#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of DiSTAF # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import re import time from distaf.util import tc from pprint import pformat try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from distaflibs.gluster.mount_ops import mount_volume from distaflibs.gluster.gluster_init import env_setup_servers, start_glusterd from distaflibs.gluster.peer_ops import (peer_probe_servers, nodes_from_pool_list) """ This file contains the gluster volume operations like create volume, start/stop volume etc """ def create_volume(volname, mnode=None, dist=1, rep=1, stripe=1, trans='tcp', servers=None, disp=1, dispd=1, red=1): """Create the gluster volume specified configuration volname and distribute count are mandatory argument Args: volname(str): volume name that has to be created Kwargs: mnode(str): server on which command has to be execeuted, defaults to tc.servers[0] dist(int): distribute count, defaults to 1 rep(int): replica count, defaults to 1 stripe(int): stripe count, defaults to 1 trans(str): transport type, defaults to tcp servers(list): servers on which volume has to be created, defaults to number of servers in pool list, if that is None, then takes tc.servers disp(int): disperse count, defaults to 1 dispd(int): disperse-data count, defaults to 1 red(int): rdundancy count, defaults to 1 Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. (-1, '', ''): If not enough bricks are available to create volume. (ret, out, err): As returned by volume create command execution. Example: create_volume(volname) """ if servers is None: servers = nodes_from_pool_list() if not servers: servers = tc.servers[:] if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] dist = int(dist) rep = int(rep) stripe = int(stripe) disp = int(disp) dispd = int(dispd) red = int(red) dispc = 1 if disp != 1 and dispd != 1: tc.logger.error("volume can't have both disperse and disperse-data") return (-1, None, None) if disp != 1: dispc = int(disp) elif dispd != 1: dispc = int(dispd) + int(red) number_of_bricks = dist * rep * stripe * dispc replica = stripec = disperse = disperse_data = redundancy = '' from distaflibs.gluster.lib_utils import form_bricks_path bricks_path = form_bricks_path(number_of_bricks, servers[:], mnode, volname) if bricks_path is None: tc.logger.error("number of bricks required are greater than " "unused bricks") return (-1, '', '') if rep != 1: replica = "replica %d" % rep if stripe != 1: stripec = "stripe %d" % stripe ttype = "transport %s" % trans if disp != 1: disperse = "disperse %d" % disp redundancy = "redundancy %d" % red elif dispd != 1: disperse_data = "disperse-data %d" % dispd redundancy = "redundancy %d" % red ret = tc.run(mnode, "gluster volume create %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s " "--mode=script" % (volname, replica, stripec, disperse, disperse_data, redundancy, ttype, bricks_path)) return ret def start_volume(volname, mnode=None, force=False): """Starts the gluster volume Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. force (bool): If this option is set to True, then start volume will get executed with force option. If it is set to False, then start volume will get executed without force option Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. Example: start_volume("testvol") """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] frce = '' if force: frce = 'force' cmd = "gluster volume start %s %s --mode=script" % (volname, frce) return tc.run(mnode, cmd) def stop_volume(volname, mnode=None, force=False): """Stops the gluster volume Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. force (bool): If this option is set to True, then stop volume will get executed with force option. If it is set to False, then stop volume will get executed without force option Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. Example: stop_volume("testvol") """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] frce = '' if force: frce = 'force' cmd = "gluster volume stop %s %s --mode=script" % (volname, frce) return