/* Copyright (c) 2012-2015 DataLab, s.l. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include "ec-types.h" #include "ec-mem-types.h" #include "ec-galois.h" #include "ec-code.h" #include "ec-method.h" #include "ec-helpers.h" static void ec_method_matrix_normal(ec_gf_t *gf, uint32_t *matrix, uint32_t columns, uint32_t *values, uint32_t count) { uint32_t i, j, v, tmp; columns--; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { v = *values++; *matrix++ = tmp = ec_gf_exp(gf, v, columns); for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) { *matrix++ = tmp = ec_gf_div(gf, tmp, v); } } } static void ec_method_matrix_inverse(ec_gf_t *gf, uint32_t *matrix, uint32_t *values, uint32_t count) { uint32_t a[count]; uint32_t i, j, p, last, tmp; last = count - 1; for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { a[i] = 1; } a[i] = values[0]; for (i = last; i > 0; i--) { for (j = i - 1; j < last; j++) { a[j] = a[j + 1] ^ ec_gf_mul(gf, values[i], a[j]); } a[j] = ec_gf_mul(gf, values[i], a[j]); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { p = a[0]; matrix += count; *matrix = tmp = p ^ values[i]; for (j = 1; j < last; j++) { matrix += count; *matrix = tmp = a[j] ^ ec_gf_mul(gf, values[i], tmp); p = tmp ^ ec_gf_mul(gf, values[i], p); } for (j = 0; j < last; j++) { *matrix = ec_gf_div(gf, *matrix, p); matrix -= count; } *matrix = ec_gf_div(gf, 1, p); matrix++; } } static void ec_method_matrix_init(ec_matrix_list_t *list, ec_matrix_t *matrix, uintptr_t mask, uint32_t *rows, gf_boolean_t inverse) { uint32_t i; matrix->refs = 1; matrix->mask = mask; matrix->code = list->code; matrix->columns = list->columns; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&matrix->lru); if (inverse) { matrix->rows = list->columns; ec_method_matrix_inverse(matrix->code->gf, matrix->values, rows, matrix->rows); for (i = 0; i < matrix->rows; i++) { matrix->row_data[i].values = matrix->values + i * matrix->columns; matrix->row_data[i].func.interleaved = ec_code_build_interleaved(matrix->code, EC_METHOD_WORD_SIZE, matrix->row_data[i].values, matrix->columns); } } else { matrix->rows = list->rows; ec_method_matrix_normal(matrix->code->gf, matrix->values, matrix->columns, rows, matrix->rows); for (i = 0; i < matrix->rows; i++) { matrix->row_data[i].values = matrix->values + i * matrix->columns; matrix->row_data[i].func.linear = ec_code_build_linear(matrix->code, EC_METHOD_WORD_SIZE, matrix->row_data[i].values, matrix->columns); } } } static void ec_method_matrix_release(ec_matrix_t *matrix) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < matrix->rows; i++) { if (matrix->row_data[i].func.linear != NULL) { ec_code_release(matrix->code, &matrix->row_data[i].func); matrix->row_data[i].func.linear = NULL; } } } static void ec_method_matrix_destroy(ec_matrix_list_t *list, ec_matrix_t *matrix) { list_del_init(&matrix->lru); ec_method_matrix_release(matrix); mem_put(matrix); list->count--; } static void ec_method_matrix_unref(ec_matrix_list_t *list, ec_matrix_t *matrix) { if (--matrix->refs == 0) { list_add_tail(&matrix->lru, &list->lru); if (list->count > list->max) { matrix = list_first_entry(&list->lru, ec_matrix_t, lru); ec_method_matrix_destroy(list, matrix); } } } static ec_matrix_t * ec_method_matrix_lookup(ec_matrix_list_t *list, uintptr_t mask, uint32_t *pos) { ec_matrix_t *matrix; uint32_t i, j, k; i = 0; j = list->count; while (i < j) { k = (i + j) >> 1; matrix = list->objects[k]; if (matrix->mask == mask) { *pos = k; return matrix; } if (matrix->mask < mask) { i = k + 1; } else { j = k; } } *pos = i; return NULL; } static void ec_method_matrix_remove(ec_matrix_list_t *list, uintptr_t mask) { uint32_t pos; if (ec_method_matrix_lookup(list, mask, &pos) != NULL) { list->count--; if (pos < list->count) { memmove(list->objects + pos, list->objects + pos + 1, sizeof(ec_matrix_t *) * (list->count - pos)); } } } static void ec_method_matrix_insert(ec_matrix_list_t *list, ec_matrix_t *matrix) { uint32_t pos; GF_ASSERT(ec_method_matrix_lookup(list, matrix->mask, &pos) == NULL); if (pos < list->count) { memmove(list->objects + pos + 1, list->objects + pos, sizeof(ec_matrix_t *) * (list->count - pos)); } list->objects[pos] = matrix; list->count++; } static ec_matrix_t * ec_method_matrix_get(ec_matrix_list_t *list, uintptr_t mask, uint32_t *rows) { ec_matrix_t *matrix; uint32_t pos; LOCK(&list->lock); matrix = ec_method_matrix_lookup(list, mask, &pos); if (matrix != NULL) { list_del_init(&matrix->lru); matrix->refs++; goto