#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../../volume.rc . $(dirname $0)/../../nfs.rc function quota_list_field () { local QUOTA_PATH=$1 local FIELD=$2 $CLI volume quota $V0 list $QUOTA_PATH | grep $QUOTA_PATH\ | awk '{print $FIELD}' } function quota_object_list_field () { local QUOTA_PATH=$1 local FIELD=$2 $CLI volume quota $V0 list-objects $QUOTA_PATH | grep $QUOTA_PATH\ | awk '{print $FIELD}' } cleanup; TESTS_EXPECTED_IN_LOOP=9 TEST glusterd TEST pidof glusterd # -------------------------------------------------- # Create, start and mount a volume with single brick # -------------------------------------------------- TEST $CLI volume create $V0 $H0:$B0/{V0} EXPECT "$V0" volinfo_field $V0 'Volume Name' EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V0 'Status' TEST $CLI volume start $V0 EXPECT 'Started' volinfo_field $V0 'Status' TEST $GFS -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0 TEST mkdir -p $M0/test_dir #-------------------------------------------------------- # Enable quota of the volume and set hard and soft timeout #------------------------------------------------------ TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 enable EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.quota' TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 soft-timeout 0 EXPECT '0' volinfo_field $V0 'features.soft-timeout' TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 hard-timeout 0 EXPECT '0' volinfo_field $V0 'features.hard-timeout' #------------------------------------------------------- # Set and remove quota limits on the directory and # verify if the limits are being reflected properly #------------------------------------------------------ TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir 100MB EXPECT "100.0MB" quota_list_field "/test_dir" 2 TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-objects /test_dir 100 EXPECT "100" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 2 TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 remove /test_dir EXPECT "" quota_list_field "/test_dir" 2 # Need to verify this once #TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 remove-objects /test_dir #EXPECT "" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 2 # Set back the limits TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-usage /test_dir 10MB EXPECT "10.0MB" quota_list_field "/test_dir" 2 TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 limit-objects /test_dir 10 EXPECT "10" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 2 #----------------------------------------------------- # Check the quota enforcement mechanism for usage #----------------------------------------------------- # Compile the program which basically created a file # of required size TEST $CC $(dirname $0)/../../basic/quota.c -o $(dirname $0)/quota # try creating a 8MB file and it should fail TEST $(dirname $0)/quota $M0/test_dir/test1.txt '8388608' EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "8.0MB" quota_list_field "/test_dir" 2 TEST rm -f $M0/test_dir/test1.txt EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "0Bytes" quota_list_field "/test_dir" 2 # try creating a 15MB file and it should succeed TEST ! $(dirname $0)/quota $M0/test_dir/test2.txt '15728640' TEST rm -f $M0/test_dir/test2.txt #------------------------------------------------------ # Check the quota enforcement mechanism for object count #------------------------------------------------------- # Try creating 9 files and it should succeed as object limit # is set to 10, since directory where limit is set is accounted # as well. for i in {1..9}; do TEST_IN_LOOP touch $M0/test_dir/test$i.txt done EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "10" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 4 # Check available limit EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "0" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 5 # Check if hard-limit exceeded EXPECT "Yes" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 7 # Check if soft-limit exceeded EXPECT "Yes" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 6 # Creation of 11th file should throw out an error TEST ! touch $M0/test_dir/test11.txt TEST rm -rf $M0/test_dir/test* EXPECT_WITHIN $MARKER_UPDATE_TIMEOUT "0" quota_object_list_field "/test_dir" 4 TEST $CLI volume quota $V0 remove-objects /test_dir TEST $CLI volume stop $V0 EXPECT "1" get_aux TEST $CLI volume delete $V0 cleanup;