#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. import os import sys import time import xattr import logging from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter import hashlib try: import urllib.parse as urllib except ImportError: import urllib import codecs import libgfchangelog from utils import mkdirp, symlink_gfid_to_path from utils import fail, setup_logger, find from utils import get_changelog_rollover_time from utils import output_path_prepare from changelogdata import ChangelogData import conf CHANGELOG_LOG_LEVEL = 9 CHANGELOG_CONN_RETRIES = 5 CHANGELOGAPI_NUM_WORKERS = 3 PROG_DESCRIPTION = """ Changelog Crawler """ history_turns = 0 history_turn_time = 0 logger = logging.getLogger() def pgfid_to_path(brick, changelog_data): """ For all the pgfids in table, converts into path using recursive readlink. """ # pgfid1 to path1 in case of CREATE/MKNOD/MKDIR/LINK/SYMLINK for row in changelog_data.gfidpath_get_distinct("pgfid1", {"path1": ""}): # In case of Data/Metadata only, pgfid1 will not be their if row[0] == "": continue try: path = symlink_gfid_to_path(brick, row[0]) path = output_path_prepare(path, args) changelog_data.gfidpath_set_path1(path, row[0]) except (IOError, OSError) as e: logger.warn("Error converting to path: %s" % e) continue # pgfid2 to path2 in case of RENAME for row in changelog_data.gfidpath_get_distinct("pgfid2", {"type": "RENAME", "path2": ""}): # Only in case of Rename pgfid2 exists if row[0] == "": continue try: path = symlink_gfid_to_path(brick, row[0]) path = output_path_prepare(path, args) changelog_data.gfidpath_set_path2(path, row[0]) except (IOError, OSError) as e: logger.warn("Error converting to path: %s" % e) continue def populate_pgfid_and_inodegfid(brick, changelog_data): """ For all the DATA/METADATA modifications GFID, If symlink, directly convert to Path using Readlink. If not symlink, try to get PGFIDs via xattr query and populate it to pgfid table, collect inodes in inodegfid table """ for row in changelog_data.gfidpath_get({"path1": "", "type": "MODIFY"}): gfid = row[3].strip() p = os.path.join(brick, ".glusterfs", gfid[0:2], gfid[2:4], gfid) if os.path.islink(p): # It is a Directory if GFID backend path is symlink try: path = symlink_gfid_to_path(brick, gfid) path = output_path_prepare(path, args) changelog_data.gfidpath_update({"path1": path}, {"gfid": gfid}) except (IOError, OSError) as e: logger.warn("Error converting to path: %s" % e) continue else: try: # INODE and GFID to inodegfid table changelog_data.inodegfid_add(os.stat(p).st_ino, gfid) file_xattrs = xattr.list(p) for x in file_xattrs: if x.startswith("trusted.pgfid."): # PGFID in pgfid table changelog_data.pgfid_add(x.split(".")[-1]) except (IOError, OSError): # All OS Errors ignored, since failures will be logged # in End. All GFIDs present in gfidpath table continue def gfid_to_path_using_pgfid(brick, changelog_data, args): """ For all the pgfids collected, Converts to Path and does readdir on those directories and looks up inodegfid table for matching inode number. """ populate_pgfid_and_inodegfid(brick, changelog_data) # If no GFIDs needs conversion to Path if not changelog_data.inodegfid_exists({"converted": 0}): return def inode_filter(path): # Looks in inodegfid table, if exists returns # inode number else None try: st = os.lstat(path) except (OSError, IOError): st = None if st and changelog_data.inodegfid_exists({"inode": st.st_ino}): return st.st_ino return None # Length of brick path, to remove from output path brick_path_len = len(brick) def output_callback(path, inode): # For each path found, encodes it and updates path1 # Also updates converted flag in inodegfid table as 1 path = path.strip() path = path[brick_path_len+1:] path = output_path_prepare(path, args) changelog_data.append_path1(path, inode) changelog_data.inodegfid_update({"converted": 1}, {"inode": inode}) ignore_dirs = [os.path.join(brick, dirname) for dirname in conf.get_opt("brick_ignore_dirs").split(",")] for row in changelog_data.pgfid_get(): try: path = symlink_gfid_to_path(brick, row[0]) find(os.path.join(brick, path), callback_func=output_callback, filter_func=inode_filter, ignore_dirs=ignore_dirs, subdirs_crawl=False) except (IOError, OSError) as e: logger.warn("Error converting to path: %s" % e) continue def gfid_to_path_using_batchfind(brick, changelog_data): # If all the GFIDs converted using gfid_to_path_using_pgfid if not changelog_data.inodegfid_exists({"converted": 0}): return def inode_filter(path): # Looks in inodegfid table, if exists returns # inode number else None try: st = os.lstat(path) except (OSError, IOError): st = None if st and changelog_data.inodegfid_exists({"inode": st.st_ino}): return st.st_ino return None # Length of brick path, to remove from output path brick_path_len = len(brick) def output_callback(path, inode): # For each path found, encodes it and updates path1 # Also updates converted flag in inodegfid table as 1 path = path.strip() path = path[brick_path_len+1:] path = output_path_prepare(path, args) changelog_data.append_path1(path, inode) ignore_dirs = [os.path.join(brick, dirname) for dirname in conf.get_opt("brick_ignore_dirs").split(",")] # Full Namespace Crawl find(brick, callback_func=output_callback, filter_func=inode_filter, ignore_dirs=ignore_dirs) def parse_changelog_to_db(changelog_data, filename, args): """ Parses a Changelog file and populates data in gfidpath table """ with codecs.open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as f: changelogfile = os.path.basename(filename) for line in f: data = line.strip().split(" ") if data[0] == "E" and data[2] in ["CREATE", "MKNOD", "MKDIR"]: # CREATE/MKDIR/MKNOD changelog_data.when_create_mknod_mkdir(changelogfile, data) elif data[0] in ["D", "M"]: # DATA/META if not args.only_namespace_changes: changelog_data.when_data_meta(changelogfile, data) elif data[0] == "E" and data[2] in ["LINK", "SYMLINK"]: # LINK/SYMLINK changelog_data.when_link_symlink(changelogfile, data) elif data[0] == "E" and data[2] == "RENAME": # RENAME changelog_data.when_rename(changelogfile, data) elif data[0] == "E" and data[2] in ["UNLINK", "RMDIR"]: # UNLINK/RMDIR changelog_data.when_unlink_rmdir(changelogfile, data) def get_changes(brick, hash_dir, log_file, start, end, args): """ Makes use of libgfchangelog's history API to get changelogs containing changes from start and end time. Further collects the modified gfids from the changelogs and writes the list of gfid to 'gfid_list' file. """ session_dir = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), args.session) status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume, "%s.status" % urllib.quote_plus(args.brick)) # Get previous session try: with open(status_file) as f: start = int(f.read().strip()) except (ValueError, OSError, IOError): start = args.start try: libgfchangelog.cl_init() libgfchangelog.cl_register(brick, hash_dir, log_file, CHANGELOG_LOG_LEVEL, CHANGELOG_CONN_RETRIES) except libgfchangelog.ChangelogException as e: fail("%s Changelog register failed: %s" % (brick, e), logger=logger) # Output files to record GFIDs and GFID to Path failure GFIDs changelog_data = ChangelogData(args.outfile, args) # Changelogs path(Hard coded to BRICK/.glusterfs/changelogs cl_path = os.path.join(brick, ".glusterfs/changelogs") # Fail if History fails for requested Start and End try: actual_end = libgfchangelog.cl_history_changelog( cl_path, start, end, CHANGELOGAPI_NUM_WORKERS) except libgfchangelog.ChangelogException as e: fail("%s: %s Historical Changelogs not available: %s" % (args.node, brick, e), logger=logger) logger.info("[1/4] Starting changelog parsing ...") try: # scan followed by getchanges till scan returns zero. # history_scan() is blocking call, till it gets the number # of changelogs to process. Returns zero when no changelogs # to be processed. returns positive value as number of changelogs # to be processed, which will be fetched using # history_getchanges() changes = [] while libgfchangelog.cl_history_scan() > 0: changes = libgfchangelog.cl_history_getchanges() for change in changes: # Ignore if last processed changelog comes # again in list if change.endswith(".