out; } if ((list->count >= list->max) && !list_empty(&list->lru)) { matrix = list_first_entry(&list->lru, ec_matrix_t, lru); list_del_init(&matrix->lru); ec_method_matrix_remove(list, matrix->mask); ec_method_matrix_release(matrix); } else { matrix = mem_get0(list->pool); if (matrix == NULL) { matrix = EC_ERR(ENOMEM); goto out; } matrix->values = (uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)matrix + sizeof(ec_matrix_t) + sizeof(ec_matrix_row_t) * list->columns); } ec_method_matrix_init(list, matrix, mask, rows, _gf_true); if (list->count < list->max) { ec_method_matrix_insert(list, matrix); } else { matrix->mask = 0; } out: UNLOCK(&list->lock); return matrix; } static void ec_method_matrix_put(ec_matrix_list_t *list, ec_matrix_t *matrix) { LOCK(&list->lock); ec_method_matrix_unref(list, matrix); UNLOCK(&list->lock); } static int32_t ec_method_setup(xlator_t *xl, ec_matrix_list_t *list, const char *gen) { ec_matrix_t *matrix; uint32_t values[list->rows]; uint32_t i; int32_t err; matrix = GF_MALLOC(sizeof(ec_matrix_t) + sizeof(ec_matrix_row_t) * list->rows + sizeof(uint32_t) * list->columns * list->rows, ec_mt_ec_matrix_t); if (matrix == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto failed; } memset(matrix, 0, sizeof(ec_matrix_t)); matrix->values = (uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)matrix + sizeof(ec_matrix_t) + sizeof(ec_matrix_row_t) * list->rows); list->code = ec_code_create(list->gf, ec_code_detect(xl, gen)); if (EC_IS_ERR(list->code)) { err = EC_GET_ERR(list->code); list->code = NULL; goto failed_matrix; } for (i = 0; i < list->rows; i++) { values[i] = i + 1; } ec_method_matrix_init(list, matrix, 0, values, _gf_false); list->encode = matrix; return 0; failed_matrix: GF_FREE(matrix); failed: return err; } int32_t ec_method_init(xlator_t *xl, ec_matrix_list_t *list, uint32_t columns, uint32_t rows, uint32_t max, const char *gen) { list->columns = columns; list->rows = rows; list->max = max; list->stripe = EC_METHOD_CHUNK_SIZE * list->columns; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&list->lru); int32_t err; list->pool = mem_pool_new_fn(xl->ctx, sizeof(ec_matrix_t) + sizeof(ec_matrix_row_t) * columns + sizeof(uint32_t) * columns * columns, 128, "ec_matrix_t"); if (list->pool == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto failed; } list->objects = GF_MALLOC(sizeof(ec_matrix_t *) * max, ec_mt_ec_matrix_t); if (list->objects == NULL) { err = -ENOMEM; goto failed_pool; } list->gf = ec_gf_prepare(EC_GF_BITS, EC_GF_MOD); if (EC_IS_ERR(list->gf)) { err = EC_GET_ERR(list->gf); goto failed_objects; } err = ec_method_setup(xl, list, gen); if (err != 0) { goto failed_gf; } LOCK_INIT(&list->lock); return 0; failed_gf: ec_gf_destroy(list->gf); failed_objects: GF_FREE(list->objects); failed_pool: mem_pool_destroy(list->pool); failed: list->pool = NULL; list->objects = NULL; list->gf = NULL; return err; } void ec_method_fini(ec_matrix_list_t *list) { ec_matrix_t *matrix; if (list->encode == NULL) { return; } while (!list_empty(&list->lru)) { matrix = list_first_entry(&list->lru, ec_matrix_t, lru); ec_method_matrix_destroy(list, matrix); } GF_ASSERT(list->count == 0); if (list->pool)/*Init was successful*/ LOCK_DESTROY(&list->lock); ec_method_matrix_release(list->encode); GF_FREE(list->encode); ec_code_destroy(list->code); ec_gf_destroy(list->gf); GF_FREE(list->objects); mem_pool_destroy(list->pool); } int32_t ec_method_update(xlator_t *xl, ec_matrix_list_t *list, const char *gen) { /* TODO: Allow changing code generator */ return 0; } void ec_method_encode(ec_matrix_list_t *list, size_t size, void *in, void **out) { ec_matrix_t *matrix; size_t pos; uint32_t i; matrix = list->encode; for (pos = 0; pos < size; pos += list->stripe) { for (i = 0; i < matrix->rows; i++) { matrix->row_data[i].func.linear(out[i], in, pos, matrix->row_data[i].values, list->columns); out[i] += EC_METHOD_CHUNK_SIZE; } } } int32_t ec_method_decode(ec_matrix_list_t *list, size_t size, uintptr_t mask, uint32_t *rows, void **in, void *out) { ec_matrix_t *matrix; size_t pos; uint32_t i; matrix = ec_method_matrix_get(list, mask, rows); if (EC_IS_ERR(matrix)) { return EC_GET_ERR(matrix); } for (pos = 0; pos < size; pos += EC_METHOD_CHUNK_SIZE) { for (i = 0; i < matrix->rows; i++) { matrix->row_data[i].func.interleaved(out, in, pos, matrix->row_data[i].values, list->columns); out += EC_METHOD_CHUNK_SIZE; } } ec_method_matrix_put(list, matrix); return 0; }