#!/bin/bash # This script can be used to provoke 35 fops (if afr is used), # 28 fops (if afr is not used) (-fstat,-readdirp, and lk,xattrop calls) # Pending are 7 procedures. # getspec, fsyncdir, access, fentrylk, fsetxattr, fgetxattr, rchecksum # TODO: add commands which can generate fops for missing fops ## Script tests below File Operations over RPC (when afr is used) # CREATE # ENTRYLK # FINODELK # FLUSH # FSTAT # FSYNC # FTRUNCATE # FXATTROP # GETXATTR # INODELK # LINK # LK # LOOKUP # MKDIR # MKNOD # OPEN # OPENDIR # READ # READDIR # READDIRP # READLINK # RELEASE # RELEASEDIR # REMOVEXATTR # RENAME # RMDIR # SETATTR # SETXATTR # STAT # STATFS # SYMLINK # TRUNCATE # UNLINK # WRITE # XATTROP #set -e; set -o pipefail; function fail() { echo "$*: failed."; exit 1; } function test_mkdir() { mkdir -p $PFX/dir; test $(stat -c '%F' $PFX/dir) == "directory" || fail "mkdir" } function test_create() { : > $PFX/dir/file; test "$(stat -c '%F' $PFX/dir/file)" == "regular empty file" || fail "create" } function test_statfs() { local size; size=$(stat -c -c '%s' $PFX/dir/file); test "x$size" != "x0" || fail "statfs" } function test_open() { exec 4<$PFX/dir/file || fail "open" exec 4>&- || fail "open" } function test_write() { dd if=/dev/zero of=$PFX/dir/file bs=65536 count=16 2>/dev/null; test $(stat -c '%s' $PFX/dir/file) == 1048576 || fail "open" } function test_read() { local count; count=$(dd if=$PFX/dir/file bs=64k count=16 2>/dev/null | wc -c); test $count == 1048576 || fail "read" } function test_truncate() { truncate -s 512 $PFX/dir/file; test $(stat -c '%s' $PFX/dir/file) == 512 || fail "truncate" truncate -s 0 $PFX/dir/file; test $(stat -c '%s' $PFX/dir/file) == 0 || fail "truncate" } function test_fstat() { local msg; export PFX; msg=$(sh -c 'tail -f $PFX/dir/file --pid=$$ & sleep 1 && echo hooha > $PFX/dir/file && sleep 1'); test "x$msg" == "xhooha" || fail "fstat" } function test_mknod() { mknod -m 0666 $PFX/dir/block b 13 42; test "$(stat -c '%F %a %t %T' $PFX/dir/block)" == "block special file 666 d 2a" \ || fail "mknod for block device" mknod -m 0666 $PFX/dir/char c 13 42; test "$(stat -c '%F %a %t %T' $PFX/dir/char)" == "character special file 666 d 2a" \ || fail "mknod for character device" mknod -m 0666 $PFX/dir/fifo p; test "$(stat -c '%F %a' $PFX/dir/fifo)" == "fifo 666" || \ fail "mknod for fifo" } function test_symlink() { local msg; pushd; cd $PFX/dir; ln -s file symlink; popd; test "$(stat -c '%F' $PFX/dir/symlink)" == "symbolic link" || fail "Creation of symlink" msg=$(cat $PFX/dir/symlink); test "x$msg" == "xhooha" || fail "Content match for symlink" } function test_hardlink() { local ino1; local ino2; local nlink1; local nlink2; local msg; ln $PFX/dir/file $PFX/dir/hardlink; ino1=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir/file); nlink1=$(stat -c '%h' $PFX/dir/file); ino2=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir/hardlink); nlink2=$(stat -c '%h' $PFX/dir/hardlink); test $ino1 == $ino2 || fail "Inode comparison for hardlink" test $nlink1 == 2 || fail "Link count for hardlink" test $nlink2 == 2 || fail "Link count for hardlink" msg=$(cat $PFX/dir/hardlink); test "x$msg" == "xhooha" || fail "Content match for hardlinks" } function test_rename() { local ino1; local ino2; local ino3; local msg; #### file ino1=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir/file); mv $PFX/dir/file $PFX/dir/file2 || fail "mv" msg=$(cat $PFX/dir/file2); test "x$msg" == "xhooha" || fail "File contents comparison after mv" ino2=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir/file2); test $ino1 == $ino2 || fail "Inode comparison after mv" mv $PFX/dir/file2 $PFX/dir/file; msg=$(cat $PFX/dir/file); test "x$msg" == "xhooha" || fail "File contents comparison after mv" ino3=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir/file); test $ino1 == $ino3 || fail "Inode comparison after mv" #### dir ino1=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir); mv $PFX/dir $PFX/dir2 || fail "Directory mv" ino2=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir2); test $ino1 == $ino2 || fail "Inode comparison after directory mv" mv $PFX/dir2 $PFX/dir || fail "Directory mv" ino3=$(stat -c '%i' $PFX/dir); test $ino1 == $ino3 || fail "Inode comparison after directory mv" } function test_chmod() { local mode0; local mode1; local mode2; #### file mode0=$(stat -c '%a' $PFX/dir/file); chmod 0753 $PFX/dir/file || fail "chmod" mode1=$(stat -c '%a' $PFX/dir/file); test 0$mode1 == 0753 || fail "Mode comparison after chmod" chmod 0$mode0 $PFX/dir/file || fail "chmod" mode2=$(stat -c '%a' $PFX/dir/file); test 0$mode2 == 0$mode0 || fail "Mode