIR/not_a_peer_file } create_malformed_peer_file() { echo "more random stuff" > $PEER_DIR/$(uuidgen) } # We create lots of files, in batches, to ensure that our bogus ones are # properly interspersed with the valid ones. TEST create_random_peer_files TEST create_non_peer_file TEST create_random_peer_files TEST create_malformed_peer_file TEST create_random_peer_files # There should be 30 peers, not counting the two bogus files. TEST glusterd N_PEERS=$($CLI peer status | grep ^Uuid: | wc -l) TEST [ "$N_PEERS" = "30" ] # For extra credit, check the logs for messages about bogus files. cleanup