#!/bin/bash # Test that a volume becomes unwritable when the cluster loses quorum. . $(dirname $0)/../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc function vglusterd { wd=$1/wd-$2 cp -r /var/lib/glusterd $wd rm -rf $wd/peers/* $wd/vols/* echo -n "UUID=$(uuidgen)\noperating-version=1\n" > $wd/glusterd.info opt1="management.transport.socket.bind-address=127.0.0.$2" opt2="management.working-directory=$wd" glusterd --xlator-option $opt1 --xlator-option $opt2 } function check_fs { df $1 &> /dev/null echo $? } function check_peers { $VCLI peer status | grep 'Peer in Cluster (Connected)' | wc -l } cleanup; topwd=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf $topwd" EXIT vglusterd $topwd 100 VCLI="$CLI --remote-host=" vglusterd $topwd 101 TEST $VCLI peer probe vglusterd $topwd 102 TEST $VCLI peer probe EXPECT_WITHIN 20 2 check_peers create_cmd="$VCLI volume create $V0" for i in $(seq 100 102); do mkdir -p $B0/$V0$i create_cmd="$create_cmd 127.0.0.$i:$B0/$V0$i" done TEST $create_cmd TEST $VCLI volume set $V0 cluster.server-quorum-type server TEST $VCLI volume start $V0 TEST glusterfs --volfile-server= --volfile-id=$V0 $M0 # Kill one pseudo-node, make sure the others survive and volume stays up. kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep gluster | grep | awk '{print $2}') EXPECT_WITHIN 20 1 check_peers fs_status=$(check_fs $M0) nnodes=$(pidof glusterfsd | wc -w) TEST [ "$fs_status" = 0 -a "$nnodes" = 2 ] # Kill another pseudo-node, make sure the last one dies and volume goes down. kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep gluster | grep | awk '{print $2}') EXPECT_WITHIN 20 0 check_peers fs_status=$(check_fs $M0) nnodes=$(pidof glusterfsd | wc -w) TEST [ "$fs_status" = 1 -a "$nnodes" = 0 ] cleanup