function volinfo_field() { local vol=$1; local field=$2; $CLI volume info $vol | grep "^$field: " | sed 's/.*: //'; } function volume_get_field() { local vol=$1 local field=$2 $CLI volume get $vol $field | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' } function brick_count() { local vol=$1; $CLI volume info $vol | egrep "^Brick[0-9]+: " | wc -l; } function check_brick_status() { cmd="gluster --xml volume status" local daemon=$1 if [[ -z $daemon ]] then echo `$cmd | grep '1' | wc -l` else echo `$cmd | grep -A 5 ${daemon} | grep '1' | wc -l` fi } function online_brick_count () { local v1=0 local v2=0 local v3=0 local v4=0 local v5=0 local tot=0 #First count total Number of bricks and then subtract daemon status v1=`check_brick_status` v2=`check_brick_status "Self-heal"` v3=`check_brick_status "Quota"` v4=`check_brick_status "Snapshot"` v5=`check_brick_status "Tier"` v6=`check_brick_status "Scrubber"` v7=`check_brick_status "Bitrot"` tot=$((v1-v2-v3-v4-v5-v6-v7)) echo $tot } function brick_up_status { local vol=$1 local host=$2 local brick=$3 $CLI volume status $vol $host:$brick --xml | sed -ne 's/.*\([01]\)<\/status>/\1/p' } function volume_option() { local vol=$1 local key=$2 $CLI volume info $vol | egrep "^$key: " | cut -f2 -d' '; } function rebalance_status_field { $CLI volume rebalance $1 status | awk '{print $7}' | sed -n 3p } function fix-layout_status_field { #The fix-layout status can be up to 3 words, (ex:'fix-layout in progress'), hence the awk-print $2 thru $4. #But if the status is less than 3 words, it also prints the next field i.e the run_time_in_secs.(ex:'completed 3.00'). #So we trim the numbers out with `tr`. Finally remove the trailing white spaces with sed. What we get is one of the #strings in the 'cli_vol_task_status_str' char array of cli-rpc-ops.c $CLI volume rebalance $1 status | awk '{print $2,$3,$4}' |sed -n 3p |tr -d '[^0-9+\.]'|sed 's/ *$//g' } function detach_tier_status_field_complete { $CLI volume tier $1 detach status | awk '{print $7}' |sed -n 4p } function remove_brick_status_completed_field { local vol=$1 local brick_list=$2 $CLI volume remove-brick $vol $brick_list status | awk '{print $7}' | sed -n 3p } function get_mount_process_pid { local vol=$1 local mnt=$2 ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep -E "volfile-id[ =]/?$vol .*$mnt" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1 } function get_nfs_pid () { ps auxww | grep "volfile-id\ gluster\/nfs" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1 } function read_nfs_pidfile () { echo `cat $GLUSTERD_PIDFILEDIR/nfs/` } function cleanup_statedump { pid=$1 rm -f $statedumpdir/*$pid.dump.* #.vimrc friendly comment */ } function generate_statedump { local fpath="" pid=$1 #remove old stale statedumps cleanup_statedump $pid kill -USR1 $pid #Wait till the statedump is generated sleep 1 fname=$(ls $statedumpdir | grep -E "\.$pid\.dump\.") echo $statedumpdir/$fname } function generate_mount_statedump { local vol=$1 local mnt=$2 generate_statedump $(get_mount_process_pid $vol $mnt) } function cleanup_mount_statedump { local vol=$1 cleanup_statedump $(get_mount_process_pid $vol) } function snap_client_connected_status { local vol=$1 local fpath=$(generate_mount_statedump $vol) up=$(grep -a -A1 xlator.protocol.client.$vol-snapd-client.priv $fpath | tail -1 | cut -f 2 -d'=') rm -f $fpath echo "$up" } function _jbrc_child_up_status { local vol=$1 #brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1) local brick_id=$2 local gen_state_dump=$3 local fpath=$($gen_state_dump $vol) up=$(grep -a -B1 child_$brick_id=$vol-client-$brick_id $fpath | head -1 | cut -f2 -d'=') rm -f $fpath echo "$up" } function jbrc_child_up_status { local vol=$1 #brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1) local brick_id=$2 _jbrc_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_mount_statedump } function _afr_child_up_status { local vol=$1 #brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1) local brick_id=$2 local gen_state_dump=$3 local fpath=$($gen_state_dump $vol) up=$(grep -a -B1 trusted.afr.