%s" % start): continue try: parse_changelog_to_db(changelog_data, change, args) libgfchangelog.cl_history_done(change) except IOError as e: logger.warn("Error parsing changelog file %s: %s" % (change, e)) changelog_data.commit() except libgfchangelog.ChangelogException as e: fail("%s Error during Changelog Crawl: %s" % (brick, e), logger=logger) logger.info("[1/4] Finished changelog parsing.") # Convert all pgfid available from Changelogs logger.info("[2/4] Starting 'pgfid to path' conversions ...") pgfid_to_path(brick, changelog_data) changelog_data.commit() logger.info("[2/4] Finished 'pgfid to path' conversions.") # Convert all GFIDs for which no other additional details available logger.info("[3/4] Starting 'gfid to path using pgfid' conversions ...") gfid_to_path_using_pgfid(brick, changelog_data, args) changelog_data.commit() logger.info("[3/4] Finished 'gfid to path using pgfid' conversions.") # If some GFIDs fail to get converted from previous step, # convert using find logger.info("[4/4] Starting 'gfid to path using batchfind' " "conversions ...") gfid_to_path_using_batchfind(brick, changelog_data) changelog_data.commit() logger.info("[4/4] Finished 'gfid to path using batchfind' conversions.") return actual_end def changelog_crawl(brick, start, end, args): """ Init function, prepares working dir and calls Changelog query """ if brick.endswith("/"): brick = brick[0:len(brick)-1] # WORKING_DIR/BRICKHASH/OUTFILE working_dir = os.path.dirname(args.outfile) brickhash = hashlib.sha1(brick.encode()) brickhash = str(brickhash.hexdigest()) working_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, brickhash) mkdirp(working_dir, exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) log_file = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("log_dir"), args.session, args.volume, "changelog.%s.log" % brickhash) logger.info("%s Started Changelog Crawl. Start: %s, End: %s" % (brick, start, end)) return get_changes(brick, working_dir, log_file, start, end, args) def _get_args(): parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=PROG_DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("session", help="Session Name") parser.add_argument("volume", help="Volume Name") parser.add_argument("node", help="Node Name") parser.add_argument("brick", help="Brick Name") parser.add_argument("outfile", help="Output File") parser.add_argument("start", help="Start Time", type=int) parser.add_argument("end", help="End Time", type=int) parser.add_argument("--only-query", help="Query mode only (no session)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-encode", help="Do not encode path in outfile", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--output-prefix", help="File prefix in output", default=".") parser.add_argument("--type",default="both") parser.add_argument("-N", "--only-namespace-changes", help="List only namespace changes", action="store_true") return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": args = _get_args() mkdirp(os.path.join(conf.get_opt("log_dir"), args.session, args.volume), exit_on_err=True) log_file = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("log_dir"), args.session, args.volume, "changelog.log") setup_logger(logger, log_file, args.debug) session_dir = os.path.join(conf.get_opt("session_dir"), args.session) status_file = os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume, "%s.status" % urllib.quote_plus(args.brick)) status_file_pre = status_file + ".pre" mkdirp(os.path.join(session_dir, args.volume), exit_on_err=True, logger=logger) end = -1 if args.only_query: start = args.start end = args.end else: try: with open(status_file) as f: start = int(f.read().strip()) except (ValueError, OSError, IOError): start = args.start # end time is optional; so a -1 may be sent to use the default method of # identifying the end time if end == -1: end = int(time.time()) - get_changelog_rollover_time(args.volume) logger.info("%s Started Changelog Crawl - Start: %s End: %s" % (args.brick, start, end)) actual_end = changelog_crawl(args.brick, start, end, args) if not args.only_query: with open(status_file_pre, "w") as f: f.write(str(actual_end)) logger.info("%s Finished Changelog Crawl - End: %s" % (args.brick, actual_end)) sys.exit(0)