/* Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* TODO: add NS locking */ #include "statedump.h" #include "dht-common.h" /* TODO: - use volumename in xattr instead of "dht" - use NS locks - handle all cases in self heal layout reconstruction - complete linkfile selfheal */ struct volume_options options[]; void dht_layout_dump (dht_layout_t *layout, const char *prefix) { char key[GF_DUMP_MAX_BUF_LEN]; int i = 0; if (!layout) goto out; if (!prefix) goto out; gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix, "cnt"); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%d", layout->cnt); gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix, "preset"); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%d", layout->preset); gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix, "gen"); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%d", layout->gen); if (layout->type != IA_INVAL) { gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix, "inode type"); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%d", layout->type); } if (!IA_ISDIR (layout->type)) goto out; for (i = 0; i < layout->cnt; i++) { gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix,"list[%d].err", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%d", layout->list[i].err); gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix,"list[%d].start", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%u", layout->list[i].start); gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix,"list[%d].stop", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%u", layout->list[i].stop); if (layout->list[i].xlator) { gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix, "list[%d].xlator.type", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%s", layout->list[i].xlator->type); gf_proc_dump_build_key(key, prefix, "list[%d].xlator.name", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%s", layout->list[i].xlator->name); } } out: return; } int32_t dht_priv_dump (xlator_t *this) { char key_prefix[GF_DUMP_MAX_BUF_LEN]; char key[GF_DUMP_MAX_BUF_LEN]; int i = 0; dht_conf_t *conf = NULL; int ret = -1; if (!this) goto out; conf = this->private; if (!conf) goto out; ret = TRY_LOCK(&conf->subvolume_lock); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } gf_proc_dump_add_section("xlator.cluster.dht.%s.priv", this->name); gf_proc_dump_build_key(key_prefix,"xlator.cluster.dht","%s.priv", this->name); gf_proc_dump_write("subvol_cnt","%d", conf->subvolume_cnt); for (i = 0; i < conf->subvolume_cnt; i++) { sprintf (key, "subvolumes[%d]", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%s.%s", conf->subvolumes[i]->type, conf->subvolumes[i]->name); if (conf->file_layouts && conf->file_layouts[i]){ sprintf (key, "file_layouts[%d]", i); dht_layout_dump(conf->file_layouts[i], key); } if (conf->dir_layouts && conf->dir_layouts[i]) { sprintf (key, "dir_layouts[%d]", i); dht_layout_dump(conf->dir_layouts[i], key); } if (conf->subvolume_status) { sprintf (key, "subvolume_status[%d]", i); gf_proc_dump_write(key, "%d", (int)conf->subvolume_status[i]); } } gf_proc_dump_write("search_unhashed", "%d", conf->search_unhashed); gf_proc_dump_write("gen", "%d", conf->gen); gf_proc_dump_write("min_free_disk", "%lf", conf->min_free_disk); gf_proc_dump_write("min_free_inodes", "%lf", conf->min_free_inodes); gf_proc_dump_write("disk_unit", "%c", conf->disk_unit); gf_proc_dump_write("refresh_interval", "%d", conf->refresh_interval); gf_proc_dump_write("unhashed_sticky_bit", "%d", conf->unhashed_sticky_bit); if (conf ->du_stats) { gf_proc_dump_write("du_stats.avail_percent", "%lf", conf->du_stats->avail_percent); gf_proc_dump_write("du_stats.avail_space", "%lu", conf->du_stats->avail_space); gf_proc_dump_write("du_stats.avail_inodes", "%lf", conf->du_stats->avail_inodes); gf_proc_dump_write("du_stats.log", "%lu", conf->du_stats->log); } if (conf->last_stat_fetch.tv_sec) gf_proc_dump_write("last_stat_fetch", "%s", ctime(&conf->last_stat_fetch.tv_sec)); UNLOCK(&conf->subvolume_lock); out: return ret; } int32_t dht_inodectx_dump (xlator_t *this, inode_t *inode) { int ret = -1; dht_layout_t *layout = NULL; if (!this) goto out; if (!inode) goto out; ret = dht_inode_ctx_layout_get (inode, this, &layout); if ((ret != 0) || !layout) return ret; gf_proc_dump_add_section("xlator.cluster.dht.