comparison after chmod" #### dir mode0=$(stat -c '%a' $PFX/dir); chmod 0753 $PFX/dir || fail "chmod" mode1=$(stat -c '%a' $PFX/dir); test 0$mode1 == 0753 || fail "Mode comparison after chmod" chmod 0$mode0 $PFX/dir || fail "chmod" mode2=$(stat -c '%a' $PFX/dir); test 0$mode2 == 0$mode0 || fail "Mode comparison after chmod" } function test_chown() { local user1; local user2; local group1; local group2; #### file user1=$(stat -c '%u' $PFX/dir/file); group1=$(stat -c '%g' $PFX/dir/file); chown 13:42 $PFX/dir/file || fail "chown" user2=$(stat -c '%u' $PFX/dir/file); group2=$(stat -c '%g' $PFX/dir/file); test $user2 == 13 || fail "User comparison after chown" test $group2 == 42 || fail "Group comparison after chown" chown $user1:$group1 $PFX/dir/file || fail "chown" user2=$(stat -c '%u' $PFX/dir/file); group2=$(stat -c '%g' $PFX/dir/file); test $user2 == $user1 || fail "User comparison after chown" test $group2 == $group1 || fail "Group comparison after chown" #### dir user1=$(stat -c '%u' $PFX/dir); group1=$(stat -c '%g' $PFX/dir); chown 13:42 $PFX/dir || fail "chown" user2=$(stat -c '%u' $PFX/dir); group2=$(stat -c '%g' $PFX/dir); test $user2 == 13 || fail "User comparison after chown" test $group2 == 42 || fail "Group comparison after chown" chown $user1:$group1 $PFX/dir || fail "chown" user2=$(stat -c '%u' $PFX/dir); group2=$(stat -c '%g' $PFX/dir); test $user2 == $user1 || fail "User comparison after chown" test $group2 == $group1 || fail "Group comparison after chown" } function test_utimes() { local acc0; local acc1; local acc2; local mod0; local mod1; local mod2; #### file acc0=$(stat -c '%X' $PFX/dir/file); mod0=$(stat -c '%Y' $PFX/dir/file); sleep 1; touch -a $PFX/dir/file || fail "atime change on file" acc1=$(stat -c '%X' $PFX/dir/file); mod1=$(stat -c '%Y' $PFX/dir/file); sleep 1; touch -m $PFX/dir/file || fail "mtime change on file" acc2=$(stat -c '%X' $PFX/dir/file); mod2=$(stat -c '%Y' $PFX/dir/file); test $acc0 != $acc1 || fail "atime mismatch comparison on file" test $acc1 == $acc2 || fail "atime match comparison on file" test $mod0 == $mod1 || fail "mtime match comparison on file" test $mod1 != $mod2 || fail "mtime mismatch comparison on file" #### dir acc0=$(stat -c '%X' $PFX/dir); mod0=$(stat -c '%Y' $PFX/dir); sleep 1; touch -a $PFX/dir || fail "atime change on directory" acc1=$(stat -c '%X' $PFX/dir); mod1=$(stat -c '%Y' $PFX/dir); sleep 1; touch -m $PFX/dir || fail "mtime change on directory" acc2=$(stat -c '%X' $PFX/dir); mod2=$(stat -c '%Y' $PFX/dir); test $acc0 != $acc1 || fail "atime mismatch comparison on directory" test $acc1 == $acc2 || fail "atime match comparison on directory" test $mod0 == $mod1 || fail "mtime match comparison on directory" test $mod1 != $mod2 || fail "mtime mismatch comparison on directory" } function test_locks() { exec 200>$PFX/dir/lockfile || fail "exec" ## exclusive locks test flock -e 200 || fail "flock -e" ! flock -n -e $PFX/dir/lockfile -c true || fail "! flock -n -e" ! flock -n -s $PFX/dir/lockfile -c true || fail "! flock -n -s" flock -u 200 || fail "flock -u" ## shared locks test flock -s 200 || fail "flock -s" ! flock -n -e $PFX/dir/lockfile -c true || fail "! flock -n -e" flock -n -s $PFX/dir/lockfile -c true || fail "! flock -n -s" flock -u 200 || fail "flock -u" exec 200>&- || fail "exec" } function test_readdir() { /bin/ls $PFX/dir >/dev/null || fail "ls" } function test_setxattr() { setfattr -n trusted.testing -v c00k33 $PFX/dir/file || fail "setfattr" } function test_listxattr() { getfattr -m trusted $PFX/dir/file 2>/dev/null | grep -q trusted.testing || fail "getfattr" } function test_getxattr() { getfattr -n trusted.testing $PFX/dir/file 2>/dev/null | grep -q c00k33 || fail "getfattr" } function test_removexattr() { setfattr -x trusted.testing $PFX/dir/file || fail "setfattr remove" getfattr -n trusted.testing $PFXf/dir/file 2>&1 | grep -q "No such attribute" } function test_unlink() { rm $PFX/dir/file || fail "rm" } function test_rmdir() { rm -rf $PFX || fail "rm -rf" } function run_tests() { test_mkdir; test_create; test_statfs; test_open; test_write; test_read; test_truncate; test_fstat; test_mknod; test_hardlink; test_symlink; test_rename; test_chmod; test_chown; test_utimes; test_locks; test_readdir; test_setxattr; test_listxattr; test_getxattr; test_removexattr; test_unlink; test_rmdir; } function _init() { DIR=$(pwd); } function parse_cmdline() { if [ "x$1" == "x" ] ; then echo "Usage: $0 /path/mount" exit 1 fi DIR=$1; if [ ! -d "$DIR" ] ; then echo "$DIR: not a directory" exit 1 fi PFX="$DIR/coverage"; rm -rvf $PFX; } function main() { parse_cmdline "$@"; run_tests; exit 0; } _init && main "$@";