$vol-client-$brick_id $fpath | head -1 | cut -f2 -d'=') rm -f $fpath echo "$up" } function afr_child_up_status_meta { local mnt=$1 local repl=$2 local child=$3 grep "child_up\[$child\]" $mnt/.meta/graphs/active/$repl/private | awk '{print $3}' } function client_connected_status_meta { local mnt=$1 local client=$2 grep "connected" $mnt/.meta/graphs/active/$client/private | awk '{print $3}' } function afr_child_up_status { local vol=$1 #brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1) local brick_id=$2 _afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_mount_statedump } function ec_get_info { local vol=$1 local dist_id=$2 local key=$3 local fpath=$4 local value=$(sed -n "/^\[cluster\/disperse\.$vol-disperse-$dist_id\]/,/^\[/{s/^$key=\(.*\)/\1/p;}" $fpath | head -1) rm -f $fpath echo "$value" } function ec_child_up_status { local vol=$1 local dist_id=$2 local brick_id=$(($3 + 1)) local mnt=$4 local mask=$(ec_get_info $vol $dist_id "childs_up_mask" $(generate_mount_statedump $vol $mnt)) echo "${mask: -$brick_id:1}" } function ec_child_up_count { local vol=$1 local dist_id=$2 local mnt=$3 ec_get_info $vol $dist_id "childs_up" $(generate_mount_statedump $vol $mnt) } function ec_child_up_status_shd { local vol=$1 local dist_id=$2 local brick_id=$(($3 + 1)) local mask=$(ec_get_info $vol $dist_id "childs_up_mask" $(generate_shd_statedump $vol)) echo "${mask: -$brick_id:1}" } function ec_child_up_count_shd { local vol=$1 local dist_id=$2 ec_get_info $vol $dist_id "childs_up" $(generate_shd_statedump $vol) } function get_shd_process_pid { ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep -E "glustershd/" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1 } function generate_shd_statedump { generate_statedump $(get_shd_process_pid) } function generate_nfs_statedump { generate_statedump $(get_nfs_pid) } function generate_brick_statedump { local vol=$1 local host=$2 local brick=$3 generate_statedump $(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick) } function afr_child_up_status_in_shd { local vol=$1 #brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1) local brick_id=$2 _afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_shd_statedump } function afr_child_up_status_in_nfs { local vol=$1 #brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1) local brick_id=$2 _afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_nfs_statedump } function nfs_up_status { gluster volume status | grep "NFS Server" | awk '{print $7}' } function glustershd_up_status { gluster volume status | grep "Self-heal Daemon" | awk '{print $7}' } function quotad_up_status { gluster volume status | grep "Quota Daemon" | awk '{print $7}' } function get_brick_pidfile { local vol=$1 local host=$2 local brick=$3 local brick_hiphenated=$(echo $brick | tr '/' '-') echo $GLUSTERD_PIDFILEDIR/vols/$vol/${host}${brick_hiphenated}.pid } function get_brick_pid { cat $(get_brick_pidfile $*) } function kill_brick { local vol=$1 local host=$2 local brick=$3 local pidfile=$(get_brick_pidfile $vol $host $brick) local cmdline="/proc/$(cat $pidfile)/cmdline" local socket=$(cat $cmdline | tr '\0' '\n' | grep '\.socket$') gf_attach -d $socket $brick # When the last brick in a process is terminated, the process has to # sleep for a second to give the RPC response a chance to get back to # GlusterD. Without that, we get random failures in tests that use # "volume stop" whenever the process termination is observed before the # RPC response. However, that same one-second sleep can cause other # random failures in tests that assume a brick will already be gone # before "gf_attach -d" returns. There are too many of those to fix, # so we compensate by putting the same one-second sleep here. sleep 1 } function check_option_help_presence { local