#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/../include.rc . $(dirname $0)/../volume.rc cleanup test_mount() { glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0 --attribute-timeout=0 test -d $M0/.trashcan } start_vol() { $CLI volume start $V0 test_mount } stop_vol() { umount $M0 $CLI volume stop $V0 } create_files() { echo 'Hi' > $1 echo 'Hai' > $2 } file_exists() { test -e $B0/${V0}1/$1 -o -e $B0/${V0}2/$1 test -e $B0/${V0}1/$2 -o -e $B0/${V0}2/$2 } unlink_op() { rm -f $M0/$1 ls $M0/.trashcan/1/2/3 &> /dev/null sleep 2 test ! -e $M0/$1 test -e $M0/.trashcan/$1* # remove from trashcan rm -f $M0/.trashcan/$1* test ! -e $M0/.trashcan/$1* } truncate_op() { truncate -s 2 $M0/$1 ls $M0/.trashcan/1/2/3 &> /dev/null sleep 2 test -e $M0/$1 test $(du -b $M0/$1 | awk '{print $1}') -eq 2 &>/dev/null test -e $M0/.trashcan/$1* test $(du -b $M0/.trashcan/$1*|awk '{print $1}') -eq $2 &>/dev/null # truncate from trashcan truncate -s 1 $M0/.trashcan/$1* test $(ls $M0/.trashcan/$1* | wc -l) -eq 1 } # testing glusterd [1-3] TEST glusterd TEST pidof glusterd TEST $CLI volume info # creating distributed volume [4] TEST $CLI volume create $V0 $H0:$B0/${V0}{1,2} # checking volume status [5-7] EXPECT "$V0" volinfo_field $V0 'Volume Name' EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V0 'Status' EXPECT '2' brick_count $V0 # test without enabling trash translator [8-10] TEST $CLI volume start $V0 TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0 --attribute-timeout=0 TEST [ -d $M0/.trashcan ] # test on enabling trash translator [11-12] TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.trash on EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.trash' # files directly under mount point [13] create_files $M0/file1 $M0/file2 TEST file_exists file1 file2 # perform unlink [14] TEST unlink_op file1 # perform truncate [15] TEST truncate_op file2 4 # create files directory hierarchy and check [16] mkdir $M0/1/2/3 -p create_files $M0/1/2/3/foo1 $M0/1/2/3/foo2 TEST file_exists 1/2/3/foo1 1/2/3/foo2 # perform unlink [17] TEST unlink_op 1/2/3/foo1 # perform truncate [18] TEST truncate_op 1/2/3/foo2 4 # create a directory for eliminate pattern mkdir $M0/a # set the eliminate pattern [19-20] TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.trash-eliminate-path /a EXPECT '/a' volinfo_field $V0 'features.trash-eliminate-path' # create two files and check [21] create_files $M0/a/test1 $M0/a/test2 TEST file_exists a/test1 a/test2 # remove from eliminate pattern [22] rm -f $M0/a/test1 TEST [ ! -e $M0/.trashcan/a/test1* ] # truncate from eliminate path [23-25] truncate -s 2 $M0/a/test2 TEST [ -e $M0/a/test2 ] TEST [ `du -b $M0/a/test2 | awk '{print $1}'` -eq 2 ] TEST [ ! -e $M0/.trashcan/a/test2* ] # set internal op on [26-27] TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.trash-internal-op on EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.trash-internal-op' # again create two files and check [28] create_files $M0/inop1 $M0/inop2 TEST file_exists inop1 inop2 # perform unlink [29] TEST unlink_op inop1 # perform truncate [30] TEST truncate_op inop2 4 # remove one brick and restart the volume [31-33] TEST $CLI volume remove-brick $V0 $H0:$B0/${V0}2 force TEST stop_vol TEST start_vol # again create two files and check [34] create_files $M0/rebal1 $M0/rebal2 TEST file_exists rebal1 rebal2 # add one brick [35-36] TEST $CLI volume add-brick $V0 $H0:$B0/${V0}3 TEST [ -d $B0/${V0}3 ] # perform rebalance [37] TEST $CLI volume rebalance $V0 start force sleep 3 # check whether rebalance was succesful [38-40] TEST [ -e $B0/${V0}3/rebal2 ] TEST [ -e $B0/${V0}1/.trashcan/internal_op/rebal2* ] TEST stop_vol # create a replicated volume [41] TEST $CLI volume create $V1 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${V1}{1,2} # checking volume status [42-45] EXPECT "$V1" volinfo_field $V1 'Volume Name' EXPECT 'Replicate' volinfo_field $V1 'Type' EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V1 'Status' EXPECT '2' brick_count $V1 # enable trash with options and start the replicate volume by disabling automatic self-heal [46-52] TEST $CLI volume set $V1 features.trash on TEST $CLI volume set $V1 features.trash-internal-op on TEST $CLI volume set $V1 cluster.self-heal-daemon off EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V1 'features.trash' EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V1 'features.trash-internal-op' EXPECT 'off' volinfo_field $V1 'cluster.self-heal-daemon' TEST $CLI volume start $V1 # mount and check for trash directory [53] glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $V1 $M1 --attribute-timeout=0 TEST [ -d $M1/.trashcan/internal_op ] # create a file and check [54] touch $M1/self TEST [ -e $B0/${V1}1/self -a -e $B0/${V1}2/self ] # kill one brick and delete the file from mount point [55] kill `ps aux| grep glusterfsd | awk '{print $2}' | head -1` sleep 2 rm -f $M1/self TEST [ -e $M1/.trashcan/self* ] # force start the volume and trigger the self-heal manually [56] TEST $CLI volume start $V1 force sleep 3 # check for the removed file in trashcan [57] TEST [ -e $B0/${V1}1/.trashcan/internal_op/self* -o -e $B0/${V1}2/.trashcan/internal_op/self* ] # check renaming of trash directory through cli [58-62] TEST $CLI volume set $V0 trash-dir abc TEST $CLI volume start $V0 TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0 --attribute-timeout=0 TEST [ -e $M0/abc -a ! -e $M0/.trashcan ] TEST [ -e $B0/${V0}1/abc/internal_op/rebal2* ] sleep 2 # ensure that rename and delete operation on trash directory fails [63-65] rm -rf $M0/abc/internal_op TEST [ -e $M0/abc/internal_op ] rm -rf $M0/abc/ TEST [ -e $M0/abc ] mv $M0/abc $M0/trash TEST [ -e $M0/abc ] cleanup