tc.run(mnode, cmd) def delete_volume(volname, mnode=None): """Deletes the gluster volume if given volume exists in gluster and deletes the directories in the bricks associated with the given volume Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: bool: True, if volume is deleted False, otherwise """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] volinfo = get_volume_info(volname, mnode) if volinfo is None or volname not in volinfo: tc.logger.info("Volume %s does not exist in %s" % (volname, mnode)) return True if volinfo[volname]['typeStr'] == 'Tier': tmp_hot_brick = volinfo[volname]["bricks"]["hotBricks"]["brick"] hot_bricks = [x["name"] for x in tmp_hot_brick if "name" in x] tmp_cold_brick = volinfo[volname]["bricks"]["coldBricks"]["brick"] cold_bricks = [x["name"] for x in tmp_cold_brick if "name" in x] bricks = hot_bricks + cold_bricks else: bricks = [x["name"] for x in volinfo[volname]["bricks"]["brick"] if "name" in x] ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, "gluster volume delete %s --mode=script" % volname) if ret != 0: return False try: del tc.global_flag[volname] except KeyError: pass for brick in bricks: node, vol_dir = brick.split(":") ret = tc.run(node, "rm -rf %s" % vol_dir) return True def reset_volume(volname, mnode=None, force=False): """Resets the gluster volume Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. force (bool): If this option is set to True, then reset volume will get executed with force option. If it is set to False, then reset volume will get executed without force option Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. Example: reset_volume("testvol") """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] frce = '' if force: frce = 'force' cmd = "gluster volume reset %s %s --mode=script" % (volname, frce) return tc.run(mnode, cmd) def cleanup_volume(volname, mnode=None): """deletes snapshots in the volume, stops and deletes the gluster volume if given volume exists in gluster and deletes the directories in the bricks associated with the given volume Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: bool: True, if volume is deleted successfully False, otherwise Example: cleanup_volume("testvol") """ from distaflibs.gluster.snap_ops import snap_delete_by_volumename if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] ret, _, _ = snap_delete_by_volumename(volname, mnode=mnode) if ret != 0: tc.logger.error("Failed to delete the snapshots in " "volume %s" % volname) return False ret, _, _ = stop_volume(volname, mnode, True) if ret != 0: tc.logger.error("Failed to stop volume %s" % volname) return False ret = delete_volume(volname, mnode) if not ret: tc.logger.error("Unable to cleanup the volume %s" % volname) return False return True def setup_vol(volname, mnode=None, dist=1, rep=1, dispd=1, red=1, stripe=1, trans="tcp", servers=None): """ Setup a gluster volume for testing. It first formats the back-end bricks and then creates a trusted storage pool by doing peer probe. And then it creates a volume of specified configuration. When the volume is created, it sets a global flag to indicate that the volume is created. If another testcase calls this function for the second time with same volume name, the function checks for the flag and if found, will return True. Args: volname(str): volume name that has to be created Kwargs: mnode(str): server on which command has to be execeuted, defaults to tc.servers[0] dist(int): distribute count, defaults to 1 rep(int): replica count, defaults to 1 stripe(int): stripe count, defaults to 1 trans(str): transport type, defaults to tcp servers(list): servers on which volume has to be created, defaults to number of servers in pool list, if that is None, then takes tc.servers disp(int): disperse count, defaults to 1 dispd(int): disperse-data count, defaults to 1 red(int): rdundancy count, defaults to 1 Returns: bool: True on success and False for failure. """ if servers is None: servers = tc.servers[:] if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] volinfo = get_volume_info(mnode=mnode) if