option=$1 $CLI volume set help | grep "^Option:" | grep -w $option } function afr_get_changelog_xattr { local file=$1 local xkey=$2 local xval=$(getfattr -n $xkey -e hex $file 2>/dev/null | grep "$xkey" | cut -f2 -d'=') if [ -z $xval ]; then xval="0x000000000000000000000000" fi echo $xval } function get_pending_heal_count { local vol=$1 gluster volume heal $vol info | grep "Number of entries" | awk '{ sum+=$4} END {print sum}' } function afr_get_split_brain_count { local vol=$1 gluster volume heal $vol info split-brain | grep "Number of entries in split-brain" | awk '{ sum+=$6} END {print sum}' } function afr_get_index_path { local brick_path=$1 echo "$brick_path/.glusterfs/indices/xattrop" } function afr_get_num_indices_in_brick { local brick_path=$1 echo $(ls $(afr_get_index_path $brick_path) | grep -v xattrop | wc -l) } function gf_get_gfid_xattr { file=$1 getfattr -n trusted.gfid -e hex $file 2>/dev/null | grep "trusted.gfid" | cut -f2 -d'=' } function gf_gfid_xattr_to_str { xval=$1 echo "${xval:2:8}-${xval:10:4}-${xval:14:4}-${xval:18:4}-${xval:22:12}" } function get_text_xattr { local key=$1 local path=$2 getfattr -h -d -m. -e text $path 2>/dev/null | grep -a $key | cut -f2 -d'=' } function get_gfid2path { local path=$1 getfattr -h --only-values -n glusterfs.gfidtopath $path 2>/dev/null } function get_xattr_key { local key=$1 local path=$2 getfattr -h -d -m. -e text $path 2>/dev/null | grep -a $key | cut -f1 -d'=' } function gf_check_file_opened_in_brick { vol=$1 host=$2 brick=$3 realpath=$4 ls -l /proc/$(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)/fd | grep "${realpath}$" 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y" else echo "N" fi } function gf_get_gfid_backend_file_path { brickpath=$1 filepath_in_brick=$2 gfid=$(gf_get_gfid_xattr "$brickpath/$filepath_in_brick") gfidstr=$(gf_gfid_xattr_to_str $gfid) echo "$brickpath/.glusterfs/${gfidstr:0:2}/${gfidstr:2:2}/$gfidstr" } function gf_rm_file_and_gfid_link { brickpath=$1 filepath_in_brick=$2 rm -f $(gf_get_gfid_backend_file_path $brickpath $filepath_in_brick) rm -f "$brickpath/$filepath_in_brick" } function gd_is_replace_brick_completed { local host=$1 local vol=$2 local src_brick=$3 local dst_brick=$4 $CLI volume replace-brick $vol $src_brick $dst_brick status | grep -i "Migration complete" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y" else echo "N" fi } function dht_get_layout { local my_xa=trusted.glusterfs.dht getfattr -d -e hex -n $my_xa $1 2> /dev/null | grep "$my_xa=" | cut -d= -f2 } function afr_get_specific_changelog_xattr () { local path=$1 local key=$2 local type=$3 local specific_changelog="" changelog_xattr=$(afr_get_changelog_xattr "$path" "$key") if [ "$type" == "data" ]; then specific_changelog=${changelog_xattr:2:8} elif [ "$type" == "metadata" ]; then specific_changelog=${changelog_xattr:10:8} elif [ "$type" == "entry" ]; then specific_changelog=${changelog_xattr:18:8} else specific_changlog="error" fi echo $specific_changelog } ## # query pathinfo xattr and extract POSIX pathname(s) ## function get_backend_paths { local path=$1 getfattr -m . -n trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo $path | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -n 's/.*/\1/p' } #Gets the xattr value in hex, also removed 0x in front of the value function get_hex_xattr { local key=$1 local path=$2 getfattr -d -m. -e hex $2 2>/dev/null | grep $1 | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d'x' } function cumulative_stat_count { echo "$1" | grep "Cumulative Stats:" | wc -l } function incremental_stat_count { echo "$1" | grep "Interval$2Stats:" | wc -l } function cleared_stat_count { echo "$1" | grep "Cleared stats." | wc -l } function data_read_count { echo "$1" | grep "Data Read:$2bytes" | wc -l } function data_written_count { echo "$1" | grep "Data Written:$2bytes" | wc -l } function has_holes { if [ $((`stat -c '%b*%B-%s' $1`)) -lt 0 ]; then echo "1" else echo "0" fi } function do_volume_operations() { local operation=$1 local count=$2 local force=$3 local pids=() local cli local v for i in `seq 1 $count`; do cli="CLI_$i" v="V`expr $i - 1`" ${!cli} volume $operation ${!v} $force & pids[$i]=$! done for i in `seq 1 $count`; do wait ${pids[$i]} done } function start_volumes() { do_volume_operations start $1 } function stop_volumes() { do_volume_operations stop $1 } function start_force_volumes() { do_volume_operations start $1 force } function stop_force_volumes() { do_volume_operations stop $1 force } function delete_volumes() { do_volume_operations delete $1 } function volume_exists() { $CLI volume info $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y" else echo "N" fi } function killall_gluster() { pkill gluster find $GLUSTERD_PIDFILEDIR -name '*.pid' | xargs rm -f sleep 1 } function afr_get_index_count { local brick=$1 ls $1/.glusterfs/indices/xattrop | grep -v xattrop | wc -l } function landfill_entry_count { local brick=$1 ls $brick/.glusterfs/landfill | wc -l } function path_exists { stat $1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y"; else echo "N"; fi } function path_size { local size=$(stat -c %s $1) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $size; else echo ""; fi } function force_umount { ${UMOUNT_F} $* if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y"; else echo "N"; fi } function assign_gfid { local gfid=$1 local file=$2 setfattr -n trusted.gfid -v $1 $2 } function get_random_gfid { echo "0x"$(uuidgen | awk -F '-' 'BEGIN {OFS=""} {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}') } function volgen_volume_exists { local volfile="$1" local xl_vol="$2" local xl_type="$3" local xl_feature="$4" xl=$(sed -e "/./{H;\$!d;}" -e "x;/volume $xl_vol/!d;/type $xl_type\/$xl_feature/!d" $volfile) if [ -z "$xl" ]; then echo "N" else echo "Y" fi } function volgen_volume_option { local volfile="$1" local xl_vol="$2" local xl_type="$3" local xl_feature="$4" local xl_option="$5" sed -e "/./{H;\$!d;}" -e "x;/volume $xl_vol/!d;/type $xl_type\/$xl_feature/!d;/option $xl_option/!d" $volfile | grep " $xl_option " | awk '{print $3}' } function mount_get_option_value { local m=$1 local subvol=$2 local key=$3 grep -w "$3" $m/.meta/graphs/active/$subvol/private | awk '{print $3}' } function get_volume_mark { getfattr -n trusted.glusterfs.volume-mark -ehex $1 | sed -n 's/^trusted.glusterfs.volume-mark=0x//p' | cut -b5-36 | sed 's/\([a-f0-9]\{8\}\)\([a-f0-9]\{4\}\)\([a-f0-9]\{4\}\)\([a-f0-9]\{4\}\)/\1-\2-\3-\4-/' } # setup geo-rep in a single a node. function setup_georep { $CLI volume create $GMV0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${GMV0}{1,2,3,4}; $CLI volume start $GMV0 $CLI volume create $GSV0 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${GSV0}{1,2,3,4}; $CLI volume start $GSV0 $CLI system:: execute gsec_create $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 create push-pem $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 start sleep 80 # after start geo-rep takes a minute to get stable } # stop and delete geo-rep session function cleanup_georep { $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 stop $CLI volume geo-rep $GMV0 $H0::$GSV0 delete } function num_graphs { local mountpoint=$1 echo `ls $mountpoint/.meta/graphs/ | grep -v active | wc -l` } function get_aux() { ##Check if a auxiliary mount is there local aux_suffix=$1 local rundir=$(gluster --print-statedumpdir) local pidfile="${rundir}/${V0}$" if [ -f $pidfile ]; then local pid=$(cat ${rundir}/${V0}.pid) pidof glusterfs 2>&1 | grep -w $pid > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "0" else echo "1" fi else echo "1" fi } function get_list_aux() { # check for quota list aux mount get_aux "_quota_list" } function get_limit_aux() { # check for quota list aux mount get_aux "_quota_limit" } function check_for_xattr { local xattr=$1 local filepath=$2 getfattr -n $xattr $filepath 2>/dev/null | grep "$xattr" | cut -f1 -d'=' } function get_bitd_count { ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep | grep -v grep | wc -l } function get_scrubd_count { ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep | grep -v grep | wc -l } function get_quarantine_count { ls -l "$1/.glusterfs/quarantine" | wc -l } function get_quotad_count { ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep | grep -v grep | wc -l } function get_nfs_count { ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep | grep -v grep | wc -l } function get_snapd_count { ps auxww | grep glusterfs | grep | grep -v grep | wc -l } function drop_cache() { case $OSTYPE in Linux) echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ;; *) # fail but flush caches ( cd $1 && umount $1 2>/dev/null ) ;; esac } function quota_list_field () { local QUOTA_PATH=$1 local FIELD=$2 local awk_arg="{print \$$FIELD}" $CLI volume quota $V0 list $QUOTA_PATH | grep $QUOTA_PATH | awk "$awk_arg" } function quota_object_list_field () { local QUOTA_PATH=$1 local FIELD=$2 local awk_arg="{print \$$FIELD}" $CLI volume quota $V0 list-objects $QUOTA_PATH | grep $QUOTA_PATH | awk "$awk_arg" } function quotausage() { quota_list_field $1 4 } function quota_hard_limit() { quota_list_field $1 2 } function quota_soft_limit() { quota_list_field $1 3 } function quota_sl_exceeded() { quota_list_field $1 6 } function quota_hl_exceeded() { quota_list_field $1 7 } function quota_object_hard_limit() { quota_object_list_field $1 2 } function scrub_status() { local vol=$1; local field=$2; $CLI volume bitrot $vol scrub status | grep "^$field: " | sed 's/.*: //'; } function get_gfid_string { local path=$1; getfattr -n glusterfs.gfid.string $1 2>/dev/null \ | grep glusterfs.gfid.string | cut -d '"' -f 2 } function file_all_zeroes { < $1 tr -d '\0' | read -n 1 || echo 1 } function get_hard_link_count { local path=$1; stat -c %h $path } function count_sh_entries() { ls $1/.glusterfs/indices/xattrop | grep -v "xattrop-" | wc -l } function check_brick_multiplex() { cnt="$(ls /var/log/glusterfs/bricks|wc -l)" local ret=$($CLI volume info|grep "cluster.brick-multiplex"|cut -d" " -f2) local bcnt="$(brick_count)" if [ $bcnt -ne 1 ]; then if [ "$ret" = "on" ] || [ $cnt -eq 1 ]; then echo "Y" else echo "N" fi else echo "N" fi } function get_fd_count { local vol=$1 local host=$2 local brick=$3 local fname=$4 local val="$(check_brick_multiplex)" local gfid_str=$(gf_gfid_xattr_to_str $(gf_get_gfid_xattr $brick/$fname)) local statedump=$(generate_brick_statedump $vol $host $brick) if [ $val == "N" ]; then count=$(grep "gfid=$gfid_str" $statedump -A2 | grep fd-count | cut -f2 -d'=' | tail -1) else count=$(grep "${brick}.active.1" -A3 $statedump | grep "gfid=$gfid_str" -A2 | grep fd-count | cut -f2 -d'=' | tail -1) fi rm -f $statedump echo $count } function get_active_fd_count { local vol=$1 local host=$2 local brick=$3 local fname=$4 local val="$(check_brick_multiplex)" local gfid_str=$(gf_gfid_xattr_to_str $(gf_get_gfid_xattr $brick/$fname)) local statedump=$(generate_brick_statedump $vol $host $brick) if [ $val == "N" ]; then count=$(grep "gfid=$gfid_str" $statedump -A2 | grep fd-count | cut -f2 -d'=' | tail -1) else count=$(grep "${brick}.active.1" -A3 $statedump | grep "gfid=$gfid_str" -A2 | grep fd-count | cut -f2 -d'=' | tail -1) fi rm -f $statedump echo $count } function get_mount_active_size_value { local vol=$1 local statedump=$(generate_mount_statedump $vol) sleep 1 local val=$(grep "active_size" $statedump | cut -f2 -d'=' | tail -1) rm -f $statedump echo $val } function get_mount_lru_size_value { local vol=$1 local statedump=$(generate_mount_statedump $vol) sleep 1 local val=$(grep "lru_size" $statedump | cut -f2 -d'=' | tail -1) rm -f $statedump echo $val } function check_changelog_op { local clog_path=$1 local op=$2 $PYTHON $(dirname $0)/../../utils/ ${clog_path}/CHANGELOG | grep $op | wc -l }