#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../../include.rc cleanup TEST glusterd TEST pidof glusterd TEST $CLI volume create $V0 $H0:$B0/${V0}{0,1} TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.shard on TEST $CLI volume set $V0 performance.strict-write-ordering on TEST $CLI volume start $V0 TEST glusterfs --volfile-id=$V0 --volfile-server=$H0 $M0 TEST mkdir $M0/dir TEST touch $M0/dir/file # Create "file" with holes. TEST truncate -s 6M $M0/dir/file EXPECT '6291456' stat -c %s $M0/dir/file # Perform writes that do not cross the 6M boundary TEST dd if=/dev/zero of=$M0/dir/file bs=1024 seek=3072 count=2048 conv=notrunc # Ensure that the file size is 6M (as opposed to 8M that would appear in the # presence of this bug). EXPECT '6291456' stat -c %s $M0/dir/file #Extend the write beyond EOF such that it again creates a hole of 1M size TEST dd if=/dev/zero of=$M0/dir/file bs=1024 seek=7168 count=2048 conv=notrunc # Ensure that the file size is not greater than 9M. EXPECT '9437184' stat -c %s $M0/dir/file cleanup