volinfo is not None and volname in volinfo.keys(): tc.logger.debug("volume %s already exists in %s. Returning..." \ % (volname, servers[0])) return True ret = env_setup_servers(servers=servers) if not ret: tc.logger.error("Formatting backend bricks failed. Aborting...") return False ret = start_glusterd(servers) if not ret: tc.logger.error("glusterd did not start in at least one server") return False time.sleep(5) ret = peer_probe_servers(servers[1:], mnode=mnode) if not ret: tc.logger.error("Unable to peer probe one or more machines") return False if rep != 1 and dispd != 1: tc.logger.warning("Both replica count and disperse count is specified") tc.logger.warning("Ignoring the disperse and using the replica count") dispd = 1 red = 1 ret = create_volume(volname, mnode, dist, rep, stripe, trans, servers, dispd=dispd, red=red) if ret[0] != 0: tc.logger.error("Unable to create volume %s" % volname) return False time.sleep(2) ret = start_volume(volname, mnode) if not ret: tc.logger.error("volume start %s failed" % volname) return False if tc.global_config["gluster"]["cluster_config"]["nfs_ganesha"]["enable"]: from distaflibs.gluster.ganesha import vol_set_ganesha ret = vol_set_ganesha(volname) if not ret: tc.logger.error("failed to set the ganesha option for %s" % volname) return False tc.global_flag[volname] = True return True def volume_status(volname='all', service='', options='', mnode=None): """Executes gluster volume status cli command Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. volname (str): volume name. Defaults to 'all' service (str): name of the service to get status. serivce can be, [nfs|shd||quotad]], If not given, the function returns all the services options (str): options can be, [detail|clients|mem|inode|fd|callpool|tasks]. If not given, the function returns the output of gluster volume status Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. Example: volume_status() """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] cmd = "gluster vol status %s %s %s" % (volname, service, options) return tc.run(mnode, cmd) def _parse_volume_status_xml(root_xml): """ Helper module for get_volume_status. It takes root xml object as input, parses and returns the 'volume' tag xml object. """ for element in root_xml: if element.findall("volume"): return element.findall("volume") root_vol = _parse_volume_status_xml(element) if root_vol is not None: return root_vol def parse_xml(tag_obj): """ This helper module takes any xml element object and parses all the child nodes and returns the parsed data in dictionary format """ node_dict = {} for tag in tag_obj: if re.search(r'\n\s+', tag.text) is not None: port_dict = {} port_dict = parse_xml(tag) node_dict[tag.tag] = port_dict else: node_dict[tag.tag] = tag.text return node_dict def get_volume_status(volname='all', service='', options='', mnode=None): """ This module gets the status of all or specified volume(s)/brick Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. volname (str): volume name. Defaults to 'all' service (str): name of the service to get status. serivce can be, [nfs|shd||quotad]], If not given, the function returns all the services options (str): options can be, [detail|clients|mem|inode|fd|callpool|tasks]. If not given, the function returns the output of gluster volume status Returns: dict: volume status in dict of dictionary format, on success NoneType: on failure Example: get_volume_status(volname="testvol") >>>{'testvol': {'': {'/bricks/brick1/a11': {'status': '1', 'pid': '28963', 'bricktype': 'cold', 'port': '49163', 'peerid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '49163'}}, '/bricks/brick2/a31': {'status': '1', 'pid': '28982', 'bricktype': 'cold', 'port': '49164', 'peerid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '49164'}}, 'NFS Server': {'status': '1', 'pid': '30525', 'port': '2049', 'peerid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '2049'}}, '/bricks/brick1/a12': {'status': '1', 'pid': '30505', 'bricktype': 'hot', 'port': '49165', 