%s.inode", this->name); dht_layout_dump(layout, "layout"); out: return ret; } int notify (xlator_t *this, int event, void *data, ...) { int ret = -1; va_list ap; dict_t *output = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("dht", this, out); if (!data) goto out; va_start (ap, data); output = va_arg (ap, dict_t*); ret = dht_notify (this, event, data, output); out: return ret; } void fini (xlator_t *this) { int i = 0; dht_conf_t *conf = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("dht", this, out); conf = this->private; this->private = NULL; if (conf) { if (conf->file_layouts) { for (i = 0; i < conf->subvolume_cnt; i++) { GF_FREE (conf->file_layouts[i]); } GF_FREE (conf->file_layouts); } GF_FREE (conf->subvolumes); GF_FREE (conf->subvolume_status); GF_FREE (conf); } out: return; } int32_t mem_acct_init (xlator_t *this) { int ret = -1; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("dht", this, out); ret = xlator_mem_acct_init (this, gf_dht_mt_end + 1); if (ret != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Memory accounting init" "failed"); return ret; } out: return ret; } int dht_parse_decommissioned_bricks (xlator_t *this, dht_conf_t *conf, const char *bricks) { int i = 0; int ret = -1; char *tmpstr = NULL; char *dup_brick = NULL; char *node = NULL; if (!conf || !bricks) goto out; dup_brick = gf_strdup (bricks); node = strtok_r (dup_brick, ",", &tmpstr); while (node) { for (i = 0; i < conf->subvolume_cnt; i++) { if (!strcmp (conf->subvolumes[i]->name, node)) { conf->decommissioned_bricks[i] = conf->subvolumes[i]; conf->decommission_subvols_cnt++; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "decommissioning subvolume %s", conf->subvolumes[i]->name); break; } } if (i == conf->subvolume_cnt) { /* Wrong node given. */ goto out; } node = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &tmpstr); } ret = 0; conf->decommission_in_progress = 1; out: GF_FREE (dup_brick); return ret; } void dht_init_regex (xlator_t *this, dict_t *odict, char *name, regex_t *re, gf_boolean_t *re_valid) { char *temp_str; if (dict_get_str (odict, name, &temp_str) != 0) { if (strcmp(name,"rsync-hash-regex")) { return; } temp_str = "^\\.(.+)\\.[^.]+$"; } if (*re_valid) { regfree(re); *re_valid = _gf_false; } if (!strcmp(temp_str,"none")) { return; } if (regcomp(re,temp_str,REG_EXTENDED) == 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "using regex %s = %s", name, temp_str); *re_valid = _gf_true; } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "compiling regex %s failed", temp_str); } } int reconfigure (xlator_t *this, dict_t *options) { dht_conf_t *conf = NULL; char *temp_str = NULL; gf_boolean_t search_unhashed; int ret = -1; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("dht", this, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("dht", options, out); conf = this->private; if (!conf) return 0; if (dict_get_str (options, "lookup-unhashed", &temp_str) == 0) { /* If option is not "auto", other options _should_ be boolean*/ if (strcasecmp (temp_str, "auto")) { if (!gf_string2boolean (temp_str, &search_unhashed)) { gf_log(this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Reconfigure:" " lookup-unhashed reconfigured (%s)", temp_str); conf->search_unhashed = search_unhashed; } else { gf_log(this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Reconfigure:" " lookup-unhashed should be boolean," " not (%s), defaulting to (%d)", temp_str, conf->search_unhashed); //return -1; ret = -1; goto out; } } else { gf_log(this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Reconfigure:" " lookup-unhashed reconfigured auto "); conf->search_unhashed = GF_DHT_LOOKUP_UNHASHED_AUTO; } } GF_OPTION_RECONF ("min-free-disk", conf->min_free_disk, options, percent_or_size, out); /* option can be any one of percent or bytes */ conf->disk_unit = 0; if (conf->min_free_disk < 100.0) conf->disk_unit = 'p'; GF_OPTION_RECONF ("min-free-inodes", conf->min_free_inodes, options, percent, out); GF_OPTION_RECONF ("directory-layout-spread", conf->dir_spread_cnt, options, uint32, out); GF_OPTION_RECONF ("readdir-optimize", conf->readdir_optimize, options, bool, out); if (conf->defrag) { GF_OPTION_RECONF ("rebalance-stats", conf->defrag->stats, options, bool, out); } if (dict_get_str (options, "decommissioned-bricks", &temp_str) == 0) { ret = dht_parse_decommissioned_bricks (this, conf, temp_str); if (ret == -1) goto out; } dht_init_regex (this, options, "rsync-hash-regex", &conf->rsync_regex, &conf->rsync_regex_valid); dht_init_regex (this, options, "extra-hash-regex", &conf->extra_regex, &conf->extra_regex_valid); ret = 0; out: return ret; } static int gf_defrag_pattern_list_fill (xlator_t *this, gf_defrag_info_t *defrag, char *data) { int ret = -1; char *tmp_str = NULL; char *tmp_str1 = NULL; char *dup_str = NULL; char *num = NULL; char *pattern_str = NULL; char *pattern = NULL; gf_defrag_pattern_list_t *temp_list = NULL; gf_defrag_pattern_list_t *pattern_list = NULL; if (!this || !defrag || !data) goto out; /* Get the pattern for pattern list. "pattern:" * eg: *avi, *pdf:10MB, *:1TB */ pattern_str = strtok_r (data, ",", &tmp_str); while (pattern_str) { dup_str = gf_strdup (pattern_str); pattern_list = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (gf_defrag_pattern_list_t), 1); if (!pattern_list) { goto out; } pattern = strtok_r (dup_str, ":", &tmp_str1); num = strtok_r (NULL, ":", &tmp_str1); if (!pattern) goto out; if (!num) { if (gf_string2bytesize(pattern, &pattern_list->size) == 0) { pattern = "*"; } } else if (gf_string2bytesize (num, &pattern_list->size) != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "invalid number format \"%s\"", num); goto out; } memcpy (pattern_list->path_pattern, pattern, strlen (dup_str)); if (!defrag->defrag_pattern) temp_list = NULL; else temp_list = defrag->defrag_pattern; pattern_list->next = temp_list; defrag->defrag_pattern = pattern_list; pattern_list = NULL; GF_FREE (dup_str); dup_str = NULL; pattern_str = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &tmp_str); } ret = 0; out: if (ret) GF_FREE (pattern_list); GF_FREE (dup_str); return ret; } int init (xlator_t *this) { dht_conf_t *conf = NULL; char *temp_str = NULL; int ret = -1; int i = 0; gf_defrag_info_t *defrag = NULL; int cmd = 0; char *node_uuid = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("dht", this, err); if (!this->children) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Distribute needs more than one subvolume"); return -1; } if (!this->parents) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "dangling volume. check volfile"); } conf = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*conf), gf_dht_mt_dht_conf_t); if (!conf) { goto err; } ret = dict_get_int32 (this->options, "rebalance-cmd", &cmd); if (cmd) { defrag = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (gf_defrag_info_t), gf_defrag_info_mt); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (this->name, defrag, err); LOCK_INIT (&defrag->lock); defrag->is_exiting = 0; conf->defrag = defrag; ret = dict_get_str (this->options, "node-uuid", &node_uuid); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "node-uuid not " "specified"); goto err; } if (uuid_parse (node_uuid, defrag->node_uuid)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot parse " "glusterd node uuid"); goto err; } defrag->cmd = cmd; defrag->stats = _gf_false; } conf->search_unhashed = GF_DHT_LOOKUP_UNHASHED_ON; if (dict_get_str (this->options, "lookup-unhashed", &temp_str) == 0) { /* If option is not "auto", other options _should_ be boolean */ if (strcasecmp (temp_str, "auto")) gf_string2boolean (temp_str, &conf->search_unhashed); else conf->search_unhashed = GF_DHT_LOOKUP_UNHASHED_AUTO; } GF_OPTION_INIT ("unhashed-sticky-bit", conf->unhashed_sticky_bit, bool, err); GF_OPTION_INIT ("use-readdirp", conf->use_readdirp, bool, err); GF_OPTION_INIT ("min-free-disk", conf->min_free_disk, percent_or_size, err); GF_OPTION_INIT ("min-free-inodes", conf->min_free_inodes, percent, err); conf->dir_spread_cnt = conf->subvolume_cnt; GF_OPTION_INIT ("directory-layout-spread", conf->dir_spread_cnt, uint32, err); GF_OPTION_INIT ("assert-no-child-down", conf->assert_no_child_down, bool, err); GF_OPTION_INIT ("readdir-optimize", conf->readdir_optimize, bool, err); if (defrag) { GF_OPTION_INIT ("rebalance-stats", defrag->stats, bool, err); if (dict_get_str (this->options, "rebalance-filter", &temp_str) == 0) { if (gf_defrag_pattern_list_fill (this, defrag, temp_str) == -1) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot parse" " rebalance-filter (%s)", temp_str); goto err; } } } /* option can be any one of percent or bytes */ conf->disk_unit = 0; if (conf->min_free_disk < 100) conf->disk_unit = 'p'; ret = dht_init_subvolumes (this, conf); if (ret == -1) { goto err; } if (dict_get_str (this->options, "decommissioned-bricks", &temp_str) == 0) { ret = dht_parse_decommissioned_bricks (this, conf, temp_str); if (ret == -1) goto err; } dht_init_regex (this, this->options, "rsync-hash-regex", &conf->rsync_regex, &conf->rsync_regex_valid); dht_init_regex (this, this->options, "extra-hash-regex", &conf->extra_regex, &conf->extra_regex_valid); ret = dht_layouts_init (this, conf); if (ret == -1) { goto err; } LOCK_INIT (&conf->subvolume_lock); LOCK_INIT (&conf->layout_lock); conf->gen = 1; this->local_pool = mem_pool_new (dht_local_t, 512); if (!this->local_pool) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to create local_t's memory pool"); goto err; } this->private = conf; return 0; err: if (conf) { if (conf->file_layouts) { for (i = 0; i < conf->subvolume_cnt; i++) { GF_FREE (conf->file_layouts[i]); } GF_FREE (conf->file_layouts); } GF_FREE (conf->subvolumes); GF_FREE (conf->subvolume_status); GF_FREE (conf->du_stats); GF_FREE (conf->defrag); GF_FREE (conf); } return -1; } struct xlator_fops fops = { .lookup = dht_lookup, .mknod = dht_mknod, .create = dht_create, .open = dht_open, .statfs = dht_statfs, .opendir = dht_opendir, .readdir = dht_readdir, .readdirp = dht_readdirp, .fsyncdir = dht_fsyncdir, .symlink = dht_symlink, .unlink = dht_unlink, .link = dht_link, .mkdir = dht_mkdir, .rmdir = dht_rmdir, .rename = dht_rename, .entrylk = dht_entrylk, .fentrylk = dht_fentrylk, /* Inode read operations */ .stat = dht_stat, .fstat = dht_fstat, .access = dht_access, .readlink = dht_readlink, .getxattr = dht_getxattr, .fgetxattr = dht_fgetxattr, .readv = dht_readv, .flush = dht_flush, .fsync = dht_fsync, .inodelk = dht_inodelk, .finodelk = dht_finodelk, .lk = dht_lk, /* Inode write operations */ .fremovexattr = dht_fremovexattr, .removexattr = dht_removexattr, .setxattr = dht_setxattr, .fsetxattr = dht_fsetxattr, .truncate = dht_truncate, .ftruncate = dht_ftruncate, .writev = dht_writev, .xattrop = dht_xattrop, .fxattrop = dht_fxattrop, .setattr = dht_setattr, .fsetattr = dht_fsetattr, }; struct xlator_dumpops dumpops = { .priv = dht_priv_dump, .inodectx = dht_inodectx_dump, }; struct xlator_cbks cbks = { // .release = dht_release, // .releasedir = dht_releasedir, .forget = dht_forget }; struct volume_options options[] = { { .key = {"lookup-unhashed"}, .value = {"auto", "yes", "no", "enable", "disable", "1", "0", "on", "off"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_STR, .default_value = "on", .description = "This option if set to ON, does a lookup through " "all the sub-volumes, in case a lookup didn't return any result " "from the hash subvolume. If set to OFF, it does not do a lookup " "on the remaining subvolumes." }, { .key = {"min-free-disk"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_PERCENT_OR_SIZET, .default_value = "10%", .description = "Percentage/Size of disk space, after which the " "process starts balancing out the cluster, and logs will appear " "in log files", }, { .key = {"min-free-inodes"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_PERCENT, .default_value = "5%", .description = "after system has only N% of inodes, warnings " "starts to appear in log files", }, { .key = {"unhashed-sticky-bit"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, .default_value = "off", }, { .key = {"use-readdirp"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, .default_value = "on", .description = "This option if set to ON, forces the use of " "readdirp, and hence also displays the stats of the files." }, { .key = {"assert-no-child-down"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, .default_value = "off", .description = "This option if set to ON, in the event of " "CHILD_DOWN, will call exit." }, { .key = {"directory-layout-spread"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_INT, .description = "Specifies the directory layout spread." }, { .key = {"decommissioned-bricks"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_ANY, .description = "This option if set to ON, decommissions " "the brick, so that no new data is allowed to be created " "on that brick." }, { .key = {"rebalance-cmd"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_INT, }, { .key = {"node-uuid"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_STR, }, { .key = {"rebalance-stats"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, .default_value = "off", .description = "This option if set to ON displays and logs the " " time taken for migration of each file, during the rebalance " "process. If set to OFF, the rebalance logs will only display the " "time spent in each directory." }, { .key = {"readdir-optimize"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, .default_value = "off", .description = "This option if set to ON enables the optimization " "that allows DHT to requests non-first subvolumes to filter out " "directory entries." }, { .key = {"rsync-hash-regex"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_STR, /* Setting a default here doesn't work. See dht_init_regex. */ .description = "Regular expression for stripping temporary-file " "suffix and prefix used by rsync, to prevent relocation when the " "file is renamed." }, { .key = {"extra-hash-regex"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_STR, /* Setting a default here doesn't work. See dht_init_regex. */ .description = "Regular expression for stripping temporary-file " "suffix and prefix used by an application, to prevent relocation when " "the file is renamed." }, { .key = {"rebalance-filter"}, .type = GF_OPTION_TYPE_STR, }, { .key = {NULL} }, };