#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc . $(dirname $0)/../nfs.rc . $(dirname $0)/../dht.rc . $(dirname $0)/../nfs.rc cleanup; QDD=$(dirname $0)/quota # compile the test write program and run it build_tester $(dirname $0)/quota.c -o $QDD TESTS_EXPECTED_IN_LOOP=19 TEST glusterd TEST pidof glusterd TEST $CLI volume info; TEST $CLI volume create $V0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${V0}{1,2,3,4}; EXPECT "$V0" volinfo_field $V0 'Volume Name'; EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; EXPECT '4' brick_count $V0 TEST $CLI volume set $V0 nfs.disable false TEST $CLI volume start $V0; EXPECT 'Started' volinfo_field $V0 'Status'; TEST $GFS -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0; TEST mkdir -p $M0/test_dir/in_test_dir ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Verify quota commands and check if quota-deem-statfs is enabled by default ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 enable EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.inode-quota' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' #Wait for the auxiliarymount to come up sleep 3 TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir 100MB # Checking for auxiliary mount EXPECT "0" get_aux TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir/in_test_dir 150MB EXPECT "150.0MB" quota_hard_limit "/test_dir/in_test_dir"; EXPECT "80%" quota_soft_limit "/test_dir/in_test_dir"; TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 remove /test_dir/in_test_dir EXPECT "100.0MB" quota_hard_limit "/test_dir"; TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir 10MB EXPECT "10.0MB" quota_hard_limit "/test_dir"; EXPECT "80%" quota_soft_limit "/test_dir"; TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 soft-timeout 0 TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 hard-timeout 0 ## ------------------------------ ## Verify quota enforcement ## ----------------------------- # Try to create a 12MB file which should fail TEST ! $QDD $M0/test_dir/1.txt 256 48 TEST rm $M0/test_dir/1.txt # wait for marker's accounting to complete EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "0Bytes" quotausage "/test_dir" TEST $QDD $M0/test_dir/2.txt 256 32 EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "8.0MB" quotausage "/test_dir" # Checking internal xattr # This confirms that pgfid is also filtered TEST ! "getfattr -d -e hex -m . $M0/test_dir/2.txt | grep pgfid "; # just check for quota xattr are visible or not TEST ! "getfattr -d -e hex -m . $M0/test_dir | grep quota"; # setfattr should fail TEST ! setfattr -n trusted.glusterfs.quota.limit-set -v 10 $M0/test_dir; # remove xattr should fail TEST ! setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.quota.limit-set $M0/test_dir; TEST rm $M0/test_dir/2.txt EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "0Bytes" quotausage "/test_dir" ## rename tests TEST $QDD $M0/test_dir/2 256 32 EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "8.0MB" quotausage "/test_dir" TEST mv $M0/test_dir/2 $M0/test_dir/0 EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "8.0MB" quotausage "/test_dir" TEST rm $M0/test_dir/0 EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "0Bytes" quotausage "/test_dir" ## rename tests under different directories TEST mkdir -p $M0/1/2; TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /1/2 100MB 70%; # The corresponding write(3) should fail with EDQUOT ("Disk quota exceeded") TEST ! $QDD $M0/1/2/file 256 408 TEST mkdir -p $M0/1/3; TEST $QDD $M0/1/3/file 256 408 #The corresponding rename(3) should fail with EDQUOT ("Disk quota exceeded") TEST ! mv $M0/1/3/ $M0/1/2/3_mvd; ## --------------------------- ## ------------------------------ ## Check if presence of nfs mount results in ESTALE errors for I/O # on a fuse mount. Note: Quota command internally uses a fuse mount, # though this may change. ## ----------------------------- ##Wait for connection establishment between nfs server and brick process EXPECT_WITHIN $NFS_EXPORT_TIMEOUT "1" is_nfs_export_available; TEST mount_nfs $H0:/$V0 $N0 nolock; TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir 100MB TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir/in_test_dir 150MB EXPECT "150.0MB" quota_hard_limit "/test_dir/in_test_dir"; ## ----------------------------- ################################################### ## ------------------------------------------------ ## ## ------------------------------------------------ ################################################### QUOTALIMIT=100 QUOTALIMITROOT=2048 TESTDIR="addbricktest" rm -rf $M0/*; ## ## ----------------------------- # 41-42 TEST mkdir $M0/$TESTDIR TEST mkdir $M0/$TESTDIR/dir{1..10}; # 43-52 ## ## ----------------------------- TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage / "$QUOTALIMITROOT"MB; for i in {1..10}; do TEST_IN_LOOP $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /$TESTDIR/dir$i \ "$QUOTALIMIT"MB; done ## #53-62 for i in `seq 1 9`; do TEST_IN_LOOP $QDD "$M0/$TESTDIR/dir1/10MBfile$i" 256 40 done # 63-64 ## ## ------------------------------- TEST $CLI volume add-brick $V0 $H0:$B0/brick{3,4} TEST $CLI volume rebalance $V0 start; ## Wait for rebalance EXPECT_WITHIN $REBALANCE_TIMEOUT "0" rebalance_completed ## ## -------------------------------- for i in `seq 1 200`; do $QDD of="$M0/$TESTDIR/dir1/1MBfile$i" 256 4\ 2>&1 | egrep -v '(No space left|Disc quota exceeded)' done # 65 ## ## --------------------------------------------------------- USED_KB=`du -ks $M0/$TESTDIR/dir1 | cut -f1`; USED_MB=$(($USED_KB/1024)); TEST [ $USED_MB -le $((($QUOTALIMIT * 110) / 100)) ] # 66-67 ## ## ------------------------------------- TEST getfattr -d -m "trusted.glusterfs.quota.limit-set" -e hex \ --absolute-names $B0/brick{3,4}/$TESTDIR/dir{1..10}; # Test on root. TEST getfattr -d -m "trusted.glusterfs.quota.limit-set" -e hex \ --absolute-names $B0/brick{3,4}; ## ------------------------------------------------- ## ## ------------------------------------------------- EXPECT_WITHIN $UMOUNT_TIMEOUT "Y" force_umount $N0 ## --------------------------- ## Test quota volume options ## --------------------------- TEST $CLI volume reset $V0 EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.inode-quota' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' TEST $CLI volume reset $V0 force EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.inode-quota' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' TEST $CLI volume reset $V0 features.quota-deem-statfs EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-deem-statfs off EXPECT 'off' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.quota-deem-statfs on EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 disable EXPECT 'off' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' EXPECT 'off' volinfo_field $V0 'features.inode-quota' EXPECT '' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota-deem-statfs' # aux mount should be removed TEST $CLI volume stop $V0; EXPECT "1" get_aux rm -f $QDD cleanup;