'peerid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '49165'}}}, '': {'/bricks/brick1/a21': {'status': '1', 'pid': '5427', 'bricktype': 'cold', 'port': '49162', 'peerid': '5397d8f5-2986-453a-b0b5-5c40a9bb87ff', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '49162'}}, '/bricks/brick2/a41': {'status': '1', 'pid': '5446', 'bricktype': 'cold', 'port': '49163', 'peerid': '5397d8f5-2986-453a-b0b5-5c40a9bb87ff', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '49163'}}, 'NFS Server': {'status': '1', 'pid': '6397', 'port': '2049', 'peerid': '5397d8f5-2986-453a-b0b5-5c40a9bb87ff', 'ports': {'rdma': 'N/A', 'tcp': '2049'}}}}} """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] cmd = "gluster vol status %s %s %s --xml" % (volname, service, options) ret, out, _ = tc.run(mnode, cmd) if ret != 0: tc.logger.error("Failed to execute gluster volume status command") return None root = etree.XML(out) volume_list = _parse_volume_status_xml(root) if volume_list is None: tc.logger.error("No volumes exists in the gluster") return None vol_status = {} for volume in volume_list: tmp_dict1 = {} tmp_dict2 = {} hot_bricks = [] cold_bricks = [] vol_name = [vol.text for vol in volume if vol.tag == "volName"] # parsing volume status xml output if options == 'tasks': tasks = volume.findall("tasks") for each_task in tasks: tmp_dict3 = parse_xml(each_task) node_name = 'task_status' if 'task' in tmp_dict3.keys(): if node_name in tmp_dict2.keys(): tmp_dict2[node_name].append(tmp_dict3['task']) else: tmp_dict2[node_name] = [tmp_dict3['task']] else: tmp_dict2[node_name] = [tmp_dict3] else: elem_tag = [] for elem in volume.getchildren(): elem_tag.append(elem.tag) if ('hotBricks' in elem_tag) or ('coldBricks' in elem_tag): for elem in volume.getchildren(): if (elem.tag == 'hotBricks'): nodes = elem.findall("node") hot_bricks = [node.find('path').text for node in nodes if ( node.find('path').text.startswith('/'))] if (elem.tag == 'coldBricks'): for n in elem.findall("node"): nodes.append(n) cold_bricks = [node.find('path').text for node in nodes if ( (node.find('path'). text.startswith('/')))] else: nodes = volume.findall("node") for each_node in nodes: if each_node.find('path').text.startswith('/'): node_name = each_node.find('hostname').text elif each_node.find('path').text == 'localhost': node_name = mnode else: node_name = each_node.find('path').text node_dict = parse_xml(each_node) tmp_dict3 = {} if "hostname" in node_dict.keys(): if node_dict['path'].startswith('/'): if node_dict['path'] in hot_bricks: node_dict["bricktype"] = 'hot' elif node_dict['path'] in cold_bricks: node_dict["bricktype"] = 'cold' else: node_dict["bricktype"] = 'None' tmp = node_dict["path"] tmp_dict3[node_dict["path"]] = node_dict else: tmp_dict3[node_dict["hostname"]] = node_dict tmp = node_dict["hostname"] del tmp_dict3[tmp]["path"] del tmp_dict3[tmp]["hostname"] if node_name in tmp_dict1.keys(): tmp_dict1[node_name].append(tmp_dict3) else: tmp_dict1[node_name] = [tmp_dict3] tmp_dict4 = {} for item in tmp_dict1[node_name]: for key, val in item.items(): tmp_dict4[key] = val tmp_dict2[node_name] = tmp_dict4 vol_status[vol_name[0]] = tmp_dict2 tc.logger.debug("Volume status output: %s" % pformat(vol_status, indent=10)) return vol_status def get_volume_option(volname, option='all', mnode=None): """gets the option values for the given volume. Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: option (str): volume option to get status. If not given, the function returns all the options for the given volume mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: dict: value for the given volume option in dict format, on success NoneType: on failure Example: get_volume_option("testvol") """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] cmd = "gluster volume get %s %s" % (volname, option) ret, out, _ = tc.run(mnode, cmd) if ret != 0: tc.logger.error("Failed to execute gluster volume get command" "for volume %s" % volname) return None volume_option = {} raw_output = out.split("\n") for line in raw_output[2:-1]: match = re.search(r'^(\S+)(.*)', line.strip()) if match is None: tc.logger.error("gluster get volume output is not in " "expected format") return None volume_option[match.group(1)] = match.group(2).strip() return volume_option def set_volume_options(volname, options, mnode=None): """sets the option values for the given volume. Args: volname (str): volume name options (dict): volume options in key value format Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: bool: True, if the volume option is set False, on failure Example: options = {"user.cifs":"enable","user.smb":"enable"} set_volume_option("testvol", options=options) """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] _rc = True for option in options: cmd = ("gluster volume set %s %s %s" % (volname, option, options[option])) ret, _, _ = tc.run(mnode, cmd) if ret != 0: tc.logger.error("Unable to set value %s for option %s" % (options[option], option)) _rc = False return _rc def volume_info(volname='all', mnode=None): """Executes gluster volume info cli command Kwargs: volname (str): volume name. Defaults to 'all' mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. Example: volume_status() """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] cmd = "gluster volume info %s" % volname return tc.run(mnode, cmd) def get_volume_info(volname='all', mnode=None): """Fetches the volume information as displayed in the volume info. Uses xml output of volume info and parses the into to a dict Kwargs: volname (str): volume name. Defaults to 'all' mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: NoneType: If there are errors dict: volume info in dict of dicts Example: get_volume_info(volname="testvol") >>>{'testvol': {'status': '1', 'xlators': None, 'disperseCount': '0', 'bricks': {'coldBricks': {'colddisperseCount': '0', 'coldarbiterCount': '0', 'coldBrickType': 'Distribute', 'coldbrickCount': '4', 'numberOfBricks': '4', 'brick': [{'isArbiter': '0', 'name': '', 'hostUuid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98'}, {'isArbiter': '0', 'name': '', 'hostUuid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98'}, {'isArbiter': '0', 'name': '', 'hostUuid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98'}, {'isArbiter': '0', 'name': '', 'hostUuid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98'}], 'coldreplicaCount': '1'}, 'hotBricks': {'hotBrickType': 'Distribute', 'numberOfBricks': '1', 'brick': [{'name': '', 'hostUuid': '7fc9015e-8134-4753-b837-54cbc6030c98'}], 'hotbrickCount': '1', 'hotreplicaCount': '1'}}, 'type': '5', 'distCount': '1', 'replicaCount': '1', 'brickCount': '5', 'options': {'cluster.tier-mode': 'cache', 'performance.readdir-ahead': 'on', 'features.ctr-enabled': 'on'}, 'redundancyCount': '0', 'transport': '0', 'typeStr': 'Tier', 'stripeCount': '1', 'arbiterCount': '0', 'id': 'ffa8a8d1-546f-4ebf-8e82-fcc96c7e4e05', 'statusStr': 'Started', 'optCount': '3'}} """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] cmd = "gluster volume info %s --xml" % volname ret, out, _ = tc.run(mnode, cmd, verbose=False) if ret != 0: tc.logger.error("volume info returned error") return None root = etree.XML(out) volinfo = {} for volume in root.findall("volInfo/volumes/volume"): for elem in volume.getchildren(): if elem.tag == "name": volname = elem.text volinfo[volname] = {} elif elem.tag == "bricks": volinfo[volname]["bricks"] = {} tag_list = [x.tag for x in elem.getchildren() if x] if 'brick' in tag_list: volinfo[volname]["bricks"]["brick"] = [] for el in elem.getchildren(): if el.tag == 'brick': brick_info_dict = {} for elmt in el.getchildren(): brick_info_dict[elmt.tag] = elmt.text (volinfo[volname]["bricks"]["brick"]. append(brick_info_dict)) if el.tag == "hotBricks" or el.tag == "coldBricks": volinfo[volname]["bricks"][el.tag] = {} volinfo[volname]["bricks"][el.tag]["brick"] = [] for elmt in el.getchildren(): if elmt.tag == 'brick': brick_info_dict = {} for el_brk in elmt.getchildren(): brick_info_dict[el_brk.tag] = el_brk.text (volinfo[volname]["bricks"][el.tag]["brick"]. append(brick_info_dict)) else: volinfo[volname]["bricks"][el.tag][elmt.tag] = elmt.text elif elem.tag == "options": volinfo[volname]["options"] = {} for option in elem.findall("option"): for el in option.getchildren(): if el.tag == "name": opt = el.text if el.tag == "value": volinfo[volname]["options"][opt] = el.text else: volinfo[volname][elem.tag] = elem.text tc.logger.debug("Volume info output: %s" % pformat(volinfo, indent=10)) return volinfo def sync_volume(hostname, volname="all", mnode=None): """syncs the volume Args: hostname (str): host name Kwargs: volname (str): volume name. Defaults to 'all'. mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err). The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value of command execution. The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value of the command execution. The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value of the command execution. Example: sync_volume("abc.xyz.com",volname="testvol") """ if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] cmd = "gluster volume sync %s %s --mode=script" % (hostname, volname) return tc.run(mnode, cmd) def get_subvols(volname, mnode=None): """Gets the subvolumes in the given volume Args: volname (str): volume name Kwargs: mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed. If None, defaults to servers[0]. Returns: dict: with empty list values for all keys, if volume doesn't exist dict: Dictionary of subvols, value of each key is list of lists containing subvols Example: get_subvols("testvol") """ subvols = { 'hot_tier_subvols': [], 'cold_tier_subvols': [], 'volume_subvols': [] } if mnode is None: mnode = tc.servers[0] volinfo = get_volume_info(volname, mnode) if volinfo is not None: voltype = volinfo[volname]['typeStr'] if voltype == 'Tier': hot_tier_type = (volinfo[volname]["bricks"] ['hotBricks']['hotBrickType']) tmp = volinfo[volname]["bricks"]['hotBricks']["brick"] hot_tier_bricks = [x["name"] for x in tmp if "name" in x] if (hot_tier_type == 'Distribute'): for brick in hot_tier_bricks: subvols['hot_tier_subvols'].append([brick]) elif (hot_tier_type == 'Replicate' or hot_tier_type == 'Distributed-Replicate'): rep_count = int((volinfo[volname]["bricks"]['hotBricks'] ['numberOfBricks']).split("=", 1)[0]. split("x")[1].strip()) subvol_list = ([hot_tier_bricks[i:i + rep_count] for i in range(0, len(hot_tier_bricks), rep_count)]) subvols['hot_tier_subvols'] = subvol_list cold_tier_type = (volinfo[volname]["bricks"]['coldBricks'] ['coldBrickType']) tmp = volinfo[volname]["bricks"]['coldBricks']["brick"] cold_tier_bricks = [x["name"] for x in tmp if "name" in x] if (cold_tier_type == 'Distribute' or cold_tier_type == 'Disperse'): for brick in cold_tier_bricks: subvols['cold_tier_subvols'].append([brick]) elif (cold_tier_type == 'Replicate' or cold_tier_type == 'Distributed-Replicate'): rep_count = int((volinfo[volname]["bricks"]['coldBricks'] ['numberOfBricks']).split("=", 1)[0]. split("x")[1].strip()) subvol_list = ([cold_tier_bricks[i:i + rep_count] for i in range(0, len(cold_tier_bricks), rep_count)]) subvols['cold_tier_subvols'] = subvol_list elif (cold_tier_type == 'Distributed-Disperse'): disp_count = sum([int(nums) for nums in ((volinfo[volname]["bricks"]['coldBricks'] ['numberOfBricks']).split("x", 1)[1]. strip().split("=")[0].strip().strip("()"). split()) if nums.isdigit()]) subvol_list = [cold_tier_bricks[i:i + disp_count] for i in range(0, len(cold_tier_bricks), disp_count)] subvols['cold_tier_subvols'] = subvol_list return subvols tmp = volinfo[volname]["bricks"]["brick"] bricks = [x["name"] for x in tmp if "name" in x] if voltype == 'Replicate' or voltype == 'Distributed-Replicate': rep_count = int(volinfo[volname]['replicaCount']) subvol_list = [bricks[i:i + rep_count]for i in range(0, len(bricks), rep_count)] subvols['volume_subvols'] = subvol_list elif voltype == 'Distribute' or voltype == 'Disperse': for brick in bricks: subvols['volume_subvols'].append([brick]) elif voltype == 'Distributed-Disperse': disp_count = int(volinfo[volname]['disperseCount']) subvol_list = [bricks[i:i + disp_count]for i in range(0, len(bricks), disp_count)] subvols['volume_subvols'] = subvol_list return subvols